UltraISO 歷史舊版本 Page3

最新版本 FireAlpaca 2.11.2 (64-bit)

UltraISO 歷史版本列表

UltraISO 是一個 ISO CD / DVD 映像文件創建 / 編輯 / 轉換工具和一個可啟動 CD / DVD 製造商,它可以直接編輯 CD / DVD 映像文件,並從中提取文件和文件夾,以及直接從您的 ISO 文件 CD / DVD-ROM 或者  硬盤。同時,您可以維護 ISO 可啟動信息,從而創建自己的可啟動 CD / DVD。你現在有權製造和  編輯自己的 IS... UltraISO 軟體介紹

KeyShot 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Added an option to merge parts based on materials, to the Mesh Simplification tool
- Delete and find deleted scene nodes via scripting
- Add support for importing ASE color swatch files
- Create scene material through scripting
- Added ability to adjust number of blades in Depth of Field
- Added project based CMF data import/export to material information manager
- Added PDF output for CMF

- Updated to PNG 1.6.37

- U3M imports respect the normal scale value instead of defaulting to -1
- Do not set the process priority on Windows to below normal
- Apple Silicon support is no longer in beta
- Ignore hidden parts when calling ‘Center and Fit’ in the scene tree
- Ignore hidden objects when calling centerAndFit from scripting
- Added instancing support for the FBX importer
- Support for Inventor 3D Read: 2023, ProE / Creo Parametric 2D Read: Creo 9.0, ProE / Creo Parametric 3D Read: Creo 9.0, Revit 3D Read: 2023, UG NX 2D Read: NX 2019, NX 2027, UG NX 3D Read: NX 2019, NX 2027
- Added hotkey for Isolate material selection
- Add material to library via scripting
- Updated color picker design
- Creo View importer uses instancing to reduce scene size
- Improved performance when selecting objects in scenes with many parts
- Added JPG texture compression to GLB/GLTF and USD exports

- U3M importer now reads the schema version of the U3M file for correct texture sizes in KeyShot
- Fixed rare crash with advanced materials and many ray bounces
- Fixed an issue that could cause some studios to go missing when loading a scene
- getCameraDirection() in scripting will now return normalized values
- Fixed HDRI environment lookup for Product Mode with CPU
- Fixed the issue of wrong thumbnails being displayed for the Reference Image in the Material Information Manager
- 3D Paint Brush textures are now applied with correct gamma
- Fixed the issue where KeyShot freezes when changing the animation’s timeline for imported files
- Fixed an issue with corrupted workspaces
- U3M importer sets texture maps other than ‘_BASE’ to be interpreted as linear images (gamma 1) to improve accuracy
- Fixed an issue with the move tool window being able to scale up infinitely
- Fixed a bug where double-clicking a scene file wouldn’t correctly open it on MacOS
- Fixed a bug where studio switch events wouldn’t correctly switch model sets while in GPU mode
- Cameras/Model Sets/Studios are added as a individual jobs to rendering queue when animation or KeyShotXR is selected
- Fixed adding Multi-Material job for Animation or KeyShotXR
- Adding camera or environment studio as locked also locks added camera
- Fixed an issue with DOF animation removing the DOF when playing back the animation
- Fixed an issue with memory management on some animation types
- Fixed an issue with syncing UV mapped textures
- Fixed an issue where using geometry tools could generate invalid geometry

Ocenaudio 3.11.16 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix AirPods Pro issue
- Minor fixes

FireAlpaca 2.8.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- option to color menu to restore foreground and background colors on startup
- You can now double the border of the text layer (in response to requests from VTubers)
- noise filter
- presets to channel operation filters
- "Merge Layers" menu to the layer list popup

- a problem with symmetrical brush rendering when a layer is hidden in the upper left corner
- "Draft" has been added to "Properties" in the Layer menu

KeyShot 查看版本資訊


Ocenaudio 3.11.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Update Italian Translation
- Minor fixes

FireAlpaca 2.8.10 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The lasso painting (closed area) tool has been speeded up
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash during transform operations when selecting multiple layers

FireAlpaca 2.8.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added lasso fill tool (with option to paint only closed areas)
- Improved the shape quality of the lasso selection tool

Ocenaudio 3.11.14 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add Log Scale to spectrogram
- Minor fixes

FireAlpaca 2.8.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Negative-positive inversion filter added
- Monochrome filter added
- Added histogram display to level correction filter
- Fixed a bug that slowed down the rendering of frame material
- Changed the color of the mask display outside the selected area

FireAlpaca 2.8.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When using Wintab, when opening the new creation dialog or environment setting dialog from the menu using the stylus, the pen pressure sensing problem after that (it disappears once the stylus is released) has been fixed. I'm sorry for the bug in version 2.8.5, which claims to have "fixed a stylus-related bug".