Trojan Remover 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 Trojan Remover 6.9.5 Build 2983

Trojan Remover 歷史版本列表

Trojan Remover 艾滋病在清除惡意軟件 - 特洛伊木馬,蠕蟲,廣告軟件,間諜軟件 - 當標準的反病毒軟件無法檢測到它們或未能有效地消除它們。標準的防病毒程序能夠很好地檢測到這個惡意軟件,但並不總是能夠有效地將其刪除.  大多數病毒和木馬掃描程序都能很好地檢測到惡意軟件 - 特洛伊木馬,Internet 蠕蟲,廣告軟件 / 間諜軟件等。一旦被觸發,移除它們並不總是非常有效。 ... Trojan Remover 軟體介紹

VASSAL Engine 3.4.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- NPE in GamePieceOpImpl.getTileIndices()
- Dragging a card/piece off the top of a deck should not also band-select
- At-Start Stacks and Decks in board appear in wrong place if map padding specified
- Edited modules containing HTML img elements can't be saved on Windows
- At-Start Stack using Grid Location uses Location on first board, not chosen board (additional fix for 12576)

VASSAL Engine 3.4.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Module Manager "Show Error Log" doesn't

VASSAL Engine 3.4.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Backspacing in NamedHotKeyConfigurer will no longer shift focus
- Using BeanShell string functions in Calculated Property crashes Editor
- Always initialise Deck on New/Load game
- Reinstate behavior of floating point expression evaluation
- ClassCastException in SetPersistentPropertyCommand.execute()
- NegativeArraySizeException when receiving first private message

Insync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Linux: Fix Insync not running issues in multi user environments
- Fix issue where account doesn’t add after a 1.5 to 3.0 migration
- Add general improvements for Conflicts
- Add memory usage limit to download buffers when syncing files from the cloud.
- Handle Google Drive server errors when syncing locally-copied Google Doc files to the cloud.
- Handle “This file cannot be copied by the user” when syncing locally-copied Google Doc files to the cloud without the necessary permissions. This happens when the locally-copied Google Doc file is shared to the user with “viewer” permissions and with the “Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy” setting disabled.

Insync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix expired token errors when resuming old OneDrive for Business uploads
- Linux: Update APT/Yum repo GPG keys
- Linux: Include Zorin OS when adding APT repo sources file
- Fix error in some cases when getting file icons
- Fix re-authentication prompt not showing up in some cases
- Enable syncing of locally-copied Google Doc files to the cloud

VASSAL Engine 3.4.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Bundle Java 15 with Windows and Mac packages
- Add button for toggling password visibility
- Multiple scaling or rotation of SVG images failed to compound
- NPE in BoardPicker.getSelectedBoardNames() when changing owning Board of an At-Start Stack
- Allow Module Managers from different versions to run simultaneously
- "Bad Module Data" messages with less-than symbols misinterpreted as HTML when HTML turned on in module
- Clarify deprecation messages
- OBSCURED_BY_OTHERS property now returns null instead of a value in face down decks when tested using GKCs
- Pieces move too fast while "Repositioning stack" in HDPI monitors
- Cannot add or edit items when editing an Extension on Linux or Macs
- Use better color picker on Linux
- Player creates saveGame twice in a row when starting a log file
- Background transparency in Text Labels not working
- Improved error message for NoSuchElementException in Decorator.mergeState()

VASSAL Engine 3.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Legacy property match expressions no longer evaluated == or != correctly
- Chatter fails to update
- Two units in same hex do not stack when hex overlaps two boards
- Piece window appears beside main map and chat pane instead of just the chat pane
- Fix piece drag so that pieces can be moved a few pixels
- Prevent BeanShell from interpreting 1D, 1F, 1L as numbers
- Chatter component does not filter out Alt+Key commands
- Remove "Preference" option for HTML for Chatter
- Pivot was auto-reporting moves when auto-reporting is turned off

Insync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix error when a base folder gets deleted
- Linux: Add completions command for bash/zsh/fish shell autocompletion

VASSAL Engine 3.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Chatter flickers when updated
- NoSuchMethodError due to change of setOldProperties() signature
- NPE in ExtensionTree.isEditable()
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Embellishment.getProperty()

VASSAL Engine 3.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Prevent units in Zones setting OldLocationName incorrectly
- Game refresher should not copy marker state
- SequenceEncoder.Decoder.copy() should use start offset from parent
- Don't create new GPIDs for temporary piece slots
- Editor: Additional fix for cut-and-paste
- Some characters in Text Labels render poorly at 8pt on Windows in 3.3+
- NPE in Decorator.getOutermost() caused by PlaceMarker
- NPE in StackMetrics.merge()

Other improvements:
- Render text labels directly at the required size rather than rendering at 100% and scaling
- Improved save game write time