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最新版本 Duplicate Photo Cleaner

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Trend Micro Internet Security 為多達 3 台 PC 提供高級在線保護,讓您可以安全地享受數字生活。它旨在保護您在社交網絡上的隱私。 Trend Micro Internet Security 提供先進的在線保護和隱私,讓您可以安全地享受數字生活。它還具有最新的反勒索軟件技術。行業專家最近將趨勢科技安全評估為 100%的網絡威脅防護。修復和優化系統,並保持孩子在線安全!... Trend Micro Internet Security 軟體介紹

Plex 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Discover: Updated look of streaming services upsell banner and added dismiss button
- Match displayed activity dates across different clients
- People Pages: Don’t show content from libraries with “Include adult content” setting enabled or “Visibility” setting set to “Exclude from home screen and global search”

- Fixed an issue that could cause the Activity dashboard to break when playing TIDAL tracks from video details pages
- Fixed broken links to TIDAL content in Dashboard page
- Fixed inconsistent spacing in Streaming Services settings page elements
- Search: Fixed People search results not showing up for managed users that don’t have access to “Movies & TV” source
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Watch from these locations” hub to not show up for users who opt out of seeing availabilities from other Streaming Services on Detail Pages
- Dashboard: Fixed broken links in Top Played section
- Search: Fixed a bug that could cause “No results found” to flash when searching for something
- Search: Fixed a bug where the “no results found” message was never displayed when searching for a term that returned no results

ProPresenter 7.10.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixes an issue with cropping large Image Fills

Plex 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Minor fixes and improvements

Plex 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the ability to generate RSS feed URL for Friends’ Watchlist in Settings(requires a Plex Pass account)
- Search: Added categories to “Free on Demand” results
- Search: Show Photos in search results when Top Results is selected
- Use show poster for seasons when season poster is not available

- (Windows) Added support for native media keys
- Don’t show “Add to Watchlist” actions for Live TV content
- Discover: Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong played status of episodes in a season to appear temporarily when toggling the played status of an episode
- Fixed formatting of some language names in settings
- Fixed missing poster artwork in activity cards
- Fixed library upgrade reminder not dismissible when streaming services modal is visible
- Fixed watch together using old management page when a user doesn’t have any friends

ProPresenter 7.10.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improves overall platform stability
- General Timeline and Timecode feature improvements
- General Playback Marker feature improvements
- Improves stability of ASIO audio devices

- an issue where SDI and NDI outputs would stop updating after an indeterminate period of time
- an issue where Media and Audio Playlist Actions as well as Timelines were not respecting if "Always Retrigger" was enabled
- a few issues where some Bible translations would not always return the most accurate information
- an issue where Current/Next Linked Text Objects were not always displaying on Stage Layouts
- an issue where hidden Playlist items were still appearing as the Next Playlist item on a Stage Display
- an issue where Media thumbnails were not updating after removing Effects
- an issue where Media in the Media Bin transitioned to Next one second early
- an issue where standalone Media in a Playlist would not trigger if Network Link was enabled
- an issue where Slide Build Delays would not allow other slides to be Triggered
- an issue where the CPU usage on Windows machines increased while the Preferences window was opened
- an issue where exporting multiple Presentations as Text was combining them all into one file
- multiple issues with Slide Objects that have Scaling, Flipping, or Rotation adjustments applied not appearing correctly
- an issue where hard line returns were being deleted when copying and pasting from a Word Processor
- an issue with API thumbnail requests not being able to return PNG images
- a discrepancy in API response for a Presentation Slide that contains multiple text boxes
- an issue where Macros with a transparent color were not appearing in ProPresenter Control

NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 11.8.0 (for Windows 11) 查看版本資訊


NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 11.8.0 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


Plex 查看版本資訊


Plex 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue that could cause cast list items to not be clickable

ProPresenter 7.10.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Create Playlist Templates using headers, placeholders, and presentations to save time when setting up recurring shows
- Playback Markers empower you to automate changes to your show and keep track of time for cueing important moments in a video or audio file
- Take automation further with a re-imagined Timeline now with the ability to trigger media or actions
- SMPTE Timecode within ProPresenter’s Timeline keeps ProPresenter in sync with the rest of your Timecode enabled hardware and software
- Efficient playback with H.264 and H.265 (HEVC) hardware encoding on macOS
- Spell-check now enabled by default on both macOS and Windows
- Automatically refresh Inputs preference for existing and new inputs
- Change video settings quickly with a refined Inspector interface

- Improves the experience for how Scale Alignment selections for Media Objects are reflected on Thumbnails and on the Editor canvas

- a UI issue where the checkmark for triggering a Macro on startup would not function properly
- an issue where Media Objects would not mask to a Shape
- an issue where the API Documentation Button would lead to a timed out webpage
- an issue where Objects overlapping on the canvas would cause a 15px shift of the top layer upon restart
- an issue where standalone media in a Planning Center Playlist would not trigger
- an issue where a specific user's Props file caused ProPresenter to hang on launch
- an issue where Text Objects would not render as a thumbnail on restart
- an issue where a duplicated Presentation would not retain Slideshow settings
- an issue where Clear Group icons would not display when removing Actions from a Cue
- an issue where Layer Destination would not retain when importing a presentation to a Planning Center Playlist Placeholder
- an issue where selecting multiple Presentations and then scrolling would cause only the top Presentation to remain selected
- an issue where media cue thumbnails would not match the output when Crop & Scale Alignment was applied
- an issue where media would revert to bottom center scale alignment on restart
- an issue where the wrong file could be deleted from an audio playlist when a search filter was applied
- an issue where Linked Text for a Presentation name would not display the selected Arrangement
- an issue where video delay set in Inspector would not retain setting after closing the window
- an issue where a delay could happen when triggering a cue while using an Alternate Theme with attached media