Toggl Desktop 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 GameLoop

Toggl Desktop 歷史版本列表

Toggl Desktop 是一個小型的桌面應用程序,將幫助您更方便地跟踪時間。它安靜地坐在系統托盤中,當你需要它時(開始 / 停止 / 編輯你的工作),它可以快速訪問。它做它設計的最好的東西 - ndash; 跟踪時間.Toggl Desktop 對於 Windows 是本機 Windows 應用程序,可以安裝在您的計算機上。它可以與 Toggl 的 web 版本無縫協作,即時同步數據。 To... Toggl Desktop 軟體介紹

Node.js 12.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable changes:
- Update ICU to 64.2. This adds support for Japanese Era
- Fixes a bug in ICU that affected Node.js 12.0.0 in the case where new Date().toLocaleString() was called with a non-default locale

C++ API:
- Added an overload EmitAsyncDestroy that can be used during garbage collection

- benchmark: fix http bench-parser.js
- bootstrap: delay the instantiation of maps in per-context scripts
- build: allow icu download to use other hashes besides md5
- build: disable custom v8 snapshot by default
- crypto: update root certificates
- deps: backport ICU-20575 to fix err/crasher
- deps: backport ICU-20558 to fix Intl crasher
- deps: update ICU to 64.2
- dgram: change 'this' to 'self' for 'isConnected'
- doc: add Node 12 to the first list of versions
- doc: update comment in bootstrap for primordials
- doc: simplify text
- doc: fix pull request number
- doc: clarify behaviour of writeFile(fd)
- doc: fix v12.0.0 changelog id
- doc: simplify Collaborator pre-nomination text
- lib: throw a special error in internal/assert
- module: initialize module_wrap.callbackMap during pre-execution
- (SEMVER-MINOR) n-api: do not require JS Context for napi_async_destroy()
- process: reduce the number of internal frames in async stack trace
- report: print common items first for readability
- src: refactor deprecated UVException in
- src: move OnMessage to
- src: use predefined AliasedBuffer types in the code base
- src: apply clang-tidy modernize-deprecated-headers found by Jenkins CI
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src: do not require JS Context for ~AsyncResoure()
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add Environment overload of EmitAsyncDestroy
- src: apply clang-tidy rule modernize-use-equals-default
- src: use std::vector<size_t> instead of IndexArray
- src: enable context snapshot after running per-context scripts
- src: enable snapshot with per-isolate data
- src: implement IsolateData serialization and deserialization
- src: allow creating NodeMainInstance that does not own the isolate
- test: refactor net-connect-handle-econnrefused
- test: move test-net-connect-handle-econnrefused
- test: rework to remove flakiness, and be parallel
- test: fix ineffective error tests
- test: make test-worker-esm-missing-main more robust
- test: increase coverage in lib/internal/dns/promises.js
- tls: include invalid method name in thrown error
- tools: update certdata.txt
- tools: update LICENSE and tools/icu/current_ver.dep
- tools: fix use-after-free mkcodecache warning
- tools: update tools/
- tools: implement node_mksnapshot
- util: add prototype support for boxed primitives
- util: rename setIteratorBraces to getIteratorBraces
- util: improve Symbol.toStringTag handling

Node.js 12.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Node.js 11.14.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable changes:
- child_process: doc deprecate ChildProcess._channel
- deps: update nghttp2 to 1.37.0

- make dns.promises enumerable
- remove dns.promises experimental warning
- fs: remove experimental warning for fs.promises
- stream: make Symbol.asyncIterator support stable
- worker: use copy of process.env

Jaspersoft Studio 6.8.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Full support for JasperReports Library 6.8.0
- Introduced the concept of project/folder context (which defines classpath, properties and repository root) in order to closely match the execution environment when based on external applications (such as JasperReports server)
- Field providers will discover and use more metadata properties from jdbc and other languages
- Field providers that read text files will try to guess field types
- Column labels for fields dragged in the designer are now created based on the field properties when available
- Dialogs are available to configure the field properties that are automatically discovered by the QueryExecuter
- Dialogs are available to configure the parameter properties that are automatically discovered from the Data Adapter
- Ability to create pluggable UIs to edit the paramter/field properties in a user friendly way
- Added random data source: it generates random value records to populate the report
- RCP stand-alone version now ships Oracle JRE 1.8.0.u151
- Updated PostgreSQL driver with version 9.4-1210.jdbc41
- Updated Spring library to version 5.1.4.RELEASE
- Updated Castor library to version 1.4.1
- Updated POI library to version 4.0.1
- Updated Jackson library to version 2.9.8
- Minor and major bug fixes

Node.js 11.13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


EF Commander 19.04 查看版本資訊


Serato DJ Pro 2.1.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


EF Commander 19.03 查看版本資訊


Node.js 10.15.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- add antsmartian to collaborators

- fix error check in Execute()

- fix end-of-stream for HTTP/2

EF Commander 19.02 查看版本資訊
