Telegram for Desktop 歷史舊版本 Page46

最新版本 FireAlpaca 2.11.17 (64-bit)

Telegram for Desktop 歷史版本列表

Telegram for Desktop 是一款專注於速度和安全性的通訊應用程序,它的超級快速,簡單和免費。您可以同時在所有設備上使用“電報”(&M); 您的郵件可以在任何數量的手機,平板電腦或電腦上無縫同步。下載電報離線安裝程序安裝 PC! 使用電報,您可以發送任何類型的消息,照片,視頻和文件(doc,zip,mp3 等),以及創建多達 1000 人的頻道或無限制頻道觀眾。您可以寫信給您的手機聯... Telegram for Desktop 軟體介紹

Opera GX 85.0.4341.72 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Plex 查看版本資訊


CareUEyes 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Solve the issue that the color temperature progress bar may not be able to be dragged
- Performance improvement

Opera GX 85.0.4341.68 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


DbSchema 9.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Logical Design:
DbSchema supports logical design. The logical design is database-independent, with entities and sub-entities:
Logical Design Sub-Entities:
- Sub-entities can be created by adding a field of type sub-entity to a table

There are also supported different relation types:
Logical Design Relations:
- The logical model can be converted to a physical model and synchronized with the database
- We continue to improve the logical design also in the upcoming releases

Reverse engineer using DDL:
- In the previous versions, we reverse-engineer the schema by reading the metadata from system tables
- For most of the databases, we call methods from the JDBC driver, and only for a few of them did we execute direct queries on the system tables
- Now, we are using a DDL parser that can reverse engineer the schema from the CREATE TABLE DDL statement
- The DDL is generated using commands like ‘Show create table’, or using a dedicated procedure (SqlServer)

Comment Tags:
- Besides text, the table, column, and foreign keys can use key/value comment tags
- The tags can be used in the automation scripts, and in the logical design for the entity or field’s physical name

Reverse Engineer Using DDL:
- This allows us to reverse engineer all parameters, like collation, partition keys, etc., and more table-specific parameters - like temporal tables, etc
- This feature is available for all databases where we found a way to generate the table DDL

Here are the current databases where this feature is implemented:
- MySql, MariaDb, Oracle, SqlServer, AzureSQL, Snowflake, Redshift, Vertica, Sqlite, Exasol, SAPHana, GoogleBigQuery, Databricks, Cassandra
- Improvements for MongoDB
- We do diagrams and schema validation rules for MongoDB. Whenever a validation rule is defined, we reverse engineer the collection structure using it
- If not, we deduce the collection structure by introspecting a few documents
- Whenever you design a collection, the collection validation rule gets updated

Automation Scripts for generating HTML or PDF Documentation:
- We added more parameters for generating the HTML or PDF documentation
- Therefore we created a more flexible method in Java. Please have a look on the DbSchema API for details

Further improvements:
- Feature: Result Pane error message as dialog
- Feature: InfluxDB integrations
- Feature: PDF documentation, add parameter for skipping tooltip comments. Improve look.
- Feature: Add more options to the documentation dialog
- Feature: Exasol support hashtype data type
- Feature: Color picker editable hex value
- Bug: Fixes and improvements in the DDL Parser
- Bug: MongoDB load statement using the driver class loader. This solves issues with ObjectId.

Anki 2.1.50 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Windows 10 or 11 is required. If you are still using Windows 7 or 8, 2.1.49 is
the last build that will install on your system.

Editor Changes:
- A redesigned editing area, and a redesigned tag editor
- MathJax has a live preview
- HTML source and rendered text can be viewed at the same time
- The HTML editor now matches the current Anki theme
- Images can be resized within the editor
- Fields can now have an optional description/tooltip assigned to them
- The "remove formatting" button now offers a choice of what to remove
- Adjust color picker shortcut, and apply color when different color selected
- Reduced editor button size on Windows/Linux
- Fixed IME input after pressing tab
- Fixed media files not being inserted at cursor position on Windows
- Cloze shortcut correctly positions cursor
- Added a separate cloze button to repeat the current cloze
- Lots of behind-the-scenes changes and fixes. Because of the extensive changes,
- some add-ons that modify the editing screen will have broken (see the
- developers section below)

New Features:
- Anki will now switch to day or night mode automatically depending on your
- system settings. You can force day or night mode in the Preferences screen.
- Reworked backup handling:
- Backups are created much faster than they were previously
- Anki can now create backups periodically. The default is every 30 minutes; you can adjust this in the preferences screen.
- There are new options in the preferences to control the number of daily, weekly and
- monthly backups you'd like to retain.
- The File menu now has an option to create a backup immediately.
- Because the backup storage format has changed, backups created with 2.1.50 will not be
- importable into older Anki versions.
- Reworked .colpkg import/export (thanks to Rumo):
- When exporting, you can optionally target Anki 2.1.50+. When doing so,
- imports and exports are faster, and media files will be compressed, but the
- resulting .colpkg will not be readable by older Anki clients.
- Collections are now checked for corruption when importing.
- An option to ignore accents in searches by default has been added to
- preferences screen.
- The Card Info screen now updates automatically as you change to a different
- card
- Added a View menu to the main window and browse window The
- view menu provides options to zoom in and out, and to toggle a full screen
- mode. Due to technical issues, the full screen mode is not currently available
- on Windows when graphics acceleration is enabled.
- A new TTS tag format that allows you to combine extra text and multiple
- fields, such as [anki:tts lang=en_US]Here is {{Field1}} and {{Field2}}[/anki:tts] There are no plans to deprecate the
- old TTS syntax - either can be used
- Added an option to add/remove sidebar tag to selected notes
- Be smarter about mapping existing text to new fields when switching notetypes in the Add screen
- Apkg files can now be dragged on the main window to import them
- Added a "Create Copy" option in the browse screen and review screen, to copy
- selected note's contents into the Add window
- You can now search for tags by regular expression One use
- for this is locating notes that are tagged with a parent tag, while not matching
- ones tagged with parent::child: tag:re:^parent$
- When switching Anki versions, an add-on update check is run on startup
- Make links with target=_blank work
- Added "Forget Card" action to review screen
- Added Belarusian and Odia to available languages in the preferences
- Added a silent option (/s) for the Windows uninstaller
- Added tooltips to some browser columns

Other Improvements:
- Added a "Learn" label to the learning counts in the deck list
- Added shortcut keys for creating lists and indentatio
- Allow longer maximum answer times in the deck settings
- Behind-the-scenes improvements to the deck and notetype selectors
- Change cards/notes toggle to Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+T to avoid conflict on macOS
- Changed the "Previous Card Info" shortcut to avoid a conflict with language input
- Colpkg imports now always require a full sync
- Deck creation in the custom study screen has been reworked, and now supports undo properl
- Don't show error when gsettings exists but does not have a GNOME theme set
- Don't show error when Windows color scheme setting is missing
- Fall back on regular file deletion when no recycling bin/trash folder is available on Linux
- Filtered decks in 'order added' now sort by card template
- Fix deck name not updating after deck/notetype renamed
- Fixed "tag duplicates" possibly operating on stale data
- Fixed a number of issues with the preview window
- Fixed AltGr triggering Ctrl+Alt shortcuts on Windows
- Fixed an error loading the old deck options screen when using Python 3.10
- Fixed an error that could appear when clicking on the sidebar
- Fixed an error that could occur in the browser when switching profiles
- Fixed an error when an installed TTS voice on Windows supported multiple language
- Fixed an error when exporting a collection with media files in it with very old modification dates
- Fixed an intermittent error when building on Windows
- Fixed error shown when double-tapping answer buttons on the v3 scheduler
- Fixed errors and display issues when flagging and undoing in the review screen
- Fixed external scripts being executed out of order
- Fixed field content sometimes spilling outside container
- Fixed flicker in review screen when referencing external js, and preload css files
- Fixed incorrect card count in timebox after undo
- Fixed new card position appearing as a date when cards were in preview
- Fixed newly-added deck not being selected in the Add screen
- Fixed quotation of "and" and "or" in searc
- Fixed some parts of the media handling code matching more HTML tags than it should have
- Fixed sound failing to play after exporting a collection
- Fixed the deck list showing up blank in collections with many expanded decks
- Fixed the main window sometimes failing to load properly when Anki starts (which could lead to blank windows, a giant sync icon, etc)
- Fixed unwanted <div> being left behind when deleting field contents
- Fixed various memory leaks
- Flip sidebar location in RTL mode
- Hide "open new window" action in GNOME (thanks to Fusion future & Felipe
- Improve search highlight color in templates screen
- Improved display of the card info scree
- Improved localization of large numbers in the graphs, and various layout tweaks (thanks to Vova)
- Improved performance with large selections in the Browse scree
- Improvements to the Change Notetype screen
- Performance improvements for searching through many fields with a wildcard searc
- Randomized card positions now start at 1, which avoids a corner case in filtered deck scheduling
- Reduced flicker when opening browser in night mod
- Report correct count in timebox screen with v2 scheduler
- Rows with database inconsistencies in the browse screen now prompt you to use "check database" instead of saying they were delete
- Some behind-the-scenes code improvements
- Support autoplay in audio tags again
- Support Markdown inside HTML tags in
- The 'future due' graph no longer shows learning cards in a filtered deck as being due a long time ago
- The note: and card: searches no longer do a substring matc
- The Add Cards screen will no longer allow accidental triggering of main window shortcuts when it is open on a Ma
- The calendar graph uses consistent coloring as years are changed
- The custom study screen no longer (sometimes incorrectly) limits the amount you can extend the daily limits by
- The top and bottom bars will no longer zoom in/out, but the main area and editors can be zoomed in and ou
- Truncate deck names in the deck list if they are too long (thanks to Sachin)
- Tweaks to the sidebar icons
- Updated translations - thanks as always to all the translators
- Use white menubar on Window
- Various behind-the-scenes fixes
- Various improvements to right-to-left display
- When Anki encounters an issue with a card template, it now provides a link to a help page with more informatio
- Numerous other fixes and contributions, thanks to Rumo, Henrik, Abdo, Matthias
- Evandro, Arthur, Soren, BlueGreenMagick, Yoshi, Jakub, Gesa, blue-putty
- stopendy, TheFeelTrain and zjosua

ReShade 5.1.0 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 85.0.4341.65 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Plex 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 85.0.4341.61 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
