Telegram for Desktop 歷史舊版本 Page106

最新版本 FireAlpaca 2.11.17 (64-bit)

Telegram for Desktop 歷史版本列表

Telegram for Desktop 是一款專注於速度和安全性的通訊應用程序,它的超級快速,簡單和免費。您可以同時在所有設備上使用“電報”(&M); 您的郵件可以在任何數量的手機,平板電腦或電腦上無縫同步。下載電報離線安裝程序安裝 PC! 使用電報,您可以發送任何類型的消息,照片,視頻和文件(doc,zip,mp3 等),以及創建多達 1000 人的頻道或無限制頻道觀眾。您可以寫信給您的手機聯... Telegram for Desktop 軟體介紹

MAMP PRO 4.1.1 查看版本資訊


PyCharm 2019.2.2 查看版本資訊


Auto Screen Capture 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This release has a minor fix for the tab pages on the left side of the interface (just underneath the calendar) so that, if you have way too many screens and/or regions listed (for example), you'll now be able to see a vertical scrollbar so you can scroll up and down the list. In other words, you'll be fine with staying on unless you really need this version.

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- dialog Go To allows negative line numbers and negative values in %, this goes relative to file end (like VS Code)
- lexer parser optimizations: now parsing of big files is ~30% faster
- minimap highlightes entire lines with selections, with theme color "current line BG" (similar to VS Code)

- on big files (lot of folding ranges), program had big slowdown on text editing

WebStorm 2019.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WebStorm 2019.2.2
- CORS problem when debugging in Chrome caused by the x-ijt header was fixed
- Working directory is now set automatically when running a JavaScript scratch file with Node.js
- File watchers that reformat the code now better handle cases when file and class are renamed
- Shortcut for the “Stretch to Left” action for resizing Project View now works again
- Problem with saving updated settings for new projects was fixed

WebStorm 2019.2.1
- In Angular projects, a different TSLint configuration specified in the angular.json file can be used for test files
- Better support for Vue components with TypeScript decorators
- Improved suggestions for scoped packages in package.json
- Support for CSS Media Queries Level 5
- “Duplicate declaration” inspection now works for TypeScript

What’s fixed:
- False-positive “Mismatched property value” error in SCSS and Sass files was fixed
- Invalid item no longer appears in the code completion suggestions
- Move refactoring now allows moving symbols between .ts and .tsx files
- Tabs inside JSDoc are now preserved when formatting the code
- Problems with typing some symbols using AltGr were fixed

WebStorm 2019.2
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2019.1.3
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2019.1.2
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2019.1.1

- The first bug-fix update for the recently released WebStorm 2019.1, is now available
- Update to it using Toolbox App, or from the IDE. You can also download WebStorm 2019.1.1 from our website
- Syntax highlighting in the type info tooltip and documentation
- The tooltip that shows the expression type (Cmd/Ctrl-hover) in JavaScript and TypeScript files now has a syntax highlighting

Type info highlighting:
- We’ve also added highlighting for the code samples shown in the documentation popup

Highlighting in docs:
- Configuration for the use of aliases and path mappings in imports
- It is now possible to configure how aliases and path mappings will be used when adding imports automatically in JavaScript and TypeScript files. If you want to use relative paths when importing a symbol in the nearby file and use path mappings or aliases everywhere else in your app, you can select Only in files outside specified paths in the new option Use path mappings/aliases in Preferences / Settings | Editor | Code Style | JavaScript or TypeScript – Imports.

Other improvements and fixes in WebStorm 2019.1.1:
- Support for Cucumber step definitions written using strings
- New Reload in Browser action in the JavaScript debug tool window
- Performance problem when editing some TypeScript types was fixed
- Jump from the terminal to the editor for Esc
- Improved font rendering on macOS

The WebStorm Team:
- Posted in Release Announcements | Tagged newsletter, WebStorm 2019.1 | Leave a comment
- Featured plugin: JS GraphQL
- Posted on April 16, 2019 by Ekaterina Prigara
- The JS GraphQL plugin is one the most popular plugins for WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, and other JetBrains IDEs, and we are very excited about the release of its second version
- In this blog post we’ll have a closer look at the updated plugin and how it can help you work with GraphQL in your JavaScript apps
- We want to thank Jim Meyer, the author of the plugin, for the amazing work he has done to build this plugin!

Working with schema files:
- The plugin brings full support for the GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL). That means your .graphql file will include syntax highlighting, and as you start typing, you will get suggestions for the keywords and built-in and custom types, as well as interfaces and enums

Completion in schema file:
- Cmd/Ctrl-click the type name to navigate to its definition
- The plugin will check that all the types you’ve used are defined somewhere in the file, and it will show an error message if they’re not. Press Alt-Enter to fix the problem with one of the available quick-fixes

WebStorm 2019.1

Here are the features and improvements grouped by the WebStorm subsystems:
- JavaScript and TypeScript support: intentions for destructuring; convert function with Promise to async function; convert properties in constructor to class fields; inspections for switch statements; add or remove export; extended error messages in TypeScript
- Style sheets support: updated docs for CSS and browser compatibility check; extract CSS variable; camel case support for CSS Modules; support for Less 3.0 features
- HTML support: improved HTML documentation
- Development with Angular: new inspections for Angular projects; easier navigation in Angular projects
- Development with React: improved completion for merged props; Extract Method refactoring for custom React Hooks
- Development with Vue.js: better support for Vue projects with TypeScript
- Node.js and npm: completion for npm scripts; version range tooltip for dependencies; run and debug Node.js app when using Docker Compose; simple Node.js project template
- Linters integrations: improved support for ESLint and TSLint in complex projects; support for TSLint as TypeScript plugin
- Debugging: new debugger console
- Testing: highlighting for failed line in test; testing with Cucumber and TypeScript
- IDE improvements: Recent Locations popup; save project as a template; soft-wraps for selected file types
- Version Control: cherry-pick a file from a commit from the VCS log; incoming and outgoing commits

WebStorm 2018.3.5
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.3.4
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.3.3

- Support for Set Literals in Dart
- Completion for attribute bindings in Angular (e.g. [] )
- Better coding assistance for some Ionic and @angular/flex-layout attributes

- Wrong indent after self-closing JSX tags in JavaScript and TypeScript files (WEB-36263)
- Decorators are now supported in the class expressions like let newTest = @test class Test or export default @observer class Test
- When using the bundled TypeScript service in Angular apps, the Angular language service is now disabled. Its current version is not compatible with TypeScript 3.2.1 and was reporting false errors in the template files

WebStorm 2018.3.2 Build 183.4886.41

- Completion for Bootstrap Vue and Shards Vue components
- Better support for Prettier 1.15 and above
- The Extract interface refactoring now works for objects
- The IDE now bundles TypeScript 3.2

- The Optimize imports action now keeps the comment on top when ‘Sort imports
- by modules’ is on
- The usage of the Angular template reference variable in the ViewChild selector is now resolved
- The problem with using Hebrew in Find in path dialog was fixed

WebStorm 2018.3.1 Build 183.4588.47
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.3 Build 183.4284.130
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.2.6 Build 182.5107.19

- The Search everywhere dialog on Linux no longer closes when you press Enter
- The usual UI for Find in path on Linux is now back
- On macOS Mojave, the input no longer freezes after adding the accented characters from the popup

WebStorm 2018.2.5 Build 182.4892.25
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.2.4 Build 182.4505.50
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.2.2 Build 182.4323.44

- You can now pass additional option to Angular CLI when creating a new project from the IDE Welcome screen. As you start typing the option name or press Ctrl-Space, WebStorm will show you available options and their description
- We have also improved the way the new Add all missing TypeScript import action works: before, the action wasn’t available for symbols with multiple import options, and now, if you invoke the action for such symbol, WebStorm will add all unambiguous missing imports in this file and then will show you a popup where you can select the desired import for this symbol

- Vue component imports are now resolved correctly in the Vue CLI 3 apps located not in the root of the project
- The problem with the slash symbol in the CoffeeScript files has been fixed
- The Extract React Component refactoring now handles better the key attribute

WebStorm 2018.2.2 Build 182.4129.32

JavaScript and TypeScript:
New inspection tooltip:
- The new inspection tooltip now not only shows the description of an error or warning, but also the best quick fix for it
- Press Alt-Shift-Enter to apply it or press Alt-Enter to see a full list of the available automatic fixes that WebStorm offers there

Find unused code:
- With the new Code Coverage feature, you can find any unused code in your client-side app. Start a JavaScript Debug configuration with coverage in WebStorm, interact with your app in Chrome, and then stop the configuration. The report will show you what and how much code was used in each file and folder

New intentions:
- To make you even more productive when working with JavaScript and TypeScript, WebStorm has a bunch of new intentions that are available when you press Alt-Enter. Here are just some of them: Implement interface, Create derived class, Implement members of an interface or abstract class, Generate cases for 'switch', and Iterate with 'for..of'

TypeScript improvements:
- WebStorm now supports all the new language features that were added in the latest TypeScript 2.9 and the upcoming TypeScript 3.0 releases
- In addition to that, WebStorm now offers more quick fixes provided by the TypeScript language service itself, like Annotate with type from JSDoc

Extract and convert React component:
- Need to refactor your React component into two? Forget copy and paste: select the JSX code in the render method and use Refactor - Extract Component
- And with the new intentions, you can now convert React class components into functional components and back again

New integrations with Angular CLI:
- Add features to your app with the New… | Angular Dependency… action. The IDE will use the Angular CLI ng add command which installs the dependency and updates the app with a special installation script
- You can now also generate the code with the Angular schematics defined in libraries like @angular/material using the New… | Angular Schematic… action

Completion for events in Vue.js:
- In Vue templates, WebStorm now provides code completion for events. Event names are suggested after v-on: or if you use the shorthand notation @event. There’s also code completion for event modifiers

Rerun failed tests:
- When you run tests with Karma, Jest, or Mocha in WebStorm, you can now rerun only the failed tests, instead of running all the tests after you’ve made a fix

Diff view for Jest snapshots:
- If your Jest test has failed because of the mismatch in the snapshot, you can now see why using the familiar IDE side-by-side diff view
- It’s also now possible to quickly jump from the test file to the related snapshot by clicking on the new icon next to the test in the editor

Support for Node.js on WSL:
- You can now use Node.js on Windows Subsystem for Linux to run and debug your Node.js application in WebStorm as well as for all other development tasks in the IDE, like running tests, using linters, and build tools

Reconnect Node.js debugger:
- Thanks to the new Reconnect automatically option in the Attach to Node.js/Chrome debug configuration, it is now easier to debug Node.js apps that use nodemon. When the node process is reloaded after the change, you don’t need to restart the debugger yourself to continue debugging

Global file watchers:
- You can now store the configured File Watchers in the IDE settings and use them in different projects. Before, a File Watcher could only be configured for a specific project. With File Watchers you can automatically run a command-line tool when you change or save a file in the IDE

Other improvements:
- New cleaner, simpler icons on the IDE toolbar and tool windows ensure readability and reduce visual clutter
- Run and debug your app, commit changes and update the project right from the Touch Bar on MacBook
- A new collection of over 50 code snippets for React development
- WebStorm now indexes a new Angular project two times faster, with no compromises affecting the quality of code completion and resolve
- You can now add custom templates for postfix completion in the JavaScript and TypeScript files
- With the new Drop frame action in the JavaScript and Node.js debuggers, you can re-enter a function if you missed a critical spot you would like to see again
- Press Alt-Enter on a line with a breakpoint and see the breakpoint-related actions in the list of intentions
- Support for JSON5 is now available in the files with the .json5 extension
- JSON Schemas files are now automatically downloaded from and applied to your files, based on the file name
- You can be logged into multiple GitHub accounts
- New Browse Repository at Revision action allows you to explore files in your project at any given revision without a checkout

WebStorm 2018.2.1 Build 182.3911.37

- Auto imports now work better in projects that use lerna, yarn workspaces or TypeScript 3.0 project references
- The bundled TypeScript version was update to 3.0
- “Surround selection on typing quote or brace” option is now on by default
- Support for the Nullish Coalescing proposal in JavaScript

- JavaScript code completion now works better in webpack configuration files
- Changing the opening tag of the Vue component now updates the closing tag as well

WebStorm 2018.2 Build 182.3684.70
Here are the features and improvements grouped by the WebStorm subsystems:
- Development with React: Extract React Component refactoring, convert class components into functional components, code snippets, and improved completion for props in React and React Native apps
- Development with Angular: faster project startup, add new features using the integration with ng add, and run schematics from the IDE
- Development with Vue.js: completion for Vue events and event modifiers
- Node.js development: support for Node.js on Windows Subsystem for Linux, an ability to automatically reconnect the debugger to the running node process, and remote mappings in Attach to Node.js configuration
- Built-in tools: find unused code in the client-side app with Code Coverage reports, global File Watchers
- Editor: new UI for inspection tooltip
- JavaScript and TypeScript support: custom templates for postfix completion, and TypeScript 2.9 and 3.0 supported
- JSON support: JSON5, and Iimproved support for JSON Schemas
- Linters integrations: different highlighting for TSLint errors and warnings, and an ability to automatically apply code style rules from all types of ESLint and TSLint configuration files
- Debugging: breakpoint intentions, Drop Frame action, and debugging JavaScript scratch files
- Testing: rerun failed tests, navigate to Jest snapshot, compare Jest snapshots, and debugging Karma tests using Chrome Headless
- Version Control: Browse Repository at Revision action, completion for tags, register roots automatically
- Other IDE improvements: Touch Bar support

WebStorm 2018.1.5 Build 181.5281.31
- JavaScript Bug WEB-32790 WebStorm decides to stop accessing .d.ts files for es features for a project
- Node.js Bug WEB-32719 Add v8 to Node.js core modules
- TypeScript Bug WEB-32634 False positive Type mismatch error inside Angular Injectable
- No subsystem Bug IDEA-193747 Clicking Help | Register does nothing in a Toolbox-installed PhpStorm
- User Interface Bug IDEA-192713 focus is lost on opening Find Usages tool window
- Performance IDEA-192184 Goto Class/File/Symbol popups leak via native window and focus traversal policy
- Version Control Performance IDEA-192017 Unshelving creates a thread for each shelved file
- Version Control. Git Bug IDEA-191656 Git commit history with control characters causes intellij to spin, consuming CPU and repeating the same stack in the idea.log

WebStorm 2018.1.4 Build 181.5087.27
- It’s now possible to run and debug tests using Karma run/debug configurations in projects generated with Angular CLI 6 (WEB-32653)
- In Flow files, you can now press Cmd/Ctrl and hover over a symbol to see its type info. That works in projects where Flow server is used for navigation, code completion, and type hinting – the corresponding checkbox in Preferences | Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript should be checked. Navigation to the definition in Flow now works significantly faster than before

WebStorm 2018.1.3 Build 181.4892.44
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.1.2 Build 181.4668.60
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.1.1 Build 181.4445.68

- Better support for Yarn workspaces: WebStorm now provides proper code completion for the dependencies listed in the workspace’s package.json
- In the JavaScript and TypeScript code style settings you can now configure whether to add file extensions in imports or not
- The bundled TypeScript package has been updated to version 2.8
- Stylelint now works in the Vue single-file components and the HTML files

- Move statement up and down now works for the JSX code (Shift-Cmd-Up/Down on macOS or Ctrl-Shift-Up/Down on Windows and Linux)
- The code completion for methods and properties defined in the CommonJS modules has been improved
- The problem with editing the Pug files is now fixed
- There is more about some of the improvements below

Support for Yarn workspaces:
- Yarn workspaces help you organize multiple packages into a single repo. When using Yarn workspaces, the dependencies of all the packages are installed together and are put into the node_modules folder at the root of your project and not next to the package.json file of each workspace

WebStorm 2017.3.3 Build 173.4301.22
- Responses from the new REST Client are now formatted automatically
- Node.js debugger now supports –experimental-modules flag

- False positive errors from the eslint-plugin-import ESLint plugin were fixed
- Debug for apps created with Angular CLI 1.5.5+
- Debugging the app’s main process with Electron 1.8.1+
- Meteor debugger now uses –inspect by default

WebStorm 2017.3.1 Build 173.3942.31
- Support for Fragments in React 16.2
- Configuration for the auto-completion after the = sign in JSX attributes is now available in the HTML Code Style preferences
- Customizable syntax highlighting for TypeScript decorators
- Extended error messages in the Flow tool window
- New option "Start template string interpolation on $"

- Unresolved React props when using @types/react
- Slow code completion for CSS classes in HTML files
- Optimize imports in Vue files
- Updating tasks from the issue trackers in the IDE
- Extend selection inside the script tag

WebStorm 2017.3 Build 173.3727.108
- Enjoy improved code completion and documentation for standard JavaScript objects and methods
- Move class methods up the class hierarchy safely with the new ‘Pull member up’ refactoring
- Use the new ‘Extract type’ and ‘Extract interface’ refactorings in TypeScript
- Enjoy better code completion and navigation and new code snippets for Vue.js
- Run tests with Jest in watch mode, update failing snapshots in one click, and explore code coverage reports in the IDE
- Test REST APIs right from the editor

RubyInstaller 2.4.7-1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support for scoop installer

- Ignore registry entries with invalid installer data when looking for MSYS2

Telegram for Desktop 1.8.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Telegram for Desktop 1.8.8
- Create new themes based on your color and wallpaper choices
- Share your themes with other users via links
- Update your theme for all its users when you change something

Telegram for Desktop 1.8.4
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.8.3
- Right click the 'Send' button and select 'Schedule Message' to automatically send something at a specified time
- Schedule reminders for yourself in the 'Saved Messages' chat
- Get a notification when any of your scheduled messages are sent
- Customize your app's appearance by choosing accent colors for the 'Day', 'Night' and 'Tinted' themes
- Choose who can find you on Telegram when they add your number to their phone contacts
- Send a single ????, ????, ????, ????, ???? or ???? to check out what's new in the animated emoji department

Telegram for Desktop 1.8.2
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.8.1
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.8.0
- Right click the Send button to send any message without sound - in case the recipient is sleeping
- Enable Slow Mode in Group Permissions to control how frequently members can post
- Set custom titles for group admins - like 'Founder', 'CFO' or 'Spam Fighter'
- Toggle looped playback for animated stickers in Chat Settings
- Send a single ??, :like:, ??, ?? or :party: to add a mighty animated emoji to the chat

Telegram for Desktop 1.7.13
- Send ultra-lightweight high-quality animated stickers to express emotion with motion
- Receive animated stickers instantly on any connection at just 20-30 KB per sticker
- Enjoy smooth animations at 60 frames per second
- Create new animated sets and upload them to @stickers for everybody to use
- Try out these sample stickers:
- Use strikethrough and underline formatting

Telegram for Desktop 1.7.10
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.7.9
- You can now add any users to your contacts, even if their phone numbers are not visible
- Transfer ownership of group chats and channels by granting full rights to another admin. Useful when switching jobs or if you just want to retire as creator
- Hide archived chats to the main menu
- See who is online straight from the chat list
- Use the MacBook Pro TouchBar to apply formatting to selected text, insert emoji, and send stickers

Telegram for Desktop 1.7.7
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.7.3
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.7.2
- Choose who can see your phone number with granular precision in Privacy & Security settings
- Add group chats to "Always/Never Share" exceptions for any privacy setting. Permissions will update as users leave and join the groups
- Connect a discussion group to your channel, subscribers will see a "Discuss" button
- Integrate bots seamlessly with web services. For example, see
- Use TouchBar on MacBooks Pro to control music playback and switch between pinned chats

Telegram for Desktop 1.7.0
Introducing Archived Chats:
- Archive any chat from the right-click menu
- Chats with enabled notifications will pop out of the archive when a notification arrives
- Muted chats will stay in the archive
- Pin an unlimited number of chats in your archive

Telegram for Desktop 1.6.7
- Replace media when editing messages with media content
- Jump quickly to the top of your chats list
- Get emoji suggestions for the first word you type in a message
- Help Telegram improve emoji suggestions in your language using this interface

Telegram for Desktop 1.6.3
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.6.1
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.6.0
- Play video files and listen to music without waiting for them to fully download
- Press CTRL+0 (CMD+0 on macOS) to jump to your Saved Messages

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.15
- Crash fix

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.12
- Apply blur effects to backgrounds
- Use the backgrounds you set in Telegram Desktop in all other Telegram apps

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.11
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.10
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.9
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.8
- Global permissions for groups. Restrict all members in any group from posting certain types of content
- Unified group settings. Make groups public, set admins with granular permissions and toggle persistent history in just a few clicks in any group
- Choose the emoji set you would like to use in Chat Settings
- Choose input and output devices for Telegram Calls in Settings > Advanced > Call Settings
- Support for automatically downloading files and music

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.7
- Choose the emoji set you would like to use in Settings > Chat Settings
- Choose input and output devices for Telegram Calls in Settings > Adavanced > Call Settings

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.4
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.3
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.2
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.1
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.5.0
- Support for custom languages. Crowdsource a cloud-based language pack for Telegram in any language using our Translations platform - then apply it in real time.
- Interface scaling for large screens, up to 300% (up to 150% for macOS retina screens)
- 'Count unread messages' setting for the Badge counter in Settings > Notifications. Disable to show number of unread chats.
- Video messages displayed in shared media (under voice messages)
- Updated emoji. Farewell to question marks!

Also in this update:
- Listen to voice and video messages in 2X mode if you're in a hurry
- Add a comment when sharing posts from channels
- View all photos and videos in Twitter and Instagram link previews
- Add emoji to media captions

Telegram for Desktop 1.4.3
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.4.2
- Crash fix

Telegram for Desktop 1.4.0
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.3.14
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.3.13
- Export data from individual chats using the '...' menu
- Added a new night theme
- You can now assign custom themes as night and day themes to quickly switch between them
- Support for Telegram Passport 1.1 and improved password hashing algorithm to better protect Telegram Passport data

Telegram for Desktop 1.3.10
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.3.9
- Mark chats in the chat list as Read or Unread
- Improved censorship circumvention

Telegram for Desktop 1.3.8
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.3.7
- Push fixes to stable version

Telegram for Desktop 1.3.0
- Improved censorship circumvention
- Improved stability when working through proxy servers
- Save several proxy servers to quickly switch between them in Settings
- Use proxy for calls
- Emoji and text replacement now happens immediately after typing (instead of after sending) and can be rolled back using Backspace or CTRL/CMD + Z. Replacement no longer happens when pasting text

Added formatting shortcuts. Select text and use:
- CTRL/CMD + B/I for bold and italic
- CTRL/CMD + K to create or edit a custom link
- CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + M for monospace font
- CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + N to clear formatting

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.17
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.15
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.14
- Discover new stickers: Type one emoji to see suggestions from popular sticker sets. Suggestions from your installed sticker sets will come first
- Search for Stickers: Click on the new search icon to access your sticker sets or find new ones
- Quick Reply: Double click near a message for a quick reply

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.6
- Grouped Photos. Group media into an album when sharing multiple photos and videos. Choose the exact order of media you send

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.4
- Group media into an album when sharing multiple photos and videos
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.3
- Several crash fixes

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.2
- Grouped photos and videos are displayed as albums

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.1
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.2.0
- Radically improved navigation. New side panel on the right with quick access to shared media and group members
- Saved Messages. Bookmark messages by forwarding them to "Saved Messages". Access them from the Chats list or from the side menu
- Pinned Messages. If you are a channel admin, pin messages to focus your subscribers' attention on important announcements
- Easily recognize messages from group admins by the new 'admin' badge
- Also supported clearing history in supergroups and added a host of minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.25
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.24
- Radically improved navigation. New side panel on the right with quick access to shared media and group members
- Pinned Messages. If you are a channel admin, pin messages to focus your subscribers' attention on important announcements
- Also supported clearing history in supergroups and added a host of minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.23
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.22
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.21
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.20
- Groups with unread mentions and replies are now marked with an '@' badge in the chats list
- Navigate new mentions and replies in a group using the new '@' button
- Mark your stickers as “favorite” to quickly access them from the redesigned sticker panel
- Add an official sticker set for your group which all members will be able to use while chatting in your group (100+ member groups only)

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.19
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.18
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.17
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.15
- Send bold and italic text in your messages
- Get a share link for posts in public supergroups
- Quickly share posts from channels and media messages from bots
- Search large supergroup members by name
- Search channel members by name for admins
- Use search in the service actions log
- Ban supergroup members via the right click menu in the service actions log

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.10
- Add event log filter for channel or supergroup event log
- Fix search by username in privacy exceptions editor
- Fix adding admins in channels

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.9
- Supergroups can now have up to 10.000 members
- Appoint supergroup admins with granular rights. Choose who can add users, manage messages, block members, edit group info & username, add new admins, etc.
- Restrict and ban supergroup members with granular precision. Read-only bans, GIF & sticker bans, media bans, temporary bans and restrictions
- Check the new event log to see all service actions taken by members and admins of a channel or supergroup in the last 48 hours
- Toggle night mode in the main menu

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.7
- Improved video messages: radial playback progress, Picture-in-Picture support, duration countdown
- Voice and video messages now automatically play one after another

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.2
- Emoji icon tooltip about hiding the sidebar
- Fix possible calls deadlock in Linux
- Preserve Emoji/Stickers/GIFs panel state between activations

Telegram for Desktop 1.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.29
- Improved Emoji, Stickers, and Saved GIFs panel
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.27
- Update API scheme

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.26
- Send MP4/MOV files as videos that will play right inside Telegram
- Click on the date in any chat to quickly jump to messages from a specific day
- Change your phone number in Settings
- Edit who can see your last seen time and who can add you to groups in Settings
- Edit your list of blocked users in Settings
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.14
- Fix crash in text rendering

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.13
- Fix unnecessary window activations

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.12
- Support for more emoji
- Click and drag on waveform to play audio from a chosen moment
- Added Theme editor to Settings
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.7
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.6
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.2
- Resize chats list
- Fixed drag and drop from Firefox
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Telegram for Desktop 1.0.0
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.20
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.19
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.18
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.17
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.16
- New audio player design
- Quick reply from notifications
- Hide all notifications button added
- Change notifications location and maximum count
- Respecting quiet hours for the notifications (for Windows 10)

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.15
- Some grammar improvements and pinned message bar hiding fixed

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.14
- Fixed retina icon userpics, langs updated

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.11
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.10
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.9
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.8
- Change log not available for this version

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.7
- Fix of settings saving
- Fix of OpenSSL in Linux build
- Fix entities moving when replacing emoji

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.6
- Fixed updater erasing for OS X
- Fixed build for linux (dynamic linking of xcb)

Telegram for Desktop 0.10.5
- New cute design for the Settings page
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements

OpenSSL 1.1.1d (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 70.0b5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


RubyInstaller 2.6.4-1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support for scoop installer

- Update to ruby-2.6.4
- Ignore registry entries with invalid installer data when looking for MSYS2