Spybot Anti-Beacon 歷史舊版本 Page6

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Spybot Anti-Beacon 歷史版本列表

Spybot Anti-Beacon 是一個獨立的工具,旨在阻止和停止在 Windows 10 中存在的各種跟踪(遙測)問題。它已經被修改,以阻止在 Windows 7,Windows 8 和 Windows 8.1 操作系統中的類似的跟踪功能.Anti-Beacon 小巧,使用簡單,並免費提供。它是為解決 Windows 10 用戶的隱私問題而創建的,他們不希望將有關其 PC 使用情況的信息發送... Spybot Anti-Beacon 軟體介紹


What's new in this version:

- Added an auto-updater feature

- Lots of code cleanup and refactoring

- Workaround - Nvidia drivers apply G-sync to OCCT's GUI (which is pointless), which results in mouse stuttering

- Revamped the settings screen and moved it into its separate section

- Added Core usage monitoring section

- Added a no monitoring option - the engine will still be started, but never updated to keep CPU usage low

- Added a "Monitoring interval" settings, controlling how often should the monitoring be updated

- Added a "Graph update" setting, controlling how often should the graphs be updated

- Improved CPU Core usage sensor detection algorithm

- Fixed issues with core affinity on systems with more than 64 cores

- Added "Cycle" display in summary, which shows which cycle you are in. Each cycle uses different operands

- Added "Start at cycle" option, which enables you to skip to a particular cycle if it proved more effective than others

- Fixed various issues on systems with more than 64 cores

- You can now test simultaneously several GPUs, even of different brands (no SLI/Crossfire required)

- You can now test simultaneously several GPUs, even of different brands (no SLI/Crossfire required)

- Added a new program "OcctCmd", to the enterprise edition - you can now run OCCT without any GUI, using a full command line interface (supports running tests only, there's no way to replicate OCCT's GUI in command line)

- Greatly improved the report generation speed at the end of a long test

RetroArch Portable 1.9.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


RetroArch 1.9.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊



What's new in this version:

- Updated HwInfo engine to 7.01
- Fixed an issue with recent AGESA updates for AMD CPUs

XAMPP Portable 8.0.3 查看版本資訊


StartIsBack 2.9.9 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for Windows 10 21H1



What's new in this version:

- changed the minimum size of the window to better reflect recent changes
- Added the test start date & time to the test log
- more code cleanup
- Highly optimized UI startup time
- Greatly lowered CPU Usage
- Major code cleanup and optimization pass to the code base

- AMD isn't going to release a GeForce anytime soon

- Improved the graphs title by truncating only the test name, not the value, if there isn't enough room for both
- Updated and now with AMD Snapshot support
- Charts have been completly revamped and are now single-line
- if a value has a decimal part, it is now always displayed, up to two digits decimal
- Voltages are now displayed as 3-digit decimal numbers
- Tuned default sensor rules to better account for AMD CPUs
- removed "Nvidia" "AMD" and "Intel" from the device names in the usage graphs

- Sysinfo : allowed for multiline headers (especially useful for memory)
- Sysinfo : added very detailed information about memory modules

- better layout for almost all test options
- Rewrote the test settings layout
- Added a test log to see what's going on internally - and report more detailed information
- Rewrote test status indicator and summary

- Added "Advanced thread settings" option
- Added a "select active core" option in the advanced thread settings
- Added a "Core cycle" option to switch active cores at a specified period
- Added an option to invert active cores at a specified period

- Report: lots of enhancements to the personal report ( looks & infos)
- Settings: Changed many things in the settings ( especially layout). This will trigger a settings file reset though

WizTree 3.37 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Tweaked tree map display drawing. Will now only display drawing progress when dealing with more than 1,000,000 files as it's quicker to not display anything
- Drive selection box would not work correctly if "display drive letters" option in Windows File Explorer was turned off (fixed)
- Digital signature verification method changed as previous Windows API method (WinVerifyTrust) would trigger unwanted Internet access if required digital certificates were not already installed on the PC

WizTree 3.36 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- support for Windows 10 "dark mode". Theme can be changed via Options->Colors->UI Theme
- Rescanning the same drive or folder (by clicking Scan or pressing F5) will now preserve the current state of the tree and file views so folders and files that were visible or selected before the rescan will remain visible and selected if they still exist after the rescan. This makes "refreshing" the view much easier than before.
- WizTree may have incorrectly decoded some MFT records on very large hard drives which could lead to extremely large allocated size information being displayed for some files (fixed)
- .mft and .csv files created by WizTree can now be dragged into WizTree to be processed. Note that due to the way Windows implements security, you won't be able to drag files from Windows explorer into WizTree if Windows explorer is running non elevated (non admin rights) and WizTree is running elevated (admin rights). You either have to start up Windows explorer in admin mode, or start WizTree in non admin mode (disable "always run as administartor") for this to work.
- Allocated size for files compressed using NTFS LZX compression would appear as 0 when scanning folders (fixed)
- File search filtering sped up significantly
- support for very high DPI (200%+ scaling)
- When dealing with extremely large numbers of files WizTree will display a progress bar after scanning when loading tree data and/or drawing the tree map. We recommend turning the tree map off (toggle with F9) when dealing with very large numbers of files as it can take some time to draw a tree map for millions of files.
- minor UI changes
- Dutch translation updated