SpeedCommander 歷史舊版本 Page2

最新版本 SpeedCommander 20.40 Build 10900 (32-bit)

SpeedCommander 歷史版本列表

SpeedCommander 是一個舒適的文件管理器。它建立在久經驗證的雙窗技術基礎之上,並提供多種獨特功能。使用鍵盤或鼠標對文件進行排序,複製,移動或刪除.8997423 選擇版本:SpeedCommander 17.20 Build 8800(32 位)SpeedCommander 17.20 Build 8800(64 位) SpeedCommander 軟體介紹

SpeedCommander (32-bit)SpeedCommander (64-bit)

CherryTree 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- moved encryption and backup to a separate thread to improve performance; implemented integrity verification of the document before encryption and backup rotation
- code execution: added new tag to allow placing the code directly into the terminal rather than in a temporary file
- assigned hard coded keyboard shortcut to change codebox properties ‘Ctrl’+'[‘
- fix import from gnote/tomboy
- linux support path links starting with ~/
- fix paste from gnome-characters in fedora
- using github.com instead of giuspen.net to retrieve the latest version released as some users have issues to access giuspen.net
- added support for typescript syntax highlighting
- updated languages Chinese Simplified, Dutch to 100% (still incomplete ar, el, fi, hi_IN, lt)

KLayout 0.27.12 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DXF SPLINE implementation not compatible with ezdxf
- delete_cells slow in some cases
- Deleting cells: 'basic_string: construction from null is not valid'
- Crash when clearing a Shapes container by script while a shape is selected
- Copy layer not choosing the right "new" target layer sometimes
- DBU not taken from technology by default
- Change oasis writer defaults to strict + cblocks, discourage the usage of oas.gz
- Incorrect behavior of some deep-mode DRC functions

- deep edges "and" with Region: incorrect behavior if region is empty or non-deep
- deep edges "inside_part" with Region: incorrect behavior if region is empty or non-deep
- deep edges "outside_part" with Region: incorrect behavior if region is empty or non-deep
- Enhancement: Python include files are now provided for the Python package. This will add type information to the methods.

CherryTree 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- loss of transparency with PNGs in some GTK3 themes
- issue with separator between tree and text not restored when tree on right side and window maximised
- integrated terminal when executing a command for the first time from hidden (not yet instantiated) not passing the command
- inconsistency between codebox width displayed and printed to pdf with auto expand enabled
- few dialogs missing the property to be destroyed with the parent causing problem when quit from systray
- crash on windows when printing to pdf long codebox (multi page) including unicode characters
- Dropped support for pandoc as implementation relies on std::stringstream which causes crashes on windows; elsewhere removed usage of std::stringstream
- import from zim
- issue with integrated terminal show/hide command
- Update language Turkish to 100% (still incomplete ar, el, fi, hi_IN, lt, nl, zh_CN)

CherryTree 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for code execution in integrated terminal – available only in Linux and Mac OS, not in Windows
- Implemented action to execute code from either the text selection or the current text line
- Improved code execution confirmation dialog displaying the code about to be executed and the syntax
- Implemented stricter checks for hard coded keyboard shortcuts Requiring Ctrl but not Alt
- Changed syntax of displayed keyboard shortcuts in toolbar tooltips

CherryTree 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- support for accent insensitive search – when enabled, for example, any of ‘àáâãäåāăąạ’ is equivalent to the ascii ‘a’
- keyboard shortcuts to the toolbar button’s tooltips
- command line option ‘–anchor AnchorName’ that in addition to existing ‘–node NodeName’ allows to open a document focusing an anchor in a node
- syntax highlighting support for GDScript

- export to HTML crash – regression introduced with support for RTL languages
- crash on print/export to pdf of a sequence of characters without spaces longer that the page width, such as a very long URL
- bulleted list unindent (Shift+Tab) crash
- tooltip and cursor not reset after hovering link and then navigating to non rich text node
- Changed non configurable keyboard shortcuts for codebox width and table column width increase/decrease to use parenthesis open instead of backslash
- wrongly entering column edit mode when using keyboard shortcuts with such as insert codebox
- Allow to disable the dialog asking for confirmation before executing the code in codeboxes and code nodes
- crash on double exit from systray icon right click menu

KLayout 0.27.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed Normalize zero dimension when generating regular array instance
- Enhancement: Add setting to disable Save Needed dialog box
- fixed "move by" does not move instances from partial selection
- fixed GenericDeviceExtractor#define_opt_layer not working
- fixed MSYS2 compatibility with latest revision (based on gcc 12.1)
- fixed Internal error on DRC operation
- fixed LVS mismatch on parallel devices and issue on ambiguity resolution
- Enhancement: Support for Python 3.11
- Enhancement: L2N and LVSDB readers made compatible with potential future extensions
- Enhancement: DRC Antenna check now can be given a text layer which receives output describing the measured and computed values
- fixed: *= method (e.g. Point, DPoint) properly listed in help and reflection API
- Fixed a number of potential segfaults due to memory corruption found during master branch refactoring

CherryTree 查看版本資訊


CherryTree 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added support for right to left languages in export to html and pdf
- in order to support the right to left languages in export to html, the resulting html text lines are no longer LINE
- but LINE
- fixed in export to pdf the link to node+anchor with non ascii anchor name
- fixed export to pdf broken on windows with links to node/node+anchor and destination not in the pdf
- on windows, export to pdf, fixed links to files/folders; links to non ascii paths are disabled because currently crashing the library
- improved detection of missing executables required for rendering LatexBoxes. These dependencies are no longer mandatory
- added help to the user to show again a hidden menubar
- pressing Tab on the very latest table cell now adds a new table line and moves to its first cell
- fixed issue with relative links to files and folders and documents moved between linux and windows
- in export to html and txt multiple files, now appending the node id to the file names to support multiple nodes with the same name
- added syntax highlight support for solidity
- after issues with the domain giuspen.com, the domain changed to giuspen.net and giuspen.com will eventually go
- work has been done to support an appimage, so the first appimage will be available for download shortly

SpeedCommander 19.60 Build 10400 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


SpeedCommander 19.60 Build 10400 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
