Spark 歷史舊版本 Page10

最新版本 AquaSoft Stages 14.2.5

Spark 歷史版本列表

Spark 是針對企業和組織優化的 Windows PC 的開源,跨平台 IM 客戶端。它具有內置的群聊支持,電話集成和強大的安全性。它還提供了一個偉大的最終用戶體驗,如在線拼寫檢查,群聊室書籤和選項卡式對話功能。Spark 是一個功能齊全的即時消息(IM)和使用 XMPP 協議的群聊客戶端。 Spark 源代碼由 GNU 較寬鬆通用公共許可證(LGPL)管理,可在此發行版的 Spark 軟體介紹

SplitCam 10.4.22 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added hotkeys. View all hotkeys assignments in the Settings dialog
- Added pause mode activated by pressing the space key on the keyboard
- Users having admin rights can change SplitCam virtual camera name
- Added histogram to the Quick Adjust window. Use the histogram for fast and easy correction of the overall image lightning: adjust bright and dark areas as well as the mid-point
- Added control tooltips. Hover your mouse pointer over a control to see its description. The tooltips can be turned off in the Settings dialog
- Added command line switches for testing purposes. Use the /? command line switch to see the list of available switches
- Added audio sources volume level indicators. Volumes over 75 dB are marked with yellow color and volumes over 85 dB are marked with red color
- Show About dialog when a new version of SplitCam is started for the first time
- Added OS version output to log file
- Added a button to duplicate a scene
- Added Opacity setting to most of scene effects

- Don’t select a layer when its visibility state changes
- Unselect the layer when its state changes to invisible
- Text layer command bar icons updated
- Slight but noticable increase in CPU performance when preparing video for streaming
- In restreaming mode use the FPS set for the restream server instead of the maximum FPS among individual streams
- When selecting text or stroke color for text layers correctly set the initially selected color in the ChooseColor dialog. Add a new custom color automatically if necessary
- The minimal view window, activated when SplitCam is minimized, can now be resized by clicking and dragging its border on any side. Keep holding the Alt key to temporarily disable proportional resizing
- In case of an error during GPU detection a message will be recorded to the program log file
- Changed look of UI check box element
- Text layer command bar icons updated

- Fixed incorrect proportions when zooming out a layer at frame edge
- Fixed random webcam freezing when switching scenes
- Fixed crash when selecting desktop region for capturing
- Fixed random crashes during network activity on program exit
- Fixed RGB24 webcam source processing. Includes fix for VISIT-X Video Splitter virtual webcam
- Fixed video file recording
- Fixed error: stream wouldn’t start if file recording is in progress
- Fixed random picture freezing during captured frame processing
- Fixed potential error of creating thumbnail for a web browser or ip-cam source which has already been deleted
- Fixed error with detecting available GPUs when there are no streams set up yet

RetroArch 1.9.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


SplitCam 10.4.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Frames canvas effects
- Added fast webcam switching between scenes when both scenes have the same webcam with identical paramters
- Mini window: account for multiple monitor setup. Mini window now maximizes to full screen on the current monitor. Mini window is restored to the same monitor it was last visible on.

- Changed look of UI check box element
- Initial text layer size calculated according to current screen resolution and Windows scaling

- Fixed UI scaling at some Windows scaling settings
- Fixed IP-camera not working with an on-board Intel GPU
- Fixed flip and mirror effects
- Addressed issues with forced program termination in case of GPU errors
- Fixed text layer visibility toggle
- Fixed bug with switching between blink and scroll in text layer
- Text layer font sizes in display and edit modes revisited
- Stream library updated. Fixed handler of user initiated closing stream in direct conection mode

SplitCam 10.4.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for catpturing DirectX 12 games

- Updated stream control functionality: error handling and reconnections
- Updated CamSode and StripChat ingest server addresses
- Updated control of capturing same game on multiple SplitCam scenes
- Updated list of exclusions when selecting games for capturing

- Fixed notifier control bar appearance and position
- Fixed bugs with tip notifier
- Fixed errors in treating poor internet connection when streaming in Restream mode

SplitCam 10.3.85 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added About… dialog containing program development history and most important support links
- Added Exit command to hamburger menu

- Prevent Windows from entering Sleep mode when SplitCam is running
- Additional software encoder optimization aimed at more stable CBR streaming mode
- Updated IP-campera capture source for more stable work. No new formats support added
- Scene buttons preview thumbnail updated to give more stability and to work more reliably

- Skin smoother issues fixed
- Fixed the lag when restarting video file playback after switching scenes or resuming a paused video file
- Fixed scene switching bug: two scenes drawing to canvas at the same time
- Fixed black full screen capture output when swtching between scenes when all the scenes contain full screen capture source
- Fixed spontaneous program crashes hapenning at random when system state changed
- Fixed crashes when deleting IP-camera layer from scene
- Fixed SplitCam crashe when a problem is encountered in a running Web page source
- Fixed displaying of RAM usage over 4 GiB. Minor cosmetic changes in video file source

SplitCam 10.3.78 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Optimized video file processing: 4K videos at 60 fps are now supported
- Added system sound capture source

- Disable unavailable sources in ‘Add source’ popup menu
- Mouse clicks on media progress bar are made easier for user: click above or below the progress bar to change video playback position
- Release memory resources when a scene is inactive or a layer becomes invisible
- Reviewed handling of live and static previews on scene buttons
- Paused and hidden layers states are correctly saved when switching between scenes

- Fixed bug with disappearing static layers when switching scenes
- Fixed wrong canvas FPS saving to project file
- Fixed memory handling issues in GIF player

SplitCam 10.3.66 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New virtual microphone device driver
- Removed virtual output device driver as it is no longer needed
- Added check for prooperly installed virtual microphone device. User sees a warning message if the driver for the virtual microphne cannot be loaded. In case of driver error the program can continue to run but the micriphone will not be available
- Video effects added and can be applied to each scene independently
- Added 3D Lookup Table video effect support: CUBE format
- Added 3D Lookup Table video effect support: PNG format
- Program title now shows currently opened project file path
- Added Alt-F4 handler which correctly closes the application
- Added Gamma effect to canvas
- Program settings dialog added with General Settings, Snapshot settings and Video recorder settings. More options are to be added in future versions
- User can now change canvas size and FPS in program settings
- Layers can now be selected by directly mouse-clicking them on the scene

- Added hilite to the name of selected scene
- Updated handling of project (un)loading: project dirty flag added, autosave code changed, changed logic of saving projects under different file name: project saved by Save as… command becomes current project, if autosave option is disabled then user is queried to save the dirty project on exit or on switching projects
- Setup updated to address the issues when running installer while the program is running
- Updated monitor source saver with a parameter for saving multiple monitor sources
- Optimizations to video encoders during streaming. Processor load noticeably reduced
- Disabled starting streamer when there are no active streams
- Paused source state is now saved when switching scenes
- CamPlace web site stream url updated
- Video encoder updated with additional parameters to address possible audio/video sync problems
- Project saving code updated to reduce file size and omit certain defaults. Additional checks added to catch and treat errors while loading projects from files

- loading local files in Web Browser Source layers
- distorted sound from mike when mike is used in multiple scenes
- addressing non existing active scene object in CIpCameraSource
- errors related to closing first canvas
- bugs with full screen source
- crash when streaming on NVIDIA in x64 release version
- Reset zero effect parameter value to its default when loading project from file
- errors when working with full screen source on different scenes
- errors with window grabbing in window source layers

SplitCam 10.3.42 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Skin Smoother effect
- Screenshare sources can now grab separate windows and external monitors
- Added Always-on-top scene preview window which is automatically shown every time the main SplitCam window is minimized
- Added x64 version of the program. You can download x86 or x64 version depending on your preferences or system requirements. Before switching to a new program architecture it is highly recommended to uninstall previous version of SplitCam
- Added support for WEBP image format
- Added support for transparent PNG format

- Additional logging for tracking errors on user computers
- Layers with sources having fixed size are sized proportionally. Hold down Alt key to temporarily disable proprtional sizing
- Screen capture source code updated to use hardware acceleration on supported systems. CPU usage greatly reduced and picture quality is now much better. On older Windows machines we still use previous capture methods which results in high CPU load and the lack of capturing many of the modern application windows
- Updated algorithms when working with animated GIF and WEBP files. Now they use less CPU, load much faster, play smoother and give better picture quality
- Autoupdate will now download and ask user to install the x86 or x64 version depending on which version of the program is currently running
- Audio monitor output changed. The new code is still under testing so it may be changed in future version. You can enable audio monitor by Ctrl-clicking the global Mute button
- Fixed crash on program exit due to audio playback
- Fixed bugs with Slideshow layer
- Fixed installer bug preventing SplitCam installations on older Windows systems

- Fixed rare cases when program hangs or crahes on exit
- Bug fixes in Screenshare layers
- Fixed display of semi-transparent layers with rounded corners
- Fixed Screenshare sources causing program crash on some computers
- Fixed file recorder: the problems with pixelated videos and asynced sound should be resolved now
- General program stability and performance enhancements
- Setup project now deletes previous version before installing a new one. This done in prevention of files being used and not updated during installation

SplitCam 10.3.21 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added restream functionality to minimize network load for multiple streams. SplitCam uses its own restream located in USA and Europe to provide this functionality
- Added splash screen on program startup
- Added system provided webcam settings dialog
- SplitCam now supports Video Image Source plugins

- Optimized screen capture code to give higher quality and less CPU usage
- Higher quality of text in Text layers
- Updated SSL third party libraries to latest versions
- Additional search methods added for delay-loaded DLLs
- AMD GPU detection code update
- Disabled selecting SplitCam virtual webcam when physical webcam was disconnected between program sessions
- Updated setup project to address errors during installation
- Disabled forced AMD GPU detection
- Disabled GPU driver update dialog
- Changed the order of media layers in UI
Streams window now stays visible when mouse-clicking outside of it. To close the window click the Stream - Settings button again

- Selection frame remains on screen after the webcam is deleted from default project
- Working with non-transparent GIFs
- Program crashed on some systems not having Visual C redistributables installed
- Random crashes on program exit
- Address the issue when a hung copy of SplitCam remains running after the program exit
- Crash in audio list items update list in rare cases of scene switching
- Some minor issues with ipcamera
- Addressed minor issues with streaming code
- Fixed disappearing main scene preview after some modal dialog is closed

SplitCam 10.2.16 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New realization of layer management and rendering engine. Image quality greatly enhanced. CPU load reduced up to 6 times
- Added resource usage information to log output
- Added stream statistics to log output
- Added cache cleanup whenever new version of SplitCam is started on user’s computer

- Full screen capture code updated for better performance
- Updated GPU selection for stream preset to prefer NVIDIA then AMD then INTEL GPU when available
- Updated stream settings dialog. Excluded presets with encoders not available on target computer
- Many stability issues addressed regarding resource management and error handling

- Fixed scene selection after deleting one of scenes
- Volume state saved between scene switching
- Bug fixes and better resource management