Shotcut (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page20

最新版本 Shotcut 21.10.31 (64-bit)

Shotcut (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Shotcut 64 位是一個免費的,開源的跨平台的 Windows,Mac 和 Linux 視頻編輯器。主要功能包括支持多種格式; 不需要進口意味著本地時間線編輯; Blackmagic Design 支持輸入和預覽監視; 和解決方案支持 4k。使用 Shotcut 64 位綜合軟件編輯您的視頻!下載 Windows 的 Shotcut Offline Installer 安裝程序.寬屏格式支持... Shotcut (64-bit) 軟體介紹

NumPy 1.16.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add mm->q floordiv
- Port np.core.overrides to C for speed
- Add np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(dtype), improve np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes
- Add "max difference" messages to np.testing.assert_array_equal...
- Add mm->qm divmod
- Add _dtype_ctype to namespace for freeze analysis

Compatibility notes:
- The changed error message emited by array comparison testing functions may affect doctests. See below for detail.
- Casting from double and single denormals to float16 has been corrected. In some rare cases, this may result in results being rounded up instead of down, changing the last bit (ULP) of the result.

WorkFlowy Desktop 1.1.15 查看版本資訊


Shotcut 19.01.27 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed Text animation/keyframes not working in v19.01.24
- Fixed distortion when a Mirror filter is placed before a Size and Position or Rotate and Scale filter
- Fixed Levels filter in locales with comma for decimal point

WorkFlowy Desktop 1.1.14 查看版本資訊


Shotcut 19.01.24 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed launch crash on Linux by excluding libdrm libraries
- Fixed audio level changed by the Mask : From File filter
- Fixed Text filter may have glitches with Export > Parallel processing (regression in v18.12.x)
- Fixed missing file detected when Stabilize filter added without clicking Analyze
- Fixed external monitoring on Linux screen
- Fixed unable to detect hardware encoders with spaces in the installation folder path
- Fixed changing Speed can move a clip
- Fixed changing Speed has no effect when the system region and language decimal separators are different
- Fixed filter duration not adjusted when trimming a transition
- Fixed ripple trim when clip has a transition
- Fixed removing a transition by trimming adds some frames
- Fixed aspect ratio for File > Export Frame with non-square pixel video
- Fixed handling relative paths to external resources in the Overlay HTML editor
- Fixed a crash opening a project after removing the bottom video track
- Fixed the lossless/H.264 preset to be completely lossless
- Fixed dropping a file from a file manager whose name has special/extended characters (e.g. [, ])
- Fixed the state of the enabled checkbox for the Overlay HTML filter and when using a color picker
- Fixed distortion after changing the Keyframe Type of a keyframe for the Scale parameter in the Rotate and Scale filter
- Fixed right-clicking a keyframe to open context menu may change its position
- Fixed distortion when a Mirror filter is placed before a Size and Position or Rotate and Scale filter

- Upgraded FFmpeg to v4.1
- Improved Color Grading filter by letting all parameters go from -100% to 100%
- Added an automatic retry without Parallel processing when Export job fails
- Set the Save as type list on the Export File dialog on Windows when a preset defines a filename extension

- Added Center Playhead option to the Timeline and Keyframes menus
- Added Slow Zoom ___, Hold ___ presets to the Size and Position filter
- Added a Chroma Hold video filter
- Added a Swirl (HTML) video filter
- Added a simple Templates framework to the Overlay HTML filter (see path Shotcutshareshotcutqmlfilterswebvfx emplates to add your own) with the following templates: Blank HTML, Blue Middle Bar, Creative Commons Music, Blank with Web Animations, Simple Scroll

UltraMixer 6.1.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


ProtonVPN 1.7.4 查看版本資訊


ProtonVPN 1.7.3 查看版本資訊


Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

In Depth
- General: Due to limitations in the TLS stack on 10.7 we are updating the minimum macOS development target from 10.7 to 10.9. Mono will be supported only on 10.9 or newer versions starting with this release.

- AOT: Few hard to track race conditions in trampolines unboxing for AOT backend targetting amd64 were fixed.
- Interpreter: The interpreter received the first set of low-level optimizations, improving the execution time of typeof call by the factor of 10. Further changes were made to avoid unnecessary allocations and support Xamarin native types (nint/nuint).
- Custom Marshalers: The logic handling custom marshalers, types implementing IICustomMarshaler has been mostly rewritten in managed code with additional caching mechanisms to match .NET Framework behaviour.
- Optimizations: The intrinsics built on top of SSE41 for Math.Round/Math.Floor/Math.Ceiling were added.
- Windows: Mono Windows cross-compiler is using the same LLVM release branch as Linux resolving issues in scenarios where llvm-config.exe can’t be run (none WSL/CygWin build target).

Class Libraries
- CoreFX convergence: In this release, more CoreFX code was imported in particular in System.Reflection namespace. Many common types in mscorlib System namespace are now fully CoreFX based including System.Math. The Registry implementation on Windows is now fully based on CoreFX implementation.
- Mono.Options: A new CommandSet.GetCompletions() method was introduced, which returns all possible commands which match a given completion prefix. This is intended for e.g. bash completion support.
- System.Runtime.InteropServices: It’s now possible to use RuntimeInformation API to detect ARM and ARM64 platforms.

- MSBuild: Reference assemblies for .NET 4.7.2 are included to allow targeting .NET Framework 4.7.2 using MSBuild on Mono.

WorkFlowy Desktop 1.1.13 查看版本資訊
