ShareX 歷史舊版本 Page13

最新版本 SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.01.24 build 9782

ShareX 歷史版本列表

ShareX 是一個免費和開源的程序,可以讓你捕捉或記錄你的屏幕的任何區域,並與一鍵單擊。它還允許上傳圖片,文字或其他類型的文件到 50 多個支持的目的地,您可以從中選擇。 ShareX 支持多種方式來捕捉或記錄您的屏幕.ShareX 特點: 免費,開源,輕量級和免費的廣告!高級截圖捕捉,屏幕錄像,文件共享和生產力工具。捕捉截圖的各種方法,包括全屏幕,窗口,顯示器,區域,寫意,滾動,等等。捕捉任務... ShareX 軟體介紹

Google Chrome Portable 76.0.3809.87 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


ShareX 12.4.1 查看版本資訊


Ditto 3.22.20 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed crash in latest windows 10 when changing dpi
- Removed message box when we fail to request a file from a remote computer, changed to balloon message in the task tray
- Added option to invert case special paste
- Updated German language file
- Updated to latest version of SQLite, 3.26.
- Added warning message box on compact and repair button is clicked
- Aggregate multiple clips better if some clips don't have all the data needed
- Updated chocolatey portable install script to handle upgrades
- Changed output debug string and output debug to file shortcuts to ctrl-d, ctrl-o and ctrl-d, ctrl-f
- Added back in auto roll-up quick option
- Fixed issue resizing description window with image and then not being able to move next/prev with up/down keys
- Changed right click menu from "filter on" to "filter on selected clip"
- Added export to email, content as attachment Added special paste - slugify
- Fixed import message window size
- Update menu for export to email
- Fixed issue with clicking on an image in description window and the up/down arrows stop working
- Added email to and gmail export options
- Trim include/exclude app text when checking against current app
- Added Hungarian language file
- When the desktop has focus center over the screen with the mouse cursor
- Handle ensure window is visible on differnt dpi monitors better

ShareX 12.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bug fixes

ShareX 12.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added two pass encoding option to screen recording; basically it records lossless with highest performance option then after recording is done, it applies your encoding options. That way you can select slow encoding option for low file size output without sacrificing recording performance
- Added WebP encoding support to screen recording
- Added APNG encoding support to screen recording
- Added AMF encoding support to screen recording
- Removed screen record CLI option because task actions already have same functionality and with new two pass encoding option it was not that required anymore
- Added Kutt URL shortener support
- Added Backblaze B2 file uploader support
- Added Mexican Spanish language support
- Save buttons in image editor will use task settings to generate name if file name is not supplied yet, that way user can save without use “Save as…” dialog first
- Added URL filtering support to history window
- Added search support to image history window
- Moved image history settings from toolbar to its own settings window
- Show total and filtered item count in image history window title bar
- When a task is using OCR, save result to a text file with same name
- Added “Use light resize nodes” option to region capture options menu which makes resize nodes transparent
- Changes to personal path detection, you can find detailed info about how ShareX decides about personal path in here
- Modified default file name pattern to use random alphanumeric: %pn_%ra{10} for new installations. If you want previous date time file naming then you can replace it with: %pn_%y-%mo-%d_%h-%mi-%s
- Support name pattern in custom capture path
- When using %pn (process name) name pattern empty spaces will be replaced with underscore
- Added starting step number option to step drawing tool
- In image editor text input window, properly handle enter key with CJK input
- In custom uploader, regex syntax | character will be used as group separator instead of , to be consistent with other syntaxes, for backward compatibility , character is still going to be supported for some time
- Removed support for old implicit custom uploader regex syntax such as $1,1$ now regex syntax must be declared explicitly like this $regex:1|1$
- Added select syntax to custom uploader parser which shows window for user to select single option; example syntax: $|$
- Added prompt syntax to custom uploader parser which shows input dialog for user to type text; example syntaxes: $prompt$ $prompt:title$ $prompt:title|default value$
- Added base64 syntax to custom uploader parser, example syntax for authorization header: Basic $base64:username:password$
- Support custom uploader syntax in arguments and headers too
- You can find more info about all supported custom uploader syntax from here
- Use a cryptographically stronger random value generator, for example while generating random file name
- Added option to automatically select last completed task in main window (Application settings -> Advanced tab -> AutoSelectLastCompletedTask)
- Add upload log button to debug log window
- Remember column widths of main window task list
- Full screen image viewer will now show on active monitor
- Allow toast notification to have image preview even when image isn’t saved as file
- Added support for extensionless uploads on Google Cloud Storage
- Added expiry time option to ownCloud / Nextcloud
- Added Imgur album paging to support listing more than 50 albums on album list
- FTPS upload was accepting SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 previously, now instead it will accept TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
- Improved reliability of ShareX auto start on Microsoft Store installations
- ShareX will automatically start after Microsoft Store finished updating ShareX
- Now Windows shutdown will wait for ShareX to save settings instead of closing it before ShareX have time to save settings
- Clipboard content viewer now will cache content and upload it instead of what is in clipboard when “OK” button is pressed
- Bidirectional control characters from file name will be removed before uploads
- “Install dev build” button now always visible in application settings window

ShareX 12.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added new image editor / region capture keybinds
- Holding Ctrl will ignore shape intersection; that way you can, for example draw a rectangle inside another rectangle without selecting it
- Added draggable custom scroll bar to the image editor, which automatically hides when the image is fully inside the window
- Added gradient text color support to image editor “Text (Outline)” tool
- Added confirmation message box for unsaved changes when user closes the image editor by pressing title bar close button, Esc key or Right click
- When pasting image, inserting image file or inserting image from screen, show insert image dialog which allows automatically expanding canvas to bottom or right side and inserting image there
- Allow to hide or show magnifier with mouse wheel, for example you can Mouse wheel down until magnifier disappear and Mouse wheel up to show it back
- Image editor will stop rendering when it’s out of focus to reduce unnecessary CPU usage
- Added Enter and Esc key support to image editor dialogs
- Added recent colors support to color picker which remembers last used 32 colors for quick selection
- Screen color picker now shows current color sample in a rectangle next to its value
- Added screen color picker support to image editor color picker
- Added Ukrainian language support
- Added Indonesian language support
- Added show “Edit with ShareX” button in Windows Explorer context menu option to “Application settings window -> Integration tab”
- Added support to escape custom uploader argument and header patterns with
- Support referrer and user-agent headers in custom uploaders
- Added Cloudflare DNS to DNS changer tool
- Added Firebase Dynamic Links URL shortener
- Added YouTube file uploader
- Added Google Cloud Storage file uploader
- Updated OneDrive uploader to Microsoft Graph API, this change allows using OneDrive for Business and uploading higher size files
- Added Wasabi endpoint to Amazon S3 endpoints list
- Added Azure Storage custom upload path support
- Added Azure Storage $root container support
- Container name won’t be appended to Azure Storage custom domain automatically anymore, can be added manually to custom domain section if needed
- Removed auto container creation from Azure Storage upload to decrease upload time
- Added URL preview to Azure Storage tab to make configuring easier
- Removed GitHub gist anonymous upload support because it is deprecated
- Removed Google URL shortener because it is deprecated
- Removed Dropfile, Pastee and CoinURL
- Added after capture task “Scan QR code” (requires image to be saved as file)
- Added “Ask for confirmation when aborting screen recording” option
- Added upload image button to image effects window
- Added selective color image effect which allows making two color images
- Added color option to canvas image effect
- Added sides option to auto crop image effect
- High DPI improvements for UI
- When ShareX is updating, setup will be run with UPDATE parameter which makes sure that the setup will not apply initial tasks again such as creating desktop shortcut or context menu entries
- Added option to replace non-unreserved characters by underscores
- If pre-release updates checkbox is checked then dev build install button will show up
- Added upload file and edit image context menu buttons to history and image history windows
- Added hotkey repeat limit option (Application settings -> Advanced tab)

ShareX 12.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bug fixes

ShareX 12.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Upgraded .NET Framework version to 4.6.2. Because of this upgrade Windows XP and Windows Vista is not supported anymore. If you don’t have .NET Framework 4.5 or higher is installed, ShareX auto updater will not be able to show new update because we are using GitHub API to check for updates and they require TLS 1.2 now which is not supported with .NET Framework 4.0. For detailed information click here
- Added image editor autosize start mode, which will resize the window to fit the image. If the image is too big then window will be maximised
- Added sticker tool
- Added Blob Emoji sticker pack
- Added these buttons to image editor, image menu
- New image (Creates empty canvas)
- Open image file
- Insert image file
- Insert image from screen
- Crop image
- Auto crop image (Removes same color sections from edges)
- Add image effects (Allows you to apply various effects to whole image)
- Added paste image/text button to image editor, edit menu
- Added visual scroll bars for panning (by @L1Q)
- Added resampling option to image size dialog
- Added “Font size” option to step tool
- Added “Use letters” option to step tool
- Added confirm and cancel buttons to image editor crop tool, which will allow moving or resizing crop region before confirming
- Show area info text in crop tool
- Added image interpolation mode option to “Image (File)” and “Image (Screen)” tools
- Added “Drop shadow color” option
- Added “Auto close editor on task” option, for example if you click “Upload image” on image editor toolbar then editor will close automatically if this option is enabled
- In image editor paste Ctrl + V also gonna check for image files addition to image
- Holding Ctrl while using sticker tool will use last sticker instead of opening sticker picker
- Holding Ctrl while using image file tool will use last image file instead of opening file dialog
- Added image editor startup dialog when editor is opened from tools menu
- Removed Greenshot image editor
- Using authorization header authentication for Amazon S3 now instead of presigned URL, this change allows to support DigitalOcean Spaces
- Added new Amazon S3 regions: China (Ningxia), EU (Paris)
- Added DigitalOcean Spaces Amsterdam, New York and Singapore endpoints to Amazon S3 regions list
- Allow to disable public-read ACL on files uploaded via Amazon S3 (by @sylveon)
- Added random domain syntax support for Amazon S3 (by @sylveon)
- Added option to remove file extensions on Amazon S3 uploads (by @sylveon)
- If JPEG image contains orientation metadata then the image will be rotated automatically
- Added “Show cursor” quick setting to main window and tray capture menu
- Added auto crop to image effects window
- Added size mode option to image watermark effect (by @RedMser)
- In destinations menu, unauthorized uploaders will be shown as red. If user tries to upload to any of these destinations then destination settings window with selected uploader tab will be opened automatically
- Added decode button to QR code encode picture box right click menu
- Renamed “ownCloud” to “ownCloud / Nextcloud” to make it clear Nextcloud is supported
- OwnCloud / NextCloud direct link option gonna use /preview link now instead of /download
- Added random adjective %radjective and animal name %ranimal pattern for file naming similar to Gfycat naming which is: %radjective%radjective%ranimal
- Added random line from a file %rf{filepath} pattern for file naming (by @AtlasTheBot)
- Added $filename$ pattern for custom uploader arguments, it is only usable when custom uploader type is image, text or file
- Support name patterns in custom uploader headers
- Support escaping custom uploader URL syntax with character (by @ArsenArsen)
- Added markdown copying options to also history window (by @stuntguy3000)
- Update recorder devices to latest version
- Added Google Translate button to OCR window (by @9joao6)
- Added upload image and decode buttons to QR code window context menu
- Make QR code input textbox multi line
- Use UTF-8 for QR code encoding and restrict length to 2952 bytes
- Make sure QR code output is square image
- Using FluentFTP library now for FTP/FTPS uploads instead of deprecated System.Net.FtpClient library
- Added /NORUN parameter support to ShareX setup which can be used together with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT to install ShareX silently without run it afterwards
- Because of .NET Framework update now we can use built in Zip functions and no need to use 7-Zip library anymore, because of this change importing backups (.sxb files) from previous ShareX versions not gonna work because those were exported using 7z compression but you can extract them manually to Documents/ShareX folder yourself
- Added .sxcu file association to Windows Store build (by @sylveon)

ShareX 12.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added windowed mode support to image editor
- Added panning support to image editor, hold middle mouse button to pan canvas
- Added real time image effect (blur, pixelate, highlight) preview support to image editor
- Added “Image” menu to image editor toolbar with these items: Image size, Canvas size, Rotate 90° clockwise, Rotate 90° counter clockwise, Rotate 180°, Flip horizontal, Flip vertical
- Added image editor start mode option to “Options” menu: Normal window, Maximized window (Default), Remember and use previous window size, position and maximized state, Fullscreen
- Added image editor background color option to “Options” menu
- Added cursor type option to cursor drawing tool
- Show image size, file name and FPS in image editor title bar
- Image editor last selected tool will be remembered separately from region capture
- Changed region capture/image editor resize node visuals
- Support proportional resizing when dragging resize node while holding Shift
- Added QR code decode support, which can scan multiple QR codes at the same time from screen or file
- Added “Upload text” to main window upload menu and as hotkey
- Added “Shorten URL” to main window upload menu and as hotkey
- Removed update button from custom uploaders tab because now settings apply instantly
- If custom uploader name field is empty then name will be generated automatically from request url, which is recommended for consistency
- Custom uploader won’t export with empty request url or destination type
- While exporting custom uploader all default or empty values will be ignored, that way JSON output can be more compact
- Added custom URL sharing service support, which can be used for example for Discord webhooks
- Added response syntax to custom uploader which can be used in URL fields
- Added random syntax support to custom uploader request URL
- Added Text/URL input to custom uploader arguments/headers value suggestion list
- Renamed Picasa to Google Photos
- Removed dead uploaders: Someimage, Imgland, Minus, Uplea
- Added image effects preset list support, this will cause previous image effect settings to reset
- Added markdown copy options to main window task context menu
- Removed Amazon S3 reduced redundancy storage option because it is now deprecated and even costs more than standard storage to encourage moving to standard storage
- Added standard infrequent access storage option to Amazon S3
- Hide notification window from Alt + Tab and Win + Tab menu
- Implemented latest API, this will cause previous authentication setting to reset
- Implemented latest Flickr API which is using OAuth for authentication now, this will cause previous authentication setting to reset
- Added direct link option to Flickr
- Updated Lithiio to new API which is using username/password for authentication now instead of Steam OAuth
- Increased Twitter message character limit to 280
- Windows Store ShareX build is now using .NET Framework 4.6.1 so there is no need for additional executable to handle Centennial startup changes anymore
- Touch input improvements for region capture
- Watch folder feature will also check for file size multiple times to make sure that file is not being written before starting upload
- Added ShareX Discord server invite link to main window, you can press X button to permanently hide it
- Both Discord and Patreon buttons will be automatically hidden when main window task list is not empty
- Pressing Esc in quick task menu will close it
- Added verbose request logs option to application settings advanced tab which can be used to debug upload related issues
- Added drag and drop file from history window support
- Support Ctrl + A in OCR results window
- Main window image preview can now be positioned on the bottom
- Removed https option for Imgur and instead always https will be used because now it is used by default on Imgur
- Show current version and latest version in update message box
- In application settings window middle mouse clicking on pre-release check box will download latest dev build from AppVeyor but it should be only used for testing purposes because dev builds can be unstable and therefore not recommended for production use
- Updated design of ShareX web site to have dark colors

ShareX 11.9.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bug fixes