TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
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Scribus 是用於編輯文檔,設置佈局,排版和製作交互式元素的免費軟件,允許您以 PDF,Postscript 和其他格式創建專業外觀的文檔,甚至可以用作雜誌分發的預印刷文檔,報紙,通訊,海報,書籍和小冊子。 Scribus 可以被專業人士和新手用戶使用,他們希望創建醒目的文檔和交互式 PDF 文件,他們可以分發他們的個人項目,學校或工作。為了讓每個人都了解這個功能強大的應用程序的所有功能,用戶... Scribus 軟體介紹

Scribus (32-bit)Scribus (64-bit)

Scribus 1.4.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Important enhancements:
- Scribus has been ported to the Haiku operating system. 
- The Barcode Writer has been updated and supports many more barcodes, including QR.
- The Galaxy Gauge™ color matching system and color tools have been included.
- New color palettes from government agencies (Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, United Kingdom) have been included.
- More Open Source color palettes have been included.
- Improvements to the build system.
- Improvements to the Preflight Verifier.
- The A4 page size limit of TeX-rendered graphics in Render Frames has been removed.
- The Short Words plug-in now supports Danish.
- Many updates to the Online Manual. 

Most important bugfixes:

- Disabled hyphenation on some Linux distributions is working again.
- Some unit conversion issues have been fixed.
- Display issues related to Ubuntu's Unity interface have been fixed.
- Some fixes to wrong or irritating UI behavior.
- Memory management in connection with the new Hyphenator has been optimized.
- Issues with the Clang compiler have been fixed.
- Scribus now supports Pillow as an alternative to the Python Imaging Library.
- Many translation updates.

Scribus 1.4.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New spellchecker based on Hunspell
- 64-bit versions available for Windows Vista, 7 and 8
- Documentation updates (including translations)
- Updated UI translations
- A security update for the Python Scripter (Windows)
- Fixes to issues with file locations and file names (Windows)
- Fixes and an enhancement to the Scripter
- Additional build options
- Major and minor bugfixes, ranging from crashes in some corner cases to usability improvements

Scribus 1.4.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New spellchecker based on Hunspell
- 64-bit versions available for Windows Vista, 7 and 8
- Documentation updates (including translations)
- Updated UI translations
- A security update for the Python Scripter (Windows)
- Fixes to issues with file locations and file names (Windows)
- Fixes and an enhancement to the Scripter
- Additional build options
- Major and minor bugfixes, ranging from crashes in some corner cases to usability improvements

Scribus 1.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Addition of the GiveLife Color System(R) swatch palettes, license in the swatches directory.
- Updates to resolve small canvas interaction issues
- Corrections to both bitmap and SVG image import issues
- Addition of undo steps for path operations and page moving
- Corrections to some master page behaviour
- Fixes for text editing issues
- Enhancements to scripter
- Translation updates
- The Italian version of the help documents has been updated significantly
- Relocation of profiles and swatches to the share directory of Unix-like systems (linux, OS X, etc) to fit in with the file system recommendations

Scribus 1.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- 1.4.0 is based on the Qt4 application framework. The initial transition from Qt3 was performed quite quickly, but fine tuning for cross-platform compatibility and taking advantage of new features took quite some time. As a result, Scribus now runs equally reliable on all supported platforms.
- Thanks to the port to Qt4, the Scribus Team now also provides install files for Mac OS X 10.5 or later (DMG or pkg format), as well as a native version for OS/2 Warp 4 and eComStation. Additionally, thanks to feedback from users of other UNIX platforms, Scribus is will build and run on more of those platforms as well.
- Feature enhancements to object handling (e.g. transform tools like in advanced drawing programs), with improvements to existing features like the Scrapbook and the Image Manager.
- Many advanced options for text and typography, like character styles, optical margins, or glyph extension. Undo/Redo is finally available for almost all text-related actions, and a new script enables replacing straight quotes with typographical quotation marks based on language settings. Usability improvements include better cursor placement and movement, faster layout on canvas and interaction between linked frames.
- New features for vector objects, like Boolean path operations, vector effects or a line style editor.
- Major improvements to the handling of fills, like pattern fill, more gradient types, support for external color palette formats (AI, EPS, GPL, PostScript, SOC), and many new color palettes, including those from commercial vendors like Resene and dtp studio, as well as national/government standards.
- A new frame type called "Render Frame" allows for rendering (and subsequently export) the output of every program that can create PostScript, PDF or PNG files via the command line (e.g. LaTeX, Lilypond, POV-Ray) inside Scribus. The initial version of which was developed as a project for Google Summer of Code and this project has developed to allow import of externally produced documents, scientific publications and formulas. More renderers can be added with a simple configuration file.
- Vector import filters: Scribus 1.4.0 provides new import filters for the following file formats: Adobe Illustrator (both EPS and PDF-based), Macintosh Picture (PICT), Windows Metafile (WMF), Xfig (FIG), Calamus Vector Graphics (CVG), Kivio Stencils (SML), and DIA Shapes (SHAPE).
- Regarding bitmap images, the handling of Photoshop files has seen many major improvements, like support of multiple clipping paths or PSD layers. The Image Manager has been rewritten, and new non-destructive image effects have been added. Moreover, Scribus 1.4.0 now supports EXIF data in images, and import of Windows and OS/2 bitmaps (BMP) has been re-enabled.
- Among the major enhancements to Scribus's pre-press features, printing marks and the display of ink coverage in the Print Preview are the most important. In addition, Scribus now enables conversion of spot colors to process colors during PDF and PostScript export with a single click.
- PDF export has seen major improvements as well. Scribus can now export to PDF 1.5, including PDF layers. Another new feature is the option to embed EPS and PDF files in exported PDFs as an alternative to rasterizing them. Also, both font embedding and substitution have been improved.
- For color management, Scribus 1.4.0 now supports both littleCMS version 1 and 2. It's also possible to enable color management with a single click from the main window.
- Additionally, the Scribus Team has added a feature to emulate color blindness on screen.
- Hundreds of minor and major usability improvements have been added.
- The included scripts have been updated, including the addition of the "Autoquote" script in the Script menu to convert straight quotes in a text frame to correct quotation marks for many languages.
- Scribus 1.4.0 is being shipped with many more templates than previous versions.
- The content of the Help System has been rewritten and updated.

Scribus 1.3.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Enhancements to the Build System:
- FreeBSD and NetBSD are now fully supported by the build system.
- Translation files are now generated at build time, reducing SVN download time. Thus, it is now also possible to limit the number of UI translations during build time to save time and disk space.

Enhancements to the Scrapbook:
- Items can now be copied, cut, pasted and deleted in the Scrapbook
- Users can now select the Scrapbook folder when they are copying an item to the Scrapbook.

Resources and Resource Management:
- We have started adding new resources to the Scribus package, especially templates and colour palettes (among others Australian, British, French, Japanese and US national/government standard colour sets and Resene(R) colour palettes).
- Template categories and names are now also available in German and Hungarian.
- Standardised palettes are now protected from being inadvertently modified by a user.

File Import:
- Scribus is now protected against crashes caused by images with an embedded and faulty ICC profile.
- The restriction of not offering import of Windows and OS/2 bitmap files (BMP) has been removed.
- Some import issues with EPS files that don't conform to the specification have been resolved.

- A script ("Autoquote") has been added to the Script menu that converts straight quotes in a text frame to correct quotation marks for many languages.
- As of Scribus 1.3.9, hyphenation patterns for traditional German and Swiss German spelling are available.

- Important parts of the Online Help have been rewritten or updated, and many new pages have been added. This is part of a major effort to align the information available via the Online Help with both Scribus's current feature set and the capabilities of the supported operating system platforms.
- Translations of the Online Help have been temporarily disabled, since they need to be synchronised with the English version once the update is complete.

Scribus 1.3.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Import filters and PDF export have been improved. 
- Adds a number of usability improvements.
- Documentation and translation updates.

Scribus 1.3.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New import filters for Calamus CVG and Apple PICT files
- New Scripter functions
- Usability improvements
- Translation updates
- Updates to the documentation
- PDF bookmark export fixes
- Text layout fixes

Scribus 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Several fixes and improvements to PDF export.
- More translation and documentation updates.
- A few rarely triggered crash bugs were fixed.
- Some fixes for non-latin glyph usage in files.

Scribus 1.3.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Scripter functions
- Usability improvements
- Translation updates
- More colour palettes
- Updates to the documentation
- Build instructions for OpenSolaris