RogueKiller 歷史舊版本 Page8

最新版本 DBeaver 23.3.5

RogueKiller 歷史版本列表

RogueKiller 是用 C ++ 編寫的反惡意軟件程序,能夠檢測和刪除通用惡意軟件和一些高級威脅,如 rootkit,流氓,蠕蟲等。RogueKiller 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。這是一個完整的離線安裝程序安裝程序 RogueKiller. 基於通過其行為(啟發式),經典的反惡意軟件分析(簽名發現)和無證黑客找到惡意軟件,RogueKiller 可以找到 / 刪除大多數基... RogueKiller 軟體介紹

XMedia Recode (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Update of ffmpeg
- Update of vpx (1.13.1) Codec
- Update of x264 (3156) Codec

- Fixed minor bugs

Plex 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue that could cause library items to fail to load when skipping to the end of the page

Plex 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow deletion of user avatar
- Discover Together: Populate item information in activity detail page
- Support resetting rating using single-click on existing choice
- [Live TV] Added a confirmation modal when closing the channel matching modal
- [Search] Improve how Live TV results are displayed, including better badging and more relevant quick actions

- Removed SD resolutions from resolution switching and added 4096x2160 and 2048x1080
- Updated app icon
- Discover Together: Activity Detail page should clip image to fit container dimensions
- Discover Together: Don’t wrap season/episode index on Ratings hub
- Discover Together: Improve avatar quality
- Discover Together: Show modal when trying to mark show or season as watched in the activity card
- Discover: Fixed an issue that could result in the wrong list of playable locations being shown in Discover details pages for items available in Movies & Shows after the source is toggled
- Discover: Fixed unexpected play action behavior on details pages for items available on Movies & Shows source when that source is disabled
- Fix “Allow username to be used when signing in” setting not saved
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Cast & Crew hub to not update when fixing an item match
- Fixed page scrolling when using keyboard navigation
- Discover Together: Improve breadcrumbs links in Profile page
- Improve form sections disabled state
- Prevent Manage Library Access sidebar with badge from wrapping to easily
- Search: Fixed an issue that could cause a disabled Watchlist button to appear in some search results
- Unselecting all libraries option should clear previous selection
- Update empty state label in user sharing page
- Update pending friendship state in Add Friend Modal when canceling request
- [DVR] Fixed calendar navigation getting stuck when user scrolls through weeks
- [Discover] Fixed an issue that could cause the Watchlist toggle action to not be available for items in the Trending Trailers hub
- [Search] Fixed an issue that could cause the search dropdown to remain open after clicking away from search
- [Search] Fixed an issue that would cause the search input to lose focus if the user deleted the search query

OfficeTime 2.0.650 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Stay signed in : If the server goes down, OfficeTime lets you continue on as normal picking up sync when it comes back online
- Exporting: The grand total for time and duration now line up in the correct columns
- Sharing: The handy list of existing projects to copy people from is now sorted
- Idle notifications: Now shows an easier to understand time like 2h 15m instead of 135m when notifying you how long you haven’t been timing for
- Version checking: Upgraded version control checking to use latest protocol for safety and now offers to contact support for you.
- Deleting sessions. Now properly updated the totals when you delete a session.
- Licensing: More friendly if you upgrade and aren’t signed in for it to check your license. We believe you should never be locked out from software you’ve purchased.
- (Windows) Default locations.  To respect user privacy, OfficeTime no longer saves new files to Documents unless asked. If you already have data in Documents, it is unaffected. Data and backups are now in the application support folder located at UsersUserNameAppDataRoamingOfficeTime

Node.js 21.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Automatically detect and run ESM syntax
- doc: add H4ad to collaborators
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: add flush option to appendFile() functions
- (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add navigator.userAgent
- (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: allow pass stream class to stream.compose
- stream: improve performance of readable stream reads
- vm: reject in importModuleDynamically without --experimental-vm-modules
- vm: use internal versions of compileFunction and Script
- vm: unify host-defined option generation in vm.compileFunction

Node.js 21.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- doc: promote fetch/webstreams from experimental to stable
- esm: --experimental-default-type flag to flip module defaults
- esm: remove globalPreload hook (superseded by initialize)
- fs: add flush option to writeFile() functions
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: add globSync implementation
- (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add WebSocket client
- stream: optimize Writable
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) test_runner: support passing globs
- vm: use default HDO when importModuleDynamically is not set

Nicepage 5.20.7 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 5.20.6 查看版本資訊


Node.js 20.8.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- nghttp2 Security Release (High)
- undici Security Release (High)
- Path traversal through path stored in Uint8Array (High)
- Permission model improperly protects against path traversal (High)
- Integrity checks according to policies can be circumvented (Medium)
- Code injection via WebAssembly export names (Low)

Nicepage 5.19.3 查看版本資訊
