REAPER (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page76

最新版本 REAPER 7.11 (64-bit)

REAPER (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

REAPER 64 位是一個完整的 Windows 和 OS X 數字音頻製作應用程序,提供完整的多軌音頻和 MIDI 錄製,編輯,處理,混音和母版工具集。 REAPER 支持廣泛的硬件,數字格式和插件,並且可以全面擴展,腳本化和修改.REAPER 的全面靈活的功能集和著名的穩定性已經在數字音頻的使用中找到了家:商業和家庭工作室,廣播,位置錄音,教育,科學研究,音效設計,遊戲開發等等​​. 從任務... REAPER (64-bit) 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Audio Units: fix plug-in compatibility issue in 5.97
- Audio Units: report recording state if requested
- Continuous scrolling: improve item button hit testing
- Folder tracks: correctly detect some feedback situations with nested folders
- IDEs: do not blink edit cursor when editor lacks focus
- JSFX: fix potential crash when loading .wav files
- Marquee zoom: fix issues with tracks that have locked height
- Media explorer: fix seeking of media when 'Start on bar' is set
- Normalization: improve gain calculation behavior with high bit depth media
- Performance: fix UI lag introduced in 5.972
- Project bay: fix up column left/right/center justification
- ReaScript: fix TrackEnvelope validation
- Render: properly update tail button when opening render dialog
- Takes: added actions to cycle to next/previous takes (pre-5.965 behavior)

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What's new in this version:

- ARA: add FX menu action to align media to detected grid
- ARA: improve interaction of FX menu items to import notes, tempo, and time signatures
- ARA: remove menu actions to export tempo and notes and MIDI (instead, import to the project and then export if needed)
- ARA: set minimal undo state saving by default for Melodyne
- ARA: support linear tempo transitions
- Actions: fix action to create measure from time selection when there is an existing tempo marker at the end of the selection
- Free item positioning: create a blank lane if there are no existing overlapping media items when enabling free item positioning
- Free item positioning: more parsimonious vertical spacing with multiple overlapping items
- Media explorer: fix measure-aligned tempo sync dropouts
- Notation editor: fix PDF export when using percussion clef
- ReaScript: add get_config_var_string()
- Render: support rendering only selected regions in an existing region render matrix
- Routing/grouping/render matrix: hide children of compacted folder tracks
- Routing/grouping/render matrix: show track and region colors
- Theming: add [track|mcp]_recarm_[auto_]norec images
- Theming: add color blend/alpha for grid lines, MIDI editor grid lines
- Theming: add color configuration for CC lane add/remove buttons
- Theming: add color configuration item for MIDI piano pane background
- Theming: add theme items for MIDI editor CC horizontal lines
- Theming: improve text contrast colors
- Theming: support complex rules for mcp.size and mcp.master.size
- Theming: obey meter text colors alpha field (0-255) if theme version is 6 or higher
- Transport: auto-arrange rate label/field if less than 2:1 aspect ratio

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What's new in this version:

- ARA: fix adjusting plugin playback to project tempo when media item start position is not zero [p=2099289]
- ARA: properly account for timing offset in certain situations [t=217606]
- Dockers: improve dock/undock focused window action (always affect docked window before the docker that contains it, set focus)
- JSFX: fix gfx_a2 default when drawing into secondary buffers [p=2099185]
- ReaScript: gfx_a2 is always reset to 1 on each gfx frame
- ReaScript: prevent possible crash when scripts terminating scripts [p=2090998]
- ReaTune: fix per-take FX manual mode timing [t=217577]
- ReaTune: fix take FX manual mode inconsistencies with global project offset
- Video: fix YV12/YUY2 text rendering alignment with certain fonts/characters
- Video: allow drawing text with larger font sizes (up to 700pt)
- Video: improve playback performance with looped playback [p=2097954]

REAPER 5.9.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- ARA: support for ARA2-compatible plugins
- ARA: support for importing notes and tempo from plugins into project, or exporting as MIDI
- Actions: allow removing FX chain actions
- Automation: handle empty automation items more gracefully
- Automation: fix crash when duplicating empty automation items via region copy
- Control surfaces: add action to reset MIDI control surface devices
- Control surfaces: actions for next/previous track update control surface offsets
- Joysticks: fix joystick support
- MIDI editor: allow resizing right edges of notes down to note insert size if lower than grid size
- MIDI editor: fix possible crash when editing notation
- MIDI editor: obey note insertion length when in measure-grid mode
- MIDI editor: event filter fixes and tweaks
- OSC: fix support for s/track/x/name setting
- OSC: fix unreliable setting of marker/region information by timeline-index
- OSC: support modifying/creating markers/regions by ID, using /region_id/@/time and /marker_id/@/time etc
- OSC: support writing marker/region values
- Performance meter: auto-resize text areas to configured view options
- Performance meter: optionally display video load
- Project bay: add position column for source media and media items
- Project bay: allow dragging complete (not trimmed) media into the media items tab
- Projects: add actions to save copy of project (optionally prompting for new filename)
- ReaComp: add pre-fader feedback detector mode
- ReaComp: deprecated non-fully-functional AA support, hidden when not used
- ReaComp: improve ratio/attack/rms slider curves and display precision
- ReaScript: fix MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int
- ReaScript: EEL2 scripts support //@gmem=sharedMemorySegmentName starting line in first 100 lines of code (also shares with JSFX)
- ReaScript: add reaper.gmem_attach()/gmem_read()/gmem_write() to Lua for interacting with JSFX/Video Processors/EEL2 ReaScripts gmem[] segments
- ReaScript: support UTF-8 characters in os.remove()/os.rename()
- ReaScript/JSFX: add gfx.a2/gfx_a2 for creating transparent images
- Stretch markers: add new "transient-optimized" and "no pre-echo reduction" stretch marker modes
- Stretch markers: add project setting for stretch marker mode
- Stretch markers: improve timing of timestretch ramps with elastique and Rubberband Library[t=204269]
- Track FX drag: update mouse cursor when changing modifiers
- Tempo map: fix importing initial time signature from MIDI tempo map
- Theme: fix retina vs HiDPI inconcistency relating to label margins
- VST: do not deactivate VST3 plugins before changing IO buffer information
- VST: flush VST3 buffers on stop without resetting other plugin state
- VST: inform plugins of project loop selection regardless of playback state
- VST: report loop points to plugins even if project repeat is disabled
- VST: restore pre-5.9x reset-on-stop default behavior for ET-200, FA3, Vienna Ensemble
- Video: sort and reorganize preset names into categories
- Video: add new presets including Color Peeker, Decorative Oscilliscope, Decorative Spectrum Analyzer, RGB Histogram, Resize to Project Settings, Screensaver, Frame Rate Decimator, RGB Shadow/Midtone/Highlight, Apply Track FX Only Where Track Has Video Items [p=2073314], Vertical Wipe
- Video: improve various built-in presets
- Video: improve Chroma-key presets, add separate RGB/YUV versions
- Video: add JSFX video sample peeker which can provide audio samples to Decorative Oscilliscope/Decorative Spectrum Analyzer presets
- Video: add experimental performance tweaks and information to video window menu
- Video: add experimental decoder prefetch support (improved multiprocessing, improved reverse video playback performance when enabled)
- Video: add option to show green frames for underruns, rather than previous frame
- Video: add option to disable rendering cache for all media/video FX (can be used for low latency interactions)
- Video: avoid re-rendering video frames when tweaking parameters during playback
- Video: better preview behavior when slip editing items
- Video: improve monitoring FX performance during underruns/seeking, playback recovery after CPU overutilization during normal playback
- Video: improve preview behavior when scrubbing backwards continuously
- Video: always force rendered videos to be even in dimension
- Video: do not process any video when rendering audio-only
- Video: do not run video processors in monitoring FX chain while rendering
- Video: increase maximum parameter count to 24
- Video: parameters can now be specified without indices for convenience
- Video: add processor support for gfx_a2, which can be used to control RGBA alpha-channel writing
- Video: add processor functions: gfx_getpixel(), input_get_name(), on_parameter_change(), time_precise(), ui_get_state(), fft()
- Video: improve gfx_evalrect() (can take flags to process right-to-left, vertical, third source for 3-way blends, initialization code, returns -1 on error, add restrictions to processor code)
- Video: improve input_info() to not clear project_w/project_h if they are passed as parameters and input is not present
- Video: support //@gmem=sharedMemorySegmentName (also shares with JSFX's options:gmem=)
- Video: fix RGBA chromakeyed blit
- Video: improve internal colorspace management logic (reduction of excess colorspace conversions)
- Video: improve knob behavior relating to mousewheel, step sizes, and undo/redo
- Video: fix VLC decoding to RGB
- Video: fix ffmpeg hang when seeking some old miniDV .avi files
- Video: improve VLC/ffmpeg decoding behavior near end of file
- Video: improve DirectShow output performance
- Video: fix refresh issues with linux or Windows/BitBlt() output
- Video: optionally send CC events on video window mouse drag (once option enabled, right click in MIDI learn window to assign)
- Video: output colorspace preference no longer affects processor rendering pipeline, only final display stage
- Virtual MIDI keyboard: do not adjust center position in response to UI sizing
- WALTER: fix HiDPI extended mixer mode setting

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