REAPER (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page62

最新版本 REAPER 7.11 (64-bit)

REAPER (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

REAPER 64 位是一個完整的 Windows 和 OS X 數字音頻製作應用程序,提供完整的多軌音頻和 MIDI 錄製,編輯,處理,混音和母版工具集。 REAPER 支持廣泛的硬件,數字格式和插件,並且可以全面擴展,腳本化和修改.REAPER 的全面靈活的功能集和著名的穩定性已經在數字音頻的使用中找到了家:商業和家庭工作室,廣播,位置錄音,教育,科學研究,音效設計,遊戲開發等等​​. 從任務... REAPER (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Postman 7.13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix incorrect tooltip shown in examples in the saved state
- Fixed an issue where created by field of workspace details was incorrect
- Show confirmation dialog before closing modals using escape key during workspace creation flow
- Added body viewer modal in Console to support bodies larger than 10KB
- Various UX fixes in Console
- Removed restore button from the most recent changelog for a schema

REAPER 6.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

MIDI editor:
- display and edit CC/velocity as dots and lines, CCs as linear and curved envelopes, similar to track envelopes
- add note-type buttons to default toolbar
- add option to display note length in velocity lane
- add option to move bank/program change events with notes
- add preference to automatically reduce CC events when drawing
- combine note properties and event properties into one modeless dialog
- add mouse modifiers to reset CC/velocity to default values
- make default CC event and CC lane mouse modifiers more like default envelope behaviors
- repopulate raw MIDI data display window when switching active media item

- new Default 6.0 theme with theme adjuster script allowing for extensive customization of the new default theme
- layout DPI translation for HiDPI/Retina displays
- apply main window size area theme element only on mouseover
- improve theme rendering appearance when using custom UI scaling
- apply advanced preference UI scaling changes immediately
- replace tcp.dragdropchild with tcp.dragdropinfo [indent_sibling_track indent_child_track]
- add additional 8 WALTER font slots
- add support for midi_score_colormap, in addition to midi_note_colormap

Media items:
- add new "Beats (auto-stretch at tempo changes)" timebase
- add action to add stretch markers at project tempo changes
- add action to recalculate automatic stretch markers at project tempo changes
- add action to convert embedded source media transient information to transient guides
- optionally create transient guides on import for media with embedded transient information
- support calculating playback rate from user-supplied tempo or length in beats
- when copy/pasting items with stretch markers, preserve the original play rate

- add MIDI_GetCCShape, MIDI_SetCCShape
- add support for CC shapes to MIDI_Get(Set)AllEvts
- add support for setting track playback offset value and attributes
- add support for user-defined note and track notation data that is not displayed
- fix setting MIDI meta-messages via API
- add reduce_open_files() utility function for users running up against open file handle limitations

- allow embedding some plug-in UIs into track and mixer control panels
- support embedding UIs for ReaEQ, ReaXComp, ReaComp, ReaSurround, and graphical JSFX
- add preference to display FX list on right side of FX chain window
- add preference to display add/delete buttons above list in FX chain window

- Retina display arrange, ruler, MIDI editor, etc.
- use Metal display output on 10.11+ for various windows
- add options in Preferences/General/Advanced to disable Retina support, disable Retina for non-Retina theme elements
- support REX files on macOS Catalina
- work around appearance issues when user forces dark mode rendering for app (requires Metal to be enabled)

- include all options in "options and format" render presets
- optionally embed transient information into WAV or AIFF files
- support embedding tempo into AIFF files
- support rendering only selected regions in an existing region render matrix
- when enabled, embed exact tempo of rendered item/time

- enable Live FX multiprocessing by default
- enable track record monitoring on new tracks by default
- set volume envelopes to fader scaling by default

Dynamic split:
- add preset support
- overhaul and improvements to algorithm and gate handling
- retain settings after canceling the window

Media import:
- properly adjust length of imported media with embedded tempo when crossing project tempo changes
- support adjusting media based on tempo suggested by filename

Mouse modifiers:
- add double-click behaviors to reset CC value, curvature, edit properties
- add preference to draw/edit CC events immediately on mouse click

- auto-detect up to 128 threads
- increase anticipative FX hard limit to 128 threads, live FX hard limit to 64 threads
- remove old 4.x scheduler mode, non-event synchronization modes

- improve performance and reduce system resource consumption with large track counts
- add option in disk settings to periodically close excess open files
- add option to read peaks files under a certain size completely to RAM (to reduce open file count)

- added SSE2-optimized sinc calculation (from Theo Niessink)
- optimize and greatly improve quality of resampling for conversion between common rates

- actions to switch last focused toolbar will default to switching main toolbar
- improve HiDPI/Retina support (toolbar_icons/ can have 150/ and 200/ subdirs)

- support positive or negative playback time offset without affecting PDC
- add action to bypass track playback offset
- add user preference for max MIDI playback speed to catch up to negative track playback offset

- HiDPI awareness and display improvements (auto-rescale more UI when running HiDPI aware)
- improve appearance of docker, ReaPlugs, and other windows when resizing

- handle WAV and AIFF (Apple Loops) files containing transient information similarly to REX files

Main window:
- support positioning track control panels on right side of arrange

- very lightly refresh main file/edit/view/insert menus

Modal windows:
- remember window positions (configurable option in preferences/general/advanced to tweak behavior)

Notation editor:
- support customized staff and note context menus

- add context menu mode configuration

- add option to ignore all embedded slice and tempo information

- add track wiring view

- support plugins that export MIDI note names

REAPER 5.9.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Cursors: restore 5.984 ibeam cursor for arrange empty areas
- Directory cleanup: fix Ctrl+A/Cmd+A in various circumstances
- Enterprise support: support installing files from (exe path)/REAPERConfigTemplate or (on macOS) /Library/Application Support/REAPER/- REAPERConfigTemplate/ to user config path
- Glue: fix incorrect timing information/transport state reporting/sample accurate automation for take FX
- macOS: safer handling of first responder chain when hiding/destroying child windows
- MIDI export: fix exporting tempomap when project time offset is negative
- Metronome: fix setting project custom beat pattern if the project contains measures that are longer than the project default time signature
- Mouse modifiers: use marquee cursor for marquee+time selection combination
- Mouse modifiers: improve execution speed of actions to change default mouse modifiers
- Tempo map: improve behavior of insert measure from loop selection at high/low tempos
- ReWire: allow enabling of 32-bit rewire on Mojave via rewire_allow32=1 in reaper.ini
- Ripple editing: fix items becoming ungrouped when editing with ripple-per-track enabled
- VST: support setting all VST3 MIDI programs even if the plugin reports a program count of zero
- Web interface: fix hung connection if requesting a directory path on linux/macOS

Postman 7.12.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Postman doesnt start on Windows 10
- Fixed typo for Path Variables and Response Body in filter dropdown of Find & Replace
- Fixed Console Footer meta to persist values on changing filters
- Fixed a bug where UI wouldn't zoom in Console
- Fixed an issue where OAuth 2.0 token request was not shown in Console
- Fixed an issue where response headers were overflowing in examples when switching to Two-Pane view
- Improved performance when sending request if active environment has many variables
- Changed filter level text to indicate whether all levels are selected in Console
- Show confirmation dialog before closing modals using escape key
- Added support in Postman Console to log undefined, functions etc.
- Added request for escalated role functionality through manage roles flow
- Improved communication about creating collection public links

Adlice Diag 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Icons refactoring
- German translation

Updated to core 3.2.17:
- Fixed possible crash at scanner destroy
- Minor fixes

REAPER (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Item ruler: improve drawing on MIDI items with non-1.0 playrate
- Linux: optimized redundant copies in installer
- MIDI editor: add action to set pitch cursor to C60
- MIDI: correct note-off issues trimming MIDI items
- Peaks: fix peaks display for looped section source with negative start offset
- Video: load ffmpeg from user paths on macOS 10.14+ when notarized
- Video: support browsing for .gif in open files/browse for media dialogs

Loop Email 5.27.0 查看版本資訊


FlashBoot 3.2v 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Starting from this version, FlashBoot can oust competing processes which prevent exclusive write access to the target USB storage device

REAPER (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- avoid potential deadlock when recording into pooled items
- support editing file-based MIDI when multiple instances exist in the same project

- ensure that newly inserted points get the default curve shape

- fix possible crash when inserting new tracks in mixer

- fix reading mono channel modes in mono with take audio accessors

Tap tempo:
- require at least 3 clicks before changing tempo


- fix gfx_keyedblit() with odd-sized inputs

- fix marquee zoom when starting on a track that is collapsed into a folder

IceCream PDF Editor 1.39 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

IceCream PDF Editor 1.39
- Substantial font embedding improvements
- Fonts rendering improved
- Font styles random change fix
- Notes rotation fix
- Thumbnail rendering imporved
- Few crash fixes

IceCream PDF Editor 1.34
- Multiple crash fixes, major update

IceCream PDF Editor 1.33
- Another crash fix

IceCream PDF Editor 1.32
- Crashfixes for text editing

IceCream PDF Editor 1.31
- Crashes on property changes fixed
- Improved invalid PDF files detection

IceCream PDF Editor 1.30
- Application stability major improvements, multiple important crash fixes
- HiDPI better support
- File saving major logic improvements
- Password protection better support
- Stamps functionality fixes
- Installer size reduced

IceCream PDF Editor 1.23
- Edit mode - by default
- Tools priority changed
- Other minor fixes

IceCream PDF Editor 1.20
- HiDPI better support
- SVG images support added
- Opening files with certain filenames fixed
- F11 - fullscreen mode and back
- Other multiple UI and bug fixes and improvements

IceCream PDF Editor 1.17
- Simplified Chinese language added

IceCream PDF Editor 1.16
- Fill forms functionality added
- Windows integration major improvements
- Scroll with arrow keys and PageUp/PageDown in Fullscreen mode
- Protected files: critical bugfixes
- UI fix: long file path in statusbar
- Crashes on application start up fixed

IceCream PDF Editor 1.10
- Open PDF files by default bug fixed
- Potential crash fixed

IceCream PDF Editor 1.05
- Official version release of Icecream PDF Editor