REAPER (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page20

最新版本 REAPER 7.11 (64-bit)

REAPER (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

REAPER 64 位是一個完整的 Windows 和 OS X 數字音頻製作應用程序,提供完整的多軌音頻和 MIDI 錄製,編輯,處理,混音和母版工具集。 REAPER 支持廣泛的硬件,數字格式和插件,並且可以全面擴展,腳本化和修改.REAPER 的全面靈活的功能集和著名的穩定性已經在數字音頻的使用中找到了家:商業和家庭工作室,廣播,位置錄音,教育,科學研究,音效設計,遊戲開發等等​​. 從任務... REAPER (64-bit) 軟體介紹

REAPER 6.54 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- add per-FX instance and per-FX chain oversampling options (if both chain and instance are set, the higher of the two is used)
- change Add-FX window pane configuration (horizontal vs vertical layout) via context menu, don't change configuration on double-clicking the divider
- improve value editing and default values for wet/bypass/delta envelopes
- when opening FX chain for a track that has no FX, by default show the Add-FX window rather than the empty FX chain window (option in Preferences/Plug-Ins)

Media items:
- replace "show overlapping items in lanes" option with "offset overlapping items vertically"
- add preferences for item vertical overlap percentage and opacity
- add preference for minimum height to display peaks
- change default item mix behavior to "items always mix", existing projects and user default project settings are unaffected
- don't display cursor feedback when mouse is over controls of locked items
- update mouse click prioritization to prefer opaque unselected items over transparent selected items (prevent clicking controls that are behind other items)
- improve interaction between preferences to show/hide free item positioning, show/hide media item labels at certain track heights
- locked items do not autocrossfade with unlocked items
- prevent editing take envelopes when item is locked

Razor edits:
- add click-context mouse modifiers to move areas up or down without contents
- improve stretch-editing automation items in ripple-edit mode
- razor edits on free item positioning lanes snap to item tops/bottoms, do not necessarily span the entire track height
- add "razor edits affect all track envelopes", separate from "move envelope points with media items"
- fix incorrect group selection edge highlight when razor editing
- fix behavior when stretching right edge of razor edit with ripple edit enabled and automation items later on the track
- fix flickering display after running action to cut selected area of items

Free item positioning:
- fix minor time selection display issue
- glued items inherit FIPM y-positioning
- improve interaction between free item size edits and mouse modifiers (remove hardcoded behaviors of some modifier keys)
- when recording in free item positioning mode, only adjust existing item y-positions if necessary

MIDI editor:
- fix editing left edge of notes, inserting new CC events, some other behaviors when editing looped item with start offset
- fix note velocity sweep-editing when moving the mouse quickly
- reload custom .ReaScale function when opening a new project
- restore grid type properly in quantize window when quantizing with swing

- add GetSetMediaTrackInfo("I_FREEMODE"), deprecate GetSetMediaTrackInfo("B_FREEMODE")
- add GetSetMediaTrackInfo("P_RAZOREDITS_EXT"), to get/set free item positioning bounds
- fix GetThingFromPoint handling of hidden envelopes
- fix reaper.AddRemoveReaScript() on Windows when script path contains forward slashes

- account for reverse volume grouping when running action to adjust track volume
- add actions to move media items to/from hidden child track

Audio Units:
- improve resizing behavior of AUv3 plug-ins
- fix potential AUv3 crash when plug-in outputs MIDI events on Monterey
- call AudioUnitUninitialize() when unloading

Batch converter:
- update display immediately after removing all files
- fix in-place conversion for non-boot macOS volumes

- add option in Preferences/Media to target the top part of a track to insert new track(s) to receive the media
- on drag-import, offer to replace media source only if snapped start position of imported media is within an existing media item

Media explorer:
- add action to delete file with prompting
- fix updating database metadata when database is not on the local filesystem

- support loading multiple projects in recovery mode
- master hardware outputs are saved with project default settings

- fix action to set input names from sending tracks when FX pin mapping has been customized
- improve display when configuration changes so that inactive channels/speakers are displayed in the list
- when inserting as take FX, increase FX output pin count to match track channel count if needed

- respect option to always add takes to new recording when looping
- when preference enabled to add recorded media at each loop, defer adding media during mouse editing

- Render:
- display graph of loudness values of rendered file in HTML statistics view
- apply PDC to rendered output when master track FX is set to ignore PDC or hardware-output-PDC

Tempo envelope:
- context menu action to insert point respects default point shape (linear or square, curved shapes are not allowed on tempo envelopes)
- don't snap to beats when editing points if project snap is disabled
- warn if user enters time signature numerators/denominators out of range

- update API to version 2.1, with ARM support

Logical sorting:
- improve sort order of various characters in Media Explorer and other windows (underscore, hyphen, number, UTF-8, alpha)

Media buffering:
- update playback more promptly (bypass some media buffering) when changing item takes, mute states

- update menus and actions to refer to "takes" instead of "take lanes", to avoid ambiguity

- support WAVEEXT channel layout tag "L R C LFE Ls Rs" instead of "L R C LFE Lsd Rsd"

MIDI inline editor:
- improve action window targeting behavior

- increase length of sysex dump displayed in log from 1k to 8k bytes

- expose global gain as an automatable parameter

- do not allow processing if FX oversampling is used

Reverse items:
- improve behavior of reverse items as new take with audioless video items

- allow up to 500ms of RDC

- add theme overlay color, blend mode for muted/unsoloed/inactive or locked media items and tracks

Track manager:
- display track channel count
- Tracks/media items/razor edits
- many internal changes to support future media item lane functionality

- fix behavior when enabling/disabling audio on all project video sources

- add additional uninstall information to system

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- failure to start on some Windows systems
- problems with splitting strings by pressing Enter
- installing the remote agent when using built-in SSH on Windows
- connecting to remote hosts with @ in the hostname
- remote development with built-in SSH when ~/.ssh does not exist
- the remote development with Python 2.6

- Show the correct messages in the passphrase/password prompt dialog
- Also look for private key files in ~/ssh on Windows if ~/.ssh does not exist
- Clear the authentication cache also when remote agent install fails
- Prevent using the wrong passphrase when multiple SSH private keys are present
- Improve error reporting in the built-in SSH implementation

SnapDownloader 1.13.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- app showing blank screen on launch
- app crashing on launch or when downloading a video

SnapDownloader 1.13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- You can now select audio bitrates such as 320k, 192k, 128k, etc
- Added new sites: Telegram, Daystar, Rokfin, Caltrans, Bigo, AbemaTV, Daystar, NFB,
- ABC News videos can be downloaded in 1080p

- YouTube audio downloading at a lower bit rate
- download progress fluctuating rapidly and displaying an error
- "The video/audio file could not be found during conversion" error
- Twitter private video downloads fixed
- issues with YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, BBC, Biqle, Getter, Bandcamp, ARD, Zee5

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Prompt for passwords and passphrases if needed for SSH remote host connections
- Add a built-in SSH implementation for remote development, supporting secure
connection with key pairs or login password authentication without needing
to use OpenSSH or PuTTY
- Add forwarding SSH agent as an option in remote host configuration
- Add Network > Allow Access to SSH Agent preference to allow disabling use of
OpenSSH's ssh-agent or PuTTY's Pageant

- Replace 2FA Card Selector field under the Advanced tab in remote host configuration
with more flexible Connection Responses
- Move remote development preferences to new Remote Development preferences group

- Also drop a history point when moving to a search result that's in the currently visible file
- Fix possible failures to close the New Project dialog
- Fix move refactoring for nested functions that use variables from the outer function
- Avoid reporting deleted files that are temporarily removed when switching branches
- Fix analysis of match and case statements
- Fix insert-file for remote files to only insert the file once
- Avoid crashing h5py when inspecting it extension modules for code intelligence
- Improve handling of auto-editing for ` in Markdown
- Avoid reporting handled exceptions in coroutines
- Fix PEP8 style reformatting when using Python 2
- Fix scraping for some PySide versions
- Fix closing editors when files are deleted and they're open in 2+ splits

Replay Music 查看版本資訊


Replay Media Catcher 查看版本資訊


REAPER 6.53 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Media explorer:
- add themeable colors for media explorer grid/markers, pitch detection text
- make toolbar keyboard accessible (tab to toolbar, left/right/space)
- use media item background color for preview peaks background
- prevent crash when previewing .rpp without proxy built (6.52 regression)

- fix freezing multiple tracks with non-overlapping media items and certain render preferences
- when unfreezing an edited track, prompt user whether they would like to transform the frozen items

MIDI inline editor:
- add missing actions to action list
- fix marquee drawing bugs when mapped to left-drag

- fix building of peaks for section/reversed items (6.52 regression)
- fix spectrogram calculation errors (6.52 regression)
- improve quality of zoomed-out spectrogram display

Actions window:
- improve warning messages when a key is mapped to an action that no longer exists

Batch converter:
- fix reading output file format when running from command line

Envelope window:
- make checkbox controls keyboard accessible

- support embedding images in ogg, opus files when rendering or converting

Metronome settings:
- improve accessibility of hardware outputs button

MIDI editor:
- fix behavior when drawing notes and humanize window is open

- add Main_SaveProjectEx, to save project or track template with a specific filename and options

- account for channel mapping when running action to set input names/colors from sending tracks

- improve behavior of note-ons sent during count-in (6.48 behavior restored)

- do not show project notes when rendering a project proxy

Tempo markers:
- respect mouse modifier when set to "no action"

- FX_SetParam/FX_SetParamNormalized do not send notifications when called from audio threads

REAPER 6.52 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Media Explorer:
- add option, toolbar button to display detected pitch while previewing files
- add actions, option to adjust pitch by +/- 1 cent
- support toolbar/menu feedback for actions to set pitch to X semitones
- shift+drag applies the previously selected pitch knob behavior (rather than always applying either continuous or semitone changes)
- improve transition smoothness when adjusting preview pitch via actions
- add preference to preview .RPP files
- add preference to suppress auto-render of proxy when previewing .RPP files
- when renaming .RPP file, also rename matching .RPP-PROX file
- fix context menu issues when media explorer is opened via keystroke

- add action to re-display statistics from most recent render in web browser
- add option to display/not display RMS in render statistics
- add option to automatically return to render setup window when render is finished
- enable "save settings" button when changing render tail setting
- ensure progress bar and stats are updated after rendering very short regions
- gray out add-metadata button when "embed metadata" is unchecked
- greatly improve render speed when rendering many regions at once
- avoid extra work relating to updating status in dock on macOS

Notation editor:
- action to identify chords considers all notes playing, not just notes that start at the target time position
- allow user-provided chords (from .ReaScale files) to override default chord names
- don't show track/measure settings menu on left-click
- treat click on measure start area as a click on the first beat of the measure, even if there is a key signature or time signature change

Peaks building:
- display remaining file statistics rather than remaining items
- improve behavior when reordering tracks/items
- improve multiprocessing use (4 or more cores when available)
- optimize spectral peaks/spectrogram calculation

Batch converter:
- add option to force single-threaded processing
- fix minimum window size when Windows display scaling is used

- extremely minor tweaks to rounding when writing PCM in all formats
- improve LSB rounding when writing 24-bit and (17-23)/24-bit encodings of WavPack/FLAC
- fix incorrect truncation when writing 16-bit WavPack files

Actions window:
- match UK spellings of various words when searching

Automation items:
- when looping in latch mode, ensure there is an automation item to record into

Custom menus:
- fix menu after reset to default on macOS

- update to libflac 1.3.4

- fix display of ReaLearn UI on macOS

- fix channel mapper/downmixer text alignment on non-retina macOS displays

- improve default extension behavior of save dialog on newer macOS systems

MIDI editor:
- add actions, menu items to load/unload .ReaScale files

MIDI peaks:
- fix under-draw issue in continuous scrolling

- fix memory leak when writing files and resampling

Project settings:
- add dropdown menu to support setting/resetting project start offset and project start measure

- add automatable parameter to adjust gain of EQ/threshold/noise profile curve

- show longer, more descriptive parameter names

Text drawing:
- fix cropped glyphs for some fonts/italics combinations

- in themes that overlap controls and track icons, draw track icons below controls

- support $channels wildcard in render, batch converter, and bounce

- add legacy_filebrowse=1 .ini file option to use old file browsing open/save API for accessibility purposes


What's new in this version:

- Two Roams in a stereo pair will now automatically rebond to each other if one of them unexpectedly disconnects from the network and then reconnects
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements