REAPER (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page12

最新版本 REAPER 7.11 (64-bit)

REAPER (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

REAPER 64 位是一個完整的 Windows 和 OS X 數字音頻製作應用程序,提供完整的多軌音頻和 MIDI 錄製,編輯,處理,混音和母版工具集。 REAPER 支持廣泛的硬件,數字格式和插件,並且可以全面擴展,腳本化和修改.REAPER 的全面靈活的功能集和著名的穩定性已經在數字音頻的使用中找到了家:商業和家庭工作室,廣播,位置錄音,教育,科學研究,音效設計,遊戲開發等等​​. 從任務... REAPER (64-bit) 軟體介紹

pgAdmin 4 6.150 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added support for IAM token based authentication for AWS RDS or Azure DB
- Added support to specify the background fill color to the table nodes in the ERD tool
- Allow reordering table columns using drag and drop in ERD Tool
- Add option to generate SQL with DROP table DDL in ERD Tool
- Added high availability options to AWS deployment
- Expose the Gunicorn limit_request_line parameter in the container, with the default set to the maximum 8190

- Use SocketIO instead of REST for fetching database tables data in ERD
- Ensure that the tooltips are consistent throughout the entire application
- Remove Python’s ‘Six’ package completely

- Ensure consistent orderings for ACLS when comparing schemas in the schema diff
- Ensure that the result grid column should take width as pre preferences setting on first execution
- Fixed an exception occur while taking backup and SSL certificates/keys are not found in the specified path
- Fixed intermittent error shown while OAuth2 login
- Ensure that the path to the psqlrc file is correct when multiple users open the PSQL tool at the same time
- Ensure that the continue/start button should be disabled if the user stops the Debugger for the procedures
- Ensure that the query tool creates a new tab with the appropriate user when pressing Alt+Shift+Q
- Added the close button for all the notifications of the notistack
- Added the ability to display the selected text from the query tool in the find/replace box
- Ensure that the search filter should be cleared when a new row is added to the user management
- Ensure that the user management dialog should not allow the same email addresses with different letter casings when creating users
- Fixed XSS vulnerability issues
- Ensure that the scroll position should be preserved for the result set in the query tool on tab change
- Ensure that the default value for a column should be used if it is made empty
- Fixed an issue where user was unable to select privileges in Safari
- Fixed console warning shown while updating database node from browser tree
- Fixed an issue where the prompt is not visible when clicking on the ‘save results to file’ button on the large data
- Fixed error occurring while LDAP authentication for a user with multiple email attributes
- Fixed an issue where notifications disappeared quickly
- Ensure that the correct value should be returned if an exception occurs while decoding the password
- Fixed the issue while downloading the file from the file manager
- Ensure that the login form is hidden if the authentication source is OAuth2 or Kerberos
- Fixed an issue where the password recovery link was not working.Ensure that scroll bar on browser tree should be visible on windows resize
- Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability
- Fixed an issue where filtered rows were not working

SnapDownloader 1.14.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for: Eurosport, GoPlay, Harpodeon, Holodex, IslamChannel, Kompas,, Parler, Tempo, Triller, Truth, VQQ

- Fixed download issues with audio playlists like Deezer
- Fixes and enhancements for: Arte, BBC, BiliBili, Crunchyroll, FIFA, Huya, Instagram,, Mediaset, NaverNow, Parler, Patreon, Rai,, TikTok, UKTV, YouTube
- Added Reel support for Facebook

REAPER 6.68 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

CPU metering:
- fix incorrect performance meter FX total CPU use readout in percentage mode (6.67 regression)
- fix incorrect display when using per-instance FX oversampling

Media explorer:
- improve undo behavior when inserting samples into RS5k
- preserve cached user-overridden metadata when loading filesystem cache that was created in an older version of REAPER
- when creating database from folder via context menu, name the database "DB: " by default, for consistency

MIDI editor:
- support CC shapes when playing back unsynchronized from project transport
- support CC shapes when scrubbing

Project load:
- display more descriptive warning messages when non-automatable parameter has automation
- slightly improve warning message when project elements are not recognized

Razor edits:
- improve reassignment of item groups after split and delete in certain scenarios
- preserve item grouping when cutting or deleting razor edits with ripple-all-tracks enabled

Control surfaces:
- send notifications when FX bypass parameters are automated

- fix occasional fail when embedding image metadata in rendered FLAC file

Media item fades:
- when not using relative edge edit mouse modifier, edit selected item fades only if the fade start and end both line up with the edited item

- fix deadlink to XMP metadata specification

Notation editor:
- more drawing corner case fixes

- fix stereo pan calculation at narrow pans with certain pan laws (6.65 regression)

- add support to SetRegionRenderMatrix() to force number of rendered channels

- do not include channel number when automatically naming channels from receives

- after user-cancelled render, render statistics actions and API functions return nothing

- expose realloc_cmd_register_buf/realloc_cmd_clear to C/C++ API

pgAdmin 4 6.140 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Port schema diff to React
- Remove Backgrid and Backform
- Port the remaining components of the ERD Tool to React
- Updated keyboard shortcut documentation
- Remove Alertify from pgAdmin completely
- Port search object dialog to React

- Ensure that if big animal authentication is aborted, API calls should be stopped
- an issue where pgAdmin failed to start due to bin path migration
- an issue where backup does not work due to parameter ‘preexec_fn’ no longer being supported
- Ensure that the browser tree should be refreshed after changing the ownership
- the error message displayed when clicking the cloud server for which deployment is in progress
- an issue where the wrong SQL displayed in difference if the user create an RLS policy on the table without a column
- Ensure that the dump servers functionality works from
- Ensure that the Import/Export server menu option is visible
- API test case for change password in the server mode
- an issue with the non-visibility of columns added prior to import/export data
- an issue where textarea of the JSON Editor does not resize with dialog
- ModuleNotFoundError when running to load/dump servers
- Replace the language selection ‘Brazilian’ with ‘Portuguese (Brazilian)
- an issue where server names with special characters are not displayed correctly in the process tab
- an issue where ERD throws an error if variable is added to the column
- an error while saving changes to the ERD table
- a redirect vulnerability when the user opens the pgAdmin URL

Electra 2.11.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added a VST3 version for Mac (M1 native and Intel)
- Added a standalone version for Mac (M1 native and Intel)
- Completely new AudioUnit interface
- AU and VST3 version display the layer of the automation parameter

- Many small enhancements

- Workarounds for many DAWs which did not resize the VST3 plugin properly
- Automation in the VST3 version did not work with parameters that were located behind the 10th slot
- Workaround for a bug of Ableton and FL Studio which do not properly stick to the AudioUnit2 standard and did not display the AudioUnit
- Workaround for a bug of Reaper which did display automation parameters incorrectly
- Compatibility fix for Ableton which did not record the automation of knobs from layer2-4 correctly

REAPER 6.67 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- add actions to insert retroactively recorded MIDI
- fix incorrect ordering of certain notes in MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent
- improve MIDI replace recording corner cases
- when recording new MIDI items, show all CC data in one lane
- update arrange view when changing CC lanes in MIDI editor

- add a few missing localized strings
- fix langpack definition for new media import page help text
- improve appearance of envelope window with width scaling
- improve auto-sizing/scaling for controls embedded in various file open/save dialogs
- improve control auto-resizing on Windows when used with dialog scaling
- improve macOS handling of strings that have a key prefix for Windows
- support media explorer size units

Project bay:
- add option to disable grouping similar FX in FX tab
- add option to show track numbers in track column
- add performance column to FX tab
- avoid unnecessary metadata cache flushing
- display idle status for FX when applicable
- preserve selection when changing FX online/bypass, presets
- default new folders to expanded

- fix VST2 to VST3 migration state conversion
- fix VST2 to VST3 migration mapping for plug-ins with non-alphanumeric characters in their names
- fix incorrect parameter changes being sent to bridged VST3 in certain instances
- avoid crashing reaper when a bridged VST3 crashes
- do not show default preset name of 'Program 1' for plug-ins that do not have multiple programs
- improve locking behavior when loading presets

Region manager:
- add option to add/remove child tracks to render list when adding/removing parent
- option to display track dropdown list nested by folder is disabled by default
- support sorting by "Info" column
- when not displaying track dropdown list nested by folder, indent tracks in folders

Region render matrix:
- support forcing individual track+region combinations to mono/stereo/multichannel render by right-clicking in region render matrix
- support selecting regions (for rendering selected regions) via click on region number or context menu
- simplify context menu
- recalculate scrollbar size/position when expanding/collapsing tracks or when region names change

- add action to build selected item peaks if necessary
- respect preferences to trim media behind items, or auto-crossfade, when running action "move to media source preferred position"

- allow reading #dbg_desc from code
- fix timing of MIDI Arpeggiator

- fix right-doubleclick behavior in MIDI editor keys
- fix doubleclick in track area going to correct context

Media explorer:
- enable metadata editing menu items for .aif
- fix incoherent file size display for certain sizes

Peak building:
- avoid full peakbuild rescan when inserting media
- optimize for very large projects

Performance meter:
- add option to show FX CPU as worst-block (for diagnosing problematic realtime plug-ins)
- display track media CPU use (includes resampling, take FX, timestretch, etc)

- add button to display rendered file in Media Explorer
- don't automatically replace .mp4 extension when setting video or audio encoder to "none"
- fix embedding markers when rendering selected media items and project has customized start offset
- Routing/Grouping/Region render matrix
- remove "view mode" options from context menu, because dropdown is always available
- improve appearance with very long track/group/region names

Spectral edits:
- fix hit testing of the bottom edge of the last channel
- increase the size of edge/corner hit test regions slightly

- fix re-enabling DirectShow media reading on Windows using dshow_depr
- fix video FX when applied to MIDI files that have a playrate greater than 1.0

- support reading ID3 metadata embedded in .aif files

Batch converter:
- add dropdown to choose how many CPU cores to use

Custom action editor:
- allow longer action names to display when window is resized large

- allow more than 10,000 similarly named filenames to be generated

FX CPU Metering:
- improve full accounting of CPU use (from oversampling, bypass envelope, etc)

- ensure per-take FX are reinitialized prior to glue

- improve mouse hit testing/cursor testing consistency on retina displays/subpixel input devices

Project metadata:
- support sorting metadata list by category

Razor edits:
- fix media item mouse modifier to extend razor edits to item

ReaScript IDE:
- improve handling of maximize state/docking/etc

- fix influence of height speakers in Auro 11.1 and 13.1 setups
- Routing/Grouping matrix
- improve appearance of folder expand/collapse icons

- support reading preferred file position from resource file (after importing .sd2 file, run "move to media source preferred position" to move imported files to their position in the original project)

User prompts:
- use OK/Cancel for various proceed/cancel prompts rather than Yes/No
- Virtual MIDI keyboard
- highlight notes being played by armed track inputs

- fix shortcut creation for DX plug-ins

- use .m4a extension when rendering audio-only MPEG-4 files

pgAdmin 4 6.130 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features since the release of pgAdmin 4 v6.12

New features:
- Added support to show all background processes in separate panel
- Added support to create triggers from existing trigger functions in EPAS

- Port Role Reassign dialog to React
- Port User Management dialog to React
- Port process watcher to React
- Remove the SQL files for the unsupported versions of the database server
- Port About dialog to React
- Port change user password and 2FA dialog to React
- Port change ownership dialog to React
- Update the container base image to Alpine 3.16 (with Python 3.10.5)
- Fixed improper parsing of HTTP requests in Pallets Werkzeug v2.1.0 and below (CVE-2022-29361)

- Ensure that an error is thrown if clipboard access is not provided and change the copy rows shortcut
- Fixed an issue where the History tab is getting blank and showing an error after some queries are executed
- Fixed an issue where OWNED BY was incorrectly set to NONE when adding user privileges on the sequence
- Fixed an issue with the error message being displayed at the right place for Azure deployments
- Fixed an issue where the Query Editor loses focus when saving a query (Alt+s)
- Fixed API test cases for Postgres 14.4
- Ensure that rename panel should work on view/edit panels
- Fixed an issue where autocomplete is not working after clearing the query editor
- Ensure that autocomplete does not appear when navigating code using arrow keys
- Fixed an issue where Alt-Shift-Q didn’t work after creating a new query
- Fixed an issue where copy and pasting a row in the results grid doesn’t set the default for boolean
- Fixed an issue with rendering geometry when selecting a complete column
- Ensure that the children of information_schema and pg_catalog node should be displayed
- Fixed column “none” does not exist issue, while comparing schema objects
- Fixed an issue where schema diff did not pick up the change in RLS policy
- Fixed an issue where the cloud deployment wizard creates the cluster with the High Availability even if that option is not selected
- Ensure that schema diff maintains view ownership when view definitions are modified
- Fixed crypt key is missing issue when logout from the pgAdmin
- Ensure that the next button should be disabled if the password did not match for Azure deployment
- Fixed an issue where Azure cloud deployment failed
- Fixed Spanish translations typo
- Ensure that If the trigger function definition is changed, drop and recreate the trigger in the schema diff
- Fixed an issue where a user could not authenticate using Azure CLI on OSX
- Ensure that the autofocus is on the input control for the master password and server password dialogs
- Pin Flask-SocketIO <= v5.2.0. The latest version does not support Werkzeug in production environments

Replay Media Catcher 查看版本資訊


REAPER 6.66 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FX: fix UI glitches when showing offline FX in chain view (6.65 regression)
- Linux: improve behavior of listview clicks to listview images and manager fields
- Linux: improve listview column alignment to match other platforms
- Master metering: fix RMS stereo loudness readout when RMS window length has been customized
- Media: support Sound Designer II audio files (add .sd2 extension so REAPER can identify the file)
- Media: when loading .sd2 files on macOS, copy resource fork to plain file "mediafile.sd2.rsrc" for portability to non-macOS systems
- Media: import files with .L/.R/.pcm/.raw extensions as raw PCM audio
- Media: when importing raw PCM audio (including .sd2), use best-guess audio parameters and warn with instructions about how to fix incorrect playback
- MIDI: fix stuck notes when using replace recording
- Notation editor: fix various drawing glitches
- Notation editor: improve hit testing of dynamics/custom notation
- Preferences: move media/video and media/import preferences to separate pages
- Project settings: fix enabling/disabling pan law gain compensation in project settings advanced tab (6.65 regression)
- Render: fix applying render fades when project start time is negative and also applying brickwall limiter
- Render: improve behavior of option to automatically increment rendered file name
- Routing/grouping matrix: improve appearance of folder expand/collapse icons

XLSTAT 2022 3.1.1344.0 查看版本資訊
