QuiteRSS 歷史舊版本 Page6

最新版本 Adobe XD CC 28.6.12

QuiteRSS 歷史版本列表

QuiteRSS 是一個開放源代碼的 RSS 和 Atom 新聞提要的跨平台新聞聚合器。 QuiteRSS 是一個易於使用的應用程序,旨在幫助您跟踪 RSS 訂閱源上的最新消息。對用戶來說是相當快速和舒適的。該程序允許您添加盡可能多的 RSS 提要鏈接,只要你想。您可以手動更新供稿。功能包括 Feed 和新聞過濾器:新的,未讀,加星標,刪除(用於新聞,直到重新啟動應用程序),用戶過濾器,代理配置:... QuiteRSS 軟體介紹

QuiteRSS 0.17.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Application crash
- Fixed: Enable option "Stay on top"
- Fixed: Operating with Cookies

QuiteRSS 0.17.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: Save page as HTML in "newspaper" mode
- Added: Option to display notification on same as QuiteRSS display (option value: -1)
- Added: SSL-certificate check
- Added: Language: Bulgarian
- Changed: Drag links from embedded browser to Firefox
- Fixed: Displaying main menu when using several monitors
- Fixed: Value inversion of the transparent option of notifications
- Fixed: Updating some feeds (server returns 302)
- Fixed: Displaying control buttons in newspaper view when images are disabled
- Fixed: Dragging several feeds at once
- Fixed: Determine home page of some feeds

QuiteRSS 0.17.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: Button and shortcut to switch layout
- Added: Ability to delete news in newspaper layout
- Added: News list search: "Find in links"
- Added: Ability to choose monitor to display notifications
- Added: Notification transparency option
- Added: Notification text and background colors options
- Added: Notification option "Show when main window is inactive"
- Added: Additional options for notification layout
- Added: Scroll by page shortcuts in embedded browser
- Changed: Retain search text while switching feed
- Changed: Show deleted news number after clean up wizard
- Changed: Multi-select behavior in news list
- Fixed: Host-name absence in some feed links
- Fixed: Inactive filters with "Link" field and "is" condition
- Fixed: Update of the feeds which last update date is 1970
- Fixed: Occasional error of restoring feed list columns length

QuiteRSS 0.17.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: The Newspaper view (View->Layout->Newspaper)
- Added: Socks5 proxy support
- Changed: News opening in external browser
- Fixed: Sorting by feed title in news list

QuiteRSS 0.16.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: Displaying of label markers in news description
- Changed: GUI. Some visual tweaks
- Changed: Printing web-page frame
- Fixed: Creation of the filter with condition "State"
- Fixed: Filter operation for some atom-feeds
- Fixed: RTL support for new description
- Fixed: Application shutdown
- Fixed: Javascript operation in categories
- Fixed: Application crashes while using RegExp in filter condition

QuiteRSS 0.16.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: Ability to filter news by link
- Added: Share news - LinkedIn, Blogger, Printer Friendly
- Added: Color adjustment of the feeds with disabled update
- Added: Color adjustment of the alternating rows background of the news list
- Fixed: Operating in some unix OS
- Fixed: Display all columns if the new list despite of settings
- Fixed: Parsing some feeds
- Fixed: Application crash while shutdown

QuiteRSS 0.16.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: Case-insensitive filters, news searching and feed sorting
- Added: Regular expressions support in user's filters
- Added: Multiselect feeds
- Added: Ability to set style table for news (Options->Feeds)
- Added: News style "Rstyle_v1.2.css"
- Added: Button "Share" in browser toolbar
- Added: Option "View->Show/Hide->Status panel"
- Added: Feed option "RTL" ("Display" tab)
- Added: Feed option "Enable JavaScript" ("Display" tab)
- Added: Ability to add action "Create backup" to toolbar
- Added: Shortcut and button "Save page to DB instead of news description"
- Changed: GUI. Some visual tweaks
- Changed: Save path to folder of the last backup
- Fixed: Data loss
- Fixed: Opening links in external browser (Unix)
- Fixed: Displaying incorrect time with consideration of local time
- Fixed: Application autostart (PortableApps)
- Fixed: Processing some feeds when authorizing using cookie

QuiteRSS 0.15.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: Ability to create backup manually (Menu->Create backup)
- Changed: More robust operations on DB
- Changed: More robust application shutdown
- Changed: Backup operation during application update
- Changed: Dialog "About". Added path to backup folder
- Changed: Updating PortableApps-build is forbidden
- Fixed: Feed counters in feed tree
- Fixed: Default font size
- Fixed: Memory-placed DB optimization

QuiteRSS 0.15.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed: Main toolbar (View->Show/hide->Main toolbar)
- Changed: Relative path to cache (portable version)
- Changed: Relative path to notification sound (portable version)
- Fixed: Some links contains "amp;" instead of "&"
- Fixed: Options dialog haven't fit monitors with low resolutions
- Fixed: Application shutdown while OS shutdowns
- Fixed: Application autostart (Windows)
- Fixed: Default labels are created on every application startup
- Fixed: Download manager. Incorrect size of downloaded file
- Fixed: Removing symbolic link to file feeds.db

QuiteRSS 0.15.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed: GUI. Some visual tweaks
- Changed: Adblock. Subscribe added
- Changed: Empty news title is substituted by part of the news description
- Fixed: Saving DB from memory to file
- Fixed: Update application (Windows)
- Fixed: Generation of the news URL
- Fixed: Opening news URL without host with external browser
- Fixed: Some feeds have no news URL
- Fixed: Notification is displayed on primary monitor
- Fixed: The path of the user style table for embedded browser doesn't save
- Fixed: Moving feed to itself