Quip for Desktop 歷史舊版本 Page50

最新版本 SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.02.15 build 9782

Quip for Desktop 歷史版本列表

Quip for Desktop 是現代生產力套件,簡化您的生活,並幫助您的團隊更快地完成工作。全球有 3 萬多家公司和數百萬人使用 Quip for Desktop 進行團隊協作。從 Instacart 和 Stripe 等科技公司到 CNN 和 Al Jazeera 等媒體公司,像 Lean In.6235896Quip for Windows 這樣的非營利組織,無論您的 WiFi 連接速度如... Quip for Desktop 軟體介紹

DisplayFusion 8.1.2 查看版本資訊


install4j 6.0.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Text components: Added a "Key listener" script property that is executed each time a key is pressed. The "text" parameter contains the modified text unlike for the "Key validator" expression.
- It is now possible to use installer variables with array values in the arguments for launchers. Empty array elements are omitted.

API changes:
- Added a version of com.install4j.api.windows.WinFileSystem#createShellLink with a parameter of type "ShowCommand" that allows you to open a link with maximized or minimized window state

Bugs fixed:
- "Single radio button" form component: If all radio buttons in a group were disabled, an exception was thrown in console mode
- "Single radio button" form component: In console mode, the selection script of the first radio button in the group was executed and not the one of the selected radio button
- "Load a response file" action: Non-string variables were not registered automatically as response file variables again and the "Overwrite strategy" did not work for them
- "Label" form component: & characters followed by a non-space character were not shown
- "Execute SQL script" action: Non-standard statement delimiters did not work
- Installation directory selector: Several settings were not respected in console mode
- PDF action and screen produced a file named error.log next to the installer
- Unix service launchers: Not all possible arguments were reported in the "usage" message
- Unix service launchers: More robust implementation for stopping the service
- Unix launchers: Use exec where possible to replace the shell script process with the java process
- Unix launchers: JRE search sequence entries that start with $ or ~ were interpreted as relative files
- Windows launchers: The current directory was appended to the end of the class path
- Mac OS X: Running process check did not work for single bundle installer
- Mac OS X: Installers did not pump stdin
- Mac OS X: Console and unattended mode were not set to headless for the Oracle JRE
- i18n: Single apostrophes were doubled in formatted messages
- Adding imports to the static members script marked the same imports in all other scripts as unused and broke auto-import and test compilation
- For wildcard classpath entries of type "archive", the shortest available match is now used

install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Text components: Added a "Key listener" script property that is executed each time a key is pressed. The "text" parameter contains the modified text unlike for the "Key validator" expression.
- It is now possible to use installer variables with array values in the arguments for launchers. Empty array elements are omitted.

API changes:
- Added a version of com.install4j.api.windows.WinFileSystem#createShellLink with a parameter of type "ShowCommand" that allows you to open a link with maximized or minimized window state

Bugs fixed:
- "Single radio button" form component: If all radio buttons in a group were disabled, an exception was thrown in console mode
- "Single radio button" form component: In console mode, the selection script of the first radio button in the group was executed and not the one of the selected radio button
- "Load a response file" action: Non-string variables were not registered automatically as response file variables again and the "Overwrite strategy" did not work for them
- "Label" form component: & characters followed by a non-space character were not shown
- "Execute SQL script" action: Non-standard statement delimiters did not work
- Installation directory selector: Several settings were not respected in console mode
- PDF action and screen produced a file named error.log next to the installer
- Unix service launchers: Not all possible arguments were reported in the "usage" message
- Unix service launchers: More robust implementation for stopping the service
- Unix launchers: Use exec where possible to replace the shell script process with the java process
- Unix launchers: JRE search sequence entries that start with $ or ~ were interpreted as relative files
- Windows launchers: The current directory was appended to the end of the class path
- Mac OS X: Running process check did not work for single bundle installer
- Mac OS X: Installers did not pump stdin
- Mac OS X: Console and unattended mode were not set to headless for the Oracle JRE
- i18n: Single apostrophes were doubled in formatted messages
- Adding imports to the static members script marked the same imports in all other scripts as unused and broke auto-import and test compilation
- For wildcard classpath entries of type "archive", the shortest available match is now used

install4j 5.1.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- "Add VM options" and "Modify classpath" actions: Added a "Target file on Mac OS X" option property for selecting either the .vmoptions file inside the application bundle or the .vmoptions file next to the application bundle

Bugs fixed:
- Mac OS X: Service installations did not work on Mac OS X 10.10
- Mac OS X: Services were not always started as root
- Mac OS X: Desktop links were not overwritten on Mac OS X
- Mac OS X: Command line launchers did not find Oracle JREs, except if the JRE was the default JRE
- "Install files" action: After downloading installation components, the status message did not switch back to "Extracting files"

install4j 5.1.15 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- "Add VM options" and "Modify classpath" actions: Added a "Target file on Mac OS X" option property for selecting either the .vmoptions file inside the application bundle or the .vmoptions file next to the application bundle

Bugs fixed:
- Mac OS X: Service installations did not work on Mac OS X 10.10
- Mac OS X: Services were not always started as root
- Mac OS X: Desktop links were not overwritten on Mac OS X
- Mac OS X: Command line launchers did not find Oracle JREs, except if the JRE was the default JRE
- "Install files" action: After downloading installation components, the status message did not switch back to "Extracting files"

install4j 5.0.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

API changes:
- Fixed NPE when an error message was show in com.install4j.launcher.ApplicationLauncher
- Return null for special folder API when used on non-windows platforms instead of throwing an exception

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed locale regressions in 5.0.10
- Distribution file choosers were not shown if the install4j IDE was run with Java 7
- "File version" property for uninstaller and and custom installer applications had no effect, the product version was always used for the Windows version resource
- Unix installers were broken on some systems
- Windows: If the user was changed during UAC, the program groups were not created for the original user
- Installation directory chooser form component: Disabling the form component did not disable the chooser button

install4j 5.0.11 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

API changes:
- Fixed NPE when an error message was show in com.install4j.launcher.ApplicationLauncher
- Return null for special folder API when used on non-windows platforms instead of throwing an exception

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed locale regressions in 5.0.10
- Distribution file choosers were not shown if the install4j IDE was run with Java 7
- "File version" property for uninstaller and and custom installer applications had no effect, the product version was always used for the Windows version resource
- Unix installers were broken on some systems
- Windows: If the user was changed during UAC, the program groups were not created for the original user
- Installation directory chooser form component: Disabling the form component did not disable the chooser button