Qt Creator 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 Qt Creator 12.0.2

Qt Creator 歷史版本列表

Qt Creator 是應用程序開發人員的完整集成開發環境(IDE)!無論您是創建移動應用程序,桌面應用程序還是連接的嵌入式設備,Qt Creator 都是跨平台的 IDE,使應用程序和 UI 開髮變得輕而易舉。由於上市時間至關重要,因此 IDE 包含可加快開發時間的生產力工具。完整的跨平台集成開發環境,便於創建連接設備,用戶界面和應用程序. 選擇版本:Qt Creator 4.5.0(32 位)... Qt Creator 軟體介紹

Qt Creator (32-bit)Qt Creator (64-bit)

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What's new in this version:

- Language files have been updated
- DnsSetup.httpsDnsTimeout has been added
- Custom DNS server for DNS over HTTPS option has been added
- Baselist has been updated to 4469622

Insomnia Core 2022.7.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The insomnia-components package is no longer maintained and has been deprecated since version 3.6.0
- Different insomnia packages and default plugins are no longer published on npmjs.com. This includes insomnia-inso. If you previously installed Inso CLI through npm, please refer to the builds available in Insomnia Releases instead for future use

- Fixed a number of issues regarding hotkey shortcuts by replacing the KeydownBinder with hooks
- Fixed duplicate error response after upgrade
- Fixed an issue with tooltip
- Fixed an issue where redirect commands from browser to the Insomnia App no longer worked
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from using CTRL/CMD+F keyboard shortcut
- Fixed an issue where GraphQL query variables disappeared from the variables editor
- Fixed an issue that prevented query parameters from being properly imported from Postman V2.1 collections
- Fixed an issue where Path variables weren't properly escaped for Swagger specs
- Fixed an issue where the Response template wouldn't return more than one result when parsing a JSON response by path
- Fixed an issue where URL bar would always get auto-focused when sending a request
- Fixed an issue where OAuth2 access token expiry time was not set properly
- Fixed an issue where the Environment Editor would prevent saving edits after a validation error
- Fixed an issue that prevented deep link redirects from browser to app (e.g. Login, installing Plugins, ...) to not work properly on Windows and Linux.
- Fixed an issue where deeply nested environments variables didn't work for sub environments
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from switching Client Credentials between Basic Auth and Request Body in OAuth2 requests
- Fixed an issue where certain template tags would result in JSON Parse error when used as number
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from closing modals when importing collections leaving the user unable to undo an import by mistake other than continuing with the import
- Fixed an issue that caused the response pane to sometimes flash for a brief moment
- Added missing keywords to .desktop entry for Linux builds of Insomnia
- Fixed an issue that prevented preferences from being open in the correct tab (e.g. Import/Export)
- Fixed an issue that caused dangling base environments when importing an Insomnia collection
- Fixed an error that showed up when attempting to create a new plugin from the plugin preferences menu
- Fixed code-signing for Windows builds

- Added WebSockets Subprotocol support
- Added a logo splash at the app start
- Added WebSocket Disconnect dropdown to support Disconnect All
- Added ability to search/filter WebSocket messages and or clear current ones
- Added a dropdown option to rename folders and requests more easily
- Added better support for importing Postman v2.1 collections that have different OAuth2 [email protected]
- Upgraded to Electron 21
- Added new UI improvements to the Dashboard
- Added API Key Authentication method for HTTP and WebSocket requests
- Added support for Client Certificate Authentication during OAuth 2 fetch token
- Removed the Swagger preview from Design to provide a cleaner editing experience and in order to support OAS v3.1
- Added support for OpenAPI v3.1 specifications
- Upgraded to Electron 22
- Each OpenAPI server is now imported as a sub-environment
- Added support for setting CA certificates in workspace settings
- Minor improvements to error handling and messaging
- Added support for custom Ruleset files in Insomnia Git Sync'ed Design Documents. If you place a .spectral.yaml file in root of your repository, Insomnia will now load the custom ruleset to lint the OAS spec that is in the Design Document
- Added gRPC Server Reflection support

Inso CLI:
- Added a new --skipAnnotations option to inso export spec command. If the flag is set all x-kong-* annotations are removed.
- Improved the log output of inso lint spec command to print warning logs
- Added support custom Ruleset files for Inso CLI. To use it run `inso lint spec ./oas.yaml` with a `.spectral.(yaml|yml|json|js)` file in the same folder

- Removed an implicit workaround that was causing plugin conflicts when inferring security schema
- Added ability to enable automated security plugins at service-level (root of spec) when generating Kong (or Kubernetes) declarative configs

Playnite 10.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Acronyms search support in name filter and global search
- Added main menu entry to restart Playnite
- Added support to show favorite games in tray

- Fixes to software tools configuration view
- Updated several emulation profiles
- Better error reporting for failures related to emulation scanner settings
- Crash when setting sorting names during library update
- Games not being detected during emulation scan due to ROM file extension case sensitivity

Qt Creator 9.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved performance in the context of file path handling
- Fixed missing `No updates found.` message after looking for updates
- Fixed loading of custom external tools definitions

- Fixed double `*` sign at end of long document names in dropdown

- Fixed jumping to wrong symbol with `Follow Symbol`
- Fixed display of tab size in code style settings
- Fixed crash after closing settings when opened from indexing progress
- Fixed crash when opening type hierarchy
- Fixed code style settings being saved even when canceling
- Fixed checkbox state in Beautifier settings

- Fixed that build environment was not migrated to the new configuration
- environment
- Fixed handling of `inherits` for deeper hierarchies

- Fixed handling of macros in source path mapping

- Fixed pretty printer of `std::string` from `libc++`

- Fixed source path mapping

- Fixed crash when clearing selection in settings

Test Integration:
Google Test:
- Fixed debugging

- Fixed wrong colors with GTK3 platform theme

- Fixed that working directory for remote processes was not made reachable

Studio 3T 2022.10.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- General - Code and JSON editors are now automatically completing brackets and quotes

- Visual Query Builder - Tweak position of automatic tooltips so that they are not blocking input fields
- Aliases - Reduce delay before showing tooltips on tabs in cases where these do not show collection or database aliases
- Aliases - Make it easier to see name clashes when creating a new alias for a connection or database
- IntelliShell - Made the limit for automatically generated result tabs configurable
- IntelliShell - Both Aliases and Notes are now available with auto completion proposals on the IntelliShell
- IntelliShell - Limit errors shown at once on IntelliShell editors to 100, showing a notification when there are more
- Data Masking - Aliases for collections are now also shown for the mapping tree on Data Masking configurations
- Tasks - Added the action to Rename a task to the toolbar of the Tasks view
- Tasks - Added the option to change the order of tasks, by simply dragging and dropping them in the Tasks view
- Aggregation Editor - The stage input/output pane can now be collapsed in order to maximize the stage editor's space
- General - Added a new Advanced option to set the connection pool size, useful in cases where big connection pools cause problems
- Connection Manager - Stop adding "- imported on ..." to imported connection names and include a numeric suffix when names already exist
- Exports - Make it easier to add a new database or collection when choosing the target of an export

- General - Fixed an issue where, occasionally, duplicated tabs could immediately close
- General - On Ubuntu, the Match Case checkbox now renders correctly in light mode
- General - On Ubuntu, the Target Collection selection on Ubuntu now selects the relevant connection
- Collections - Capped Collection settings in Create Collections are again correctly enabled for 5.0.6 and earlier MongoDB servers
- Collection Tab - Studio 3T is now more resilient to badly formatted queries on the clipboard being pasted
- IntelliShell - Syntax coloring on the script editor now shows back-ticked template literals as strings
- IntelliShell - Completion proposals on mongosh stop showing the deprecated/removed "save()" function
- IntelliShell - Now bundling the native mongosh executable for M1/M2 macs, so that Rosetta is no longer needed
- User Copying - Copying users on the same server could mistakenly offer to resolve issues by creating a role
- User Copying - Copying users between different servers could fail to resolve issues if the user's role did not exist on the target server
- Exports - Index Hints are now applied correctly when an Aggregation is used for export
- CSV Import - CSV Imports no longer leave a lock on imported files
- CSV Export - Export CSV now defaults to using Windows or Unix end of line characters according to the operating system
- Imports and Exports - Export tasks now also save a find query's options
- Mongodump/Mongorestore - Exports using mongodump and imports using mongorestore now correctly work with Atlas serverless instances
- Search In - Upper case field names are now correctly matched in the Search In ... feature
- Reschema - Renaming fields in Reschema shows as a modification on the tab

Playnite 10.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Some windows don't remember last position and size
- Various issues related to metadata download from game edit dialog
- Crash when importing non-exe file as software tool
- Safe mode is not carried over when switching application modes
- View settings not being saved during system shutdown
- Some emulated games won't start properly if {EmulatorDir} variable is used as game installation folder
- Opening game's installation folder doesn't work if {EmulatorDir} variable is used as game installation folder

NxFilter 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Max persistent cache size has been adjusted to 300000
- Delete persistent cache which is not updated for 7 days over night
- Upstream DNS column size has been increased to 64
- Baselist has been updated to 4467158

Qt Creator 9.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added change log browser `Help > Change Log` (`Qt Creator > Change Log` on
- macOS)
- Added option for showing locator as a centered popup

Locator `t` filter:
- Added non-menu actions
- Added fuzzy matching
- Added `Remove Folder` to `File System` view
- Fixed that clipboard was cleared on shutdown

- Added support for dark themes to Qt documentation
- Fixed that Qt 6 documentation was shown for Qt 5 based projects

- Added option for visualizing indentation
- Added option for `Tint whole margin area`
- Added option for line spacing
- Added `Create Cursors at Selected Line Ends`
- Added support for character encoding in binary/memory editor
- Improved UI for multiple markers on the same line
- Fixed performance issue with large selections
- Fixed saving files with non-breaking spaces
- Fixed `Rewrap Paragraph` for Doxygen comments
- Fixed MIME type matching for generic highlighting with MIME type aliases
- Fixed annotation painting when scrolling horizontally

- Moved code style editor from dialog directly into the preferences page
- Added `Show Preprocessed Source`
- Added `Follow Symbol Under Cursor to Type`
- Added `Follow Symbol` for QRC files in string literals
- Added option for returning only non-value types by const reference
- Added option for using `auto` in `Assign to Local Variable` refactoring
- action
- Fixed that selection was not considered for refactoring actions
- Fixed generation of function definitions with `unsigned`
- Fixed code style preview editor size

- Added option for using single Clangd instance for the whole session
- Added option for indexing priority (`--background-index-priority`)
- Added option for maximum number of completion results (default 100)
- Added `"`, `<` and `/` to auto-completion triggers
- Added option for document specific preprocessor directives
- Fixed semantic highlighting for `__func__`
- Fixed double items in outline after switching Clangd off and on

- Added support for structured bindings
- Fixed that document specific preprocessor directives were not used aftersession load

- Moved settings back to top level preferences page
- Updated formatting options
- Fixed indentation of comments

Language Server Protocol:
- Improved performance for large documents
- Fixed that server was not restarted after 5 times, even if a long time passed after the last time

- Fixed that `Follow Symbol` could open file from build directory
- Fixed cursor position and breakpoints after reformatting

Image Viewer:
- Made `Fit to Screen` sticky and added option for the default
- Cleaned up tool bar

Diff Viewer:
- Fixed that calculating differences blocked Qt Creator
- Fixed that description widget height was not persistent

- Added option for hiding build system output with `Show Right Sidebar`
- Fixed that opening terminal from build environment settings did not change directory to build directory
- Fixed that local environment was used when inspecting GCC toolchain on remote
- Fixed stopping terminal process
- Fixed automatic popup of `Issues`

- Moved settings from `Kits` and `Build & Run` into their own `CMake` category
- Turned `Package manager auto setup` off by default
- Added support for CMake configure and build presets, including conditions and toolchain files
- Added option for changing environment for configure step
- Added option for hiding subfolders in source groups
- Added support for `Build File` also from header files
- Fixed that `PATH` environment variable was not completely set up during first

CMake run:
- Fixed issues with importing builds using Visual C++ generator

- Fixed that `qbs.sysroot` was not considered

- Added workaround for `mkspec`s that add compiler flags to `QMAKE_CXX`
- Fixed unnecessary updates after project build

- Adapted to move of project tool to `PySide6-Essentials` package


- Improved type name lookup performance for heavily templated code
- Improved display performance for large array-like data
- Added warning for missing QML debugging functionality for mobile and embedded devices
- Fixed display of strings with characters more than 2 bytes long

- Fixed interrupting

- Fixed error when analyzing non-desktop targets
- Fixed wrong failure count display

- Fixed wrong working directory

Version Control Systems:
- Fixed that `--password` argument was shown in plain text

- Added support for user-configured comment character
- Improved matching of commit hashes
- Fixed adding or deleting files in nested directories
- Fixed that text encoding in project settings was not respected on diff

Test Integration:
Added support for Squish:
- Fixed handling of exceptions
- Fixed crash
- Fixed handling of `WARN`, `FAIL` and `INFO`

- Improved detection of MinGW and LLVM ABI
- Fixed wrong debugger when importing build
- Fixed issues when drives are mapped
- Fixed that output could be missing for Qt based external tools
- Fixed that Clink and other applications could increase startup time for toolchain detection
- Fixed that running Qt Creator from a MSVC environment could interfere with MSVC auto-detection

Remote Linux:
- Enable usage as build device
- Added option for SSH port to wizard
- Added fallback for devices without `base64`
- Added experimental support to user remote linux build devices

Boot to Qt:
- Fixed that `rsync` was not available for deployment
- Fixed default deployment method

- Added option for `docker` command
- Added detection of Python
- Added option to auto-detect in PATH plus additional directories
- Added option for overwriting `ENTRYPOINT` of docker container
- Added automatic mounting of source and build directory before building

Improved device wizard:
- Added sorting of images
- Added option to hide images without tag
- Added double-click for selecting image
- Fixed `Browse` button for build directory for remote directories
- Fixed interrupting and pausing of GDB
- Fixed running `ctest` on device
- Fixed mounting paths with spaces or colons
- Fixed opening remote text files without extension

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What's new in this version:

- ClusterSync.addBlocklistData has been added
- Showing parent group instead of child group bug fixed on 'User > Group'
- 'Exclude Empty Group' option has been added for Active Directory importation
- Multiple IP for MS DNS value not allowed bug has been fixed

Studio 3T 2022.9.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: UUID function with no argument causing mongosh shell restart