Qt Creator 歷史舊版本 Page34

最新版本 Qt Creator 12.0.2

Qt Creator 歷史版本列表

Qt Creator 是應用程序開發人員的完整集成開發環境(IDE)!無論您是創建移動應用程序,桌面應用程序還是連接的嵌入式設備,Qt Creator 都是跨平台的 IDE,使應用程序和 UI 開髮變得輕而易舉。由於上市時間至關重要,因此 IDE 包含可加快開發時間的生產力工具。完整的跨平台集成開發環境,便於創建連接設備,用戶界面和應用程序. 選擇版本:Qt Creator 4.5.0(32 位)... Qt Creator 軟體介紹

Qt Creator (32-bit)Qt Creator (64-bit)

Quantum GIS 3.6.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Qt Creator 4.9.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Generic Programming Language Support:
- In Qt Creator 4.8 we introduced experimental support for the language server protocol. This enables editing support for a wide range of programming languages through a common protocol. In 4.9 we add support for the document outline, find usages, and also for code actions, which allow the language server to suggest fixes or refactoring actions at a specified place in the code. If the language server of your favorite programming language supports these features, they are now available in Qt Creator as well. Enable the LanguageClient plugin in Help > About Plugins (Qt Creator > About Plugins on macOS) and configure your server in Tools > Options > Language Client to check it out

C++ Support:
- The UI for diagnostics from the Clang analyzer tools got many improvements. They are grouped by file now. Diagnostics from the project’s headers files are now also included
- Fix-its show details on what they do when applied. We also added a guard against applying Fix-its to files that have changed in the meantime. In the Clazy configuration you can enable or disable individual checks

QML Support:
- We updated our QML parser to Qt 5.12, adding support for ECMAScript 7

- Perf is a powerful performance profiling tool for software running on a Linux system. Profile your application via perf with Analyze > Performance Analyzer, after enabling the plugin in Help > About Plugins. The integration in Qt Creator is available for applications running on a local Linux system, and also for applications running on a remote Linux system from a Linux or Windows host

Generic Projects:
- Similar to our support for deploying files to a remote system for CMake-based projects, you can now add a QtCreatorDeployment.txt file to your generic project, to specify the necessary information about where to deploy which files

Other Improvements:
- For Windows, we added support for MSVC 2019. On macOS we added a Touch Bar if you run Qt Creator on a MacBook.

Quantum GIS 3.6.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


LightWave 2019.0.2 查看版本資訊


Qt Creator 4.8.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed UI for choosing executable for external tools

- Fixed highlighting of search results of regular expression search

Autotools Projects:
- Fixed that includes, defines and flags of `SUBDIRS` were ignored

C++ Support:
- Fixed crash when expanding macros
- Fixed crash in preprocessor
- Fixed infinite loop when resolving pointer types
- Fixed cursor position after completion of functions without arguments

QML Support:
- Fixed auto-insertion of single quotes

Qt Quick Designer:
- Added support for more JavaScript functions in `.ui.qml` files
- Fixed crash with gradients and Qt Quick 5.12 (QDS-472)

Test Integration:
- Fixed handling of empty tests

- Fixed detaching from process

- Fixed stopping at some breakpoints with newer LLDB
- Fixed `Attach to Process` and `Run in Terminal` with newer LLDB

- Fixed display of `QDateTime`

Quantum GIS 3.6.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


LightWave 2019.0.1 查看版本資訊


LightWave 2019 查看版本資訊


Qt Creator 4.8.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


vMix 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for alpha channel when using XSplit VCam
- Improved performance when using API to update multiple text fields

- Added support for alpha channel when using XSplit VCam
- Improved performance when using API to update multiple text fields

- Fixed GPU render time issue when using the List input after a long period of time

- Fixed login issue with Twitch
- Added workaround for issue with codecs that don't correctly support more than 4GB of memory
- Fixed frame offset issue during Replay transitions
- Fixed ColourCorrectionReset shortcut not correctly resetting Gamma
- Fixed issue with VST3 plugins that have duplicate names
- Fixed issue with FFMPEG recording 29.97p in EU
- Fixed vMix Social issue when Windows region set to Turkey

- Fixed issue with ButtonPress activator on the APC Mini
- Fixed List tab not refreshing when saving Video Delay clips to a list
- Added error messages describing when Camera or Microphone access is disabled in Windows Privacy settings
- Improved compatibility with new NDI support in Skype


- Recalibrated skin tone line in Vectorscope for better accuracy
- Added new recommended Periscope streaming quality presets

Fixed some issues with new Kona HDMI card and added support for the following modes:
- Up to 4K60 on Input 1 + 2x HD on Input 3 and 4
- Up to 4K60 on Input 1 + 4K30 on Input
- Up to HD60 on Inputs 1,2,3 and 4

- Fixed support for streaming to Facebook Groups
- Fixed auto creation of Facebook streams when description was left bank

- Fixed issue logging in to Facebook with Two Factor Authentication in some countries
- Updated Facebook permissions to support latest security requirements for Groups
- Fixed issue where vMix Call return video freezes or becomes garbled when changing sources
- Fixed rare error that may occur when closing vMix on slower systems

- Improved recording quality in Replay when using 1080p sources
- To enable, select 200 Mbps as the bitrate before adding the replay session to vMix
- Previously 200 Mbps would only have an effect on Interlaced sources
- Relaxed video format restrictions with AJA capture devices

New rules are as follows:
- All outputs must be in the same "clock family". (29.97/59.94 or 50/25)
- Port 1 must be in same clock family as outputs if used as an input channel
- Ports 2+ will accept any input format
- Fixed some rare issues with AVI codecs

- Change log not available for this version

- vMix Diagnostics is now included with install and can be found from the "hamburger" menu in vMix or in the start menu
- Detects any background applications that may interfere with the graphics card causing errors, flickering and performance issues
- Fixed replay bug when trying to play back incomplete events
- Fixed issue where PTZ Optics ZCAM provider did not appear in PTZ dropdown list

- Fixed issue with SetAudioFade when used with List input
- Improved CPU usage accuracy
- CPU/GPU warnings are now disabled by default
- Can be enabled under Settings -> Performance.
- When disabled, will still be reported in the logs to help assist our support team

- Additional bug fixes for Sony BRC series VISCA over IP support
- Will now no longer attempt to reconnect to Facebook streams that have expired

- Improved performance of local desktop capture on desktop PCs
- Added support for Sony BRC series PTZ cameras using VISCA over IP
- Fixed issue with audio only NDI outputs not appearing

- Fixed memory issue with VST3 plugins, especially with latest Windows 10 update
- Video frame delay now supported on NDI and VLC inputs
- Added "Custom Multi-Bitrate" dropdown option in streaming destinations.
- This allows custom URLs and Stream Keys for each stream without using separate streaming instances for each which may cause problems with some CDNs
- Fixed issue in vMix Social where Overlay was sometimes triggered before content in title had been updated