PPSSPP 歷史舊版本 Page18

最新版本 PPSSPP 1.16.6

PPSSPP 歷史版本列表

PPSSPP 可以在全高清分辨率的電腦上運行你的 PSP 遊戲,也可以在 Android 上玩。它甚至可以高檔的紋理,否則將是太模糊了,因為他們的原始 PSP 的小屏幕。即使在現代的 Android 手機和平板電腦上,您也可以以原始分辨率的兩倍運行.PPSSPP 是 Android(以及其他移動平台)的第一款 PSP 模擬器,在 Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X 上的運行速度也遠遠... PPSSPP 軟體介紹

PPSSPP 1.5.4 查看版本資訊


PPSSPP 1.5.3 查看版本資訊


PPSSPP 1.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Released a quick update to take care of some common crashes in 1.5


What's new in this version:

- 1.5 has support for Vulkan, the new faster way to draw graphics. Supported on many modern Android devices, and if enabled (change Backend in Graphics settings) you will see a massive speed boost. PPSSPP 1.5 also has the usual assortment of fixes
- Full Vulkan support, also for Android now. Very fast on supported devices
- Smarter graphics state management, reduced CPU consumption on all backends
- Android: Support for Arabic and other scripts we couldn't support before
- Fix Android widgets, screen scaling
- Fixes to video dumping
- Geometry problems fixed in Medal of Honor
- Implement immediate draws, fixing Thrillville
- Software rendering improvements, speed and accuracy
- Hardware tesselation of PSP Beziers and Splines (used by a few games)
- Partial sceUsbGps and sceUsbCam support (Android)
- Android "Sustained performance mode" to avoid thermal throttling
- Linux controller mapping fixes
- Assorted bugfixes and compatibility improvements

PPSSPP 1.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix bug causing several games to crash on ARM64, including Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
- Software rendering crashfix
- Fixes for homebrew: Timing, MEMSIZE

PPSSPP 1.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixes for some common hangs and crashes
- Vertex decoder optimizations
- Corrections to mipmap bias and selection function
- Major improvements and fixes to software renderer, including mipmap support
- UI background image support
- Fix crash in framebuffer blits affecting Persona 3

Vim 8.0.586 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- I have built a version of Vim 8.0 with all the latest patches. This is mainly interesting for MS-Windows users who download the binary. Upgrading to this version is recommended, since it fixes many problems.
- I have renamed the original Vim 8.0 files to include the patchlevel. The new files are both available as "80" and "80-586". Note that caching may cause the "80" file to still be the old one.


What's new in this version:

- Support D3D11 (performs better than OpenGL or D3D9 on most hardware)
- Audio quality improvement (linear interpolation)
- Hardware spline/bezier tesselation in OpenGL, D3D11 and Vulkan (...)
- Post-processing shaders in D3D11
- Prescale UV setting removed, now the default (improves perf)
- High DPI display fixes
- Various fixes for UMD switching for multi-UMD games
- New audio setting to improve compatibility with Bluetooth headsets
- Various desktop gamepad compatibility fixes
- Workaround for mipmap issue, fixing fonts in Tactics Ogre Japanese
- Assorted minor compatibility fixes, code cleanup and performance improvements


What's new in this version:

- Fix JIT problems on Galaxy S7 and iOS 9+ devices
- Fix Android TV support (x86-64) and use latest FFmpeg, fix Raspberry memory use
- Texture replacement support - for custom textures and upscaling
- Workaround rendering issues on Tegra K1/X1
- Initial Vulkan support on Windows - not full featured yet
- Experimental new CPU backend and CPU fixes
- Fix type D cheat codes, allow for homebrew
- Fix some problems when switching away from and back to the app
- Initial game video recording / TAS features (frame stepping)

PPSSPP 1.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Went back to the old way of initializing graphics on Android. Should fix many recent issues.
- Some graphical fixes, a vertex cache performance improvement and a screen clear optimization
- Fix for dual source blending on most SHIELD devices, causing graphical issues.
- Fix the homebrew store incorrectly unzipping some games. This will lead to more games being added.
- Slightly faster ISO handling