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最新版本 Postbox 7.0.58

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Postbox 幫助您充分利用電子郵件,提供強大的新方法來查找,使用和查看電子郵件和內容,組織工作,完成工作。 Postbox 在幕後編輯您的電子郵件中的所有內容。它具有原生 Gmail 標籤支持,“重要”標籤的專用視圖,發送和存檔功能,支持 Gmail 鍵盤快捷鍵,並將檢測到的日期轉換為 Google 日曆事件。 Postbox 功能強大,直觀,超定制,快速,並設置為您節省時間!Postbox ... Postbox 軟體介紹

Postbox 4.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features
- New designs for Mac OS X Yosemite and Windows 8 and 10
- Support for Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive via Cloud Sharing Add-on
- Redesigned Contacts Sidebar in the Compose window
- Added several new attributes to the Focus Pane
- Full HTML editor has been added to the Compose window
- Mailing List Unsubscribe
- Support for custom quote colors
- Composition Goals
- Quick Bar actions for Signatures, Responses and Topics
- Domain Fencing
- Social View
- Subscriptions View

- Topic labels can now display in color within the Focus Pane
- Topic color can now be set from context menu in Focus Pane
- Topics no longer change position in the Focus Pane when renamed or favorited
- Added more contextual menu options to the Compose Sidebar
- Added more contextual information to compose sidebar
- Keyboard shortcuts are now reassigned when Topics are reordered
- Multi-selection has been added for several Focus Pane Attributes
- Unread count now displays next to Favorite Contacts in the Focus Pane
- Filters now automatically select after creation
- Multi-file selection is now supported for Quick Look in the Compose window
- Adopted newest Mozilla standard for Dictionary add-ons
- Sidebar searches are now automatically populated with a selected Focus Pane Topic
- Reorganized Favorite Topics and Contacts contextual menus in Focus Pane
- Reorganize Favorite Contacts Contextual Menu
- Contact names in message envelope are now selectable
- Support for opening Favorite Topics and Contacts in a new tab
- New color palette based on Ethan Schoonover's Solarized palette
- Enhanced the usability for opening content in foreground/background tabs
- More descriptive and logical labels for content in a tab
- Gravatar images display at correct resolution on Retina machines
- Added options for removing signature delimiters
- Added Assign Topic options to Compose Window
- Support Text to Speech on Mac
- Sort order is maintained when selecting a different column to sort by in Classic view
- Windows DPI can now be adjusted in preferences for high-resolution displays
- Editor for Signatures and Responses is larger and powered by CodeMirror
- Implemented setup hints for Google and iCloud accounts
- Redesigned Topics, Quick Move, and Quick Switch panels

- Removed profile photos from Summarize
- Removed Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn integrations
- Pull-down menu buttons are now press-and-hold actions
- Change "To-Dos" to "Reminders"
- Removed opening/closing animations for several panels

- Fixed an issue that would prevent Quick Look from working in the Compose window.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent RSS feeds from auto-subscribing
- Fixed an issue with pasting rich text into the compose window
- Increased the size of the add-ons dialog to prevent text from running off panel
- Fixed several issues related to creating Address Book lists
- Fixed an issue with renaming messages during a search
- Fixed an issue with Spotlight Searches not linking to messages
- Fixed an issue that would prevent a contract from being added to Focus Pane favorites
- Fixed an issue with ordinals and favoriting of Topics
- Fixed an issue with Topic unread counts not displaying during Account Group selection
- Fixed an issue when indexing messages with invalid URLs
- Fixed several issues related to adding/deleting Topics during a search
- Fixed an error that could occur when switching accounts
- Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate filters to be created
- Fixed an issue where selecting a topic after deleting a topic doesn't update the thread
- Fixed an issue with code signing for Mac OS X Yosemite
- Fixed Next/Previous controls for content views on Retina
- Fixed an issue that could cause the message list to go blank when deleting accounts
- Fixed an issue with stuck tab markers when moving tabs around
- Fixed an issue that would cause images to only resize horizontally
- Fixed an issue with vCards looking bad on Retina
- Fixed issue where contact would not refresh if name is changed
- Fixed an issue where signatures would be inserted in the wrong location
- Fixed issues with bullet formatting in the Compose window
- Fixed a crash when attaching images from Apple's new Photos app
- Several other fixes too numerous to list :)

Postbox 3.0.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for OmniFocus 2 Pro on Mac OS X (only Pro supports AppleScript)
- Added "Search in Postbox" contextual menu option that enables you to search in Postbox from a selected word or phrase
- RSS subscription panel will now handle feed:// URLs
- Fixed preferences issue with the French locale
- Fixed RSS icon issue with Retina theme

Postbox 3.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved support for Retina displays on Mac OS X
- Images now resize to fit in the message pane
- You can now whitelist an entire domain for loading remote images
- Improved the French, Italian and German localizations
- Fixed slowdown issues with Yahoo IMAP Servers
- Fixed an issue that could keep some preferences from saving
- Fixed an issue that caused Address Book notes to overflow
- Tuned migration assistant wording for clarity
- Updated version of the Lightning Add-on for Mac (Retina)

Postbox 3.0.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Several stability improvements
- Fix Twitter authentication
- Fix dictionary compatibility issues
- Fix "Attach To" to work for multiple selection
- Confirm discarding edits when clicking on the Favorites bar
- Added support for to Automatic Setup
- Fixed an issue with the attachment throbber graphic
- Tuned migration assistant wording for clarity

Postbox 3.0.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Reduce power usage (and increase laptop battery life) by only using the integrated GPU on Mac OS X
- Added a "Run Filters on Folder" toolbar button
- Notification Center alerts now link directly to messages
- Postbox will now display the account name next to folder name in the message pane
- Added automatic account configuration support for iCloud email accounts
- Fixed a crash on import from Thunderbird
- Fixed a crash on indexing
- Fixed an issue where attachment thumbnails would not display on Mac OS X (Retina only)
- Fixed an issue with Growl integration on Mac OS X
- Fixed an issue where searches on non-recognized Topics would return results
- Fixed issues with "Topic is" / "Topic isn't" criteria for smart folders
- Fixed an issue with automatic account configuration when you entered an incorrect password
- Fixed an issue that would prevent spelling dictionaries from installing

Postbox 3.0.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where logging into Facebook would fail
- Fixed an issue where detected dates would not work in attached messages
- Fixed an issue with the SpamSieve add-on
- Fixed an issue with the localized versions of the Enigmail add-on
- Fixed an issue with the progress meter on Mac OS X

Postbox 3.0.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where Mac OS X 10.7 users could see a broken notification if Growl was not installed
- Fixed an issue where Dropbox would fail for non-ASCII file names
- Improved Twitter integration
- Improved support for the Send Later add-on

Postbox 3.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- High-definition font support for Retina displays on Mac OS X (experimental)
- Support for Gatekeeper on Mac OS X (10.8+)
- Support for Notification Center on Mac OS X (10.8+)
- Fixed "Help | Configuration Data" for non English versions
- Fixed another issue where IMAP attachments could get corrupted on download for Gmail and Exchange servers

Postbox 3.0.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated versions of the Lightning Add-on for Mac and Windows
- Fixed an issue where IMAP attachments could get corrupted on download for Ggmail and Exchange servers
- Added ability to drag and drop an eml file into the message list pane to copy a message into a folder
- Fixed an issue with the new account setup wizard when trying to create a POP3 account
- Fixed an issue where filters on subject would fail to fire correctly
- Fixed an issue with Creating a Filter by right clicking on a Favorite contact in the focus pane
- Fixed an issue that prevented several Mozilla dictionaries from being installed into Postbox on Windows
- Added ability to redirect and resend eml files opened in Postbox
- Added a keyboard shortcut for marking a message as Pending (Shift + M)
- Stability improvements

Postbox 3.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue with "Check this folder for new Mail" not working for IMAP
- Fixed an issue with the text cursor disappearing in the compose window when adding an attachment
- Fixed an issue when selecting text in the message pane and copying that text, only the first 150 characters were put in the clipboard
- Fixed an issue on Max OS X where inline date events were not being added to the default calendar in iCal
- Fixed an issue where selecting a smart folder was loading a blank message list pane
- Fixed an issue on Windows where sending a message would fail if background send is turned off or a message is sent without a 3-pane widow open in the background
- Fixed an issue where Run Junk Mail Controls on folder was not working
- Fixed an issue where attachments on Microsoft Exchange IMAP server could not be opened
- Fixed an issue where Summarize would always include sent message
- Fixed an issue where certain special characters (UTF-8) were not displayed correctly
- Improved inline date detection on Mac OS X for non-US regions
- Add support for archiving across multiple servers
- LDAP search was not working when using kerberos authentication
- Evernote should appear in the default toolbar set when Evernote is installed on Mac OS X
- Growl alerts show the wrong messages
- Support CC and BCC and multiple attachments in AppleScript
- Add preference for changing the selection order after deleting a message from the thread pane