Pale Moon (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page8

最新版本 Pale Moon 32.3.1 (64-bit)

Pale Moon (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

蒼白的 64 位是一個開源的,基於 Goanna 的網絡瀏覽器,可用於 Microsoft Windows 和 Linux(其他操作系統正在開發),重點在於效率和易用性。確保充分利用您的瀏覽器!Pale Moon 為您提供瀏覽體驗,完全由自己開發的瀏覽器完全構建,源自 Firefox / Mozilla 代碼,並通過精心挑選的功能和優化來改進瀏覽器的速度,資源使用,穩定性和用戶體驗,同時提供完整的... Pale Moon (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Pale Moon 30.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Most notable user-facing/implementation changes:
- Implemented Global Privacy Control, taking the place of the unenforceable "DNT" (Do Not Track) signal. If you previously enabled DNT, then this preference will be adopted for Global Privacy Control (GPC). Through GPC, you indicate to websites that you do not want them to share or sell your data.
- "Default browser" controls in preferences has been moved to "General"
- Updated emoji support to Twemoji 13.1
- Implemented Selection.setBaseAndExtent() for web compatibility
- Implemented queueMicroTask() for web compatibility

For add-on developers:
- Pale Moon now internally identifies with the Firefox GUID. This does not affect how it identifies to the web.
- Direct support for legacy Firefox extensions has been restored. Pale Moon-exclusive extensions will need to be updated to target the Firefox GUID in their install manifest and, where applicable, in their JavaScript components and overlays.
- The browser no longer lives in a "browser" distribution subdirectory. If you are hard-coding paths this may affect you.
- appinfo.platformVersion is frozen for backwards compatibility. If you need to detect the platform version, you should use appinfo.greVersion instead.
- Themes: scrollbar-width is now mapped to an attribute on scrollbar controls (bars, resizers and corner controls) for better theme support of thin scrollbars.
- Language packs: the entire internationalization structure has changed; because this required re-verification of translations, some language packs may have a few more untranslated strings in them at the moment until our volunteers over at Crowdin catch up on the new milestone.

Bugfixes, stability and security:
- Updated various in-tree libraries: cubeb, sqlite, cairo, ...
- Fixed an issue with the Linux desktop shortcut file to solve potential DE integration problems on common distributions
- Fixed an issue with page and iframe content margins not being applied properly when passed as attributes instead of CSS
- Ensured JavaScript and JSON files are always recognized as known MIME types so they can be opened appropriately from local sources
- Fixed an issue with rapid loading and unloading of js modules causing browser crashes
- Fixed an issue with tooltips being cut off at the end if containing exceedingly long unwrappable series of characters
- Fixed several application crash scenarios
- Fixed a large number of thread locking/mutex issues
- Fixed a leak of content types due to inconsistent error reporting
- Fixed an issue with iframe sandboxing not being properly applied
- Fixed a potential leak of bookmarks from the exported bookmarks file if it included a malicious bookmarklet
- Fixed an issue with drag-and-drop
- Fixed a potential crash due to truncated WAV files
- Fixed a memory safety issue with XSLT

Technic Launcher 4.721 查看版本資訊


MiKTeX 22.3 查看版本資訊



What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
- DF reader and new note editor
- Read PDFs within Zotero in a new tabbed interface
- Create highlight, note, and image annotations on PDFs, and view ink annotations created using the new iOS app
- Take notes in a powerful new note editor
- Add annotations, citations, and images to notes, with customizable templates
- Insert notes into Word, LibreOffice, or Google Docs with automatic citations generated from annotations using a new “Add Note” option
- Export notes to Markdown via Quick Copy or file export
- Non-English spellchecking in notes
- Non-English dictionaries can now be added or selected by right-clicking on a note
- The Zotero Connector for Safari is now bundled with Zotero and can be enabled from the Extensions pane of Safari
- Improved Mendeley importer
- import Mendeley data from online library to circumvent local encryption
- Import PDF annotations
- Improved Citavi importer
- Import PDF annotations
- Faster auto-sync uploads
- Local changes (other than note edits) now sync within 3 seconds
- Items list improvements
- Show small PDF icon in Attachments column when item has PDF
- Show emoji colored tags directly in items list
- Rich-text markup in titles is now rendered properly in the items list
- Add selected items to new or existing collection via context menu
- Sort date columns in descending order on first click
- Ignore additional punctuation characters when sorting
- Added Short Title column
- Column picker is now available by right-click on column headers
- Dotted border is now shown around selected row when using non-contiguous selection via keyboard (Cmd-↑/↓ or Ctrl-↑/↓ plus space bar)
- Syncing reminders
- Show a message if syncing hasn’t been set up or if auto-sync has been disabled
- Added Preprint item type
- Renamed “Suppress Author” to “Omit Author” in word processor plugin
- Advanced Search window can now be opened with Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-F
- Added Author, Editor, and Book Author conditions to Advanced Search window
- Don't require modifier key when deleting items in saved search or Unfiled Items
- Avoid blocking of file sync requests by some institutional firewalls
- Many other miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

- Fixed a bug where remotely removed creators weren't removed locally on sync
- Don't include standalone notes or attachments in one-off bibliographies
- Applies to “Create Bibliography from Collection” and “Create Bibliography from Items”
- Fixed standalone notes not being added to collections on RDF import
- Fixed a situation where a file could be searched for at a path with a missing character when a Linked Attachment Base Directory was set
- Fixed compatibility with Nature feeds
- Fixed intermittent PDF download failures on ScienceDirect
- Fixed date formatting for en-AU and en-NZ locales

Develop-specific changes/fixes:
- Revamped Translator Editor

Opera GX 84.0.4316.43 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Node.js 17.7.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Infinite loop in BN_mod_sqrt() reachable when parsing certificates

Rebelle 5.0.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Speed optimizations for fast short strokes
- Visual improvement - smoother strokes with size and rotation variations
- Brush Creator panel -> Tip Tilt curve editor -> "Use Precise Tip Tilt" - to get smoother strokes when using pen tilt
- Better NanoPixel image export for 2x2 scale
- Fixed crash when the application starts and gains focus too soon
- "Save as .psd" generates a valid thumbnail when NanoPixel is used. (Still doesn't work for transparent artworks.)
- Fixed glitches when using multitouch for canvas rotation and panning
- Switching between desktop and tablet mode is fixed

- New manual with the latest changes: Rebelle 5.0.8
- Mixing Palette - Paint, Blend tool is not mixed with background color
- Mixing Palette - brushes have hard edges to prevent mixing with the background
- Mixing Palette - changing the Paint tool "Opacity" makes glazing strokes
- Mixing Palette panel menu -> "Background Color" to change the background color
- Timelapse video recording can be started directly from "New Artwork"
- When opening previous artwork with timelapse recording, the application will ask to continue
- Record Time-lapse panel has two buttons - "Start / Stop Recording" and "Record Settings"
- Color Set panel menu -> "Create Color Set from Text File" can use "TAB" instead of "space"
- Layer color adjustments when the canvas is hidden: Preferences -> Color -> Hidden Canvas Color Settings

Lansweeper 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- LAN-12615 SQL injection issue
- LAN-12652 The Last Successful Scan date of Windows computers is updated even if the computer scan was unsuccessful

pdfFactory 8.11 查看版本資訊


Streamlabs OBS 1.7.1 查看版本資訊
