Pale Moon (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page60

最新版本 Pale Moon 32.3.1 (64-bit)

Pale Moon (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

蒼白的 64 位是一個開源的,基於 Goanna 的網絡瀏覽器,可用於 Microsoft Windows 和 Linux(其他操作系統正在開發),重點在於效率和易用性。確保充分利用您的瀏覽器!Pale Moon 為您提供瀏覽體驗,完全由自己開發的瀏覽器完全構建,源自 Firefox / Mozilla 代碼,並通過精心挑選的功能和優化來改進瀏覽器的速度,資源使用,穩定性和用戶體驗,同時提供完整的... Pale Moon (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Pale Moon 28.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated NSS to 3.38, removed TLS 1.3 draft version check since it's considered final
- Reinstated RC4 as an optional encryption cypher for non-standard environments (e.g. old routing/peripheral networked hardware on LAN). RC4 and 3DES are marked weak and disabled, and will never be used in the first handshake with a site, only as last-ditch fallback when specifically enabled (meaning they won't show up on ssllabs' test, for example)
- Removed Telemetry accumulation calls, automatic timers and stopwatches. This removes a very noticeable performance sink for all operations on all platforms
- Fixed many occurrences of discouraged types of memory access for primarily GCC 8 compatibility. This improves overall code security as a defense-in-depth measure
- Re-implemented the pref-controlled custom background color for standalone images
- Updated session history handling for internal pages. about:logopage is no longer stored in history, and you can choose to store the QuickDial page in history by setting the pref browser.newtabpage.add_to_session_history to true. This is disabled by default (meaning you can't use the "Back" button to go back to the QuickDial page) as a defense-in-depth security measure
- Added to control whether content can be scrolled if a context menu is open
- Fixed incorrect code removal in ipc
- Removed support for TLS session caches in TLSServerSocket
- Added support for local-ref as SVG xlink:href values
- Changed the find bar to be a browser-global toolbar again (like in Pale Moon 27) instead of per-tab. For people who prefer search terms to be saved on a per-tab basis (like with the per-tab findbar previously), this is possible by setting findbar.termPerTab to true. This resolves a number of issues, including styling with lightweight themes not applying to the find bar, and status pop-ups overlapping the find bar
- Ported all relevant security fixes from Mozilla's Gecko/62 release, including CVE-2018-12377 and CVE-2018-12379
- Restored part of the searchplugin API that was removed by Mozilla, so extensions can provide and save edits to installed search engines
- Improved the speed of restoring browsing sessions upon startup
- Fixed the "Restore previous session" button sometimes being missing from about:home, while a restorable session would be present
- Fixed tab previews in the Windows taskbar (if enabled)
- Fixed the setting of the new tab page being "My Home Page" so it'll pick up subsequent changes to the home page URL automatically
- Removed the Firefox Accounts migrator from Sync
- Fixed an issue with the enabled state of number controls if appearances changed
- Stopped building ffvpx on 32-bit platforms (except windows) to use the (faster) system-installed lib instead
- Re-added a horizontal scroll action option for mouse wheel. (regression
- Fixed handling of content language if the locale is changed
- Fixed document navigation with the F6 key
- Fixed toolbar styling in toolkit themes
- Fixed viewing the source of a selection

Pale Moon 28.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This is a Windows-only update to address some stability/performance issues that have popped up with the new milestone release on especially 32-bit systems
- The cause seems to be a compiler bug in Visual Studio 2015 with certain optimizations. Although 64-bit does not seem to be directly affected, we are still applying more cautious optimizations there too from this point forward until we can figure out exactly what the cause is and which (more aggressive) optimizations are safe to use

Pale Moon 28.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

We are now building on the Unified XUL Platform which has been forked off from Mozilla's mozilla-central at a point before Rust and Quantum to continue focus on the XUL interface language and traditional browser extensions. Many thousands of things have changed since the v27 (AKA "Tycho") versions, which can't possibly all be listed here. Instead, the most pertinent improvements in this new release are highlighted here:
- SpiderMonkey update: The JavaScript engine has received a major upgrade and now supports all landmark features from the ECMAScript standards as carried by mainstream browsers. This should put an end to the increasing JavaScript issues we've seen due to web frameworks not being browser-agnostic in that respect, or the browser not supporting what websites expect
- Goanna update: The layout and rendering engine (Goanna) has been updated to its 4th generation (version 4.*) which brings with it improved compatibility with "trendy" CSS styling techniques that build on a few very specific features (e.g. CSS Grid). Goanna continues to build on tried-and-tested software fallbacks in case hardware acceleration can't be used, and Linux remote desktop users can continue to leverage xrender for speedy remote screen updates in Pale Moon
- DOM enhancements: Enhancements in the Document Object Model provides websites with updated APIs to perform their tasks. (e.g. Fetch, WebAnimations, WebCrypto, HTML Input Element Extensions, etc.)
- Media enhancements: Our media back-end update is, for all intents and purposes, complete. MSE media streaming (for MP4) should be compatible with all major players on the market now. MSE for WebM is still disabled by default due to some compatibility issues that need to be examined, but you may enable this in preferences to e.g. allow 4k video playback on some sites that only offer UHD in WebM format. We now also support playback of FLAC-encoded audio
- New: WebGL2 support! Pale Moon now supports the WebGL2 standard for enhanced graphical experiences in 2D and 3D
- Devtools have been given a refresh. Just in case you thought they weren't extensive enough yet, some new categories have been added to inspect and manipulate all aspects of web content
- Updates to the login manager: Login credentials can now be stored specifically with or without a user name, and selected individually. This is a behavior change from previous, and clicking a password field can now pop-up a selection list of user names for which passwords are stored (if multiple credentials are saved). Clicking the appropriate login name (or date-stamped version if no name is present) will fill in the accompanying password
- What might be more important for people worrying about upgrading to this milestone is what hasn't changed
- We continue to support NPAPI plugins
- We continue to support complete themes as well as lightweight themes
- We continue to offer a fully customizable interface like before. Australis (like seen in Basilisk) is not used
- We continue to support XUL overlay, bootstrapped and (deprecated) Jetpack extensions (collectively called "legacy extensions" by Mozilla)
- We do not include any DRM in the browser (people needing this can use e.g. the Silverlight plugin to play protected content), even though the platform we build on supports it
- Our primary goal has been to lift Pale Moon up to the new platform and as such most changes are "under the hood" and won't be seen in casual use (aside from more things "just working"). We aim to keep your user experience consistent and logical; but some things will have changed, of course. Browser extensions may need updating or may need a different version, for example
- Of course with such a big change of platform, there are some things that have regressed (worked before but no longer work), and we will work on fixing these regressions over time (hopefully with your help)

GameMaker Studio 2.1.5 Build 322 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Please note that whilst not mandatory, 2.1.5 is highly recommended. We have changed the licensing server to better protect against DDoS attacks and made several fixes to offline usage (especially for our Mac IDE users). If you get "license is invalid" the first run after updating - please just login again once to fix.

As well as a large number of fixes to the IDE and runtimes, we've added in this version:
- Support for building to Android 64bit architectures
- Collision functions which return a list of all colliders, not just the first
- New collision type for sprites: Non-axis-aligned bounding box
- Virtual keyboard functions for iOS, Android, and UWP

Startup / Offline / Licensing Fixes:
- Fix for Mac IDE requiring you to relicense when changing network
- Fix for being asked to get a new licence too often in cases of being unreachable
- Fix for incorrectly checking licence expiration dates in some cases
- Fix for crash when unable to download carousel images on the start page
- Fix for crash when returns invalid runtime rss information
- Changed the "Unable to log - no network connection" message to be more accurate and avoid confusion in the case of being offline

New collision type for sprites:
- Sprite Editor: Added support for a non-axis-aligned bounding box mask type
- Preference: Added option to set the default collision shape when creating new sprites

Spine Agreement:
- A Spine agreement is now shown before you can build projects which contain Spine
- Note: This agreement is shown per-project so that teams/contractors can accept with one click

- Game Options: Added controls for building 64bit architectures
- Game Options: Added control for adding Google Cloud Sync support into your Android manifest, used in the Google Play Services extension

Misc IDE Changes:
- Saving: Fixed an issue with object variable strings containing "n" which meant projects from 2.1.3 "lost" rooms when imported to 2.1.4
- Saving: Fixed a saving issue with external tools locking files which meant object event code could appear in the next project you opened that IDE session if that project had an object with the same name
- Saving: Fixed events "losing" code when the object name is changed or the object is duplicated when a save is already pending and then the object is locked by an external process
- Note: Another reminder that we do not recommend working with your project source saved in Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive, etc., folders!
- Saving: Fixed the check for when to warn about iOS icon changes being required in your project so it no longer warns unneccesarily
- Code Editor: Fixed autocomplete window being offset if autocompleting an enum on a long line of code
- DnD Editor: Fixed not being able to Cut/Copy/Paste nodes using keyboard shortcuts when using the macOS IDE
- Image Editor: Fixed the "Convert to Frames" dialog opening up too small when using the macOS IDE
- Object Editor: Fixed event names showing a unwanted '-' if the Object is opened in the Workspace and that event is empty
- Object Editor: Changed opening events to require double-clicks - fixes issues with single-click to select the event changing focus to the script and causing event copy/paste/delete workflow problems
- Workspaces: Fixed Middle Mouse Button scrolling the workspace at the same time as a code window if you happened to click on a scroll bar
- Resource Tree: Fixed/changed the highlight around text during a rename in the dark skin to improve clarity
- Resource Tree: Fixed duplicating a resource whilst at the Trial license limit crashes the IDE rather than showing a warning
- Resource Tree: Fixed "Add Existing" and then picking a resource from same project causes fatal error
- Resource Tree: Fixed how GMS2 calls Finder so Finder now shows results when doing "Add Existing"
- Room Editor: Fixed rectangle selection of rotated items to stop instances outside the rectangle being selected
- Room Editor: Fixed the loading of room inheritance settings if you reload the project
- Room Editor: Fixed a crash when copy/pasting multi-select objects across multiple layers
- Room Editor: Fixed issue which causes rooms to reopen at massively offset co-ordinates (usually approx -20k, -20k) after reloading project
- Note: If you have this room offset issue in a project already it will still load like this - just fix the position once and then save the project
- Room Editor: Changed Room width and height fileds so they can no longer be set to 0, as this just causes D3D errors during builds
- Preferences: Fixed "Delete old runtimes" to now delete everything other than the currently-used runtime and the runtime the IDE shipped with (if these differ)
- Search & Replace: Fixed to check instance creation code for instances on sub-layers
- Search & Replace: Fixed "Replace" to now replace the text in comments as well
- Localisation: [French] Fixed "Mouse Down" and "Mouse Pressed" event localisation texts and so they now differ
- Localisation: [German] Fixed Finder dialogs not being in German
- Font Editor: Fixed the preview and range windows to use the font's "Style" value, so text will now appear bold/italic, etc.
- Sound Editor: Fixed only getting white noise when playing a high-quality .ogg
- Sound Editor: Fixed sounds under a second long not playing completely in preview unless you turn on looping

- See the bug database's Change Log for the list of public issues fixed in this version
- Known Issues can be found on the bug database also - for the current IDE headline list see this page
- Not a bug, but be aware all download links for 2.1.3 and older have now been removed from this page, as 2.1.4 is mandatory

ImageGlass 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Zoom Mode: standardize all the zoom functions and group into modes: Auto Zoom (Default) Ctrl+A,  Scale to Width Ctrl+W, Scale to Height Ctrl+H, Scale to Fit Ctrl+`, Lock Zoom ratio Ctrl+L
- Reload Image: will freshly reload the viewing image without using cache Ctrl + F5
- Option to hide the thumbnail bar scrollbar
- File / folder shortcuts are now supported drag-n-drop
- Option to preserve mod date on edit

- Updated Magick.NET to v7.5.0.1
- Upgrade to DotNetZip v1.11 to fix CVE-2018-1002205 (zip slip)
- Changed ToolbarButtons string format in config file / registry
- Grid Cell Size of checkered background now supports high DPI
- Delay thumbnailbar update until all thumbnail items loaded
- First Launch Configurations screen: Design mode layout will no longer change the toolbar buttons
- Theme improvement: Apply theme color to checkered background grid, apply theme color to Context menu and Main menu

- Fixed several issues about real-time file change detection
- Memory leak issue for some certain image files due to ImageListViewCacheMetadata of thumbnail bar component
- Infinite loop of First Launch Configuration
- Cannot disable the option Save the viewing image after rotating
- Window state reset when dragging title bar to restore normal state from maximize state
- Color picker unexpected/undesired positioning
- Settings: Edit button and Delete button are disabled due to removing Check style of listview in v5.1
- Auto Check for Update will not run if date format is incorrect
- Write wrong key config igVersion
- Problems with Desktop Background: Mapped drive
- Problem with Desktop Background: jpg images don't work
- Switching away from 'large' .GIF files causes program to hang
- File extensions such as .h,.c,.md would be included on loading files
- GIF menu entries in right-click menu often disable for a multi-frame GIF
- Prev/Next menu shortcuts displaying wrong Page up/down keys

Pale Moon 27.9.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated the useragent for to work around their "Only with Firefox" discrimination preventing users from downloading themes, old versions of extensions, and other files with Pale Moon
- Restricted web access to the moz-icon:// scheme that could potentially be abused to infringe the user's privacy
- Prevented various location-based threats
- Fixed a potential vulnerability with plugins being redirected to different origins
- Improved the security check for launching executable files (by association) on Windows from the browser. For users who have (most likely accidentally) granted a system-wide waiver for opening these kinds of files without being prompted, this permission has been reset
- Fixed an issue with invalid qcms transforms
- Fixed a buffer overflow using the computed size of canvas elements
- Fixed a use-after-free when using focus()
- Added some sanity checks on nsMozIconURI
- Fixed an issue in the case the preferences file in the profile would not be writable (e.g. temporary permission issues due to backup, virus scanning or similar external processes)

Pale Moon 27.9.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- (CVE-2017-0381) Ported a patch from libopus upstream. Note, contrary to that report, the libopus maintainers state they don't believe remote code execution was possible, so this was not a critical patch
- Fixed an issue with task counting in JS GC
- Fixed a use-after-free in DOMProxyHandler::EnsureExpandoObject (thanks to Berk Cem Göksel for reporting)
- Portable only: Included the previously omitted registry helper. This may in some cases help with file/type associations

GameMaker Studio 2.1.4 Build 295 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- GMS2 now allows you to work with the IDE in French, German, or Spanish! Install using one of these languages and GMS2 will download the manual in that language also
- Stacks of bugs have been fixed, we've also made improvements to the initial startup sequence, increased performance when working on large projects, and the resource tree now has a visual helper when reordering items. There are also a few new runtime features, such as config support in #macro defines and support for IPv6 in the networking functions - see the Runtime release notes for more info
- Please note 2.1.4 is mandatory as we have fixed a licensing bug and are also preparing for General Data Protection Regulation changes. Accordingly, you will get "license is invalid" the first run after updating from 2.1.3 - please just login again once to fix

Pale Moon 27.9.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- We changed the language strings for softblocked items so people will cry less when we do our job
- Prevent potential SmartScreen bypass on Windows 10
- Fixed an issue in the Downloads panel improperly rendering some Unicode characters, allowing for the file name to be spoofed. This could be used to obscure the file extension of potentially executable files from user view in the panel
- Fixed a vulnerability in the XSLT component leading to a buffer overflow and crash if it occurs
- Fixed an integer overflow vulnerability in the Skia library resulting in possible out-of-bounds writes
- Fixed a use-after-free vulnerability while enumerating attributes during SVG animations with clip paths
- Fixed a buffer overflow during UTF8 to Unicode string conversion within JavaScript with extremely large amounts of data. This vulnerability requires the use of a malicious or vulnerable extension in order to occur
- Fixed several stability issues (crashes) and memory safety hazards

Pale Moon 27.9.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Removed the unused/incomplete places protocol handler
- Worked around an issue with MSE media without a Track ID. This should help with the playability of some live streams
- Ported across jemalloc improvements from UXP
- Ported across cairo mutex improvements from UXP
- Added support for FFmpeg 4.0/libavcodec 58
- Added a fix for Windows 10's "isAlpha()" not being what one would expect in v1803