Opera (32-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page18

最新版本 Opera 63.0 Build 3368.43 (32-bit)

Opera (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

用於 Windows 計算機的 Opera 為您提供了瀏覽網頁的快速,高效和個性化的方式。它配備了一個流暢的界面,可自定義的快速撥號,發現功能,它可以幫助您找到新的網頁內容,數據保存 Opera Turbo 模式,可視化書籤,超過 1000 個擴展。在一個快速的瀏覽器上在網上做更多!您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 Opera 離線安裝程序.State in sync輕鬆地從您的設備上... Opera (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Opera 11.62 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# User interface
* Fixed
- Find in page (Ctrl + F) uses last used Find inline type
- Address field focus lost on restart when installing extensions with a toolbar button
- Submit data-security-warning locks page with two warning dialogs where only one can be closed
- No window control buttons on the menu bar when disabling the close button on tabs
- Inefficient loading order of resources
- Can't easily save/open files downloaded in tiny pop-up
- WebM decoder freeze
- Opera replaces existing file when the 'Save As' dialog does not show the file extension
* Improved
- Updated tr/hu/cs language strings
# Display and scripting
* Fixed
- Some progressive JPEGs aren't decoded properly
- Crash when inspecting a UserJSEvent object in Dragonfly
- Facebook chat scrolling problems
- Text cursor position lost when clicking to focus on a search match inside a textarea
- Error message when sending mail at centrum.cz
- IDNs starting with number are shown with punycode in address bar
- Crash when posting message to extension background process
# Mail, news, chat
* Fixed
- Selected message not consistent on layout switching
- Last selected message is forgotten through a restart
- Scrolling or switching view is slow when there are messages with many addressees
- Occasional crash when navigating message list
# Network
* Fixed
- Support Ctrl+F5 and Shift+F5 for unconditional reload of web page (bypass cache)
- URL Turbo mode header reduction generates invalid HTTP messages
- Missing architecture information in the User Agent
# Presto 2.10 rendering engine
* Encoding improvements
- Changed multi-byte encodings to be non-greedy when encountering invalid byte sequences, which is more compatible with other implementations
# Security
* Fixed
- Fixed an issue where small windows could be used to trick users into executing downloads, as reported by Jordi Chancel
- Fixed an issue where overlapping content could trick users into executing downloads, as reported by Jordi Chancel
- Fixed an issue where history.state could leak the state data from cross domain pages
- Fixed an issue which could allow web page dialogs to display the wrong address in the address field
- Fixed an issue where carefully timed reloads and redirects could spoof the address field, as reported by Jordi Chancel

Opera 11.61 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

#User interface:
* Fixed
- New web handlers tab in the Site Preferences dialog cut off, dialog not wide enough
- Crash when clicking "Use master password to protect saved passwords" checkbox
- Occasional crash when clicking a link or opening a new tab
- Opera crashes when closing a tab that has the Star Menu opened
- Can't close Star Menu after opening Folders
- Opera crashes while closing feeds tab while dialog is open
- Opera loses advanced download settings after restart
- Opera Turbo Tooltip repeated multiple times
- Wrong new reload icon
- Zoom factor lost after selecting another message
- Bookmark star icon is not refreshed when the page is removed from the bookmarks
- Drop support for Fallback Background = 0 and Fallback Foreground = 0 in skins, fixes layout in mail window with some 3rd party skins
- Ampersands on main menu in WinXP with Zune Theme
- Titlebar remains when entering fullscreen mode (XP)
# Display and scripting:
* Fixed
- thepokerbay.org user profile crashes onload
- Crash in Carakan on WebGL benchmark
- Crash on applying 3025 background images
- Out of range memory access when using subpixel rendering
- Secure IFrame with URL to image lowers security level to "Unsecure" (breaks Paypal checkout)
- Opera freezes when loading a big session with the Tab vault extension
- NFL.com crashes with admuncher installed
- Overwritten document.selectSingleNode not called if invoked by helper function
- load events fire on LINK elements pointing to existing local resources (link rel="stylesheet" href="file://...")
- Do not cache invalid UserJS source files ("blacklisting" user javascript files on parse error)
- Cannot scroll down with mouse wheel over IFRAME with scrolling=no if smooth scrolling is enabled
- stylesheet not applied due to malformed gzip content
- Userjs confirmation on secure pages pops up on every load of the page
- Incorrect value of elements in ArrayBufferView created with byteOffset to an ArrayBuffer
- Captcha Images is not refreshing automatically after site refresh
# Mail, news, chat:
* Fixed
- Opera crashes on updating mail from version 9.27
- Crashes if you unpin the last message in the "Pinned" view
- After few seconds locked attachments disappear from a mail
- Check/Send (Ctrl+K) does not activate all mail accounts
- Sorting problem with ungrouped mail list
- Mail unread count is wrong
- Users not receiving new mails because of QRESYNC. Added a way to disable QRESYNC in incomingN.txt and automatically disable it if fails to sync with QRESYNC enabled
# Network:
* Fixed
- Crash in host resolver when closing browser after loading large number of tabs simultaneously
- IPv6 IP literal URLs "Invalid"
# Security:
* Fixed
- Fixed an issue where manipulation of framed content can allow cross-site scripting
- Fixed an issue here script events could be used to reveal the presence of local files

Opera 11.60 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# User interface
* Fixed
- Ctrl+Enter does not fill in Wand password
- Flash player does not close when closing a tab
- Inaccessible plug-in options in File type dialog
- Clean up Address Field and Search Field paddings
- URL not displayed in address field search if the list is too long
- Visual artifact in place of an arrow in the bookmarks dialog
- Opera crashes when removing Speed Dial that is being edited in another window
- Vertical alignment broken in the Add to Bookmarks dropdown dialog
- Unfocused selected item in panels has white font without background color
- Web handler toolbar not invoked for mailto protocol after another protocol handler has been deleted
- Opera crashes when attempting to close multiple tab stacks using "close all" command
- Crash on closing all tabs with UI animations off
- Browser does not react on clicks correctly after printing (script execution not unpaused)
- Ctrl+T doesn't set focus in address field
- Remove fast forward tip
- Crash when writing mailto: on Speed Dial page
- Script execution stops in extension pop-outs after it receives resize event: Ghostery pop-out is empty
- Crash on closing extensions popup
- Highlighted lines in the address field dropdown no longer vertically aligned in the center
- Crash related to the Web Handler Toolbar
- handler-spam blocks browser interaction
- Stop/Resume button and tooltip in the download manager always says Resume
- Crash after upgrading from 11.52 to 11.60
- Blurry thumbnails when resizing Speed Dial
- Speed Dial manual zoom doesn't take effect immediately
- Crash on closing multiple tabs having the Tab Bar set to Wrap to multiple lines
- Crash with empty address in search engine template
- Crash on closing Opera after failure to Save bookmarks file
- [Win] Remove Windows Native skin
# Display and scripting
* Fixed
- Focus won't stay in empty contenteditable=true element during IME composition
- Gmail inbox doesn't load
- Mouse gesture crash
- Crash with Dragonfly on forbes.com
- Web Workers crash
- DOM related cache crash on startup
- Inline blocks with specified width and padding and margin cause painting issues
- Function.constructor wrong on tuenti.com
- 100% CPU and eats all available memory at cisco.com subpage
- Content missing on catchoftheday.com.au
- Inline find crash
- Events not handled on fixed positioned child of absolutely positioned parent with overflow: auto and z-index
- Searching for pages in history using page title no longer works
- ixbt.com comments are not loaded
- Opening Unite home service triggers network warning
- Improved handling of fraud protection for URLs containing authentication credentials
# Mail, news, chat
* Improved
- Updated list of known mail providers for some Russian mail providers
- Make the feed header size a bit smaller and customizable (Prefs > Fonts > Titles)
* Fixed
- Keyboard shortcut "i" does not toggle through all mail views
- "Add contact" or shortcut A does not work
- New mails are date sorted behind old mails when no grouping is selected
- Prevent 'thread jumping' when marking messages as read
- Following contact broken when there was no contact item yet
- Not all messages get the unseen state in opera mail
- No context menu in quick reply
- Improve keyboard shortcuts and selecting messages in grouped mail list
- Follow/ignore contact and thread fixes
- Compose window background color is blue
- [Mac] "White label" in 11.60 is not white
- [Mac] Mail configuration dialogs have wrong layout on Mac
- Always show the global mail settings button in the top right position
- Expand/collapse button is not needed in mail header
- Sensible defaults for custom view specific sorting/grouping
- Use locale date format for "DD/MM" in sent date column
- Added an upgrade mail for existing M2 users
- Layout of label rules is broken
- No quick reply field on mail layout 'List and Message below'
- Can not make Spam properties dialog taller
- Search in "All messages" only works with complete strings
- Can't open attachments set to open in Opera on Mac
- Changing 'show' type settings in Unread view doesn't work
- Reopening a Mail panel section takes two clicks
- Mail list item context menu update
# Security
* Fixed
- Fixed a moderately severe issue; details will be disclosed at a later date
- Fixed an issue that could allow pages to set cookies or communicate cross-site for some top level domains
- Improved handling of certificate revocation corner cases
- Added a fix for a weakness in the SSL v3.0 and TLS 1.0 specifications
- Fixed an issue where the JavaScript "in" operator allowed leakage of cross-domain information

Opera 11.52 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# Display and scripting
* Fixed
- Adjusting volume on a YouTube HTML5 Video causes freeze
- Fixed a non-exploitable bug which allowed injection of untrusted markup into the X-Frame-Options error page.
# Network
* Fixed
- Crashes when downloading via BitTorrent
# Security
* Fixed
- Fixed an issue where manipulating fonts in SVG could allow execution of arbitrary cod

Opera 11.51 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

User interface:
* Fixed
- Extension manager utlizes too much CPU
- Opera Turbo button lost on upgrade if the Status Bar was modified
- Crash when dragging a button from the Appearance dialog onto the Tab Bar
- Suggested extensions disappear after second click in [+] window in Speed Dial
- Extensions are launched even if set not to do so
- Impossible to manually resize Speed Dial if custom number of columns is set
- Installed extensions are not filtered out from the suggestions
- Selecting search suggestion using keyboard is difficult because the first search engine is focused by default
- Opera Link settings always shows Speed Dial Sync status from Opera startup value
- Crashes on cancelling Speed Dial add dialog after clicking the add button twice
- Opera Unite home service is removed from widgets.dat on disabling webserver in preferences
- Opera crashed when clicking on the + sign in Speed Dial
- Stability improvements
- Some languages spelled with small initial letter in international installer
- Cancelling uninstall triggers Windows compatibility assistant
- The text for agreeing to Opera's Terms of service seems to jumps if you click "Terms of Service" and then back again.
- Crash during installation
- Wrong registry setting, after setting Opera as the default browser
Display and scripting:
* Fixed
- Error in parsing Content-Disposition extension parameters
- Option elements within data lists shouldn't require value attributes
- Stability improvements
Mail, news, chat:
* Fixed
- Crash on marking e-mail messages as 'Not Spam'
- Mail in IMAP sent folder not marked as sent
- Crash on opening label properties with feeds only
* Fixed
- 'Long' OCSP/AIA/CRL requests might cause handshake failures if the TLS server cuts the connection
* Fixed
- Fixed an issue that could allow unsecured web content to appear secure
- Fixed a low severity issue

Opera 11.50 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# User interface
* Improvements
- Improved layout handling for Speed Dial
- Removed empty Speed Dial suggestions buttons
- Provided an option to pin Opera to the taskbar on Windows 7
- Added indeterminate state to checkbox native skins
- Translation improvements
- Added the preferences option: opera:config#UserPrefs|ShowDropdownButtonInAddressfield
* Fixed
- POST request in search engines not working
- Crash when printing certain pages
- Crash when saving images
- When navigating back to the parent in Menu bar dropdowns, focus jumps back to previous top menu entry
- WebP images having an "Unknown" type
- Opera installer crashing as soon as the installation wizard starts
- URLs and links not being draggable to desktop in Windows 7 with rotating Aero themes
- Crash after closing page with a plug-in context menu open
- HTML5 Forms error notification being shown on the wrong screen
- Crash when adding a speed dial with known URL or dismissing dialog with the Escape key
- Extension installation being blocked after trying to install suggested extension with invalid link
- Missing pointers for left/right arrows in Speed Dial thumbnail dialogs
- Plus button not always appearing when adding a new Speed Dial
- Input context being broken with Speed Dial extension preferences dialog open
- Crash after closing browser with opened Speed Dial edit dialog having something typed in address field
- Extension preferences overlay dialog not being dismissed after pressing Escape
- Do not append Speed Dial title to extension in manager if they are same
- Invalid extension warning being displayed after trying to install extension suggestion without network connection
- Opera Dragonfly "Inspect Element" feature not working
- Yandex Calendar not working
- Tab Bar failing to correctly redraw after returning from hibernation
- Crash when using the tab cycler to move between tabs while a modal dialog is open
- Alt + Up and Alt + Down not scrolling messages anymore
- Context menu search using keyboard modifiers not opening in private tabs
- Suppress External Embeds config setting not working
- Dragging a sessions file to an Opera window not opening the session
- Trashed favorites still showing up in the Panel toolbar
- Shut down issue casued by message flooding from Flash plug-in
- Crash on closing browser with a notification window open
- All speed dials except newly added Opera Link speed dials disappear when startup dialog is shown
- Tab activation occurring on mousedown; cannot drag tabs to Speed Dial
- Sync sending two requests (a correct and an empty one)
- Opening a panel in one window opens it in others as well
- Switching between the Speed Dial website and extension suggestions stops loading previews
- Crash when installing a Speed Dial extension
- Speed Dial extensions installed through the add dialog have url set to http://<title>
- Crash when trying to open Speed Dial extension preferences when search field is focused
- Ghost Speed Dial extensions being created after loading previews through the Add Speed Dial dialog
- Cannot add a new speed dial if the + button is hidden
- Crash that is related to search
- Opera failing to start when search.ini points to invalid default search engines
- Crash when editing a Speed Dial entry search box which is focused, but out of the viewport
- New bookmark being added as first item of a folder instead of last
- The scroll container not being disabled in the Ad Speed Dial dialog
- Keyboard modifier is missing to save images on click
- Opera not exiting if closed while the Speed Dial extension prefs dialog is open
- Simplified Chinese being incorrectly detected as Korean
- Download notification with dual monitors following the mouse cursor, not the Opera window
- After system restart/user logoff/login, browser behaving as if it crashed
- Speed Dial extensions installed in unsupported versions causing problems on upgrade
- GMail being zoomed and cut when changing tabs
- Crash when exiting Opera while syncing for the first time
- Custom reload not working if Speed Dial is not opened
- Moved Speed Dials should be inserted rather than being swapped
- When adding a speed dial, a URL is sent as title
- No animation occurring when removing speed dials
- Ctrl + # keyboard shortcut for Speed Dial being shifted with custom keyboard setups
- Ctrl + Enter to log in not working
- Wrong active tab occurring in a stack after adding a tab to an expanded stack
- Keyboard down arrow causing Notes to appear to the left below the input box
- Web Storage crash when opening a page with an extension installed
- Crash occurring at progorod.ru
- Crash when reloading a page in Opera Dragonfly
- "Delete private data" removing Wand passwords
- viewmode:minimized speed dials sometimes reloading twice when opening a new tab

# Display and scripting
* Improvements
- Improved pop-up blocker (now blocks more pop-ups)
- Implemented HTMLInputElement.indeterminate, and checkbox indeterminate state
- Made parseInt significantly faster
- Improved W3C Geolocation test suite conformance
- Enable EventSource interface in Web Workers
- Improved handling of Link entries with invalid dates
- Reduced memory use in representation of compiled ECMAScript code
- Allowed extensions and browser to share cookies
- Optimizations to CSS tokenizing (CSS parsing performance up to 10-15% faster)
* Fixed
- File continues downloading after tab is closed
- 100% width/height not resolving to a parent's dimensions if the parent is sized with top/right/bottom/left
> Fixes Yandex Maps, QQ Mail, Flickr photo streams, and others
- Negative margin, hidden overflow, and absolute positioning hiding content
- Broken radial gradients
- Cached HEAD requests (XMLHttpRequest) affecting normal GET requests
- Asterisks (*) mistakenly being escaped in form data
- Parsing of SVG <paint> failing in CSS for anything that has more than one value
- location.href="" not reloading the page
- Incorrect evaluation of RegExp: "aaa".match(/(a*){2}/)
- Uncaught DOMException does not show message in console, only [object DOMException]
- Variable becoming undefined within a loop after assignment
- When a separator is "this", Array.prototype.join() not working properly
- Array.prototype.join() not complying with ES3/ES5 specification
- Array.prototype.join() crashing on non-array objects with initial holes
- Document created by createHTMLDocument not having a DOCTYPE
- RegExp.prototype.exec deviating from the specification
- SVGElement constructors and prototypes not being exposed to scripts
- input type=email incorrectly rejecting IDNs (non-ASCII domains)
- Crash when using SVG to draw a large number of characters on a path
- Float in multicol preventing a break
- High memory usage being caused by browser.js
- Crash occurring when a direct child of the HTML element is being deleted with the Document Edit functionality
- Constants not being exposed on EventSource interface object
- Freeze occurring at domiteca.com
- Sync not writing the disk queue on first start when using sync
- High memory usage occurring at test262.ecmascript.org
- Calculation of table-caption inside a CSS table element
- .text property not being available in svg:script during the BeforeScript event
- Freeze occurring in designMode when two body elements which are both part of a selection are replaced with new text
- Form submit and reset field values not being able to be updated through JavaScript
- Crash related to text node selection and closed/removed pop-up windows or iframes
- The willValidate property returning false when it should return true
- history.pushState and replaceState not setting the referrer correctly for subsequent requests
- Crash occurring when AUDIO/VIDEO element is moved between windows with a script
- Gradients with more than 32768 stops causing a crash when applied (canvas, SVG, CSS)
- Crash occurring with SVG animation
- Save image option not being available in the context menu
- Form layout crash
- Web Worker crash
- SVG BiDi crashing/freezing
- contentEditable crash when typing
- Incorrect text alignment (baseline) of text occurring in canvas element
- Print previewing of a large table freezes browser
- Crash when replacing singleton prototype with another prototype singleton
- Incorrect duplication of content occurring with multi-column container with column-fill:balance and block-level children
- Custom web fonts prohibiting onload event firing
- Crash when loading page with a select box with many OPTIONs
- Starting Opera again to get a new window in SDI mode not working
- Font initialization slowing down Opera's startup
- Accessing items in localStorage lowers the security status of secure sites to insecure
- SunSpider stopping halfway with JS error about inline script generation limit
- Link adding whitespace as a suffix and prefix for occurences of & in passwords
- Crash occurring when setting iframe src on load from within injected script
- Extension related crash on exit
- Object load not being fired for CSS or JavaScript files
- Overflow container inside a table introducing unwanted scrollbars
- Gmail video chat not showing a picture
- Crash related to Password manager
- Angry Birds web game sometimes not loading on reload
- Crash when selecting the back option after logging out of Facebook with the "Facebook Chat message count" extension
- Impossible to spatially navigate to and through the entire block of news on BBC due to nested blocks with non-visible overflow
- XML parsing failed error occurring when opening local MHTML files
- DOM crash occurring at live.com
- SVG element invalid state being downgraded in certain situations
- Media query for device-height not working
- Change event not firing when clicking a label associated with a checkbox

# Mail, news, chat
* Fixed
- Updated mailproviders.xml to support the new My Opera Mail service
- Menu > Mail > Read Mail failing to show mail
- Saved sessions containing a Mail tab not loading in a profile without a mail account
- New label filter not catching messages with default settings
- After deleting a label, mails do not become visible in other views
- Crash occurring when marking many mails as read with the Space key
- Deleting mail and feed messages only being marked as read
- Crash occurring when marking many mails as read with the Space key
- Email attachment disappearing after viewing it
- External embeds being blocked in Drafts view
- "Go to web address" done in mail or chat opening an unnecessary blank tab

# Miscellaneous
* Fixed
- Installer crashing when clicking Terms of Service

# Security
* Improvements
- Tightened security policies in several locations
- Fixed a moderately severe issue. Details will be disclosed at a later date.
- Fixed an issue where data URIs could be used to initiate cross site scripting against unrelated sites, as reported by Michal Zalewski of the Google Security Team.
- Fixed an issue with error pages that could cause a system crash, as reported through JPCERT

Opera 11.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

User interface:
* Fixed
- Crash when opening a folder selector in a widget and then closing the widget
- Opera installer crashing as soon as the installation wizard starts
Display and scripting:
* Fixed
- Crash when opening www.falk.de
- Crash when reloading page after opening a popup of easy-sticky-note extension
- Google calendar previewing of month view
- Mouse wheel not scrolling an outer page when over iframe
- Opera freezing on Wikipedia with column-count producing infinite repaints
- "outline-offset" not working; fix applied in the verticalbox case
- Crash when destroying Silverlight instance on vod.onet.pl
- Calling location.replace with same URL as current page does not fetch it from the network
- Text on button of the error page in Asian languages being vertically aligned
- Visiting a page with a plug-in that is not installed resets Time Of Last Upgrade Check
- Made further small fixes and stability improvements
- HTTPS url being incorrectly unloaded for application cache urls, especially effecting Opera Dragonfly
- Fast forward being broken on google.com
Mail, news, chat:
* Fixed
- Marking a mail message in Trash as unread causes it to disappear
- Inability to disable Spam filter in mail
* Fixed
- Crash on sites using http:///www.multicert.com/ca/multicert-ca-02.crl
* Fixed
- Fixed an issue with framesets that could allow execution of arbitrary code, as reported by an anonymous contributor working with the SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program.

Opera 11.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# User interface 
* Improved
- Updated graphics for Speed Dial and callout dialogs
- Improved performance and resizability of internal pages
- Improvements made to the Extension Manager design
- Updated localization
* Fixed 
- Crashes on tetris, browser-pong and some other extensions
- Opera occasionally writes files with cropped and/or corrupted names
- If authentication with auth.opera.com fails, there is no error message
- Speed Dial fixes: 
> Speed Dial "Configure.." button not being translated
> Not being able to drag a tab, link, or url into Speed Dial
> Tabbing on Speed Dial not cycling a selection back to the top
> Maintaining Tab key press flow between thumbnails after they are swapped
> Implemented animation when adding speed dials
> Thumbnail loading for My Opera does not work
- Opera crashing when switching to other programs, folders, etc. in Windows 7
- Console messages not including a timestamp
- Error Console not remembering its position and size when re-opened
- Absence of the SVG console error
- Tab activation order being wrong when minimizing tabs
- Not sending referrer when using middle click, or using mouse gestures
- Crash on exit after viewing a downloaded file's properties from the download tab
- Not being possible to select stacked tab by hovering the thumbnails
- Thumbnails in tab stacks not being updated on window resize
- No generic views after importing multiple mail accounts in a clean install
- Not being able to click on a single tab tooltip (thumbnail) to switch tabs
- Black gap occurring between the address bar and bookmark bar with native skins
- Crash occurring when adding/deleting bookmarks
- Crash on using a visual mouse gesture to get back to startup page
- Search engine menu not closing after selecting a new search engine
- Wrong search icon occurring in hotclick pop-up menu
- New context menu appears when closing a context menu
- Tabs being cut off with tab bar on the left or right side when "Wrap to multiple lines" selected

# Display and scripting 
* Improved
- Added partial support for the HTML5 File API
- Implemented HTML5 data-* attributes
- Added tab thumbnails with Windows native skin
- Increased document cache from 200 to 300 MBs
- Now using W3C Widgets <update-description> for Opera Widgets as well
- Implemented the W3C's "view-mode" media feature in Opera
- Removed the -o prefix of CSS zoom cursors -o-zoom-in and -o-zoom-out
- Added the ability to associate Opera with .ogg files
- Added new Windows installer graphics
- Further improvements to thumbnail quality
- Removed striped panel background and associated image
* Fixed 
- Crash on widgets using media elements when pointing to internal resources
- Crash after uninstalling or disabling an extension which uses the Tabs api
- Crash when enabling Opera Dragonfly
- Crash on hovering a floated element with transforms applied
- Crash on Tomato Firmware v1.28.1816 Status Device List page
- Crashes on futura-sciences.com, seoptimise.com, mitosyfraudes.org and others
- Windowed plug-in position not being updated when moved in an overflowed container
- extension.broadcastMessage fails for message handlers on UserJS side
- Failing to parse an XML document every second reload
- A memory leak fix
- Back from Google search result being inconsistent, sometimes going back two pages, sometimes cannot go back at all
- Relatively positioned image links being cut off on scroll
- Menus on dpreview.com not working
- Crash occurring with games on zylom.com
- Not being able to touch the timer resolution when the computer is running on battery
- Plugin installation wizard being blocked by file types prefs in operaprefs.ini
- Buttons in the Missing Plugins toolbar grow larger when window is resized, clipping toolbar text
- Spatnaving in an overflow:hidden box not scrolling the box
- Hidden animated .gif causing high CPU load in Opera because of constant repaints
- Opera Dragonfly: Eval-ing arguments returns unhandledException
- Crash when using spell check with a Korean dictionary
- Opera Dragonfly: Eval fails in new thread
- User JavaScript: BeforeCSS broken; changing CSS source fails if there are external stylesheets
- Plug-in text becoming transparent with a fully transparent skin
- Left auto offset being incorrect for an absolutely positioned floated inline or inline-block
- Absolutely positioned child of an element with height larger than its parent with hidden overflow generating a scrollbar as if its ancestor had not had non-visible overflow
- box-shadow mixing with opacity results in clipped shadows
- -o-transform plus zoom giving text rendering problems
- Floats not clearing if elements with clear are preceded by an element with a negative bottom margin
- Events and :hover not firing on element that has absolutely positioned parent with clipping applied
- Border disappearing when parent container is an inline-block with z-index and opacity being < 1
- Inner width/height of overflow auto elements not compensating for scrollbar width/height
- Setting form action causes error when reading out tagName for object elements inside a form on gallito.com.uy
- Generated :after content incorrectly adding to an element's height
- Text overlaps on BlackBerry product site: Cufon font replacement not initializing due to sheet.disabled returning true for empty sheets
- worldoflogs.com display issues
- Can not add options to newly created SELECT that is not in the DOM; only the first two sub levels in a "tree" working on elfa.se
- Embedded Flash with src starting with "file" and with colon in URL fails to load
- Images (especially background image) flickering when following a link on the same domain
- Text selection not painting correctly when selecting between two block elements
- Bing.com hotels popup autocloses on opening after being closed the first time
- Inline element overflow being clipped when opacity is applied
- Reading nodename on an unknown tag kills scripting; parsed to HTMLElement
- Iframe with empty scrolling attribute getting no scrollbar, and is unscrollable
- New image viewer breaking platform/user key bindings (fast forward) in a directory of images
- Crash when passing empty parameter to a Java applet
- Search term in search suggestion GET requests not getting URL encoded
- Crash triggered when enabling fullscreen mode, using visual tabs, and various other things
- JavaScript alerts and prompts not displaying on reload
- Iframe advertisement being misplaced on a zoomed-in thumbnail
- Unwanted caching of widget files when loaded directly from disk
- X-Purpose header being added twice for GET requests

# Mail, news, chat
* Improved
- Added support for XLIST IMAP extension
- Added support for SPECIAL-USE
- Added support for a trash and spam IMAP folder
* Fixed 
- No generic views after importing multiple mail accounts in a clean install
- Right-click text box menu appearing after close of several right-click menus (Notes, Mail, Chat)
- List view being corrupt and scambled
- Mail not always being filtered before body is selected or downloaded
- First mail attachment can not be deleted

# Miscellaneous
* Improved
- Improved power usage
* Fixed 
- The Opera installer updating Opera.HTML in both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE when installing for "All users on this computer"
- Incorrect language being selected in the installer
- In some rare cases, Windows user names in file paths triggering crashes during installation
- With an autoupdate pending for install, uninstalling Opera prior to updating is difficult
- Uninstalling Opera while Widgets are running does not give a locked file dialog
- "Stop installing" notification appears when clicking "Ignore" in the installer locked files dialog
- Opera changing shell folders on startup
- Help text for an installation type not working
- During installation, the "Accept and Install" button changes text when opening the TOS
- Crash occurring when launching the installer
- Crash when restoring a page
- Installer freezing after being extracted on limited XP systems

# Network
* Fixed 
- Problems connecting to HTTP proxy after adding SOCKS support

Opera 11.01 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# Web specifications
* Implemented
- Support for window.DOMStringList object of the W3C DOM3 DOMStringList Interface

# User interface
* Improved
- Translation updates added throughout the UI
* Fixed
- Various mouse gesture sensitivity and recognition issues
- Crashes occurring with Opera Dragonfly reload, file download, extension autoupdate, search suggestions
- Crash occurring when clicking a link twice
- An issue with feed preview
- Opera installer fixes:
> Crash when installing or uninstalling Opera
> No File Lock window on upgrade when Opera is running on Windows 2000
> Several processes when upgrading on a limited Windows Vista/7 account
> Opera creating a file called desktop.ini and places it on the desktop
> Switching languages in the installer does not changing the language in the help tooltip
> Error code 76 occurring if the MSI uninstallation fails to find the source package
- Crash occuring when closing a tab
- Crash occuring when opening a downloaded file
- Default size of the search field unintentionally changing
- Crash occuring on page load for some sites, for example vkontakte.ru
- Repaint issues occuring when in Facebook
- Disk cache in Turbo mode being prematurely emptied after bringing up a context menu
- Deactivated auto-reload in speed dials when the address changes
- Removed the close button on tabs that are not selected

# Display and scripting
* Improved
- Exposed the widget object to extension scripts
* Fixed
- script element being re-executed if child text changes
- HTMLElement.toString() throwing an exception for all HTMLElement prototypes
- Touch event attributes being misnamed in SVG
- Dynamically added style sheet fails to apply if rel attribute is set after a href attribute
- DocumentType not being prototypable
- Empty script elements still have an empty text node child
- Iframe with document.domain is not being allowed to open parent's document
- Not being able to submit forms with input[type=search] or with <input type=number> when pressing Enter
- Deeply nested (5+ levels) iframe not loading in Analytix
- Crash when clicking in a dropdown on a WAP page
- Crash when downloading to a non-accessible target
- Opera installer crash when upgrading a running copy of Opera
- Crash prevention for spell checking
- URI fragment identifier not being exposed in all URIs

# Mail, news, chat
* Improved
- Updated the HushMail mailproviders entry
- Added MobileMe Mail-me.com-to mail providers
- Now possible to open the mail panel as a tab when only using feeds
- The appearance of the signature editor
- HTML replying and forwarding format
* Fixed
- Crash occurring with the mail account dropdown
- Mail bodies sometimes not loading in single message view
- Settings being lost for POP views after a restart
- Unread count in the Mail panel button not being updated
- Crash occurring when changing an M2 account in mail compose
- The default font for HTML mail composition
> Simultaneouly fixed an issue with dir=rtl that was inserted in the wrong place in the HTML
- Mail Toolbar instead of Feed Toolbar being shown when searching in a 'feeds only' installation
- Right-click context menu in Mail panel section headers being misplaced when the section is expanded
- Incorrect right-click context menu being in the Mail Toolbar search field
- Crash occurring when trying to edit two links in mail compose at once
- Crash occurring while creating folders when no item is selected in the feed section
- Index sizes above 2 GB that have negative values in the mail panel window
- Issues with the mail panel context menu when only using feeds
- Account does not loading on startup if the signature is wrong
- Showing feeds when showing a mail account (show messages from)

# Security
* Fixed
- Removed support for javascript: URLs in CSS -o-link values, to make it easier for sites to filter untrusted CSS.
- Fixed an issue where large form inputs could allow execution of arbitrary code, as reported by Jordi Chancel
- Fixed an issue which made it possible to carry out clickjacking attacks against internal opera: URLs.
- Fixed issues which allowed web pages to gain limited access to files on the user's computer.
- Fixed an issue where email passwords were not immediately deleted when deleting private data.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the wrong executable to be used to display a downloaded file in its folder

Opera 11.00 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# User interface
* Improved
- Various improvements to tab ordering
- Opening new tabs in background and foreground using short cuts
- Redesign of the extension auto-update notification
- Handling of OEX files from the command line and from DDE
- Added a Malware site display in the security button when a site is blocked because it contains malware
- Added Show Full URL which minimizes the badge and shows the full url in the Address bar
- Added a tooltip to the search field
- Added visual enhancements to the search drop down
- Added a new Opera extension installer UI
- Added a user preference to disable the mouse gestures popup
- Added a new extension update dialog
- Added a new privacy dialog for extensions
- Added HTTP authentication skin elements to match the address field badge
- Improved dragging tabs in and out of stacks
- Updated the Speed Dial background
- Updated translation strings

# Fixed
- Crash when exiting Opera
- Crash when opening address bar drop down
- Session files not being backed up
- Extensis Web Font service not working in Opera
- Creating a custom search engine with URLs that include a #
- Problems with automated crash logging
- Crash when holding CTRL + W
- Tab stacking fixes:
* Tab group being hidden by closing an inactive top tab
* Extending a second tab group compresses the first group
* Tab group vanishing if you delete an active tab from call out
* Active tab not being hidden when collapsing a stack
* Issue when opening new tabs within a stack:
> Links opening in foreground or background open in the same groups as the parent tab, or a new group if one does not exist
> Position in the tab group now decided by using Open new tab next to active
- A problem with automatic stacking
- Repainting issue when stacking tabs
- Opera freezing when UI animations are disabled and a tab is moved
- Tab order being dropped when you drop more than one from the window list into a stack, or into normal tabs
* Crash when dragging and dropping an item to the last position on the tab bar
* Trying to merge stacks can cause them to split
* Setting the top button of collapsed group dropped into an expanded group as the active tab for the group
* Setting of active and hidden tabs in groups when the mouse up occurs
- Extensions fixes:
* Web page opened in popup was going to browser history
* Scrolling popup content also scrolls the browser's tab
* Extension description field not expanding to display the full extension description
* Visibility of extension toolbar
* Crash occurring after an extension tries to access web in offline mode
* Popup reloading on badge update
* Focusing and unfocusing the address field with keyboard shortcuts not animating the badge
* No notification displaying if an extension update fails
* Address bar not being accessible in the extensions option page
* Some extensions not displaying access info
* Crash when disabling an extension
* Font size of an author's name in extension manager
* Double clicking on OEX in file system not invoking its installation
* Blank badge displays when enabling Opera Turbo after typing in address field and focusing page
* No notification being displayed if an extension update failed
* Various fixes applied for popup skin, size, and arrow positioning
* Pop-ups opening in the foreground even though Open in background is set
* Security policy not being tracked during an extensions update
* Crash when adding pages to the Read later extension
* Opera extension update notification showing Opera Unite application update
* Extension manager not being keyboard navigable
* JavaSsript alert on extensions preferences does not show the extension title
* The .oex file icon on Windows
* Security indication for Web pages not displaying when Opera Turbo is on
* Confusing Opera Turbo information displays when loading https site with certificate problems
* New Address bar not displaying an extension badge
* Incorrect sample text for Chinese simplified and Chinese traditional occurring in the International fonts dialog
* Searchbox on another toolbar making Opera freeze on startup
* Opera opening multiple download dialogs with the same content when Open windows instead of tabs is enabled
* Web Panel height not growing when starting with a restored window and switching to maximized
* Add Web Panel not working when done through Appearances
* Download dialog disappearing on redirect
* Shift + Enter and Ctrl + Shift + Enter not working in the Address bar
* Inability to remove multi-search field from the Address bar
* Auto-update crash when triggering an update of Opera Unite
* Gmail Video Chat Plug-In not working
* External links being opened in private tabs
* Disabled Shortcuts: in Quick Launch Toolbar option on Windows 7
* Install for all users not creating a shortcut in the Quick launch bar for other users
* Opera's profile from the VirtualStore being merged if the UAC is disabled
* Bookmark all open pages putting bookmarks in wrong folder, or root folder in Manage Bookmarks view
* Fragment identifier not showing up when viewing a full URL
* No icon displaying in the address bar for malware warnings
* Right click context menu not working if mouse guestures are disabled
* Crash when performing a mouse gesture
* Crash when closing a certificate dialog
* Crash relating to keyboard input
* New installer not noticing that widgets are running when upgrading
* No Locked File window (and error message) appearing when trying to upgrade Opera; occurs when files in the installation folder are locked by other programs on Windows Vista

# Display and scripting
- Improved
* Extensions: Added support for debugging of isolated userjs
* Improved HTML5 forms support, including a better UI
* SVG performance improvements
* Improved memory usage
* Made various plug-in improvements

# Fixed
* Tabs being created via an extension popup not sharing cookies with the browser
* JavaScript bookmarklet not working
* Crash when configuring extensions
* Crash with extension throwing an error message
* Fragment identifiers and internal anchors not working in widgets
* Argument arrays and variable objects being left attached when an execution context is aborted
* Progress bar being removed while still loading IFRAMEs
* innerHTML including a doctype node will output a >
* Focus not being set on an element when there is a scrollbar
* Zero Width Non-Joiner character not rendering correctly in Right To Left (RTL) languages
* Web Panel height not growing when starting with a restored window and switching to maximized
* WebSocket error messages in error console not appearing in desktop
* Disabled WebSockets by default due to security problems
* Crash in Flash when going in and out of print preview
* High CPU usage sometimes occurring on Gmail
* Memory issue relating to cache

# Mail, news, chat
- Improved
* Category headers and their context menus are now keyboard accessible
* Added support for Feed folders in import and export of OPML files
* Made Unread count labels clickable

# Fixed
* Only creating subfolders for feeds when the top level folder is focused
* Dragging a parent feed folder into a third level child causes Opera to freeze
* Feed being added to a panel when cancelling a dialog
* Resizing the mail panel freezes Opera
* Crash when importing feeds or mail
* Label icon not displaying in the Labels column
* Removing a message label having no immediate visual feedback
* Message count missing from Trash
* Crash when using an own button for accessing mail folders without a mail account
* Show Messages From not hiding other account sections
* Incorrect default mail signature
* Sections in mail panel moved to the bottom disappearing after a restart
* Opera not checking newsfeeds after importing
* After removing an item from a treeview, key down to the next section does not work
* Contacts panel not being counted as a mail-related panel
* Quick reply messing up the mail body's HTML source when replying to an HTML message; occurs when prefer HTML formatting is set
* Mail panel scrollbar not always moving when tabbing to out-of-view sections
* Clicking inside a long section scrolls other sections out of view
* Content blocker toolbar not being set to wrap
* Problems with keyboard navigation in the Mailing list panel section
* Context menu breaking when using keyboard on accordion section headers
* mailto dialog missing its favicons

# Miscellaneous
- Fixed
* Insecure Third Party Module warning when starting Opera (DEP/Data Execution Prevention)
* Install path not being updated when upgrading Opera
* Changed the command line parameters of the installer so that they can express a change from default behavior
* Not be able to send email from Gmail when in private mode
* Changing selected characters with Microsoft IME/IME 2007 makes the background color of selected characters become transparent

# Network
- Fixed
* Connections with STP/1 remote hosts failing when socket callbacks are unordered

# Security
- Fixed
* Fixed an issue where Web page content could display misleading security information; see our advisory.
* Fixed an issue which could allow leaking of WAP form content to other sites; see our advisory.
* Fixed a high severity issue; details will be disclosed at a later date.
* Fixed further high severity issues; details will be disclosed at a later date.