Oculus SDK for Windows

最新版本 Oculus SDK 1.11.0

Oculus SDK 1.11.0

Oculus SDK 1.11.0
Oculus SDK for Windows 最新版本下載。加入 Rift 開發者社區,為全球高端消費者 VR 體驗創造內容。從獨立工作室到 AAA 團隊,遊戲產業的先驅正在界定互動媒體的未來。借助各種工具和強大的平台 SDK,建立虛擬現實從未如此簡單.

通過自然的手勢和移動提高您的虛擬現實體驗。解鎖 Oculus Touch 控制器的功能,讓您的觀眾以非凡的精度操縱對象和遊戲元素。觸摸控制器提供輸入和触覺反饋,為創建理想的用戶體驗提供了更大的靈活性。現在就為您的 Oculus 耳機開發 VR 應用程序!

開始使用原生 PC SDK 並探索為藝術家,遊戲設計師,軟件開發人員和集成工程師量身打造的示例演示。使用我們的分步設置指南,或者選擇您喜歡的遊戲引擎。探索 Unity 示例場景和教程,或查看我們的虛幻引導來優化 VR 性能,Touch 控制器的觸覺等等。 Oculus SDK for Windows 太棒了!

為 VR 創建引人注目的遊戲,應用和社交體驗。輕鬆開發整個 Oculus 平台,並集成到您最喜愛的遊戲引擎中,或者使用我們的本地 PC 和移動 SDK。

使用我們的 Platform SDK 創建動態的社交體驗。輕鬆利用我們的內置功能,包括 VoIP 和 P2P 支持,配對,朋友列表和房間。增加與排行榜,成就和應用程序內購買的關係.

高端 3D 音頻支持
為了獲得最佳性能,Oculus Audio SDK 與 Unity 和 Unreal 集成,除了為 FMOD,Wwise 和數字音頻工作站提供插件之外。借助我們的 VR 音頻資源,包括插入式插件,提供簡單的 HRTF 和房間建模空間化,以及聲音設計,混合場景,距離建模等指南,創建最引人注目,最有說服力的 VR 體驗。立即為您的 Oculus 耳機開發虛擬現實應用!

利用我們最先進的開發工具和 SDK。無論您是初學者還是高級開發人員,我們都擁有廣泛的功能,軟件包和支持材料,可幫助您為個人電腦和移動設備創造最佳體驗.

功能強大的 SDK 和靈活的集成
統一和虛幻具有超越支持 Oculus 硬件。通過使用 Oculus Audio SDK,以最小的性能開銷提高音質,利用我們的 Platform SDK 開發動態社交體驗,並探索教程,示例場景,定制實用程序包等等.

Dynamic Store
Oculus Store 處於內容髮現創新的前沿。利用 VR 所帶來的獨特的沉浸式環境,我們為客戶提供愉快的瀏覽和購物環境,以前所未有的方式展示您的作品。

開始使用我們的文檔和開發人員指南。向業界先鋒學習,並從論壇上的其他 VR 開發人員那裡獲得幫助.8997423


檔案版本 Oculus SDK 1.11.0

檔案名稱 ovr_sdk_win_1.11.0_public.zip
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Oculus VR, LLC
官網 https://developer3.oculus.com/downloads/
更新日期 2017-02-11

What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Added ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin(), which enables you to specify the tracking origin instead of setting the tracking origin based on the user's current location
- Added IndexTriggerRaw, HandTriggerRaw, and ThumbstickRaw, which provide raw button values without a deadzone or filter

Added the following ASW Performance HUD statistics:
- ASW Status
- ASW Active-Toggle Count
- ASW Presented-Frame Count
- ASW Failed-Frame Count

Added the following ASW SDK statistics:
- AswIsActive
- AswActivatedToggleCount
- AswPresentedFrameCount
- AswFailedFrameCount

Known Issues:
- Some older AMD CPUs are not currently compatible with Asynchronous SpaceWarp (ASW), which might cause your system to repeatedly crash. The workaround is to disable ASW by setting its registry key to 0
- If you encounter intermittent tracking issues, remove the batteries from any Engineering Sample Oculus Remotes that you paired with your headset and contact Developer Relations for replacement remotes
- If you bypass the shim and communicate with the DLL directly, without specifying a version to ovr_Initialize, the DLL has no way of knowing the SDK version with which the application was built. This can result in unpredictable or erratic behavior which might cause the application to crash
- There are some USB chipsets that do not meet the USB 3.0 specification and are incompatible with the Oculus Rift sensor. If you receive a notification in Oculus Home or the Oculus App, plug the sensor into a different USB 3.0 port (blue). If none of the USB 3.0 ports work, plug the sensor into a USB 2.0 port (black)
- Antivirus software, such a McAfee, can cause installation issues. To work around the issue, make sure you have the latest updates and disable real-time scanning
- If you encounter installation issues, delete the Oculus folder and install the software again
- If the Rift displays a message that instructs you to take off the headset, remove it and place it on a flat surface for 10-15 seconds
- The keyboard and mouse do not work in Oculus Home. To select an item, gaze at it and select it using the Oculus Remote or Xbox controller
- Bandwidth-intensive USB devices, such as web cams and high-end audio interfaces, might not work when using the Rift. To work around this issue, install the device on another USB host controller or a separate computer
- For dual-boot systems using DK2 or CB1 HMDs, the OS selection screen might appear on the HMD instead of the monitor. To work around this, try plugging the HMD into a different port or unplug the HMD while booting
- If you are running your application from the Unity Editor and you press the controller's home button to return to Oculus Home, you will be prompted to close the application. If you select OK, Unity might remain in a state where it is running, but will never get focus. To work around this, restart Unity

Oculus SDK 1.11.0 相關參考資料
Changelog | Oculus XR Plugin | 4.1.2

2023年11月6日 — [1.11.0] - 2021-10-05. Changed. Vulkan is no longer experimental for Oculus on Android in Unity 2021.2 and higher, and will no longer be ...


Changelog | OpenXR Plugin | 1.11.0-exp.1

2024年2月25日 — Fixed Oculus controllers tracking issues when both OpenXR package and Oculus package are installed in the project. Fixed an issue in Play Mode ...


Downloading Oculus SDK 1.11.0 from FileHorse.com

Oculus SDK for Windows latest version download. Join the Rift developer community and create content for the world's premium consumer VR experience.


Manual: Oculus XR Plugin - Unity

Versions available: [email protected], compatible, 2.0.0-preview.1. [email protected], released, 1.11.0. [email protected], released, 1.10.0 ...


Oculus Developer Center | Downloads


Oculus Development Requirements | Unreal Engine 4.27 ...

In this page you'll find hardware and software development kit (SDK) requirements needed to start developing for the Oculus platform. Unreal Engine 4.27 ...


Oculus Platform SDK - Download

Download Oculus Platform SDK 1.11.0 - Provides you with the infrastructure needed to develop advanced Virtual Reality games or experiences, ...


Oculus SDK 1.11.0 Download for PC

Download Oculus SDK 1.11.0 from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.


Unity VR - Oculus Developer Forum - Meta Community Forums

Hi,I downloaded Oculus Platform SDK v.1.11.0 and I tested the demo called VrVoiceChat : invite user, hangup, invite user, hangup ...After 5 or 6 tries, the ...


Update 1.11.0 Patch Notes

Tutorial level difficulty adjustment - Minor improvements to tips on Tutorial level - Added warning sound when slow motion timer is close to limit - Moved ...
