
最新版本 Symfony 5.3.4

Symfony 5.3.4

Symfony 5.3.4
Notezilla 是一個用於 Windows 的粘滯便箋軟件,旨在保持您的裝備精良& 精心組織。它可以讓你快速記下粘滯便箋(看起來像是 3M Post-It&Note; 注意),就在你的 Windows 桌面上,給你最好的便簽體驗。桌面上的便簽可以更快地訪問所需的信息!

通過可選的云同步功能,您可以在計算機之間同步便簽,使用我們的 iPhone / iPad,Android,Windows Phone 免費應用程序從任何智能手機訪問它們,或者發送便簽任何联系全球。

Notezilla 是一個專業設計,簡單& 高雅的便簽軟件。在過去的 15 年裡,它贏得了來自世界各地的良好聲譽(閱讀客戶評論)。

Notezilla 功能:


在 memoboards(文件夾)內部組織粘滯便箋,以避免你的 Windows PC 桌面上的混亂.

Stick 任何文件,網站,程序和放大器的注意事項。窗口。讓他們出現,當你打開該文件(或網站,程序,窗口).

作為任務,提醒或備忘錄。 NoteZilla 提供了一個非常簡單直觀的方法.
Accessible:快速找到筆記和寫筆記一樣重要。 NoteZilla 讓你立即找到正確的音符.


與 MS-Outlook 或您最喜愛的 PDA 手持設備同步備註。 (注意:此功能將在 3 - 4 週內提供).

注意 Zilla 智能管理您的計算機內存和資源。這是一個小程序(<4 MB).

注意:30 天試用版.


檔案版本 Symfony 5.3.4

系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Conceptworld Corporation
更新日期 2021-07-27

What's new in this version:

- [Translation] Fix default value for locales in translation push|pull commands
- [Translation] [Lokalise] Fix base_uri
- [Lock] Handle lock with long key
- [Debug][ErrorHandler] Do not use the php80 polyfill
- [Console] fix table setHeaderTitle without headers
- [Translation] fix fallback to Locale::getDefault()
- [Mailer] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Console] Run commands when implements SignalableCommandInterface without pcntl and they have'nt signals
- [Form] Fix 'invalid_message' use in multiple ChoiceType
- [Notifier] Allow passing a previous throwable to exceptions
- [Notifier] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Notifier] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Messenger] [Redis] Fix auth option wrongly considered invalid
- Indicate compatibility with psr/log 2 and 3
- [Security] fix #41891 Save hashed tokenValue in RememberMe cookie
- Fix missing assignment
- [HttpFoundation] fix FileBag under PHP 8.1
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix composer resolution on Windows
- [DependencyInjection] Support for intersection types
- [HttpFoundation] Fix return types of SessionHandler::gc()
- [VarDumper] Support for intersection types
- [Cache] Support decorated Dbal drivers in PdoAdapter
- Add a Special Case for Translating Choices in en_US_POSIX
- Fix ctype_digit deprecation
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the values of some CSS properties
- [FrameworkBundle] Fixed file operations in Sodium vault seal
- [DoctrineBridge] [Doctrine Bridge] Fix an exception message
- [Messenger] [Redis] Make auth option works
- [DoctrineBridge] fix setting default mapping type to attribute/annotation on php 8/7 respectively
- [Messenger] Fixed BC layer for RedeliveryStamp
- [Messenger] AmqpTransport implements QueueReceiverInterface
- [TwigBridge] do not render the same label id attribute twice
- [DependencyInjection] Fix TaggedLocator attribute without indexAttribute argument
- [HttpKernel] recover from failed deserializations
- [Messenger] Fix use_notify default value for PostgreSqlConnection
- [Console] Fix save correct name in setDefaultCommand() for PHP8
- [Lock] fix derivating semaphore from key
- [Notifier] Fix TransportTestCase
- [Translation] Missing translations from traits
- Fix SkippedTestSuite
- [Console] Revert "bug #41952 fix handling positional arguments"
- [EventDispatcher] Correct the called event listener method case
- [Serializer] Need to clear cache when updating Annotation Groups on Entities
- [Console] fix handling positional arguments
- Rethrow exception in DoctrineTokenProvider
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix deprecation handler with PHPUnit 10

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