Norton Virus Definitions 歷史舊版本 Page52

最新版本 Auto Mouse Clicker 2.2

Norton Virus Definitions 歷史版本列表

如果您沒有互聯網連接或者自動更新失敗,Norton Virus Definitions 允許手動更新您的諾頓防病毒和諾頓安全. 選擇版本:Norton Virus Definitions 2018 年 1 月 1 日(32 位)Norton Virus Definitions 2018 年 1 月 1 日(64 位) Norton Virus Definitions 軟體介紹

Norton Virus Definitions (32-bit)Norton Virus Definitions (64-bit)

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Easily customize Bootstrap 4 themes:
- You can now use Pinegrow to customize your Bootstrap 4 themes by modifying Bootstrap SASS variables and adding CSS rules. Customizing Bootstrap is normally a bit complicated because it requires setting up the SASS compilation environment, installing Bootstrap SASS sources and creating a file structure for your custom theme. But with Pinegrow it’s very simple. Pinegrow takes care of all these tasks. All we have to do is the actual customization.

Customize SASS variables:
- SASS variables can already be directly edited in the CSS List editor in Pinegrow. But for frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation and various templates it is not recommended to edit variables directly in the source files. By doing that we lose the ability to easily update framework or template files to newer version. The correct approach is to over-ride the variables in custom SASS file and then include the rest of the frameworks / template’s SASS files from there. The new “Customize variable in…” feature makes this process easy. Simply right-click on the variable that you want to customize and choose the SASS file where the customized variable should go. Pinegrow also takes care of copying any other variables that are referenced in the value of the over-ridden variable.

WordPress: Bootstrap 4 pagination and navigation:
- Pagination and Navigation actions for WordPress Theme Builder have been updated to support Bootstrap 4.

Bitwig Studio 2.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Regression in 2.3: Engine Crash on windows when switching from ASIO to WASAPI
- Crash sometimes when rendering text containing the very first unicode character that needs to be encoded using surrogate pairs
- Regression in 2.3: Certain projects saved in previous versions stop playing sound for warped audio files
- Instrument/FX Selector remote control pages are not controlling the correct device when the index parameter is automated
- Exporting audio in a project with tempo automation does not create stretch markers in the exported file on macOS
- Regression in 2.3: Clip on clip launcher without automation for a parameter automated on the arranger sets the value to 0 when launched

WebSite Auditor 4.32.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Some performance updates have been implemented

Bitwig Studio 2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Phase-4 Synthesizer
- Instrument and FX Selector Devices
- Voice Stacking and Voice Stack Modulator
- Zplane Elastique time-stretching engines in three flavours
- Time-stretching mode: "Slice"
- Retro time-stretching mode: "Cyclic"
- Formant note expressions (time stretching modes Slice, Cyclic and Elastique Pro)
- Coloured indication of stretch amount between beat markers in audio editor (no color means neutral playback)
- Time Signature Changes
- Expanded Device View
- Preference to enable/disable updating of play-start marker from arranger selection
- Added a preference entry to reverse the direction when zoom-dragging the mouse
- Open Sound Control API for extensions

- Updated English user guide with v2.3 features
- Oscilloscope: Trigger on Notes now follow wave cycles according to the pitch
- Add command for setting loop region to selected region (Ctrl/Cmd + L) to the menu
- Indexed Controls can now be mapped with the action "Cycle Next" and "Cycle Previous"
- Mapping an enumerated control (like a filter type or effect selector index) to a button/key will map the "Cycle Next" action by default
- Automation override gets turned on for a parameter when changing it even though there is no automation on the arranger and arranger is playing sometimes
- ControlSurfaceAPI: Device.isWindowOpen() works with BitwigStudio devices
- Added border to our windows which provide better contrast to the outside and indicate if the window has focus
- Show modulation mapping on modulation source mouse-over
- Allow to remove projects from recent projects list
- Order of collections in the package manager was random
- Remove the minimize button from any floating window
- Open/close of drum-pads and instrument/FX-layers now only require a single mouse click
- Automation is now updated when setting the play start marker of the transport (when stopped)
- Recording clips from clip launcher to arranger could sometimes record incorrectly when the start marker in the clip was not at time 0
- Preview player should stretch according to the long / short samples stretch preferences
- Add track color on the layered header when editing multiple audio layers in track view
- Add information to the manual about real time bouncing (eg when using hardware instruments and effects)
- If the audio engine has an error writing an audio file while recording show this to the user as a notification
- You can now choose between onsets and a fixed rate for stretch modes transient preservation
- ControlSurfaceAPI: add color setting
- Hold mode for the random modulator
- APC40 MKII: record toggles clip overdub and session toggles clip automation recording

- Recording audio on the arranger in a loop results in audio clips not having the duration of the loop
- Drum machine only has 127 slices while it could have 128
- track name in VST GUI window title not updated when moving VST to another track
- ControlSurfaceAPI: Device.hasSlot() was returning true only if the slot had chains
- Under certain circumstances an extra note will be played outside clip boundaries
- LFO phase/crushing problem when not using "retrigger"
- Send settings pre and post are lost when duplicating or copy/pasting a track
- On a retina screen, you can resize the dsp graph window bigger than available data frames
- Device that contains missing modulator causes app crash when clicking the modulator slot
- Pulse audio output not working by default on Ubuntu systems
- It should not be possible to slide the waveform under the first or last beat marker
- Activating the engine for one project while another is playing asks user and selecting no left engine spinning wheel
- ALSA audio backend may allow user to choose some buffer sizes that are not supported
- Using double height cells on the clip launcher in the mixer view caused files to be dropped to the wrong scene when dragging to a - track
- Onset analysis could fail randomly
- Selected beat markers don't appear selected while dragging
- Transpose expression zoom-scrollbar does not line up with timeline content by default in audio editor
- Run out of memory if a script writes lots of messages to the console window
- Controller API: Scrolling a bank by pages would not scroll by exactly one page if there was not a full page of items to show
- Steps Modulator doesn't work in "Loop off" mode, always loops
- MIDI Modulator has no Omni mode, which leads into trouble when used inside of a Instrument Selector Layer with MPE
- Crash when closing project while having meta clip selected
- Better timeline grid contrast
- Tags not saved when adding tag by pressing space bar instead of enter
- Controller help documentation does not open anymore for the Keylab scripts
- Default stretch mode on record remains on "Stretch"
- Scaling an audio clip by 50% or 200% could crash the engine and cause problems on undo or redo
- Program changes don't work for VST3 plugins
- 25 frames MTC only really sends 25 frames when being freshly selected
- Clicking on an invalid wav file in the browser stopped the browser preview player from being able to play any other selected files
- When editing device page for an instrument layer it is possible to map to a control in a layer chain mixer
- Regression since 2.2: Issues with the Arturia Keylab scripts
- LFO modulator in instrument selector sleeps if not being in focus
- Changing the EQ parameters using the mouse wheel creates thousands of undo steps
- Queued arranger playback jumps (scheduled by double clicking in the timeline ruler) sometimes do not fire
- A controller with no mappings should not show itself in the mapping browser
- ControlSurfaceAPI: clip notes don't show their full length
- Clips in arranger start numbering at 0 instead of 1
- Duplicating a device might not initialize polyphonic modulations properly in certain case
- Clip launcher clips could leave their loop region if the arranger loop button is on
- Crashed when hitting the escape key in the sample zone editor
- Minimizing a window may cause a crash on macOS High Sierra depending on selected display profile
- Saved scenes and clips are not played back with their configured tempo when previewing
- Arranger does not repaint a clip when it's displayed title changes
- Time selection in layered audio editor is always across all lanes when only single lanes are selected
- Deleting time in arranger note editor header area should affect clip timeline instead of clip content
- Raw mode's "Play Stop" value doesn't update in real time
- Wrong clip length for "return to arrangement" post recording action
- Timeline grid painting was slow when zoomed out and using a fixed-grid setting
- Painting of automation curves in GUI was inconsistent with engine playback
- Crash when trying to paint timeline background while closing project
- MIDI Running status was incorrect on Linux
- Various issues with MIDI Timecode
- When switching between projects while one is playing using the Jack backend unwanted audio could be output
- Jack server crashed sometimes when using Bitwig Studio
- A script that logged lots of information continuously could lock up the application
- Dragging the length of an audio event longer than the contained audio may delete parts of the following event
- Random engine crashes when switching audio system and devices in the audio preferences
- Floating windows and popup windows stopped the keyboard shortcuts for transport play, undo and redo to stop working
- When bouncing or recording audio embed time stretch information into the wav files so that they are always correctly time stretched when they are used in Bitwig Studio

WebSite Auditor 4.32.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Some performance updates have been implemented

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Free images for your projects:
- Use 500.000 free high quality images from Unsplash in your projects – from within Pinegrow

Object-fit and object-position:
- CSS properties object-fit and object-position in Display section of the Visual CSS Editor

WordPress: Bootstrap 4 pagination and navigation:
- Pagination and Navigation actions for WordPress Theme Builder have been updated to support Bootstrap 4

Improved paste into inline text editor:
- DIVs are no longer pasted into inline text editor

The Snowman is back:
- Responsive media component is back in Bootstrap 4 library

WebSite Auditor 4.32.5 查看版本資訊


WebSite Auditor 4.32.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.32.3 查看版本資訊


vMix 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Two additional independent outputs for vMix Call, Replay and NDI (Pro and 4K editions only)
- Second recorder with an independent recording format that can be assigned to one of the 4 outputs. (Pro and 4K editions only)

Production Clocks:
- New Dual Production Clock can now be enabled from Settings -> Options
- Each of the clocks can display either the current time, recording duration, streaming duration or a countdown to an event
- Clock display can also be added as an input which can be assigned to the MultiView Output
- Clock input can also be enabled as an NDI source on the network, providing a mobile clock that can be displayed anywhere using the free NDI tools!

vMix Call:
- Audio and Video sources sent to guests can now be changed independently at any time from the right click menu
- All vMix editions including Basic HD can now connect to a remote vMix Call running HD or higher
- New Low Latency option added. This can be used on reliable, high bandwidth point to point connections where the lowest possible delay is required

- New Channel Matrix option available for every input that supports audio
- Provides a 8x16 channel audio router to every input that can be assigned to any of the audio output buses in any combination
- Live audio meters added to each channel in the Input Channel Mixer

- Improved streaming settings layout
- Each of the 3 destinations now supports independent bitrate and resolution settings
- Hardware Encoder can also be controlled independently on each stream to assist with systems where GeForce cards only support 2 encoders at a time

- Added new Visca Over IP support to connect to newer Sony SRG series cameras in addition to the new IP model from Lumens

- Added support for controlling NewBlue Titler Live 3.0 via NDI
- Supports commands such as AnimateIn, AnimateOut which can be accessed from the Input right click menu or assigned to controllers using the new shortcut function NDICommand
- Supports live editing of Titler Live templates from within the vMix Title Editor and Web Controller, with the ability to assign data sources as well
- vMix now includes the vMix Title Pack for free! This includes 36 additional templates including scoreboards and lower thirds.

- Added support for X-keys XK-68 Jog/Shuttle controller
- Improved CPU usage when streaming, particularly with 4K
- Improved performance with 4K Magewell capture cards
- New TCP API for embedded devices. See Developer Information in the help for more information