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最新版本 Norton Removal and Reinstall Tool

Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool 歷史版本列表

Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool 從 Windows 計算機中刪除所有諾頓產品。您可以使用諾頓刪除工具刪除失敗的安裝或損壞的諾頓產品。請參閱如何卸載和重新安裝 Norton Security,Norton Security with Backup,Norton 360 和 Norton Internet Security 等 Norton 產品,然後再繼續操作,請確... Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool 軟體介紹

Studio 3T 2022.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Refreshing all connections with no selected connection could cause a crash
- Collection to collection exports between databases with the same collection name were incorrectly blocked

Studio 3T 2022.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Customize Global Toolbar - Freely choose large or small toolbar icons and whether to show labels or not

- Connection Manager - New users will now see the Connection Manager appear automatically when they use Studio 3T for the first time
- Preferences - The editor font setting now has a "Back to default" button to restore default settings
- Date Tags - Date Tags are now preserved when used in an export task's aggregation query
- Mongo Java Driver - The mongo java driver has been updated to version 4.6.0
- Java Runtime - The Java Runtime has been updated to the latest JRE version 17.0.3

- Connection Manager - Editing connections now preserves their shortcut settings
- Connection Tree - The action "Refresh All" now refreshes all servers
- Connection Tree - Copy & paste multiple collections within the same database now functions reliably
- Connection Tree - Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to copy & paste a view
- JSON View - Spaces are no longer appended to lines in the JSON View
- Operations View - Operations progress for copying databases is now more precise
- Reschema - Reschema JSON previews now reliably show foreign key fields
- Reschema - Reschema now expands unwound arrays in target collections
- IntelliShell - Computing auto-completion no longer hangs when querying the "" collection
- Migration to SQL - For Custom SQL Types, "Reset to default" SQL type will only be shown when there are changes
- SQL Connection Manager - SQL Connection Manager now displays a "Close", instead of an "OK" button when launched from the "File" menu
- Data Masking - Unsaved data masking configurations are now correctly restored by Session Restore
- Ubuntu Wayland - Resolved a number of UI issues with the newly released Ubuntu 22.04 and its new windowing system

Studio 3T 2022.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Load Tasks - Load tasks whenever you are about to create a savable task, or directly from an open tab
- IntelliShell Progress - IntelliShell now has reports progress of on-going queries
- JSON Find and Replace - A new toolbar makes finding and replacing in the JSON document editor more accessible

- Hidden Indexes - Studio 3T now supports Hidden Indexes
- Export - Studio 3T now offers additional options to automatically handle the target path when changing the source of an export
- Query Find - Improved the performance of performing a Find on query results
- Updates - Studio 3T Free no longer enforces the limit of three deferred reminders before updating
- Schema Validators - Schema Validations are now copied when a collection or database with validations attached to them are copied
- Field Editor - There is now a warning when you edit or delete a field and select "All Documents in Collection" to remind the user that this will affect the entire collection
- IntelliShell - When Mongosh is in use, a new Mongosh serializer is used to give a more compatible JSON representation
- Atlas - When using Atlas, users without listCollections privileges can see collections they have access to by setting "Always show all databases and collections defined in the roles of the user account" on the Authentication tab of the Connection Manager
- New Users - Studio 3T now informs users that their Robo 3T connections have been automatically imported

- Export - Mongodump exports with find queries no longer generate a spurious warning
- Export - It is no longer possible to try and export using a tab with results of a now deleted connection
- SQL Server - A new option to Trust the Server Certificate is available in the SQL Server connection options. It defaults to On. The SQL Server driver has also been updated and is now shipped complete with all required drivers
- Reschema - Type conversions are more resilient
- JSON Editor - The Enable Word Wrap menu item has been aligned correctly. The Enable Word Wrap menu item and checkbox are also correctly synchronized
- Help - Multiple open help windows can now be dismissed
- Task Scheduling - The Custom Time schedule can now safely resize
- Indexes - Improved resilience on opening indexes after disconnection
- SQL Migration - Improved reliability of PostgreSQL Timestamp and Timezone conversions in Migration from SQL
- Aggregation - Corrected the background color of controls Find Value is displayed in a set of out-of-date aggregation results
- IntelliShell - Disable Query Assist (for IntelliShell) now works consistently within connection and global preferences
- IntelliShell - Parsing empty arrays in Intellishell now works correctly

Studio 3T 2022.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Collection Tab - Fixed margins of query input fields
- Collection Tab - Fixed an additional whitespace being inserted in queries when hitting ENTER
- Visual Query Builder - Fixed an crash that could occur with queries that are using empty text values
- Tree View - Fixed an issue that would not expand the first document of a query result anymore

Studio 3T 2022.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Date Tags - Easily build find or aggregate queries that match for certain dates or date ranges
- Saving SQL Mappings - Save and load configurations of any SQL Migration task to or from a file

- Table View - Improved custom column ordering and made it an option alongside alphabetic or natural ordering
- Connection Manager - Studio 3T now prevents deleting connections that are still open on the Connection Tree
- Auto Completion - Autocompletion will now offer proposals appropriate to the connected MongoDB server's capabilites
- Aggregation Editor - Added support for changing the order of stages via drag and drop directly on the Pipeline tab
- Auto Completion - Allow proposals to overwrite any matching code snippet after the cursor position
- IntelliShell - Script editors will now retain focus when a query is run, to allow to directly continue editing
- Migration to/from SQL - Improved performance of getting tables from particular Oracle instances
- Tasks - Parallel executions of the same task will now be prevented with an adequate error message

- General - Database and Collection names now update correctly for views and undocked aggregation tabs
- General - Fixed issues when editing global and connection specifc IntelliShell preferences for the "mongorc.js" file
- General - The "Change target collection" dialog will now reliably show the "Remove Database" button on Ubuntu
- Table View - The specified custom column order for a collection will now be passed reliably to subsequent result tabs
- Collection Tab - Fixed an issue that would prevent deleting or editing documents that have an "_id" with the value "null"
- Collection Tab - Fixed an issue that, after renaming a field, would still show a column with the original field name
- Collection Tab - The projection field now retains its value when toggling the show/hide option
- Collection Tab - Fixed an issue that where multiline content was not pasted correctly into the query field
- Bookmark Manager - The first line of the bookmark overview is now correctly aligned
- GridFS Tab - Fixed an issue that did not release a lock on a file being uploaded to a GridFS bucket
- Index Tab - Index creation errors and validation messages are displayed at the right time
- CSV Import - Fixed an issue with the data type detection not working for CSV fields
- CSV Export - Improved application robustness when opening the Aggregation Editor from the query of a CSV Export
- Copy/Paste Index - Fixed a crash that could occur when pasting an index to a server and then disconnecting it
- Copy/Paste Collections - Fixed a crash that could occur when copying and pasting multiple databases at once
- Reschema - Fixed an issue where a vertical scrollbar would not correctly appear on the Reschema Target table on Ubuntu
- Data Masking - Fixed an issue on Data Masking tabs that prompted users twice to save their unsaved changes
- Data Masking - Data Masking tabs now correctly reflect when the configuration has changed by appending one * to the title
- Data Masking - Fixed an issue that could lead to a crash when closing a connection that was previously used by Data Masking
- Data Masking - Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a Data Masking tab while having a selection of multiple collections
- Visual Query Builder - Fixed an issue on macOS where clicking the Plus button would create two field rules, not one
- Visual Query Builder - Fixed a rare crash that could occur with the Visual Query Builder's split view
- IntelliShell - Fixed a crash when running a query with an empty collection name through Query Assist
- IntelliShell - The shell no longer hangs when dealing with the result of a "getShardDistribution()" command
- IntelliShell - Fixed a crash that could occur when renaming undocked IntelliShell tabs
- IntelliShell - Removed incorrect formatting options from the context menu of the "Raw Shell Output" tab
- Atlas/AWS Authentication - Use of session tokens now works with a correctly formed auth request

OSForensics 9.1.1012 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

File system support:
- exFAt, removed check for volume attribute bit when traversing file entries, which appears to be set in macOS created volumes (which casued file sizes to appear as 0 and some directories to be hidden)

OSForensics 9.1.1011 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Device Manager:
- Scan up to a maximum number of sectors when looking for recovered partitions. This prevents unbounded scanning of disks with large amount of unpartitioned space.

- Fixed crash when checking subscription validity

Studio 3T 2022.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Studio 3T Free - A new, fully free edition of Studio 3T that includes all essential features
- Fixed: Index Tab - Fixed an issue where fields would be removed from the overview when editing the index JSON
- Fixed: Intellishell - A race condition with shell startup and the user typing into the shell's editor has been resolved

OSForensics 9.1.1010 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Boot VM:
- Added more verbose debug logging when obtaining privileges to mount a registry hive
- Added check for whether VirtualBox extension pack is installed if USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 controller is selected

Disk Image and Filesystem Support:
- Fixed reading of volume bitmap failure due to sector unaligned access
- APFS, fixed bug causing buffer overflow when reading extended attributes (eg. compressed files)
- APFS, fixed reading compressed file data for files with hard links
- APFS, fixed bug in decompressing zlib-compressed file data
- APFS, fixed reading of lzvn-compressed file data with updated implementation
- HFS+, fixed bug in decompressing zlib-compressed file data
- HFS+, support for reading lzvn-compressed file data stored in resource fork

File Hashing:
- NSRL import, the latest hash set (2.75 Dec 2021) contains an invalid character that was stopping the import from running correctly, this has now been fixed

- Added the FireFox/Chrome cache directories that are excluded when using the Chrome/Firefox exclude image cache file options in the Files Mismatch module

Password Recovery:
- Fixed issue with browse dialog not accepting multiple files correctly

Screen Capture:
- Fixed GDI handle leak when drawing button. This caused a leak when drawing windows containing the Screen Capture button (eg. internal viewer)

Search Index:
- Fixed file handle leak
- Fixed GDI handle leak
- Fixed a bug that could occur on the off-chance that system time is the same for two searches

Studio 3T 2022.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Full native support on macOS for Apple Silicon systems with a new installer available on our download page
- Collection Tab - Added support for additional options on find queries, like setting "Allow disk use" or a collation

- General - Upgraded to the latest MongoDB Java driver of version 4.4.1, which supports MongoDB 5.2
- Aggregation Editor - Added stage operator "$setWindowFields", which was introduced with MongoDB 5.0
- Exports - Exports to another collection now export to a new collection in the same database by default
- Connection Tree - The connection tree will now automatically refresh after a database has been copied and pasted
- General - File choosers now behave consistently across platforms, remembering the path to the last folder opened
- SQL Imports - Reporting on SQL Imports is now more readable in the Operations Pane
- General - Typing performance in editors with code-folding support has been improved in cases of complex documents
- Migration to SQL - Enhanced table management when dropping tables during a migration
- IntelliShell Improvements to Windows Dark mode handling in autocompletion popups

- Server Status Charts - an issue that prevented Studio 3T from closing correctly on Ubuntu
- Connection Tree - Users and Roles no longer duplicate themselves when the tree is refreshed
- Aggregation Editor - a crash which could occur when an invalid query was entered and formatted in the stage editor
- JSON View - Selecting documents for Edit, Copy or Remove now selects the correct documents when using code folding
- Data Compare & Sync - a crash that could occur when selecting "Show Documents" in the Compare/Sync "Multiple Matches" tab
- Stored Functions - a crash which could occur when saving a stored function
- IntelliShell - When the selected mongo shell is not executable, an improved error message is now displayed
- Value Search - JSON view modes now behave correctly when using "Open in Collection"