MusicBee 歷史舊版本 Page8

最新版本 MusicBee 3.5.8698

MusicBee 歷史版本列表

如果您正在尋找一個適用於管理廣泛的音樂收藏的應用程序,易於使用和一個全面的功能設置 - MusicBee 是應用程序。 MusicBee 可以很容易地組織,查找和播放您電腦上的音樂文件,在移動設備上,並在 web.MusicBee 特點:ListenPlay 你的音樂,你所希望的方式。管理大型音樂庫,輕鬆地找到你想要什麼 hear.TagEasily 元數據添加到您的音樂與一些強大的 tools... MusicBee 軟體介紹

MusicBee 3.2.6827 查看版本資訊


MusicBee 3.2.6827 (Update 2) 查看版本資訊


MusicBee 3.2.6760 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix to address changes made by MusicBrainz that stopped the Auto-Tag and also artwork retreival from

MusicBee 3.2.6756 查看版本資訊


MusicBee 3.1.6590 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix bug introduced in the last release that incorrectly reports some files as corrupt

MusicBee 3.1.6585 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Replaced Groove Music with iTunes Store in the Music Explorer
- Some minor speed improvements
- Various bug fixes

MusicBee 3.1.6512 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Various bug fixes and minor speed improvements

MusicBee 3.1.6466 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The following are no longer custom tags and now have dedicated tags: "Title Sort-Order", "Album Sort-Order", "Album Artist Sort-Order", "Artist Sort-Order", "Composer Sort-Order", "Language", "Original Artist", "Original Album", "Original Year", "Musician Credits List"
- The various Sort tags are now editable in a new "Sorting" tab in the tag editor
- Original Year, Title and Artist are now standard tags in the Tags(2) tag editor panel
- Musician credits are now editable in the Artist tag splitter (click the ... button by the Artist tag)
- The library database: musicbeelibrary.mbl is copied to musicbeelibrary.preupgrade in case you need to undo the upgrade and revert to an older MB version
- The behaviour of the various Sort tags (Sort-Artist, Sort-AlbumArtist, etc) has been changed so when sorting by Artist, MusicBee will now automatically use any Sort-Artist tag value for the sort operation. Note that if an album is not consistently tagged with the same Sort-AlbumArtist then it will be split
- Classical music tags: Work and Movement are now supported (click the arrow button on the title prompt)
- Long filenames (>260 characters) is now supported
- Playlists panel enhanced to support multiple levels of folders and provide the full functionality equivalent of the left navigator playlists
- Playlists can now also be displayed in a standalone panel (set in the Panel Arrangement dialog)
- New Volume visualiser panel (Peak and VU)
- New Graphics visualiser panel (allows the Milkdrop visualiser to be displayed in a panel)
- Spectrum visualiser can now be displayed using a centered frequency range
- Inconsistent tags "Files to Edit" filter now includes the Album Gain tag
- New "Album Played" display tag
- Panel layout is enhanced so each panel header can optionally be hidden

New Hotkeys for the following:
- Send files to the active device
- Send files to the active playlist
- Toggle playing tracks to show the upcoming tracks
- Drag/drop is enhanced so you get a visual representation of the number of files being dragged and a message showing what action would be taken if you dropped the files on a panel
- Artwork layout now allows the selected tracks to be displayed to the right of the main panel
- Nested filter rules in auto-playlists can now be set as an "And" or "Or" condition
- Auto-playlists can now be set to automatic or manual refresh of the matching tracks
- New Album Artwork Manager tool, enables you to view and correct a variety of inconsistent album artwork conditions
- You can now disable the display of the current playing track in the windows Taskbar popup (this addresses a windows display issue when alt-tabbing)
- New "Remove Cuesheet" right click menu item

New naming template functions:
- $RxReplace(<field>,"reg-ex search pattern","regex-replacement pattern")
- $RxSplit(<field>,"reg-ex search pattern",index)
- The virtual tag/ file naming template field editor can now Preview the results of any template you define
- The Playing Tracks panel can now show Upcoming Tracks
- The Library Explorer can now display and navigate the folder structure of files in your library

MusicBee 3.0.6335 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- when saving a single file, library auto-organise enabled, although the file was being auto-organised, if you try to edit the file straight away, the file in the main panel was still referencing the old file location
- various bug fixes

MusicBee 3.0.6276 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- upgrade the xbox music plugin to use the new groove api (note the old xbox plugin api will cease working after March 2017)
- fix wavebar seek when outputting to a UPNP device
- add back in support for localised artist biographies
- fix rename a podcast episode when renamed from the tag editor
- fix autosweep not applying the autosweep naming template if the library is auto-organised with no naming rule for the target drive
- fix music explorer not retrieving all matching files when filtering by Genre
- fix synching virtual files (single file split by cuesheet) when no format conversion is done
- when locking with full screen enabled/ unlocking MusicBee (from the view menu), the window should now size correctly on win10
- fix tag changes not being saved to file when you edit the tags of a playing track and then you rate the track while still playing
- when moving files to a new folder, the file permissions are now inherited from new parent folder
- fix high dpi scaling for the custom tags dialog
- include "always on top" option in the compact player header menu
- fix group by bug when the artwork panel is configured to show the selected tracks on the bottom of the main panel
- tweaked caching of artwork for the Album and Tracks view
- improved handling for multi-line podcast episode descriptions