Mumble 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 Firefox Developer Edition 86.0b8 (64-bit)

Mumble 歷史版本列表

Mumble 是一個免費和開源的音頻聊天軟件,有一個目標是提供每個人在群組環境中聊天的能力。  這包括為學校項目,商務會議或(最常見的)有組織的視頻遊戲設置大量人員的語音通話。在 Mumble 的幫助下,可以極大地豐富這個以及許多其他在線通信會話,這些會話可以控制用戶權限的管理以及對於想要嚴格控制誰可以與誰交談的主持人有吸引力的其他功能(對於使用在商業上,或者在為每個遊戲會議,團體或遊戲... Mumble 軟體介紹

Mumble 1.2.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix Murmur on Windows DoS as described in Mumble-SA-2016-001.

Mumble 1.2.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- In previous versions of Mumble, it was possible to perform a Denial of Service attack on Murmur servers running on Windows

Mumble 1.2.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- LogTextBrowser: move all scroll-to-bottom logic to the LogTextBrowser

Mumble 1.2.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Mumble global shortcuts on X11 would not release properly when Chrome/Chromium was the frontmost application
- Improved the help text for allowing keyboard keys to be used for global shortcuts on OS X Mavericks and above
- Fixed a bug where clients would automatically reconnect after being kicked
- Inserting an image in the chat should now always cause Mumble to scroll correctly to the bottom of the log
- Opening mumble:// URLs should now correctly allow people to change channels if a URL is opened while Mumble is running
- Fixed an issue where the “shortcut/linux/evdev/enable” config option was not saved correctly, and overwritten when closing Mumble

Mumble 1.2.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Windows build now requires linking against ssleay32 due to the new cipher suite code.
- Fix libsndfile Windows header error.
- SSL: fix build for Qt 4.
- SSL: move declaration of 'i' in
- MumbleSSL::ciphersFromOpenSSLCipherString() to the top of the function.
- 521fe62 SSL: remove class name qualifier in SSL.h for new cipher string methods.
- Mumble: add 'net/sslciphers' hidden setting to allow configuring the client's advertised TLS cipher suites.
- Murmur: add 'sslCiphers' option to allow server admins full control of Murmur's advertised TLS cipher suites.
- SSL: add MumbleSSL::defaultOpenSSLCipherString().
- SSL: implement OpenSSL cipher list format reader.
- Fix Qt 4 build of mach-override to build both x86 and x86-64 binaries.

Mumble 1.2.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Windows build now requires linking against ssleay32 due to the new cipher suite code
- Fix libsndfile Windows header error
- Update changelog
- SSL: fix build for Qt 4
- SSL: move declaration of 'i' in
- MumbleSSL::ciphersFromOpenSSLCipherString() to the top of the function
- SSL: remove class name qualifier in SSL.h for new cipher string methods
- Mumble: add 'net/sslciphers' hidden setting to allow configuring the client's advertised TLS cipher suites
- Murmur: add 'sslCiphers' option to allow server admins full
- control of Murmur's advertised TLS cipher suites
- SSL: add MumbleSSL::defaultOpenSSLCipherString()
- SSL: implement OpenSSL cipher list format reader
- Fix Qt 4 build of mach-override to build both x86 and x86-64 binaries
- Bump version to 1.2.9
- GlobalShortcut_unix: disable evdev by default
- macx/osax: bump OS X overlay version to 19
- Add setting 'asio/enable' to allow users to disable ASIO via the Mumble configuration
- Make 3rdparty/mach-override-src point to mumble-voip/mach_override, and use https instead of ssh
- Use glDrawArrays instead of immediate mode in OS X's drawOverlay()
- Port 6e9a7e7c to the OS X overlay
- Port ec7e78d1 to the OS X overlay
- Add mach_override as a 3rdparty dep and hook it into the OS X overlay
- Fix format string. (qWarning's

Mumble 1.2.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- scripts: modify to work on the currently checked-out branch rather than origin/master.
- PulseAudio: don't call pa_stream_drop() for empty pa_stream_peek().
- PulseAudio: stricter pa_stream_peek() validation.
- PulseAudio: fix access to protected enums in AudioInput and AudioOutput.
- installer: add the ability to use a custom bzip2 directory in the Win32 installer.
- installer: fix ability to use a custom OpenSslDir when building the Win32 installer.
- Allow building 1.2.x on Windows with mumble-releng/buildenv/1.2.x/win32

Mumble 1.2.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The log view in Mumble 1.2.6 didn’t correctly scroll when an image is included in a text message.
- Some users were unable to connect to Mumble servers due to a “remote host closed the connection” caused by a bug in Skype’s optional click-to-call feature
- For binary packages distributed by the Mumble team, OpenSSL has been updated to 1.0.0m due to OpenSSL Security Advisory

Mumble 1.2.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- mumble: fix Mumble-SA-2014-006.
- mumble: fix Mumble-SA-2014-005.
- mumble: fix Mumble-SA-2014-002 (CVE-2014-0045).
- mumble: fix Mumble-SA-2014-001 (CVE-2014-0044).

Mumble 1.2.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- mumble: fix Mumble-SA-2014-002 (CVE-2014-0045)
- mumble: fix Mumble-SA-2014-001 (CVE-2014-0044)
- Bump version to 1.2.5
- Update changelog
- Server::sendMessage: encode the source IP of outgoing UDP packets to match the UDP socket's address family
- add CONFIG(ermine) for the Ermine packaged build
- Swedish translation error (#973)
- Ensure that the MAX macro is always defined
- Updated BF3 PA plugin to Endgame DLC(b1147186)
- Minor fix in pl translation
- opus-build: build with CONFIG=staticlib on Unix as we do for our bundled Speex library
- ConfigDialogDelegate: return fully standalone NSImage in QIcon_to_AutoreleasedNSImage
- create a tarball in addition to the XIP archive for OS X static Murmur
- BF3 PA plugin update: fixed one value
- Fix mumble_ol.dll not being versioned under windows
- run to update in-client license display
- Update changelog and LICENSE file
- Default disable hide in tray also for Windows 8
- mumble_qt.qrc: remove nl, he, hu
-, mumble.qrc: remove unfinished Hungarian
- translation from release
-, mumble.qrc: remove unfinished Hebrew translation from release
- mumble.qrc: also remove NL from here
- exclude unfinished NL translation
- mumble_ja.ts: mark as finished
- mumble_da.ts: 3. part licenser -> Tredjepartslicenser