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最新版本 MobaXterm 23.5

MobaXterm 歷史版本列表

MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Wind... MobaXterm 軟體介紹

MobaXterm 23.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- updated the SSH and terminal emulator engine with the latest improvements from the PuTTY project
- added support for SSH MAC algorithm "hmac-sha2-512"
- updated Toybox to the latest version in the 64-bit terminal environment
- added some new embedded commands in the 64-bit local terminal: file, getopt, hexdump, iconv, sha256sum, sha512sum
- upgraded OpenSSL to version 3.0 in the 64-bit local terminal environment
- improved the speed of the "apt" command in the 64-bit local terminal environment
- updated all the packages available through the "apt" command in the 64-bit local terminal environment
- the MobApt package manager displays a prompt to allow the local terminal to be switched to 64-bit
- better detection of small changes in "MobaTextDiff" graphical diff and merge tool
- added a check for empty file names in the SSH browser, before removing color sequences
- improved completion of plugin names in the new "apt plugin" command
- many new packages are now available in the "apt plugin" command
- improved conversion of Unix to Dos files paths for "ldd" and "open" commands
- better detection of the proper monitor for terminal popup messages placement
- updated the embedded X11 server based on Xorg to version 21.1.8
- added a way to disable SSH, Serial, Browser, Shell, and WSL sessions in the Professional Customizer
- added syntax highlighting for Cmake files in the MobaTextEditor and MobaTextDiff
- modified the mechanism used for 64-bit binaries located in a read-only folder

- prevented the command line SSH client from breaking the tty when exiting on error
- the basic telnet server used to freeze a few seconds during client disconnection

MobaXterm 23.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- improved the overall speed of the new "apt plugin" command
- better detection of escape color codes in the graphical SSH browser
- better compatibility with specific GSSAPI implementations in the graphical SSH browser
- added a new "TFTP buffer size" setting in the embedded TFTP server configuration
- added a time delay when entering wrong master passwords several times
- the tabs bar can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel
- all tabs can now be pinned to the left of the tabs bar
- prevent MobaXterm from doubling the path backslashes in tab titles
- 2 sessions to the same server with the same login can now use different credentials
- increased the speed of authentication using credentials
- the popup terminal now uses the global default shell, even if this default shell is WSL, CMD, Powershell, Git-Bash, Msys, or Cygwin

- Security fix: updated Curl to the latest version

MobaXterm 23.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New feature: you can now create your own plugins for MobaXterm local terminal by using the "createplugin" command

- added many new fonts in the embedded X server
- you can now disable the "Wake On Lan" feature from the Professional Customizer program
- added some specific patterns for log parsing in the syntax highlighting feature
- implemented a workaround in order to prevent Caffeine from writing unwanted characters onto the terminal
- when clicking on the "Stay on top" button in a detached tab, the window now stays in the same position
- the XWin executable is removed after disabling the X11 server from the Professional Customizer program
- the SSH engine has been set to "New" by default in the Professional Customizer program
- some basic telnet options are now available in the Live terminal configuration settings
- updated the embedded OpenSSH to version 9.4p1
- added some more Windows commands to the 64-bit terminal (nslookup, ...)
- you can now force Telnet to send "control-M" instead of "new line" when pressing the "Return" key
- added a way to force Telnet negotiation to "Passive" mode if the server needs it
- improved the Unix to Windows path conversion functions
- added a new Telnet "KeepAlive" setting that allows to regularly send data through idle connections
- implemented a better detection of IPv6 hosts for SFTP browser and SFTP sessions
- the remote monitoring bar is now able to display more than 16 network interfaces

- fixed a potential race condition when browsing for a folder in the TFTP service settings
- removed multiple error messages when transferring files through SFTP to folders without proper permissions
- removed the "Terminal settings" section from VNC sessions

Select Version 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New feature: you can now create your own plugins for MobaXterm local terminal by using the "createplugin" command

- added many new fonts in the embedded X server
- you can now disable the "Wake On Lan" feature from the Professional Customizer program
- added some specific patterns for log parsing in the syntax highlighting feature
- implemented a workaround in order to prevent Caffeine from writing unwanted characters onto the terminal
- when clicking on the "Stay on top" button in a detached tab, the window now stays in the same position
- the XWin executable is removed after disabling the X11 server from the Professional Customizer program
- the SSH engine has been set to "New" by default in the Professional Customizer program
- some basic telnet options are now available in the Live terminal configuration settings
- updated the embedded OpenSSH to version 9.4p1
- added some more Windows commands to the 64-bit terminal (nslookup, ...)
- you can now force Telnet to send "control-M" instead of "new line" when pressing the "Return" key
- added a way to force Telnet negotiation to "Passive" mode if the server needs it
- improved the Unix to Windows path conversion functions
- added a new Telnet "KeepAlive" setting that allows to regularly send data through idle connections
- implemented a better detection of IPv6 hosts for SFTP browser and SFTP sessions
- the remote monitoring bar is now able to display more than 16 network interfaces

- fixed a potential race condition when browsing for a folder in the TFTP service settings
- removed multiple error messages when transferring files through SFTP to folders without proper permissions
- removed the "Terminal settings" section from VNC sessions

MobaXterm 23.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added support for NTRU Prime post-quantum key exchange in the expert SSH settings
- added support for AES-GCM cipher in the expert SSH settings
- you can now set the minimum master password complexity in the Customizer to "standard" (8 characters minimum) or "strong" (12 characters minimum)
- updated the MoTTY engine with the latest improvements from the PuTTY project
- the "MobaSSHTunnel" button now brings any existing window to the front, even if it was minimized
- merged fonts locations "/usr/share/fonts" and "/usr/share/X11/fonts" into a single one
- added a new setting in MobaDiff in order to highlight small text changes with a different color
- the X server is not moved anymore to the top left corner once it is started
- the "screen" parameter in "XWinSwitches" overloads the existing one instead of being added to the X11 command line
- you can now go to the parent directory in the SSH browser by clicking on the 4th mouse button
- improved compatibility of the terminal with the "tsh" Teleport client
- you can now close a tab by using middle-click on the corresponding top-right popup menu item
- when closing a tab, other remaining tabs are now immediately replaced

- in MobaDiff, the "Find" dialog theme was incorrect when the dialog was spawned twice on 2 different files
- when MobaXterm is hidden and an SSH session without a login is launched, the characters in the login prompt are not masked anymore
- deleted an error message when starting a 64-bit local terminal with the agent enabled and an RSA key present in the home directory
- prevented renaming of a sessions folder when dragging a session over that folder
- there was an overlap issue when the Home tab was set to be replaced when starting a terminal and the tabs were set to be opened beside the current tab
- when a local WSL terminal was launched just after a WSL session containing a command, the shell command was executed in the local WSL terminal
- under some specific circumstances, the passphrase for SSH keys was asked twice in 64-bit mode

MobaXterm 23.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- it is now possible to modify directly shared sessions that are stored in a network folder, as long as you have write access to this folder
- it is now possible to automatically refresh shared sessions that are stored in a network folder

- added a new security setting in the Customizer program in order to disallow the "Remember master password" feature
- updated the interface for creating shared sessions and for managing existing shared sessions
- a folder of shared sessions can now display a green "Refresh" icon when the shared sessions are updated by someone else
- updated OpenSSL library and OpenSSH command line client to the latest version
- added a message in the command line SSH client in case you are trying to connect to an old SSH server with legacy algorithms
- improved MOSH sessions compatibility with remote TCSH, CSH, and FISH shells
- improved MOSH sessions compatibility with legacy SSH servers that use outdated algorithms
- added mouse wheel scrolling feature in the MobaSSHTunnel list and in the sessions SSH jump hosts list
- the file extension is now automatically appended when exporting a color theme
- create files /etc/passwd and /etc/groups at first start for proper names resolution in the "ls" commands in 32-bit terminals
- improved switching to MobaSSHTunnel window to prevent potential focus loss
- you can now use double quotes around the full "File/Folder" sessions parameters
- do not display font ligatures in the terminal and the text editor by default (the feature remains available in the global settings, terminal tab, font selection)

- fixed the "Soliterm" game display that was scrambled in the latest release
- when searching for a session in the "Quick Connect" field, the results list was not resized properly when resizing the sidebar
- refreshing shared sessions stored on an HTTP backend did not work properly when the session was cached by the browser
- the tab color selection button was hardly visible when the tab color was white
- in the Customizer program, the custom toolbar buttons were not always refreshed
- fixed a race condition when starting a very slow SSH session, and stopping it immediately, while another one is already started
- with the "Deep" skin, the "Recent sessions" list was hardly readable on light background
- detached tabs were sometimes sticking to the borders of the screen in a multi-monitor environment
- fixed a potential race condition when using the mouse wheel in the sessions SSH jump hosts list

MobaXterm 23.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added a new web browser engine based on Microsoft Edge WebView
- added a new RDP "Zoom" feature that allows you to specify a Zoom level for your remote RDP session
- added a new RDP setting "Authentication level" that is useful when you use RDP over SSL
- added a new RDP setting "Color depth" in order to specify the desired color depth on the client side
- added a new RDP setting "Redirect smartcards" that allows using local smartcards on the server side, even for authentication
- arranged RDP advanced settings in a more convenient fashion
- added proxy support in browser sessions based on Edge/WebView
- improved VNC sessions overall speed with embedded engine
- increased the width of port fields for better reading of port numbers greater than 9999
- added a new setting in the professional Customizer program to disable the Remote Monitoring feature
- it is now possible to select a 64-bit terminal from the Customizer program

- the local terminal setting was not properly restored when importing an old customization file into the Customizer program
- fixed the OpenSSH daemon start-up when the slash directory was set to "same as application" in the customizer
- fixed Unicode characters display in the SSH key sessions fields
- fixed Unicode characters display in the start-up folder sessions fields
- fixed Unicode characters display in the persistent Home and persistent Slash folders fields

GetFLV 30.2301.09 查看版本資訊


Windows Terminal 2022 1.16.10261.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This release of Windows Terminal addresses a crash in self-elevation

Windows Terminal 2022 1.16.10231.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The contents of the Terminal package are now code-signed, so those of you who deploy it unzipped will no longer get in
trouble with your IT folks

- We now attempt to account for transparent tab backgrounds when calculating the text foreground color
- You can now drag/drop more than 16 items directly out of 7-Zip (and some other applications)
- Malformed settings objects will no longer cause an "Application error 0x%" settings warning
- We've updated the JSON schema to contain theme objects

- We've removed a leading cause of crashes closing panes and tabs while screen reading was active
- Input will no longer (rarely) trigger a crash when a screen reader is enabled
- wpf: stop dereferencing null pointers already! come on, it's 2023!

- We have removed our dependency on Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.XamlApplication.dll

- Our internal management window will no longer appear as an empty pane to screen readers