MobaXterm 歷史舊版本 Page4

最新版本 MobaXterm 23.5

MobaXterm 歷史版本列表

MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Wind... MobaXterm 軟體介紹

Windows Terminal 2022 1.14.1861.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Terminal now has better support for xterm's "Alternate Screen Buffer"
- Console application windowing will now work more consistently within Terminal: when an application requests that it be hidden or minimized,
- we will minimize the associated terminal window.
- Terminal can now pass xterm focus events on to connected client applications
- We've added a new experimental setting, experimental.useBackgroundImageForWindow, that lets you use one image as the background for any number of panes
- You can now change the bell sound with the profile.bellSound setting

Fixes and Changes:
- Keyboard selection now works better with copyOnSelect
- Keyboard selection is now limited to the scrollable area
- "Open settings file" commands now explicitly mention "JSON" for easier searching
- An accelerator key is now defined for the "Open in Terminal" shell extension
- We no longer crash when using the Default Terminal setting in the settings UI
- The Default Terminal banner is now hidden if you opened a session via default terminal
- [O is no longer output erroneously from focus events for clients of libuv like neovim
- We no longer crash when a screen reader is reading from a CLI app using the alt buffer
- Deleting the last profile in the settings UI no longer causes a crash
- Opening Windows Terminal via the Win+X menu no longer occasionally crashes
- The "Open in Terminal" shell extension is now hidden when accessing a non-filesystem path like "Quick Actions"
- Clearing the screen via cls or Clear-Host won't leave behind an erroneous line of text
- Default Terminal sessions now properly pass focus events when opened
- Terminal will now use Unicode 14.0 to determine the width of some Unicode characters
- We will no longer try to launch wsl to ask it to tell us about distributions when it's obvious that you don't have any
- We've fixed a minor race condition in default terminal handoff that impacted nobody
- The tab's context menu now has "Find" as an option
- SetConsoleWindowInfo can no longer crash a terminal tab
- An occasional crash while opening the settings UI has been stomped out

MobaXterm 22.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- you can now activate font ligatures from MobaXterm font settings or from the terminal contextual menu
- you can now choose between 3 included terminal fonts from MobaXterm font settings or from the terminal contextual menu
- you can now activate font ligatures into MobaTextEditor
- you can now choose between 3 included fonts for MobaTextEditor
- you can now save your proxy passwords in MobaXterm secure vault
- you can now add, import, or export the terminal color themes

- improved default terminal font for better readability
- better detection of pending transfers when SSH connections are closed
- make SFTP sessions work even if a remote login script writes some output to the terminal
- improved SCP and SFTP transfer speed by improving hardware-accelerated encryption, especially on AMD Ryzen CPUs
- improved MobaXterm startup and MobaXterm main window activation speed
- better detection of extended characters for password storage and SSH authentication
- upgraded the terminal engine to the latest PuTTY release
- added a new "Monochrome" colors scheme, for users who do not want colors in their terminal
- added a new "Local" proxy type that allows specifying an arbitrary command on the local machine to act as a proxy
- added detection and storage for local proxy passwords
- cleaned up the terminal settings section for better readability
- better detection of available RAM in the remote monitoring bar by using the recent "MemAvailable" Linux kernel entry
- the text files encoding is set to ANSI by default when opening them in MobaTextEditor
- the "Adapt remote DPI" setting is now faster and does not require the live creation of a specific executable
- transfers using Z-modem do not output the transferred file to the terminal anymore
- improved speed of the "Find existing session" feature of the home page
- added the ability to use a SOCKS5 or HTTP proxy for localhost connections
- the content of the "Quick Connect" field is automatically copied if you start a new session
- decreased MobaXterm memory usage, especially when a "Persistent Slash directory" is set
- you can now send Alt+Tab through the new VNC engine by pressing "Alt+PageDown"
- renamed the "Use smartcard for login" RDP option to "Native authentication"
- added a submenu called "Import sessions from external programs" in the sessions tree
- support for "Diff/Patch" syntax highlighting added to MobaTextEditor and MobaDiff
- if your SSH authentication uses an ECDSA, ED25519, or RSA-SHA2 key, the SSH-browser can now use the SFTP protocol
- you can now trust and store multiple host keys for the same hostname or IP address (it can be useful for load-balancing)

- the version number was partly hidden at the bottom of the splash screen when the Windows DPI value was "150"
- in the SSH browser, the permissions of an edited file were sometimes lost when the "Preserve files dates" setting was checked
- fixed an issue with a PyCharm popup window that immediately disappeared after calling it with Ctrl+F12
- fixed an error with the X11 server when the "Xfixes" extension was disabled
- removed some potential "Access denied" messages from the Remote monitoring module
- fixed an issue with the X11 server blocking the arrow keys in Matlab command window history
- when 3 sessions are selected in the sessions tree, the selection is no longer cleared when you click on one of them
- when selecting files in the SSH-browser, the selection is refreshed when you change the browser sort order
- proxy passwords in SSH tunnels were incorrectly decrypted and sometimes asked twice at tunnel startup
- prevented a startup failure when the Slash directory was set to a folder called "MobaXterm" in the root of a partition
- prevented issues with SFTP sessions authentication when many different SSH keys were used for previous connections

WordPress 6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Enhanced Writing Experience:
Writing improvements abound, whether you’re writing a brand new post or adding elements to an existing page. Explore more ways to streamline your content creation process, including:
- Select text across multiple blocks for easier copying and pasting
- Type two open brackets `[[` to quickly access a list of recent posts and pages
- Keep existing styles when you transform some blocks from one kind to another—from a Paragraph block to a Code block, for instance
- Create customized buttons and any new buttons you make will retain the style customizations automatically
- Make tag clouds and social icons even more appealing with updated settings and controls, and a new outline style for the tag cloud

Style Switching:
- Block themes now include the option to contain multiple style variations. This expands the new Style system even further and enables shortcuts to switch the look and feel of your site all within a single theme. In block themes that support this feature, you can change both the available settings, like the font-weight, and the style options, like the default color palette. Change the look and feel of your site with just a few clicks.

More Template Choices:
WordPress 6.0 includes five new template options for block themes: author, date, categories, tag, and taxonomy. These additional templates provide greater flexibility for content creators. Tailor each with the tools you already know or with the following new options in this release:
- Featured images can be used in the cover block.
- New featured image sizing controls make it easier t get the results you want
- While editing a template, at the root, or between blocks, the quick inserter shows you patterns and template parts to help you work faster and discover new layout options
- The query block supports filtering on multiple authors, support for custom taxonomies, and support for customizing what is shown when there are no results

Integrated Patterns:
- Patterns will now appear when you need them in even more places, like in the quick inserter or when creating a new header or footer. If you’re a block theme author, you can even register patterns from the Pattern Directory using `theme.json`, enabling you to prioritize specific patterns that are most helpful to your theme’s users.

Additional Design Tools:
Design tools grow more powerful and intuitive with each release. Some highlights for 6.0 include:
- A new color panel design saves space, but still shows your options at a glance
- New border controls offer a simpler way to set your border exactly as you like it
- Transparency levels for your colors allow for even more creative color options
- Control gaps, margins, typography, and more on a collection of blocks, all at once, in the Group block
- Switch between stack, row, and group variations to position groups of blocks with more layout flexibility
- Use the gap support functionality in the Gallery block to create different looks – from adding spacing between all images, to removing spacing altogether

Better List View:
- New keyboard shortcuts enable you to select multiple blocks from the list view, modify them in bulk, and drag and drop them within the list. List View can be opened and closed easily; it comes collapsed by default and it automatically expands to the current selection whenever you select a block.

Block Locking Controls:
- Now you can lock your blocks. Choose to disable the option to move a block, remove a block, or both. This simplifies project handover, allowing your clients to unleash their creativity without worrying about accidentally breaking their site in the process.

Improved Performance in WordPress 6.0:
- This release includes several updates focused on improving the performance of WordPress. These enhancements cover a range of performance areas including improving the page and post-load speed, reducing the execution time of various query types, caching, navigation menus, and much more. The performance team working group is an important focus area of the core development team. For more information on this group’s work, please follow their work on Making WordPress with the #performance hashtag.

Enhancing WordPress 6.0 Accessibility:
- Accessibility is an integral part of the WordPress mission of fostering an inclusive community and supporting users of all types around the world. With this in mind, WordPress 6.0 includes more than 50 updates specifically focused on enhancing the accessibility of the platform. You can read about these updates and learn more about the accessibility initiatives that are ongoing.

Windows Terminal 2022 1.13.11431.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Terminal should be able to find Cascadia Mono... Third time's the charm? ????
- commandline in profile.defaults should no longer override the commandlines of profiles that specify cmd.exe or powershell.exe
- Get rid of a memory leak in onecore interactivity
- Screen readers can now read some settings in the UI better
- Replace "acrylic" with "acrylic material" for localization purposes
- The "close tab" button color now matches the tab text color

Windows Terminal 2022 1.12.10982.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The refreshed Windows 11 UI from the 1.13 preview builds is now available in 1.12

- Our Maximize/Restore button is now a fine round boi

- The profile list in the Settings UI now offers tooltips for long profile names
- We'll automatically focus the window renamer textbox when it opens
- High contrast will no longer result in a ridiculous and bad titlebar color
- When you delete a color scheme, we'll move focus back to the color scheme list
- When you delete a profile, we will re-focus the delete button automatically
- Two instances of huge debug log spam with a screen reader connected have been stamped out

- We've added some text to the color schemes page indicating that it is for editing--not setting--color schemes
- We're working to refine how color schemes are set and edited, so stay tuned for future improvements!
- The retro terminal effect (as well as other shaders) will now work on pre-D3D11 hardware!
- Terminal will once again render properly when you move between different-DPI displays
- Resizing the window while a background color or underline is displayed will no longer smear it across the whole screen plus a fix for a huge crash that PR introduced
- It took us three releases to get it right, but we've finally solved the issue where we'd punch a hole straight through the Terminal when a dialog appeared

- Typing an invalid background image path into the Settings UI will no longer send Terminal to a farm upstate (thanks @serd2011!)
- There was an issue on Windows 11 where Terminal would queue up billions of animations while the screen was off; it will now no longer do so
- We've fixed crashes in ProposeCommandline, Monarch::_GetPID and other parts of WT's RPC infrastructure
- On Windows 10, the settings UI will no longer sometimes crash on close (we've updated to a new build of WinUI 2 for the fix!)

- Windows will no longer reject certain Terminal updates/reinstalls due to "differing package content"
- Fragments can once again override the names of generated profiles
- An issue from the 1073 series, where you could not upgrade the bundle using DISM, has been resolved
- As a result, our bundle version is now over three thousand!
- contributed some wording changes to the text about transparency/opacity

WordPress 5.9.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This maintenance release features 9 bug fixes in Core and 10 bug fixes in the block editor

WordPress 5.9.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Security and maintenance release

MobaXterm 22.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- you can apply some specific settings to multiple sessions by right-clicking on a session, copying its settings, and pasting them to a group of sessions
- you can now define your own default presets for sessions by right-clicking on a session and choosing "Save session settings as default presets"
- you can now edit your own default presets for sessions by clicking on the "Edit my sessions presets" button in the general settings window
- in MobaXterm Professional Edition, you can now edit MobaXterm default presets for new sessions in the Customizer program
- there is a new "Bash (external)" shell session that can be used in order to start an external (Git-Bash, Msys2, Cygwin, ...) distribution in a MobaXterm terminal tab
- if MobaXterm detects an external bash installation (Git-Bash, Msys2, or Cygwin), it will propose it in the homepage right-click menu
- the graphical browsers (SSH, SFTP, FTP, S3) now remember the folders you browsed in each session and allow you to jump directly to them using the top address bar
- you can now start or pause the recording of the terminal output to a file using a new option available in the terminal contextual menu (Ctrl + right-click on the terminal)

- switched to the latest Xorg server version 21.1.3 (the previous Xorg version 1.20.4 is still available in the general settings)
- suppressed the 2 seconds latency that was encountered the first time an application was run over X11-forwarding
- you can now select multiple files or folders in MobaDiff and perform actions (copy/delete) on all of them at once
- you can now search for some text in all the files listed in MobaDiff
- added Go and Json syntax highlighting in MobaTextEditor and MobaDiff
- the custom icons for your sessions can now be imported from png, ico, bmp or exe files
- added a "refresh file" feature in MobaTextEditor (this can be triggered with the "F5" shortcut)
- the session tree which pops up when clicking on the "Sessions" top button now handles mouse wheel events
- added TLS 1.3 support in FTP sessions

- the terminal title was not updated when the title length was only 1 character (like "/" or "~")
- the top toolbar buttons in MobaTextEditor were bright when they were pushed in dark mode
- removed a "Clipboard not available" message in MobaTextEditor when the copy/paste operation was too fast
- properly reset the proxy settings after editing a session that contains SOCKS parameters
- the "Open with" contextual menu entry now works properly in FTP and SFTP sessions
- the graphical SSH-browser used to display several empty entries when the "MaxSessions" parameter on the server was set to "1"
- with some SFTP servers, uploading a file immediately after connecting used to fail
- the terminal scrollbar was sometimes hidden before resizing the terminal
- better detection of files with spaces in the WSL graphical browser in "Localhost connection" mode
- the "Save terminal output" dialog could be hidden behind a detached window
- the menu bar was sometimes partly white in dark mode, with a high-resolution monitor

WordPress 5.9.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This maintenance release features 82 bug fixes in both Core and the block editor

Windows Terminal 2022 1.12.10393.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Terminal is once again localized
- We encountered an issue in automatic language detection, which resulted in our package's languages being ignored.
- "Default Terminal" profile matching now works better for profiles containing unquoted whitespace
- We believe we have fixed an unusual crash on launch in constructing the taskbar Jump List
- Symbols are now published to the public symbol server! Woot!
- We've fixed a crash that used to surface while Magnifier or other assistive technologies were running
- Ubuntu users with overridden commandlines will no longer see a confusing "~ could not be found" error