Missive 歷史舊版本 Page75

最新版本 Missive 10.46.0

Missive 歷史版本列表

下載 Windows PC 的最新 Missive 應用程序,唯一的工作管理應用程序合併電子郵件,聊天和任務!就像電子郵件聊天一樣,把它們混合在一起,釋放出無法預料的可能性。 Missive 是您將需要管理您的工作生活的一個應用程序。今天試試 Missive!電子郵件對於內部討論來說太慢了,為了解決這個問題,我們把線程聊天帶到了你的收件箱。每個人都有一個獨特的主題和恰當的參與者。通過這樣的範圍對話... Missive 軟體介紹

Mailspring 1.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Thousands of translations have been improved or manually reviewed

- Reverts a change to IMAP message parsing that was designed to extend support for Proton Mail Bridge, which caused many emails from some IMAP servers to appear to be from "NIL"

DVDFab Passkey Lite 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Added the support for some new Japanese adult DVDs

- A crash problem when opening Blu-ray discs in certain cases

Bitwig Studio 2.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Scene could have wrong height in Mix view under certain circumstances
- Adjusted auto-suspend behavior for some amplitude-averaging devices (such as Compressor, Transient Control, and Peak Limiter)

Regression Fixes:
- Inserting beat markers via double-click sometimes would not work in layered Detail Editor Panel
- E-Kick device differences between 2.3 and 2.4
- Under rare circumstances, a clip copied from the Arranger to the Clip Launcher could play back with an incorrect amplitude

Mailspring 1.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mailspring now supports localization! The app detects your system locale and all text, menus, buttons, etc. in the app appear in your language. Mailspring's core strings has been manually localized in 38 languages and the rest (mostly error messages and text describing features) have been automatically translated
- We'd love your help improving these localizations! A new "Developer > Toggle Localizer Tools" menu option in Mailspring allows you to submit better translations right within the app. You can also edit the translation files directly and submit a pull request. See the new localizer guide here
- If you use a RTL language, Mailspring's entire UI now appears right-justified, including the sidebar, preference panels, scrollbars, and more. If you use Mailspring in Arabic or Hebrew and notice issues in the right-to-left presentation, please file issues or submit pull requests

- The "contact profiles" feature of Mailspring Pro is much more robust and reliable thanks to a new profile discovery mechanism
- The "contact profile" sidebar shows the Gravatar associated with the email address before falling back to the "empty box with initials"
- Mailspring now uses the latest version of libetpan, which improves stability and fixes several parsing bugs. It also more flexibly parses IMAP responses that include unquoted text fragments
- The padding of the search bar in the Darkside theme has been fixed

- Trying to open a package that does not define engines in it's package.json no longer crashes the app
- Mailspring now uses Electron 2.0.11

DVDFab Passkey Lite 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Added the support for some new Java protections

DVDFab Passkey Lite 查看版本資訊


Microsoft OneNote 2016 Build 10827.20138 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Microsoft OneNote 2016 Build 10827.20138 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Game Capture HD 3.70.24 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Video encoding supports NVIDIA Driver 416.16 (and above)

GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Switch Changes:
- See this FAQ for a summary of the changes from 2.1.5 to 2.2.0
- Note: This link will only work if you have the Switch license

Logout-on-Shutdown System:
- Added a new Preference to automatically log users out when closing GMS2
- Note that this is off by default, as it's really only intended for educational users who want extra clean-up to happen between sessions - for most people, unticking "Remember Me" on the login dialog will do the trick
- See this FAQ for more information

Android Build System Changes:
- We've changed the Android NDK build process to fix issues building YYC on API 23 devices when using a newer version of the NDK, such as 17c or higher
- This change also fixes the issue users were seeing with the error "Unable to find library for armv7l"
- NOTE: This change also raises the minimum API level you must set in game options to 16 (up from 9)

Misc IDE Fixes:
- Fixed the runtime installation process so it uses fewer temporary drive mappings, which should stop "Z:manifest" errors
- Note: If your Windows user is not allowed to use subst due to permission/policy restrictions you will always need to resolve this yourself before attempting to install/update
- Fixed issues where projects got an asset compiler error and couldn't build because a resource had no audiogroup or texturegroup set
- Fixed the macOS Finder dialog so it now adds the correct file extension onto the filename chosen when exporting files from the Mac IDE
- Fixed an IDE crash in the DnD Editor if you tried to drag a Else node onto a If node inside that Else block
- Fixed an issue where for some users with corrupt installations the sound editor would not open when opening or creating sound resources
- Note: The change here is to simply allow the sound editor to open - you still won't be able to play the sound, and instead you will get a dialog informing of the corrupt install

- See the bug database's Change Log for the list of public issues fixed in this version
- Known Issues can be found on the bug database also - for the current IDE headline list see this page

GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 341 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Switch Changes:
- See this FAQ for a summary of the changes from 2.1.5 to 2.2.0
- Note: This link will only work if you have the Switch license!

Logout-on-Shutdown System:
- Added a new Preference to automatically log users out when closing GMS2
- Note that this is off by default, as it's really only intended for educational users who want extra clean-up to happen between sessions - for most people, unticking "Remember Me" on the login dialog will do the trick
- See this FAQ for more information

Android Build System Changes:
- We've changed how the Android NDK build process is done which caused issues with building YYC on specific devices namely API 23 devices when using a newer version of the NDK such as 17b or higher
- This change also fixes the issue users were seeing with the error "Unable to find library for armv7l"
- NOTE: This change also raises the minimum API level you must set in game options to 16 (up from 9)

Misc IDE Fixes:
- Fixed the runtime installation process so it uses fewer temporary drive mappings, which should stop "Z:manifest" errors
- Note: If your Windows user is not allowed to use subst due to permission/policy restrictions you will always need to resolve this yourself before attempting to install/update
- Fixed issues where projects got an asset compiler error and couldn't build because a resource had no audiogroup or texturegroup set
- Fixed the macOS Finder dialog so it now adds the correct file extension onto the filename chosen when exporting files from the Mac IDE
- Fixed an IDE crash in the DnD Editor if you tried to drag a Else node onto a If node inside that Else block
- Fixed an issue where for some users with corrupt installations the sound editor would not open when opening or creating sound resources
- Note: The change here is to simply allow the sound editor to open - you still won't be able to play the sound, and instead you will get a dialog informing of the corrupt install