MEGAsync 歷史舊版本 Page21

最新版本 Office Timeline 7.02.01

MEGAsync 歷史版本列表

MEGAsync 桌面 PC(MegaDownloader)客戶端是輕鬆自動同步軟件之間您的計算機和您的 MEGA 雲驅動器。 MEGAsync 是一個直觀的應用程序,使您可以毫不費力地同步幾台計算機上的文件夾。您只需上傳云中的數據,幾秒鐘後,您就可以在自己的台式電腦上瀏覽相同的文檔。立即下載並安裝適用於 Windows PC 的 MEGAsync 客戶端! 在不同位置和設備上安全訪問和處理您的數... MEGAsync 軟體介紹

J. River Media Center 24.0.073 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed: Add more info to the database for Radio Paradise. BITDEPTH, COMPRESSION, etc.
- Changed: Don't try to make thumbnails for streaming media files (cover art still works)
- Fixed: Don't try to run auto-import locally if we are connecting to a library server
- Don't try to read length on streaming files in the current zone when sending DLNA event updates
- Fixed: Made the /AudioCD command work
- NEW: Added the MCWS function Playlist/Build to take a set of file keys and a playlist path and builds the playlist

J. River Media Center 24.0.072 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Another case of MC crashing on analyzing/tagging certain mp4/m4a/mov files

J. River Media Center 24.0.071 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


J. River Media Center 24.0.068 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


J. River Media Center 24.0.067 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Streamlined the code that finds network interfaces so that they are only used once upon start of the program instead of every time a socket is created

- Some mp4 or m4a audio with AAC encoding could not be played with JRiver mp4 plug-in

- Tag-writing for MP4/m4a audio files will use Apple's extensible tagging format if the files already contain such tags

- Locking and unlocking split views didn't properly save the lock between restarts of the program

J. River Media Center 24.0.065 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Editing Custom Website Entries in the Streaming section did not work
- Radio Paradise could play duplicates in some cases

- Media Center can now read video tags written in Apple Quicktime's extensible tagging format
- Added a toolbar button to add selected files to Playing Now

- Adjusted the quality score of MetaCritic movie information lookup to reflect its cover art and information quality
- Made the MCC_PLAY_PLAYLIST command reset the search cache so running it on a random smartlist will get new information each instance
- Made the Playing Now Overview lists no longer ignore the selection. Instead the selection will be used to populate the Tag Action Window and the like
- Updated FFmpeg to 4.1, used for file analysis and transcoding

Luminar 查看版本資訊


J. River Media Center 24.0.060 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.37
- Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis)
- Radio Paradise will download more files when it reaches the end of the playlist
- Radio Paradise playback will message after playing 50 tracks about continuing (so you can't start playback and walk away permanently)
- German translation updated (thanks ByteStar)

- Added the database expression DBLocation() to return the location of a file in the database

- The date first rated would get set when ripping a CD
- Picking zones from the zone menu wouldn't work properly if there was a hidden zone

J. River Media Center 24.0.056 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The check for duplicates is back for playlists, but it should only fire when actively adding files to a playlist
- Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo)
- German translation updated (thanks ByteStar)
- The disc mode "Ask every time" would not ask when a new disc was inserted in Theater View. Now it will
- TV recording on CableCARD channels in transport stream format is done in a different component from before. This change should not have any user noticeable effect. Should you see difference in behavior please report to us
- Reporter was too slow with larger libraries
- Panel - Changed the default Panel theme to Light
- Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo)

- You can right-click a column and pick "Remove Column From Sorting" to keep the rest of the sort order but remove that single column
- Media Center will verify the SSL certificate of the Media Server, and ask the user for confirmation if it is untrusted (trust is also established through the Access Key lookup)
- Added the playlist format "M3U (extended)" to the types for a handheld to write the #EXTINF portion
- Added a "Remove All" button to the sort configuration window (in the menu)
- Panel - Added alternate text to images in the player
- Added the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B to backup the current library
- Added a "Combine..." feature for playlists to show a dialog to combine with another playlist and offer choices for the combine method
- DVB Subtitle support for live TV. Untested, please test and report how it works

- The truncation tooltip did not honor the transparency mode set in Options
- Wikipedia movie results were not loading due to changes at Wikipedia
- Panel - Button background colors sometimes would not load in the correct order
- Panel - Enabling Ignore Articles in Media Center was breaking the page selection slider
- WMV files which do not play with the Microsoft ASF/WMV reader will be opened with LAV Splitter instead, fixing playback
- DVB TV recordings in transport stream format did not include subtitle packets
- The check for duplicates popup could show up when it should not have

J. River Media Center 24.0.055 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the expression function FilePlaylists() to return a list of playlist names a file is in
- Introduced a "High Quality" madVR profile. The profile is decent quality designed for mid-range GPUs, not high-end/enthusiast-class GPUs

- German translation updated (thanks ByteStar)
- Updated the "High Performance" madVR profile with a few more performance enhancements tailored for integrated Intel GPUs
- TV recordings' post-recording processing is done slightly later to avoid conflicts. This is an attempt to fix post-recording file moving failures of JTV recordings
- Error Free Mode is only persistent if specifically set with MCWS Configuration/ErrorFreeMode, not if its automatically engaged for headless playback
- Temporarily disabled the duplicate check in playlists until all bugs are ironed out

- Interactive playback queries, like "Bookmarking: Ask", did not function in recent versions of Media Center
- ATSC TV recordings in TS format did not filter out packets of other channels on the same transport in recent builds