
最新版本 MediaPortal 2.4.1

MediaPortal 2.4.1

MediaPortal 2.4.1
MediaPortal 將您的 PC 轉換為完整的媒體解決方案。你想要一個家庭影院音頻流媒體整個家庭,數碼相冊來組織所有的照片和攝像頭的視頻,訪問網絡流和信息,如天氣,新聞,體育或維基百科,加上超級 TiVo?隨著 MediaPortal(MP),你可以做所有這些和更多,從舒適的沙發。這是目前世界上功能最豐富的媒體中心軟件,它是免費的!

MediaPortal 功能:

觀看和錄製 TV
在任何联網的 PC 上觀看現場直播或錄製的電視。你可以做一切 TiVO 可以,而且更多,但免費!使用電視指南對您的頻道進行分組,查看節目詳情和即將播出的節目,或列出錄製或預定的節目.

觀看視頻和 DVD
瀏覽所有電影,視頻和 DVD,並帶有封面圖案和詳細信息。然後用高品質的播放器觀看它們.

使用高質量的低音效果或自己的播放器來欣賞所有音樂。查看藝術家的圖像和細節,專輯封面和 fanart 背景。以任何方式組織,排序和查看您的音樂 - 按藝術家,專輯,流派,前 100 名,歌曲甚至文件大小.

聽取 Radio
聽 FM 或網絡電台任何電腦,甚至在您的網絡上,並記錄您最喜愛的節目.

MediaPortal 可以掃描您的驅動器,並為您顯示您的所有照片或圖像,無論是作為一個單一的圖像或幻燈片顯示

Check 天氣& 更多

Skin& 插件
默認的皮膚,Blue3,設計與優雅的簡單,即使在舊電腦上表現良好。所有主要功能都包含在 MediaPortal; 您不需要任何額外的插件.

注意:需要.NET Framework 和 DirectX。與至少 128 MB 的視頻內存兼容的視頻卡.


檔案版本 MediaPortal 2.4.1

系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 MediaPortal Team
更新日期 2022-07-15

What's new in this version:

We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.4.1​:
- MediaPortal 2.4.1 is a full-blown media center software that addresses most common user requirements out of the box. Aside from its support for Live TV and Radio, it offers a complete media server for music, movies, and series. Info is automatically downloaded from various sources to provide posters, fanart, album art, and various additional metadata, such as cast, staff, and more. MediaPortal 2.4.1 also provides access to online video sources such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. Integrated news, weather information and management for your digital images complete this software package.

Flexible Aspect Ratios​:
- All skins support flexible aspect ratios, so it does not matter if you have a 4:3, 16:9 or even ultra wide screen. The aspect ratio is detected automatically, there is no need to adjust settings manually.

International Language Support​:
- MediaPortal 2 was lacking with the support of many languages yet, because some characters could not be displayed correctly. It was mainly related to a missing unicode font, that is licence free. With the Google Noto we have found a font, that can be used in open source projects.
- Due to heavy development of MediaPortal 2 many new text strings were added last years, but are not localized yet. Everybody can support translating strings in our translation platform transifex. Every help to bring MediaPortal 2 forward is highly appreciated by our small development team.

Touch Display Support​:
- If touch display support is enabled in skin settings, menus won't slide in/out automatically any more, but only on press of the menu button. The support for touch display was extended further:
- A first press on a menu tile selects the home content (instead of auto selection on focus)
- A second press loads the corresponding media library
- Because the menu item selection behavior could be also interesting for mouse users the same behavior can be also achieved with a new skin setting "Whether to select a menu item manually instead of auto selection on focus"

- Fixed recording view not being compatible with new view mode settings
- Missing button content margin in DialogButtonStyle, "Manage series schedule" button not focusable by mouse
- TV: Missing gerne infos in EPG screens and recording details
- Overworked CurrentlyPlaying and Info screens
- TV: Visible information for schedule list items and details
- Display IsRecording indicator in notification bar and recording start and end indicators correctly
- Better virtual keyboard appearance
- TV: LoopScrolling in FullEPG, if activated in NereusSkinSettings
- Blank screen in screen-saver to avoid burn-ins for OLED screens
- Nereus: Fallback label for channel logo tiles in home content
- Nereus: ChannelLogos in program tiles and replacement of circular with linear progress bar

- Don't lock WF Manager in VideoPlayerModel message handler as it can cause deadlock when the message handler is shutdown when exiting the model context
- Potential deadlock in Plugin Manager if different threads try to activate the same plugin

- Fixed playback issues by using LAV Splitter Source directly

- The current TV engine (TVE3) for Media Portal 1 and 2 was developed long time before and is not state of the art any more
- Accordingly we decided to develop the TVMosaic plugin as alternative TV provider. The TVMosaic Community Edition is freeware and can be configured by web browser. Because it is not bonded to windows it may run on many platforms.
- Please note, that the plugin is currently in deelopment and some functionalities could not be implemented yet. The latest version can be found here. It is not part of the 2.4.1 release installer yet!

MediaPortal 2.4.1 相關參考資料
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MediaPortal 2 transforms your PC into an advanced full-service multimedia/home theater center. Your download will automatically start in 5 seconds.

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Get deeper visibility, near-instant search, and full contextual log information. Strip away the complexities of your on-prem log management tool, so you can ...

Download MediaPortal for free!

MediaPortal is a free open source media center software, ideal for turning your PC into a very advanced multi media center, or Home Theater PC (HTPC).

Download (MediaPortal)

Quickly pinpoint issues across your cloud and on-prem infrastructure, determine their impact, and identify root causes. Start for Free.

MediaPortal 2.4.1 Free Download for Windows 10, 8 and 7

2023年2月13日 — MediaPortal is a complete media solution that can play DVDs and Blu-ray discs, watch live TV or record favorite shows, listen to music, ...

MediaPortal 2.4.1 Release

MediaPortal 2.4.1 is a full-blown media center software that addresses most common user requirements out of the box. Aside from its support for Live TV and ...

MediaPortal 2.4.1 | Video Playing Software

MediaPortal 2.4.1 · Watch, schedule and record live TV - like a TiVo, but more, and for free! · Play videos, movies, DVDs and Blu-ray discs · Listen to music and ...


2023年11月29日 — MediaPortal 2.4.1. 大小:203.19MB 版本:2.4.1 语言:多国 更新:2023-11-29. 立即下载. 下载前请确认本软件为电脑版. MediaPortal ...

Releases · MediaPortalMediaPortal-2

We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.4.1. MediaPortal 2.4.1 is a full-blown media center software that addresses most common user requirements out of the box.