MediaInfo Lite

最新版本 Prey 1.11.1 (32-bit)

Prey 1.11.1 (32-bit)

Prey 1.11.1 (32-bit)
MediaInfo 是免費的軟件,將提供有關視頻或音頻文件的技術和標籤信息。

MediaInfo Lite Features:
閱讀許多視頻和音頻文件格式以不同的格式(文本,圖表,樹,HTML ...)查看信息自定義這些查看格式導出信息為文本,CSV,HTML ... 圖形界面,命令行或國際化:在任何操作系統上顯示任何語言本地化能力我可以從 MediaInfo 獲得什麼信息?
一般:標題,作者,導演,專輯,軌道號,日期,持續時間...?視頻:編解碼器,方面,fps,比特率... ?? 音頻:編解碼器,採樣率,聲道,語言,比特率... ... 文本:字幕語言章節:章節數,章節列表 MediaInfo 支持什麼格式(容器)? MKV,OGM,AVI,DivX,WMV,QuickTime,Real,MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4,DVD(VOB)...(編解碼器:DivX,XviD,MSMPEG4,ASP,H .264,AVC ...)?? 音頻:OGG,MP3,WAV,RA,AC3,DTS,AAC,M4A,AU,AIFF ...?字幕:SRT,SSA,ASS,SAMI ...


檔案版本 Prey 1.11.1 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 prey-windows-1.11.1-x86.msi
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Codec Guide
更新日期 2023-03-09

What's new in this version:

- Fixes issue with automations only retrieving data when Prey Client in initialize
- Fixes an issue when updating to newer version on Windows
- Now on when uninstalling, it deletes Prey folder on Windows. This will only work with the new installer and forward so if Prey auto update from older version, this won't work. This change is related to Prey-client-distribution repository

Prey 1.11.1 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Download Prey

Prey is a useful surveillance tool that lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen.

Download Prey for Android, Windows, iPhone, iPad & Mac

Download Prey for your phone, laptop, and tablet. We support Windows, Android, Ubuntu, iOS, and macOS.

Downloading Prey 1.11.1 (32-bit) from

Track, lock and recover your laptop, phone or tablet when stolen or missing · Prey 1.11.1 (32-bit) · Key details about this download.

Mac軟體下載 Prey 1.11.0 (64-bit) prey-mac-1.11.0-x64.pkg

Mac Prey 1.11.0 (64-bit) 軟體下載Download 檔案prey-mac-1.11.0-x64.pkg,讓您的筆記本電腦或手機被盜,但您可以做些什麼。獵物為Mac 是一個輕量級的盜竊保護軟件, ...

Prey 1.11.10 :: 哇哇3C日誌

Prey最新版:找到你被盗的笔记本电脑.,Prey,免費下載.Prey1.11.10:Prey ... Windows下載→ [安裝版32位元] [安裝版64位元] 其他下載→ [Ubuntu版32位元] ...

Prey 1.11.4 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

Windows PC 64bit 的Prey 是一款輕巧的防盜軟件,可以讓您隨時隨地監視它們,無論是在城鎮中還是在國外,並能在丟失或被盜時幫助您恢復它們。 ... 不僅僅是地理位置在筆記本 ...

Prey 1.11.5 (32-bit) Download

2023年6月30日 — Download Prey 1.11.5 (32-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.

Prey 1.12.2 - Anti-Theft solution | DOWNLOAD

2024年2月9日 — Prey is a open source software that lets you keep track and find your laptop, phone and tablet whenever stolen or missing.

Prey Download Free - 1.12.2

2024年2月8日 — Download Prey Anti Theft - Prey is an anti-theft tracking software for ... Ubuntu 32-bit · Android · iOS. Fast servers and clean downloads. Tested ...

Prey: Laptop Tracking & Data security. Find & Protect lost ...

Find stolen/missing laptops or phones. Device tracking and reactive anti-theft tool with 10 years of experience protecting multi-OS phones, ...