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最新版本 ManyCam

ManyCam 歷史版本列表

ManyCam 增強您的實時視頻聊天& 將您的電腦變成專業品質的現場視頻製作工作室和切換台。添加驚人的攝像頭效果& 圖形到您的視頻和照片。真棒攝像頭有趣的過濾器讓你看起來更好的凸輪。使用面部識別技術添加瘋狂的面具或面部特效。給自己一個新的攝像頭背景,讓它看起來像你在一個工作室設置,或讓它看起來你著火或像你的房子下雪! ManyCam PC 的離線安裝程序有一個巨大的圖書館,數千個效... ManyCam 軟體介紹

Nicepage 3.1.0 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 3.0.9 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 3.0.8 查看版本資訊


BootRacer 7.97 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New design
- Fixed BootLogger bug
- Updated Japanese translation
- A lot of minor improvements, optimizations and bug-fixes

GameMaker Studio 2.3.1 Build 536 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Project Conversion Fixes:
Lots and lots of project conversion issues have been fixed (and a number of you have recieved fixed copies of your projects already, so they're not listed below), however the vast majority were due to one of the following four reasons:
- The default texture/audio groups disappearing from the old project during the conversion process (the same issue which was affecting our own tutorials)
- Corrupt views referencing resources multiple times (so the project may have had issues in 2.2.5, saying it couldn't find files, etc.)
- DnD Scripts referencing multiple resources in unhandled ways
- Amazon's Game Options not upgrading properly from very old values to current ones
- If your project previously failed to convert in 2.3.0 (and we haven't already sent you a fixed copy), please try it again now. If it still fails, then please file a bug ticket and send us the project .yyz/.zip

Bezier Curves:
- Added a new curve type in the Curve Editor - Beziers allow you to ease in/out of curve points and fine-tune your animations
- Also made a number of improvements to manipulating curves used as position tracks on the Sequence Editor canvas - such as live preview/updating of the canvas area as you modify your curves and the ability to modify your bezier handles on the canvas itself

Dopesheet Curve Editor:
- Further improving curve-editing, you can now edit your embedded curves right in the dopesheet within the Sequence Editor - toggle to the curve editing mode and make your changes to see the canvas update
- Added a "Height of Anim Curve Track in Dopesheet" Preference so you can choose whether you want your curves to be double-height in the Dopesheet

Snappable Dopesheet:
- And finally for curve-editing and the Sequence Editor, you can also now snap the Dopesheet to the top, bottom, left or right edges of the Sequence Editor ...or you can pop it out into its own floating window
- Closing or "resetting" a floating Dopesheet will restore it back to the default (bottom) snap
- Each Sequence has its own snap/floating setting so that you can do things like float the dopesheet for one sequence and see it alongside the dopesheet for another

Sprite Broadcast Messages:
- 2.3.0 added the ability for a sequence track to fire off Broadcast Messages, and now 2.3.1 brings the same functionality to all sprites
- You add the message as a moment on the Sprite Editor timeline and then this fires in-game when that frame is reached

Room Manager Tools:
- The Room Manager window has now been extended so you can more easily move your rooms around when you have lots of them you need to manage - some UI tweaks, new send to top/bottom buttons, plus the ability to add groups
- Note that grouping the rooms has no effect on their order - this is still always performed top-to-bottom

Multiple New Package Formats:
- Windows x64 runner support (toggled via Game Options > Windows)
- ARMv7 packages for Ubuntu (GMS2 works this out dynamically depending on the architecture of the device you are targeting for that build)
- UWP multiple architectures in one package (part of the Create Exe button process)
- Should you have one, you will also find GMS2 itself and macOS games now run fine on your Apple Silicon developer-testing Mac
- If you have issues with your projects running fine in the "regular" versions of any of these but in the "new" versions they are incorrect, then please do file a bug ticket and send us the .yyz/.zip copy of the project (give us a download URL if the project is larger than 20MB)
- Removed The English Manual From The Installer
- As more of you are using GMS2's localisation capabilities and choosing to work in your native languages, we have now removed the English manual from the GMS2 install to save a reasonable amount of download size and install space requirement
- The first time you access the manual inside GMS2 you will be asked if you want to download a local copy and work offline or if you're happy continuing with the online manual
- If you want to download the manual later on, or want to change your manual language, then you can do this via Preferences > General Settings > Help
- Be aware also that as well as (English), there is now also manual-de (Deutsch), manual-fr (Française) and manual-es (Español)

Misc Other Changes:
- Changed the default sorting method used when importing a project to be Custom, so the Asset Browser order matches how the project looked before
- Changed the code-folding on { to be on the function line always, so that you don't get a dangling { as in 2.3.0 - also added a Preference to disable code-folding on { for those who only want to fold via regions
- Added a new Preference for whether you want changing the filtering of the asset browser to immediately re-expanded the groups or not (that the asset browser always expanded all groups each time you created an asset while the filter is active has been fixed)
- Have had to slightly change the Mac IDE keys for managing Bookmarks, as the old ones clashed with macOS hotkeys and so caused issues - setting a bookmark is now CMD+CTRL+[0-9] and jumping back to it later is CMD+[0-9]
- Within the Sequence Editor, you can now create Moment functions using the name you set in the text box, rather than having to create and then rename
- Added a Preference to edit the boiler plate comment shown at the top of a new Script Resource (or to turn it off if you want)
- Added a timeout to debugger connections - so now GMS2 will abort the build and show a "Are you perhaps firewalled?" if the debugger takes too long, rather than waiting indefinitely
- File > My Account will now use your default browser, rather than opening a browser workspace tab inside GMS2
- Lots of missing translations for 2.3.0 features have now been added, along with the translations for the new stuff in 2.3.1
- Added the $ symbol as a new accessor for structs (Which does mean if you have existing code for assigning HEX values to a variable then make sure you haven't wrapped this hex value in []s, as this would cause a compile error now)
- Removed some redundant arguments from buffer_get_surface(), so you will need to refactor any code using this function

- AnimCurve Editor: "Delete Curve" tooltip does not support localisation
- Asset Browser: Zoom resets to 100% on relaunch
- Asset Browser: Keyboard navigation no longer functions after renaming an asset
- Asset Browser: Duplicate groups appear on reloading project if group was moved and has an "asset type" name (e.g., the group is called "Sprites")
- Asset Browser: test_410... project has linked duplicate folders
- Asset Browser: Modifying a filtered tree always re-expands all groups [note the Misc Change above that there is a Preference added for part of this]
- Asset Browser: Colour-coded groups will swap colours with other groups with the same name
- Asset Browser: Room Manager's Room Order tab does not show any rooms for the 2.3.0 project attached
- Asset Browser: Group is duplicated on project load if its name contains a backslash
- Bookmarks: [Mac IDE] Adding a bookmark to a script window also types the number into the script
- Bookmarks: GMS2 hangs when going to a bookmark after changing projects
- Broadcast Messages: Right-clicking the text box for message entry closes window
- Building Projects: Compile Error building for UWP YYC
- Building Projects: UWP YYC fails to build if using the remote worker
- Building Projects: [Mac IDE] Big projects can fail with macOS system error "Too many open files" using current 5.10 version of Mono
- Building Projects: [HTML5] Having a group named "HTML5" causes builds to fail
- Building Projects: HTML5 and iOS are leaving the "datafiles" subfolder in the export package
- Building Projects: [Android] Cannot build projects containing the Google Play Services asset
- Building Projects: [Android] android:allowBackup flag is set in the wrong location in AndroidManifest.xml
- Building Projects: Calling break; inside a try block will give two compiler errors
- Building Projects: XCode 12 doesn't work with 2.3.0 during iOS and tvOS builds
- Building Projects: [Mac YYC] The project attached fails to compile due to a complex ternary operator line
- Building Projects: [Windows YYC] project attached does not compile, gives no error
- Building Projects: [macOS YYC] Cannot find provisioning profiles error when using Runtime v23.1.1.181 [actually now requests Xcode to download them automatically if missing]
- Building Projects: Empty return statements require a semi-colon, otherwise you get a compile error
- Building Projects: [Windows IDE] Ubuntu builds write the with the wrong filename
- Building Projects: [YYC] Referencing a global function inside another constructor/function fails the build
- Building Projects: Attached project will not build "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection."
- Building Projects: [HTML5] Passing a function via an object variable definition causes a compile error
- Building Projects: "unexpected symbol" errors shown for instances which have list variables that are undefined
- Code Editor: MMB on an object variable name no longer opens its Variable Definitions location
- Code Editor: Local variables are not correctly coloured when they have the same name as a function
- Code Editor: Tabbing a block of text selected via keyboard can miss indenting the last line (differs from Shift+Tab)
- Code Editor: Copying a block inside folded brackets only copies the unfolded first line
- Code Editor: Autocomplete needs to flag "argument_relative" as obsolete
- Code Editor: Folded regions are not preserved on reloading the project
- Code Editor: Jumps between collapsed region locations when using scrollbar
- Code Editor: Macros using global. cause syntax errors when using that macro in regions elsewhere
- Code Editor: "global." is no longer added to code when using autocomplete
- Code Editor: variable_struct_remove() is missing from autocomplete
- Code Editor: os_is_network_connected() always shows syntax warning for wrong number of arguments
- Code Editor: c_grey/c_ltgrey/c_dkgrey are not keywords (only their US English versions work)
- Configs: Changing config while config-able windows are open does not refresh these window's values
- Configs: Splash screens and icons don't allow per-config setting
- Configs: Deleting a config does not remove data from resources with config changes
- Configs: Nested configs do not always apply the inherited settings correctly at runtime (instead uses Default's)
- Debugger: Watch tab fails to evaluate function arguments
- Debugger: Does not show global structs in the variables list
- Debugger: Tooltip unable to evaluate "self", anything "self.", and "other"
- Debugger: Instances of structs are not being re-evaluated correctly after changes made
- Debugger: [Mac IDE] Does not show values of any Watches
- Debugger: [Mac IDE] "Unable to compile watch VMsession not ready" messages on running
- Device Manger: Android > "Run AVD" button is unresponsive, should be removed
- DND Editor: Resizing an action and then adding argument causes action to stop rendering properly
- DnD Editor: Get Instance Variable action does not have "in_sequence"
- DND Editor: Adding multiple strings to Show Debug Message node causes a compiler error because n is required
- DnD Editor: Renaming a script file will erase the contents of the script
- Docs Integration: Untranslated tab heading when opening the Manual in a localised language
- Extension Editor: Does not create source folder structure, causes Add Source buttons to silently fail
- Filewatcher: Dialog appears when editing an Android extension .java file
- Filewatcher: Adding a file to an extension triggers the Project Modified popup
- Filewatcher: Dialog appears when adding any file into the root folder of the project
- Game Options: [German] Android/Amazon's "Orientation" settings are reversed compared to other languages
- Game Options: Adding text ending with " into a config's Android inject textfield will stop Game Options > Android opening again
- Inspector: Undoing changes to the rotation of a Sequence asset does so in steps, not all at once
- Inspector: Clipping Mask's "Mask" and "Subject" are not translated
- Inspector: Added a new "Loop Mode" shown when inspecting audio tracks in the Sequence Editor so you can control audio in-game better
- Install: Unused NanumGothic font included in GMS2 installation, should remove
- Localisation: Multiple unlocalised hardcoded strings in various parts of the IDE
- Localisation: New 2.3.0 DND feature strings are unlocalised
- Localisation: [French, Spanish] Multiple strings for 2.3.0 Preferences are not displayed correctly
- Localisation: [French] Text overlaps in Preferences > Android's keystore labels
- Localisation: Unlocalised strings in the Sequence Editor
- Localisation: Multiple strings in Preferences do not support localisation
- Localisation [All] : Default content for Object's Events and Scripts is unlocalised in all supported languages [note: if you change the IDE language this Preference is not immediately changed also, you have to Reset Defaults in order to get the new language]
- Manual Content: window_...() pages fail to load via F1 due to unwanted uppercase i in "The Game Window" URL
- Marketplace Integration: Assets containing extensions using proxy files won't import those proxy files
- Marketplace Integration: "zeus://purchase?" error on adding free assets to account if Marketplace opened via GMS
- Object Editor: Changing any event to a Collision Event will delete the code in that event
- Object Editor: "Only referenced once" warning should not show if the variable is mentioned in the Variable Definitions window as an Expression
- Object Editor: GMS2 unstable when renaming a variable definition if that object is already an asset variable definition in a different object
- Preferences: "String not found" showing in Code Editor's Struct Members label
- Preferences: Possible to untick auto-logout even when using settings override file for Education users
- Preferences: Resetting the content for Object's Events and Scripts using the Reset Defaults button would reset it to empty
- Project Import: MMH2 project causes the IDE to go unstable
- Project Import: Bus... fails to convert in 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 Beta 1
- Project Import: Converting the project attached when a sequence editor is open breaks the layout
- Project Import: Asset Browser sort should default to Custom when converting 2.2.5 projects
- Project Import: Converting the attached 1.4 project removes a bracket and so creates a compile error
- Project Import: Projects fail to convert from 2.2.5 to 2.3 due to "An item with the same key has already been added"
- Project Import: Spine sprites from 2.2.5 projects set collision mask to 0,0,0,0
- Project Import: Inheritance of instance creation code is not preserved after conversion from 2.2.5
- Project Import: TestForYoYo shows multiple "Blank IdReference found - could be that the project is corrupt" yet still loads and builds
- Project Import: 789AN project gets stuck during convert from 2.2.5
- Project Import: GMS2 unstable when importing project with Spine assets
- Project Import: GMS2 stuck Importing if you Add Existing from a project with a damaged .yyp, needs to gracefully fail
- Project Import: Attached project does not open in 2.3.1 Beta, error in YoYoStudio.Resources.ResourceBase.PostDeserialise
- Project Import: St...51020 project fails to convert
- Project Import: GMS2 crashes in System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional loading attached projects
- Project Load: The active config is reset to Default each time when reloading projects
- Project Load: GMS2 crashes when opening project Wan... - "Error setting value to 'inheritLayers' on 'YoYoStudio.Resources.GMRoom'."
- Project Load: Rich... gets stuck at about 80% loaded
- Project Load: GMS2 crashes with "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" loading attached project
- Project Load: Failing to convert a 2.2.5 project results in GMS2 not loading further projects correctly until IDE restarted
- Project Load: Mischief... fails to load in 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 Beta 1
- Project Load: Pong... does not show anything in the asset browser and GMS2 becomes unstable shortly after
- Project Save: GMS2 unstable when adding "texturegroup-able items" in the tutorial project attached
- Project Save: Cannot create sprites/fonts/tilesets in tutorial projects, GMS2 can also go unstable
- Project Save: Included Files in subfolders are listed repeatedly in the project file
- Project Save: Game Options writes absolute paths for .nmeta files [further fix]
- Project Save: GMS2 unstable when adding a new audio or texture group in Spirit...
- Room Editor: Text listing layer properties can become scrambled after adding asset
- Room Editor: Cannot delete a selection of tiles using only the Backspace key
- Room Editor: Painting an asset that has an origin set to the bottom will add 2 at a time
- Room Editor: Wrong sprite frame is shown after importing a project with sprites set to 0 FPS in the room
- Room Editor: Child room instances' Inherit button becomes unusable after reloading the project
- Room Editor: Instance creation code is not inherited when creating child rooms
- Room Editor: "Convert Image to Tilemap" tool is broken in 2.3.0
- Room Editor: Resetting an instance variable override doesn't immediately mark the project as changed
- Room Editor: Painting tiles does not mark the project as changed, so the new tiles don't appear in-game unless other changes made
- Room Editor: Animation Speed in the background layer is not taken into consideration
- Room Editor: Renaming an instance will cause its creation code to be wiped
- Sequence Editor: Canvas RMB context menu for objects "Open Editor..." does not work
- Sequence Editor: Cannot set Image Speed track to be a decimal value
- Sequence Editor: Unable to select multiple resources via the track panel
- Sequence Editor: Need to add the missing keyboard shortcuts for the canvas
- Sequence Editor: Previously zoomed-in editors reopened when reloading a project thereafter zoom "reversed"
- Sequence Editor: Record key actions in the drop-down menu are unresponsive
- Sequence Editor: "At frame" field in the Moment Editor does not move the moment if you edit the value
- Sequence Editor: Any interaction/change to a track should pause previewing the sequence
- Sequence Editor: It is not possible to copy an Animation Curve from one track to another
- Sequence Editor: French and German text is cut off in the Canvas Gizmo menu
- Sequence Editor: Some event name labels are cut off in the Events Window for all supported languages except English
- Sequence Editor: GMS2 crashes when deleting a clipping mask which is in a group
- Sequence Editor: GMS2 unstable when adding clipping masks to group and then Ctrl+Z
- Sequence Editor: French text is still cut off in the Canvas Gizmo menu
- Sequence Editor: 'Export embedded anim curve' doesn't expose the new curve in the Asset Browser
- Sequence Editor: Alt+Click to select a track in Dope Sheet only select its keys when track expanded
- Sequence Editor: It is possible to change an external anim curve that has been associated to a parameter and make it invalid
- Sequence Editor: During playback audio tracks will play more frequently than expected
- Sprite Editor: Dropping an image in the frame view of a sprite does not append the sprite as a new frame but replaces all frames
- Sprite Editor: Automatic collision mask does not update when image is resized from the image editor
- Texture Groups: Texture preview pages are not being generated in the projects attached
- Texture Groups: Sprites are not immediately removed from texture groups when deleted in Asset Browser
- Texture Groups: Texture Group parents are not maintained when in Default configuration
- Tutorial UI/UX: GMS2 unstable when reloading the tutorial window in the project attached
- Tutorial UI/UX: Exporting and reimporting a tutorial breaks the tutorial window
- UI/UX: Cannot use right-click menu to rename workspace tabs
- UI/UX: File > My Account still spawns an IDE browser workspace, should use external browser
- UI/UX: [Spanish] Collision Mask option boxes do not fit in the Sprite Editor
- Workspaces: Dropping external asset .yy files onto the IDE does not immediately open the newly-imported asset for editing

KeyShot 10.0.198 查看版本資訊


Windows ISO Downloader 8.41 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Windows 10 Update 20H2
- added new Insider and developer versions up to build 20262
- added more DELL models and images
- removed unsupported DELL models and images (see WinCert Forum for details)
- added green check (✔️) to available Windows 7 and Office 2010 downloads
- fixed issues in Romanian localization
- removed table with hashes from download screen

Serato DJ Lite 1.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added Beatport LINK and Beatsource LINK featured playlists

- Fixed a potential crash on startup

rekordbox 6.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DDJ-FLX6 compatibility added
- New Merge FX feature added
- New Sample Scratch feature added

- New option included to prioritize the master player as the target player for lighting in PRO DJ LINK Lighting
- Added rekordbox xml export feature
- A red alarm icon will now appear on the MY PAGE button to display a caution message when using Free Plan and a Pioneer DJ product that is not a Hardware Unlock device when it is connected in PERFORMANCE mode
- Streamed tracks can now be added to Tag List
- Software FX selection can now be displayed in the rekordbox effect panel when selected on the DJM-S11/S9
- Improved display for numbers of beats of Release FX and Pad FX

- Often Beat FX turned off when quickly switching between effect types
- Potential crash when reloading tracks or closing rekordbox after rekordbox was frozen and then cancelled while loading TIDAL library
- Sometimes it would take time to clear Hot Cues and Memory Cues
- Imported tracks appeared Missing Files when transferring the master database to a external drive, importing tracks on a Mac, then connecting to a Windows
- Unable to load tracks when using LINK EXPORT after transferring the master database to an external drive and changing the drive letter
- Key was not displayed in Alphanumeric order even when the key display format was set to Alphanumeric in LINK EXPORT
- Offen unable to halve or double the loop length when after Beat Loop when the CDJ-3000 is connected in HID mode
- Playback position shifted when turning the side of the jog wheel slowly when the CDJ-3000 is connected in HID mode. Please ensure you update your CDJ-3000's firmware to the latest version (ver. 1.06 or later)
- The rekordbox title bar sometimes appeared outside the screen on Windows
- Some of the contents in Preferences weren't displayed at minimum display resolution
- Simple fixture didn't turn on in Ambient mode in LIGHTING mode
- Improved stability and fixes for other minor issues

ManyCam 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved the loading speed for movies played within ManyCam (reduced the buffering time)
- Improved startup and effect search speed for cases when ManyCam has several thousand effects in the Effect library
- Added a progress bar and play/pause controls for movies and the YouTube URL source
- Added a warning that appears when the receiving application degrades the image quality
- Increased the layer/effect resize area
- Fixed an issue where ManyCam would create a default stream when you log in to YouTube
- Fixed an issue where some effects could change their size and/or proportions after changing the resolution or restarting ManyCam
- Fixed an issue where the movie source audio would get out of sync (especially after rewinding)
- Fixed an issue where the window position and size were not saved after restarting ManyCam
- Fixed a custom area frame position issue that occurred when Overlay mode was activated
- Fixed an issue where ManyCam would freeze when adding a static WebP image as an animated effect

- Change log not available for this version

- New Overlay feature (activates with 'Ctrl+Shift+V')
- New scaling settings for layers (Fit, Fill, Stretch)
- Added the ability to adjust layer opacity
- Added the ability to round layer corners
- Added the ability to add PDF files as a video source
- Added the ability to copy-paste layers
- Draw on Desktop is now available for free users
- The 'Draw on Desktop' tool was moved from the Desktop capture context menu to Overlay
- Implemented auto-reconnect for Mobile Device source and added the reconnect button
- Added the Lock button on layer hover
- Webcam source can now have unique crop settings in each layer
- Hold down 'Ctrl' when resizing a layer to produce a perfectly square shape (changed from 'Shift')
- Hold down 'Shift' when resizing a layer to preserve its aspect ratio
- The 'Presentation' source was renamed to 'PowerPoint'
- The 'Blank image' source was renamed to 'Color Source'
- The 'Media files' source was renamed to 'Images & Videos'
- Fixed an issue where the face detection module would not install if Windows username contained non-Latin characters
- Fixed an issue where the Chroma Key settings could sometimes be lost after restarting ManyCam
- Fixed an issue where the 'Create new virtual camera' button would disappear when switching between subscription plans within the app
- Fixed an issue where the camera could not connect with Hardware Acceleration enabled if only the UYVY format was available
- Fixed the 'Unable to find inference_engine_legacy.dll' error

- Fixed an issue where effects could shrink after restarting ManyCam or changing the resolution

- the ability to use videos as virtual backgrounds
- the ability to reorder presets in the preset preview panel using drag&drop
- tooltips for the Video Playlist panel

- Reduced the minimum permissible layer size
- Layers are now sticky and have ruler guides
- zooming behavior: a zoomed area within a layer can now only be moved by holding down the Ctrl key

- an issue where the 'AM' indication was not rendered for some types of clocks
- an issue where the Draw overlay would shrink or disappear after the device restart
- an issue where Desktop Capture stuck on an old frame after waking or unlocking the PC
- the initialization problem with AMD VCE Encoder that occurred on devices with some AMD GPUs
- a crash on startup that occurred on devices with NVidia MX130

- Change log not available for this version

- Added the ability to add PowerPoint presentations as video source (ppt, pptx) (requires a locally installed copy of Microsoft office)
- Virtual Backgrounds: added the OpenVINO engine support (up to 2x performance increase on Intel CPUs and GPUs) and reduced flickering (model v1.5)
- Improved the crop functionality to support more video sources: Movie, Image, YouTube Link, Mobile Studio, Desktop Capture, Web source, RTMP Input, Game
- Improved performance when using multiple presets
- Added the ability to disable HTML notifications (paid feature)
- Added the Crop icon to the main panel
- Fixed an issue where ManyCam crashed during desktop capture after waking PC from sleep
- Fixed incorrect aspect ratio in some effects
- Fixed an issue where the Web Source module failed to install under Microsoft accounts containing non-Latin characters
- Fixed an issue where ManyCam overlapped other apps during App Window capture
- Fixed capture issues related to the Chromium-based version of Edge
- Fixed some crashes obtained by crash reports from our users

- Added support for NDI output
- Added fallback to CPU in case Virtual Backgrounds crash on GPU
- Improved quality of the Chroma key auto-setup mode

- Added support for NDI inputs [beta]
- Added the ability to add YouTube Live streams as a YouTube URL video source (requires K-Lite codec pack)
- Added support for short YouTube URL source links
- Background blur/removal: reduced flickering and improved hand detection (model v1.3)
- YouTube URL video source now switched to HD quality by default
- Improved video quality for YUY2, UYVY and YVYU formats in the DirectX mode (affected video files, cameras, NDI inputs)

- Added the Crop layer feature (currently works with webcams only).
- Removed support for old background effects (replaced with Virtual Backgrounds).
- Added a new option "Keep my video sources connected when ManyCam is hidden".
- Fixed an issue where Chroma Key persisted after reset.
- Switched Chroma Key to the HSL algorithm by default for easier color picker usage.
- Switched the OpenH264 codec to the "Speed" preset by default.

- Improved performance and quality of Virtual Background
- Fixed possible crash in YouTube source

ManyCam 7.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 7.2.0
- Background blur/removal without a green screen (requires ManyCam Studio or higher and Windows 10)

ManyCam 7.1.1
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 7.1.0
- Added DirectX hardware acceleration support (enabled by default)
- Improved animated effects performance
- Fixed an issue that prevented grouped effects from being moved
- Fixed hardware-accelerated app window capturing (Google Chrome, Skype, PowerPoint and others)

ManyCam 7.0.6
- New Chroma Key: improved speed, auto-setup, spill reduction and more
- Added animated effects support (drag&drop GIF files into ManyCam)
- Added ability to lock video layer position and size (the main layer is locked by default)
- Added ability to download new effects within the ManyCam application from our in-app effect store
- Added new default effect packs (animated emojis, school effects and more)
- Added ability to resize ManyCam effects
- Added media file drag&drop dialog
- Improved UI design, including easier ways to change color grading, FPS, resolution and add audio sources
- Improved audio and microphone error handling and reporting
- Improved drawing: better sharpness, cool stamps, shapes and more
- Fixed the issue with renaming "ManyCam Virtual Webcam" in Google Chrome
- Live streaming improvements
- Bug fixes and improvements

ManyCam 6.7.1
- Fixed audio cutting off
- Other bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.7.0
- Improved audio pipeline
- Fixed missing audio output
- Enabled Hardware Acceleration by default for compatible graphics cards
- Resolved several crashes
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.6.0
- Added RTMP Input Source
- Added Chinese (Traditional & Simplifiedand Korean language support
- Improved video smoothness
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.5.1
- Added a How-To tip for new Picture-in-Picture mode
- Added a new way to move effects to directories
- Resolved several crashes
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.5.0

Driver improvements:
- Added Metro App support
- Added YUV color space support
- Improved scaling quality
- Improved cropping logic
- Added a few more resolutions (2K, 4K)
- Improved visibility for business applications

Client improvements:
- Added free Picture-in-Picture mode
- Added Sync Offset feature for web camera source
- Added ability to rename default video driver
- Added QSV decoder for IP cameras
- Resolved several crashes
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.4.1
- Fixed effects removal issue
- Fixed playlist delay settings
- Fixed playlist shuffle
- Fixed effects disabling issue
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.4.0
- Added 4K support for video recording & streaming (Studio and Enterprise only)
- Added new Web Source URL feature
- Improved desktop capture performance (improved FPS, added hardware acceleration support, added the ability to capture overlapping and off-screen windows)
- Added OpenH264 encoder support
- Added Sync Offset feature for audio sources
- Added webcam source settings (now you can adjust webcam video format, FPS and resolution)
- Resolved several crashes
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.3.2
- Fixed issue with missing Lower Third options
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.3.1
- Brand new Game Capture module
- Added new overlay feature (assigned to Ctrl+Shift+O by default)
- Added to predefined social media streaming services
- Added hotkeys for starting/stopping broadcasting and recording
- Improved effect management UI panel
- Improved IP cameras connection stability
- Fixed Mobile source connection issue
- Fixed hangs and crashes when switching video files in playlist
- Fixed CBR encoding mode
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.3.0
- Improved Game Capture module
- Added overlay feature (Default hotkey - Ctrl+Shift+O)
- Added Twitchtv into predefined social media streaming services
- Fixed IP cameras connectivity issue
- Fixed mobile source connection issue
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.2.0
- Improved GPU-based Hardware Acceleration (experimental feature)
- Improved multimedia processing time (upgraded to SIMD)
- Improved FPS and smoothness for YouTube and movie sources
- Improved Game Capture compatibility
- Added AMD H.264 Hardware Encoder support
- Added new Playlist features and interface changes
- Implemented new video preset management approach
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.1.1
- Removed obsolete effects from the default Effects library

ManyCam 6.1.0
- Added ability to pause/resume video recording
- Added hardware encoder support for video recording. (Intel QSV & NVIDIA NVENC)
- Improved settings for predefined social media streaming (Facebook – added stream title, description, and privacy settings, and ability to select group, event, or page as streaming destination. YouTube – added stream title and privacy settings)
- Fixed artifacts when RTMP streaming using the software encoder
- Revamped the RTMP and connect tab
- Added new Halloween Face Masks
- Updated translations for all supported languages
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.0.2
- Added Hotkeys feature
- Added 12 additional video presets for ManyCam Enterprise Subscription
- Added Pause/Resume option for RTMP & driver streams
- Scroll speed increased throughout ManyCam
- Resolved issue that caused ManyCam to sometimes be removed after reboot
- Resolved issue where audio settings were not saved
- Resolved several crashes
- Bug fixes and stability improvements

ManyCam 6.0.1
- Brand new and even more flexible UI design with customizable widgets
- New Favorites panel for your favorite features
- Free HD resolution
- New realistic Face Masks
- GPU-based optimizations (experimental feature)
- RTMP streaming with extended support for hardware encoders (Intel Quick Sync Video, Nvidia NVENC)
- Improved performance (new enhanced JPEG decoder, optimized RTMP streaming pipeline)
- Advanced audio management (customizable audio sources for video presets and Picture-in-Picture layers)
- Various bug fixes & stability improvements

ManyCam 5.8.0
- Added subscriptions
- Added social login
- Various bug fixes and improvements

ManyCam 5.7.2
- Added new Easter effects and borders

ManyCam 5.7.1
- Fixed media files issue

ManyCam 5.7.0
- Resolution issues when using ManyCam with external applications resolved
- Improved settings storage
- Fixed Periscope issues
- Moved to WebEngine for Web Views

ManyCam 5.6.1
- Added unicode support in installation/users paths
- Various bug fixes, stability & security improvements

ManyCam 5.6.0
- Added in app account registration
- Extended support for video capture cards
- New Face Mask effects
- Various bug fixes, stability & security improvements

ManyCam 5.5.2
- Mobile source UI improvement
- Various bug fixes and improvements

ManyCam 5.5.0
- Change log not available for this version

ManyCam 5.4.1
- Translations added
- RTMP Authorization fixed

ManyCam 5.4.0
- Major RTMP streaming improvements (authorization, RTMPS, RTMPE and RTMPT)
- New UI to make streaming even easier
- Direct live streaming to Facebook
- ManyCam Mobile [ BETA ] support
- Play/Pause for local media file and YouTube sources. Click on the video source to play and pause
- HTML notification fix
- Standard users can now enjoy 1 custom watermark and rename their virtual camera
- Various bug fixes and improvements

ManyCam 5.3.2
- Fixed a driver signature issue for new Windows 10 installations (version 1607)

ManyCam 5.3.1
- Fixed a driver compatibility issue with Windows 10 Anniversary

ManyCam 5.3.0
- Major IP Camera improvements.
- Added MJPEG support for webcams with HD or Full HD resolutions to improve FPS.
- Various bug fixes, stability & performance improvements.

ManyCam 5.2.0
- New Custom Watermarks feature (for Studio and Enterprise only)
- New Custom Lower Third feature
- Various bug fixes, stability & performance improvements

ManyCam 5.1.0
- Bug fixes and stability improvements including:
Game capture feature bugs resolved
Issues with consistency of H264 camera usage resolved
- Automated software update process introduced
- Added in-app flexible notification system
- Website login and password now linked to software login

ManyCam 5.0.5
- Fixed bug with Object effects created by users (wrong scale)
- Fixed bug with IP cameras when using network proxy settings
- Fixed bug with IP cameras authorization
- Fixed bug with playlist scheduler
- Added ability to drag zoomed picture (in picture in picture mode)
- Various bug fixes, stability and performance improvements

- H.264 bug fix for ManyCam Studio.

- New and more flexible UI design with support for HiDPI displays.
- New Chroma Key feature(Studio and Enterprise only).
- New Motion Detection feature (Studio and Enterprise only).
- Windows 10 support.
- More accessible options with Standard, Studio, and Enterprise editions.
- Use up to 12 video sources (Studio and Enterprise only).
- Improved Draw tab (history, transparency).
- New Noise Suppression feature.
- New Save Effects Presets feature.
- Removable watermark (Standard, Studio, Enterprise only).
- Added Custom duration for each item in playlist.
- Various bug fixes, stability & performance improvements.

- Improvements under “Connect” tab
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements

- New "Connect" tab that provides quick access to compatible streaming sites and applications
- Stability improvements

- Custom audio and video bitrates for the Recording feature.
- New Window Selector feature. (Pro & Enterprise only)
- New Custom Area feature (movable canvas). (Pro & Enterprise only)
- Desktop Zoom feature. (Pro & Enterprise only)
- Create and save a list of RTMP servers that you often use for broadcasting. (Pro & Enterprise only)
- Broadcast to multiple RTMP servers simultaneously (Enterprise only).
- Added H264 support for IP cameras (Enterprise only).
- Stability improvements.

ManyCam 4.0.110
- New Timer and Stopwatch features.
- Audio playlist improvements.
- Removing the ManyCam Watermark is now a Free feature.
- Stability improvements.

ManyCam 4.0.109
- New RTMP feature that allows you to broadcast directly on Twitch, Ustream and YouTube live events
- Added 60 fps support
- Fixed a bug some users were having while switching movies in the playlist
- Fixed a bug some users were having with audio clicks
- Fixed the System Sound microphone for some audio cards

ManyCam 4.0.97
- Stability improvements.

ManyCam 4.0.94
- New Mobile Video Source allows you to stream video and audio directly from your Android device.
- New YouTube Video Source allows you to stream and broadcast videos found on YouTube.
- New YouTube Social Uploader feature allows you to upload your recorded videos to YouTube from ManyCam.
- Various bug fixes and improvements as requested by users.
- Removing the ManyCam Watermark is a Pro feature only.

ManyCam 4.0.78
- Support for Windows 8.1 Metro apps

ManyCam 4.0.77
- Stability improvements.

ManyCam 4.0.70
- New Game video source allows capturing and recording of your gameplay
- New Lower Third feature
- Custom Video Source feature allows you to give a new name to the ManyCam Virtual Webcam video source
- Added new scrolling options for Text Over Video feature
- Added Random transition effect
- Fixed a problem where the message “Try closing other programs that might be using your webcam.” appeared for some cameras
- Added support for more camera vendors
- Various bug fixes and improvements as requested by users

ManyCam 4.0.63
- Stability improvements.

ManyCam 4.0.52
- Fixed a problem where “Run on startup” option did not work correctly.
- Added the ability to set up custom delays between items in playlist.
- Added the ability to set up different scrolling speeds for the text over video feature.
- Due to repeated requests from ManyCammers, we have brought back the “Show cursor” and “Camera properties” features.
- Performance improvements as requested by our users along with other bug fixes.

ManyCam 3.1.64
- New Thanksgiving effects added to installer.
- Minor bug fixes.