LINE for Windows 歷史舊版本 Page8

最新版本 DBeaver 23.1.4

LINE for Windows 歷史版本列表

與你的朋友保持聯繫,無論何時何地。在移動中使用智能手機上的 LINE for Windows,在辦公室或家中使用 LINE for Windows。對長話機說是。隨時享受免費,高質量的通話。從你的智能手機和 PC。您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 PC 離線安裝程序的 LINE .LINE 功能:免費即時消息,無論何時何地,無論何時何地,隨時隨地與朋友交流免費即時消息,一對一和群聊。所... LINE for Windows 軟體介紹

OCCT 11.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed : when chaining several periods of 3D adaptive running on several GPUs, the test would be wrongly flagged as crashed
- Tentative fix : wrong GPU order was used when several GPUs are present and tested at once
- When no GPU is selected and the system has several, only the first one will be used (instead of all of them)

Nextcloud 3.5.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix the system tray menu not being correctly replaced in setupContextMenu on GNOME
- Ensure call notification stays on top of other windows
- Work around issues with window positioning on Linux DEs, hardcode tray window to screen center when new account added
- Clean up systray methods, make more QML-friendly
- Refactor tray window opening code for clarity and efficiency
- Only set _FORTIFY_SOURCE when a higher level of this flag has not been set
- Limit concurrent notifications
- Take ints by value rather than reference in UserModel methods
- Respect skipAutoUpdateCheck in nextcloud.cfg with Sparkle on macOS
- Use preprocessor directive rather than normal 'if' for UNNotification types
- QML-ify the UserModel, use properties rather than setter methods
- Fix ActivityItemContent QML paintedWidth errors
- Stop clearing notifications when new notifications are received
- Ensure debug archive contents are readable by any user
- Stop styling QML unified search items hierarchically, use global Style constants
- Update macOS Info.plist
- print sync direction in SyncFileStatusTracker::slotAboutToPropagate
- Remove Ubuntu Impish, add Kinetic
- Ensure that throttled notifications still appear in tray activity model
- Make apps menu scrollable when content taller than available vertical space, preventing borking of layout

Electron 18.3.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a crash when calling BrowserWindow.setEnabled()
- a potential crash when changing window settings after initializing WCO with an invalid titleBarStyle
- alwaysOnTop BrowserWindow option for X11 Linux
- an issue where BrowserWindows on macOS were incorrectly marked as resizable
- an issue where Windows Control Overlay buttons did not respect maximizable/minimizable/closable states of a BrowserWindow
- an issue where calling BrowserWindow.setRepresentedFilename on macOS with titlebarStyle: 'hiddenInset' or titlebarStyle: 'hidden' inadvertently moves the traffic light location
- an issue where some BrowserWindows opened from new links wouldn't properly load URLs
- an issue where the minimize button with WCO enabled would incorrectly be highlighted in some cases
- an issue with background colors being improperly applied to BrowserViews on Windows
- empty app_id when running under wayland
- missing Sec-CH-UA headers and empty navigator.userAgentData
- symbol generation on 32-bit Windows release builds
Prevent brief display of "Ozone X11" in window title on Linux

Electron 19.0.10 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for --ozone-platform-hint flag on Linux
- Fixed a Windows Control Overlay issue where a window taken directly from minimized to maximized state could have incorrect hover state
- Fixed a crash when calling BrowserWindow.setEnabled()
- Fixed an issue in which calling setBounds() after e.preventDefault in a 'will-move' or 'will-resize' event wouldn't change the window's shape until the mouse button was released
- Fixed an issue with fullscreen transitions when HTML fullscreen is requested
- Fixed inertial scroll is broken when the scrollable element has an overlay with pointer-events: none
- Fixed symbol generation on 32-bit Windows release builds

Electron 19.0.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Ensures that requestMediaKeySystemAccess eventually resolves / rejects
- Fixed a potential crash when changing window settings after initializing WCO with an invalid titleBarStyle
- Fixed alwaysOnTop BrowserWindow option for X11 Linux
- Fixed an issue where BrowserWindows on macOS were incorrectly marked as resizable
- Fixed an issue where calling BrowserWindow.setRepresentedFilename on macOS with titlebarStyle: 'hiddenInset' or titlebarStyle: 'hidden' inadvertently moves the traffic light location
- Fixed an issue where printing with an invalid deviceName on Linux caused silent failures
- Fixed an issue where the minimize button with WCO enabled would incorrectly be highlighted in some cases
- Fixed empty app_id when running under wayland
- Prevent brief display of "Ozone X11" in window title on Linux

Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 102.0.5005.167

Electron 19.0.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where DataList bounds had part of the item text cut off vertically

Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 102.0.5005.148

Nextcloud 3.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Explicitly ask user for notification authorisation on launch (macOS)
- Fix crash caused by overflow in FinderSyncExtension
- add new fixup workflow from nextcloud org
- Bump up minimum macOS version
- Display chat message inside the OS notification.
- Fix 'TypeError: Cannot readproperty 'messageSent' of undefined'.
- Add a transparent background to the send reply button.
- Fix build on macOS versions pre-11 (down to 10.14)
- Ignore Office temp folders on Mac ('.sb-' in folder name).
- Remove assert, it is no longer useful.
- Add contrast to the text/icon of buttons if the server defined color is light.
- fix general section
- Remove tooltip because it is only repeating the label of the link.
- bugfix/share-dialog
- Updating command-rebase.yml workflow from template
- Reply button size should be same as the input field, smaller + text color
- Close call notifications when the call has been joined by the user, or the call has ended
- Increase the call state checking interval to not overload the server
- Ensure the dispatch source only gets deallocated after the dispatch_source_cancel is done, avoiding crashing of the Finder Sync Extension on macOS

Electron 19.0.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where Windows Control Overlay buttons did not respect maximizable/minimizable/closable states of a BrowserWindow
- Fixed missing Sec-CH-UA headers and empty navigator.userAgentData

Other Changes:
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2022-2162
- Updated Chromium to 102.0.5005.134

OCCT 11.0.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: on CPUs with E and P-cores, all the threads of the Memory test were assigned to E-cores for an unknown reason. Their affinity is now fixed to get around that issue.

- Fixed: in case there was a LOT of lines in the report, OCCT would fail to generate the report. The report is now limited to 13000 pixels (which is already quite something)

- Fixed: the status was wrongly set in the JSON file following 11.0.8 fixes
- Fixed: the date and times were not properly displayed in logs if they were above 24 hours
- "test" is now the default verb if you don't specify one

Electron 18.3.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a performance problem in crashReporter.start() on macOS
- an error where setWindowOpenHandler() would crash if the callback threw an error
- an issue where calling w.setWindowButtonVisibility(true) immediately after exiting fullscreen fails to show window buttons
- an issue where draggable regions were not recalculated when BrowserView bounds changed on Windows