LibreOffice (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page37

最新版本 LibreOffice 7.6.5 (64-bit)

LibreOffice (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

LibreOffice 64 位是一個功能強大的辦公套件; 其乾淨的界面和強大的工具讓你釋放你的創造力,提高你的生產力。 LibreOffice 嵌入了幾個應用程序,使其成為最強大的 Free& 文字處理器,Calc,電子表格應用程序,Impress,演示文稿引擎,Draw,我們的繪圖和流程圖應用程序,Base,我們的數據庫和數據庫前端,以及用於編輯數學的數學運算. 您的文檔無論目的如何:... LibreOffice (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Capture One 12.1.3 查看版本資訊


Verge3D for Blender 2.16.0 查看版本資訊


Mailspring 1.7.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Resolves some scenarios that caused calendar and contact sync to crash, unnecessarily stopping email sync
- You can now add Instagram handles to your email signatures
- When switching layout modes, Mailspring clears the selection to avoid an immediate mark-as-read
- On macOS, you can now use the Ctrl key as a modifier for shortcuts defined from the Preferences > Shortcuts screen
- The app's licenses file can now be viewed on Windows

DS4Windows 1.7.19 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed start minimized options

FastReport.Net 2019.4.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

FastReport.Net 2019.4.10
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.26
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.25
- Fixed a bug with the inability to return and cancel actions when copying the format

- Fixed a bug with breaking ManualBuild table with CanBreak = false

.Net Core:
- Fixed TrueType font name conversion for extended weights
- > font name conversion affected to FR.Core. The existing "font.list" file must be deleted manually, and will automatically rebuild on next export to PDF. Note that rebuilding of font.list takes long time

FastReport.Net 2019.3.24
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.22
- added Bezier curve for polygons
- Added new time format minutes:seconds [mm:ss]
- Fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage
- Fixed RichText lists format
- Fixed a bug when font changed in parent report were not changed in inherited report
- Updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves
- > because polygons have got strong changes, we want to get more detail about the change, the polygon has 5 editing modes: the first allows you to work with the whole object, the second for selecting and moving points, the third allows you to add new points to the polygon, the fourth allows you to edit the curves, the fifth to delete the points of the polygon. For the 3rd and 4th mode, you must select a point
- Added a new Json data connection integrated into the engine
- Added FontListFolder property in the Utils.Config
- Added RepeatBandNTimes property for bands
- Fixed bug with changing the GroupHeaderBand hierarchy if it had a child GroupHeaderBand

- Fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property
- Fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject
- Fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode
- Added feature to edit the sql query for the Query Builder; if the Query Builder cannot process the query a warning will be showed
- Fixed a bug when Query Builder adds extra comma
- Fixed bug with adding extra spaces in QueryBuilder
- Fixed a bug with position of report shadow when zooming in Right-to-Left designer
- Now when the name of data source changed, its name changes in expressions of TextObject.Text, PictureObject.DataColumn, DataBand.Filter and DataBand.Sort

- Added the ability to subscribe to the PreviewControl.OnPrint and PreviewControl.OnExport events, which are called when the corresponding buttons are clicked
- Fixed bug with display on the penultimate page with PageFooter PrintOn = LastPage

.NET Core:
- Fixed memory leak in PDF-export
- Fixed memory leak in font engine
- Fixed glyph widths in PDF export
- Fixed errors of report building with complex expressions ("Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function '' is not defined.")
- Fixed display of fonts in PDF export, reduced accuracy to 2 decimal places

- Added PdfImagesOriginalResolution, PdfJpegCompression and PdfColorSpace properties
- Added rotation for pages with landscape orientation in printing from browser
- Added event CustomAuth

- Fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
- Fixed bug with incorrect height of cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting empty sheet in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting the page with the wrong size in Excel97
- Fixed bug with exporting empty cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Excel2007 export
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Word2007 export, when using html-tags and conditional formatting
- Added Hyperlinks to RTFExport
- Fixed QR code position in ZPL export
- Fixed page init priority in ZPL export
- Improved an example DemosC#PrintZPL
- Fixed a bug with the same images duplication in the HtmlExport (properties: Layers, EmbeddedPictures)
- Added an ability to split pages with data in different sheets when exporting to Excel2007
- Fixed bug with the lack of hyperlinks in pictures, figures, QR-codes when exporting to PDF
- Fixed bug with exporting empty text to RTF, when using CanShrink = true and TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph

FastReport.Net 2019.3.21
- Fixed bug with display on the penultimate page with PageFooter PrintOn = LastPage

FastReport.Net 2019.3.20
- added Bezier curve for polygons
- added new time format minutes:seconds [mm:ss]
- fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage
- fixed RichText lists format
- fixed a bug when font changed in parent report were not changed in inherited report
- updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves
- because polygons have got strong changes, we want to get more detail about the change, the polygon has 5 editing modes: the first allows you to work with the whole object, the second for selecting and moving points, the third allows you to add new points to the polygon, the fourth allows you to edit the curves, the fifth to delete the points of the polygon. For the 3rd and 4th mode, you must select a point
- added a new Json data connection integrated into the engine
- added FontListFolder property in the Utils.Config
- added RepeatBandNTimes property for bands
- fixed bug with changing the GroupHeaderBand hierarchy if it had a child GroupHeaderBand

- fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property
- fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject
- fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode
- added feature to edit the sql query for the Query Builder; if the Query Builder cannot process the query a warning will be showed
- fixed a bug when Query Builder adds extra comma
- fixed bug with adding extra spaces in QueryBuilder
- fixed a bug with position of report shadow when zooming in Right-to-Left designer
- now when the name of data source changed, its name changes in expressions of TextObject.Text, PictureObject.DataColumn, DataBand.Filter and DataBand.Sort

- Added the ability to subscribe to the PreviewControl.OnPrint and PreviewControl.OnExport events, which are called when the corresponding buttons are clicked

- Fixed memory leak in PDF-export
- Fixed memory leak in font engine
- Fixed glyph widths in PDF export
- Fixed errors of report building with complex expressions ("Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function '' is not defined.")
- Fixed display of fonts in PDF export, reduced accuracy to 2 decimal places

- Added PdfImagesOriginalResolution, PdfJpegCompression and PdfColorSpace properties
- Added rotation for pages with landscape orientation in printing from browser
- Added event CustomAuth

- Fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
- Fixed bug with incorrect height of cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting empty sheet in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting the page with the wrong size in Excel97
- Fixed bug with exporting empty cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Excel2007 export
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Word2007 export, when using html-tags and conditional formatting
- Added Hyperlinks to RTFExport
- Fixed QR code position in ZPL export
- Fixed page init priority in ZPL export
- Improved an example DemosC#PrintZPL
- Fixed a bug with the same images duplication in the HtmlExport (properties: Layers, EmbeddedPictures)
- Added an ability to split pages with data in different sheets when exporting to Excel2007
- Fixed bug with the lack of hyperlinks in pictures, figures, QR-codes when exporting to PDF
- Fixed bug with exporting empty text to RTF, when using CanShrink = true and TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph

LibreOffice 6.2.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


LMMS 1.2.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

General improvements:
- Respect OS' case sensitivity when checking for existing files
- Remove MIDI connections from factory .mmpz files
- Show FreeBSD in the build version info

UI improvements:
- Make splash screen text white
- Show Beat/Bassline Editor on clicking track labels of B/B tracks
- Enable dark title bar on macOS

Bug Fixes:
- Fix building RemoteVstPlugin with Wine >= 4.14
- Fix stuck keys when dragging on the piano view
- Fix crash on unmarking octave semitones
- Fix invalid MIDI Program Change decoding
- Rubberband fix for selecting a large area in the song editor
- VeSTige: show icon on 'Turn off all notes' button
- RemoteVstPlugin: fix crashes when failed to open a file
- Organic: fix glitch at the beginning of a note
- Fix broken audio sample exporting on high sampling rate

- Better French translations in the menu item file
- Fix too long translations to fix the UI misalignment

Victoria 5.03 查看版本資訊


DS4Windows 1.7.18 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added precaution against rapid NullReferenceException throws in Special Actions routine
- Fixed crash problem regarding lightbar color tooltips
- Only run Save method at startup on first launch
- Fixed initial window state when Minimize to Taskbar is enabled
- Tweaked layout of Mouse Joystick panel
- Fixed touchpad disable invert setting for None
- Corrected default gyro triggers
- Fixed shift action scan code check
- Fixed checking for temporary controller type in Profile editor
- No longer make UseDS4ForMapping a persistent setting. That setting has caused more trouble than it is worth for several users.
- Updated Task Scheduler package to version 2.8.15
- Set Specific Version check to false for Task Scheduler assembly
- Now use exenoupdates command line flag for ViGEm installer

Victoria 5.02 查看版本資訊
