KiTTY 歷史舊版本 Page13

最新版本 KiTTY

KiTTY 歷史版本列表

KiTTY 是從 PuTTY 的 0.60 版本,一個免費的 SSH,Telnet 和 Rlogin 客戶端,將使高級用戶來控制其網絡連接和文件傳輸的所有方面的分叉。 KiTTY 是源代碼可用的開源軟件,由一組志願者開發和支持。會話過濾,會話圖標,自動登錄,自動密碼保護,預定義命令快捷鍵,在遠程會話中運行本地保存的腳本等應用體育功能。KiTTY 的主要工作環境是 DOS 命令界面高級用戶可以使用他... KiTTY 軟體介紹

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix Command-Alt-Click to add multiple selections on macOS
- Fix running Django unit tests when the testing module isn't in the Django project directory
- Display test results even if the reported filename isn't in the Testing tool
- Don't duplicate files in the Testing tool if added both by filename pattern and individually
- Add remove-individually-added-testing-files command
- Fix problems in the Call Stack tool when switching projects while the debugger is active
- Change Goto Source on an exception in the Testing tool to display the innermost project file on the stack
- Don't auto-insert -> when entering a default argument value
- Fix problems inspecting some Python 3 installations on Windows
- Fix failure to find the latest Python on Windows when Anaconda is installed
- Avoid failures seen in remote incremental searching
- Fix CAPIProject.GetPythonExecutableProperties and SetPythonExecutable for env:// (Activated Env) executables
- Avoid losing license activation error dialogs on macOS
- Include Debug To Here in editor context menu also when clicking on a test file

Nicepage 2.30.1 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 2.30.0 查看版本資訊


Vagrant 2.2.13 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- core/bundler: Adjust request sets properly with non-development prerelease

KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- feat: add Left and Top parameters for Configuration position
- feat: add shell parameter for pscp integration
- fix: When reconnecting the kitty window (which is being hidden in the tray) will cause the active window to lose focus

Joplin 1.3.18 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Regression: Random crash when syncing due to undefined tags

- Add support for application plugins
- Added Thunderbird count for desktop client
- Added support for Menu API for plugins
- Added support for plugins packaged as JS bundles
- Added openProfileDirectory command and menu item
- Api: Added service to access resource external editing
- Plugins: Add the openNote, openFolder and openTag commands
- Security: Remove "link" and "meta" tags from notes to prevent XSS

- Make “update is available” dialog box easier to use
- Sort tags in a case-insensitive way
- Display more info while an ENEX file is being imported
- Made toolbar buttons bigger and swap order of bullet and number lists
- Api: Allow preserving timestamps when updating a note
- Added support for a custom S3 URL
- Actually enter insert mode after pressing o/O in CodeMirror vim mode
- Simplified and improve command service, and added command palette
- Tray: Exit -> Quit (#3945 by Helmut K. C. Tessarek)
- Import <strike>, <s> tags (strikethrough) from Evernote
- Make sidebar item font weight normal (not bold)
- Plugin API - added support for settings.globalValue method
- Remove Hide Joplin menu item on Linux and Windows
- Removed OneDrive Dev sync target which was not really useful
- Allow setting note geolocation attributes via API
- Disabled emoji highlighting in editor when emoji plugin is disabled
- Sort search results by average of multiple criteria, including 'Sort notes by' field setting
- Make sure all commands appear in keymap editor

- Add history backward and forward commands to keymap and menus
- Fixed handling of Option key for shortcuts in macOS
- Fix slow Katex rendering when there are many global definitions
- Fix syntax of imported resources when importing ENEX as HTML
- Fixed OneDrive authentication
- Fixed sync issue when importing ENEX files that contain new line characters in the source URL attribute
- Handle gzipped CSS files when importing from clipper
- Update highlight.js to fix freeze for certain code blocks
- Fix search filters when language is in Korean or with accents (#3947 by Naveen M V)
- Fixed freeze when importing ENEX as HTML, and fixed potential error when importing resources
- Fixed setting issue that would cause a password to be saved in plain text in the database, even when the keychain is working
- Fixed sidebar performance issue when there are many notebooks or tags
- Allows toggling external editing off and on again
- Fixed toggleNoteList and toggleSidebar commands
- Fixed Toggle Editor button tooltip and icon
- Keymap editor crash when an invalid command is used

Vagrant 2.2.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- command/cloud: Add --force flag to version release command
- command/cap: Add ability to specify target
- core: Switch from unmaintained gem erubis to erubi
- core: Download Vagrant boxes using auth headers
- tests: Add integration tests for Docker provider

- core/synced_folders: Don't persist synced folders to fstab is guest is not reachable
- core: Don't try to recover machine without a uuid
- config/disks: Transform provider specific config to common form
- guest/linux: Check for /etc/fstab before trying to modify
- guest/linux: Create an /etc/fstab if does not exist
- guest/linux: Persist SMB mounts
- guest/debian: Set hostname in /etc/hosts as first step to changing hostname
- guest/rhel: Check for existence of network files before trying to update them
- tests: Remove rsync dependency from tests

Joplin 1.3.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support for application plugins
- Added Thunderbird count for desktop client
- Added support for Menu API for plugins
- Added support for plugins packaged as JS bundles
- Added openProfileDirectory command and menu item
- Api: Added service to access resource external editing
- Plugins: Add the openNote, openFolder and openTag commands
- Security: Remove "link" and "meta" tags from notes to prevent XSS

- Make “update is available” dialog box easier to use
- Sort tags in a case-insensitive way
- Display more info while an ENEX file is being imported
- Made toolbar buttons bigger and swap order of bullet and number lists
- Api: Allow preserving timestamps when updating a note
- Added support for a custom S3 URL
- Actually enter insert mode after pressing o/O in CodeMirror vim mode
- Simplified and improve command service, and added command palette
- Tray: Exit -> Quit
- Import <strike>, <s> tags (strikethrough) from Evernote
- Make sidebar item font weight normal (not bold)
- Plugin API - added support for settings.globalValue method
- Remove Hide Joplin menu item on Linux and Windows
- Removed OneDrive Dev sync target which was not really useful
- Allow setting note geolocation attributes via API
- Disabled emoji highlighting in editor when emoji plugin is disabled
- Sort search results by average of multiple criteria, including 'Sort notes by' field setting
- Make sure all commands appear in keymap editor

- Add history backward and forward commands to keymap and menus
- Fixed handling of Option key for shortcuts in macOS
- Fix slow Katex rendering when there are many global definitions
- Fix syntax of imported resources when importing ENEX as HTML
- Fixed OneDrive authentication
- Fixed sync issue when importing ENEX files that contain new line characters in the source URL attribute
- Handle gzipped CSS files when importing from clipper
- Update highlight.js to fix freeze for certain code blocks
- Fix search filters when language is in Korean or with accents (#3947 by Naveen M V)
- Fixed freeze when importing ENEX as HTML, and fixed potential error when importing resources
- Fixed setting issue that would cause a password to be saved in plain text in the database, even when the keychain is working
- Fixed sidebar performance issue when there are many notebooks or tags
- Allows toggling external editing off and on again
- Fixed toggleNoteList and toggleSidebar commands
- Fixed Toggle Editor button tooltip and icon

Nicepage 2.29.5 查看版本資訊


KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fix: remove remaining debug file