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最新版本 Kindle for PC 2.1 Build 70471

Kindle for Pc 歷史版本列表

亞馬遜的 Kindle for PC 是一個免費的電子書軟件閱讀器和 Windows 管理器。獲得您 PC 上的最佳閱讀體驗。沒有 Kindle 的需求。即使您沒有 Kindle,也可以訪問您的 Kindle 電子書。使用 Whispersync 自動同步您的最後一頁閱讀和設備之間的註釋。創建新的重點,筆記和書籤,並管理在您的 Kindle 上創建的。全屏閱讀視圖,色彩模式和亮度控制提供了身臨其境... Kindle for Pc 軟體介紹

OBS Studio 27.2.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- an issue that triggered a full system freeze for some users. Made a legendary workaround to some sort of driver/kernel bug which was triggered by the browser source (I am really proud of this)
- Improved performance of the updated Chromium build of browser source (I am also really proud of this)
- an issue where some users with certain older Windows versions would not be able to stream at a very high bitrate
- an issue where some cameras wouldn’t decode correctly on Linux
- an issue where common in-program shortcuts stopped working sometimes (such as Ctrl-F to make a source fit to screen)
- a bug on Windows 8.1 where desktop audio capture stopped working
- SRT and RIST from crashing OBS when a URL isn’t set or when disabling a Media source with a RIST URL
- a memory leak in PipeWire capture on Linux
- an issue where the resize grip would break if you dragged it all the way to the top in the filters window
- Updated AOM/SVT encoders again because there seems to be some new good changes
- Hiding OBS from capture is now logged
- an issue on macOS where FFmpeg dependency filenames were unnecessarily complex, breaking some third party plugins
- browser plugin not loading if OBS launched from certain paths on macOS

OBS Studio 27.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features and Additions:
- Added AJA source for AJA devices
- Added AJA output to tools menu for AJA devices
- Updated CEF (Chromium) for the browser source from 75 (3770) to version 95 (4638) (Absolutely amazing work by everyone who worked on this, especially the CEF community -Jim) [PatTheMav/RytoEX/pkv/WizardCM/VodBox]
- Added the ability to set different blend modes to sources via the source right-click context menu (similar to Photoshop’s layer blending for example)
- Added AOM AV1 and SVT-AV1 encoders (note that these are currently considered experimental, work best with CPUs that have many cores, and are only accessible for recording in advanced output mode)
- Added an OBS hotkey for browser sources to allow refreshing a browser source via that hotkey
- Added hotkey filter search
- Added hotkey duplicate detection
- Added a warning dialog when switching profiles that have settings changes that require a restart
- Added a “Show active outputs warning on exit” option in advanced settings, which allows you to enable/disable the confirmation dialog on exit while recording/streaming
- Added support for the RIST protocol
- Added official Flatpak support for Linux
- Added framework for future support of background hotkeys on Wayland
- Added an option to general settings to hide OBS from all capturing, allowing you to capture your screen without OBS showing up

- Updated dependencies to their latest versions
- Volume meters will now show audio activity in grayscale when muted rather than showing no activity
- Improve menu bar icons on macOS
- A warning will now be shown when failing to start/stop YouTube streams
- Improved consistency of transition duration suffixes
- On Linux, the list of windows shown in Window capture will now show alphabetically
- Twitch panels will now use light or dark mode depending on the OBS theme
- Changed the Docks menu from being a submenu in the View menu to instead be its own top-level menu on the menu-bar
- A more user-friendly dialog is now displayed when a file could not be written for recording
- The filters preview/properties are now resizable
- Added the ability for RTMP servers to request a silent reconnect when the server is going down (otherwise known as the “RTMP go away” feature)
- Incompatible audio filters will now not be shown for sources that don’t support them
- Added frontend event so scripts can know when OBS is shutting down
- PipeWire capturing is now more robust, especially in multi-GPU setups
- Sources will now be activated when viewing them in the filters dialog
- Browser sources are no longer refreshed when their size changes (useful when programmatically resizing them)

- the cursor capture position on certain applications with window and game capture
Fix YouTube GoLive feature not working for existing broadcasts that are not auto-start broadcasts
- the YouTube broadcast button state when stopping streams without auto-start, that have auto-stop enabled
- an issue where the edit menu wouldn’t properly update its state depending on what was selected
- the Paste Source context menu items from still being enabled if source has been destroyed
- a bug where pressing “Cancel” on a properties dialog would cause settings to save in some cases despite hitting cancel
- a bug where certain settings would show as available in the video capture device properties when they weren’t actually available
- a crash where modifying the video capture device properties on Linux could cause a crash on some systems
- Linux PulseAudio monitoring volume with signed 32bit and unsigned 8bit formats
- Media Source not working with audio-only files
- a couple memory leaks with QSV
- an issue where audio monitoring could have significant latency on Linux
- undo/redo not working for text changes on the context bar
- an issue where the transform window would not consistently updated for selected sources/scenes
- missing undo/redo action when resetting filter properties
- missing undo/redo action when using “Add existing source”
- an issue where stinger transitions could sometimes loop unintentionally
- an issue where transforms/crops would not be included when copying/pasting sources
- a couple potential freezes and crashes, especially with browser sources
- an issue where devices would not always reinitialize properly when switching scene collections
- various issues that would affect the websockets plugin
- a bug where certain Twitch panel settings wouldn’t save properly
- a bug on Linux where Window capture wouldn’t properly capture on software rasterization devices
- various potential bugs and race conditions across the program and multiple plugins
- network throughput to distant servers potentially being limited in low memory environments
- a crash on Linux X11 that could happen when closing certain dialogs containing video previews
- VST plugin windows disappearing when resized
- a VST plugin crash that could occur under certain circumstances
- an incorrect offset of scene labels on certain multiview configurations
- a bug that would allow resizing sources that are locked
- a performance issue with X11 window capture on Linux
- a bug where projectors could not be resized with certain window managers on Linux
- window flashing on macOS when starting the program minimized to tray
- a bug where push-to-talk or mute delay would not save under certain circumstances
- a bug where mouse hotkeys would not always function correctly on Linux

Corsair Utility Engine - iCUE 4.20.169 查看版本資訊


Kindle for PC 1.34 Build 63103 查看版本資訊


Password Depot 15.2.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Password Depot 15.2.2 (64-bit)
- Parameters for Cloud and WebDAV services have been updated
- Various bug fixes were made

Password Depot 15.2.1 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Password Depot 15.2.0 (64-bit)
- TLS1.3 support has been implemented
- An error when uploading files to the OneDrive cloud server has been fixed
- A number of security-related improvements and fixes have been implemented

Password Depot 15.1.7 (64-bit)
- Correction of minor bugs, including with the interaction between client and add-on

Password Depot 15.1.5 (64-bit)
- Various improvements to the user interface
- Some bugs in interaction with Password Depot Server fixed

Password Depot 15.1.4 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Password Depot 15.1.2 (64-bit)
- An option to create a required firewall rule has been added to the installer
- A problem with incorrect program icons in the Start menu was fixed
- Occasional errors when displaying notifications about incoming WebSockets connections were fixed
- Improved handling of UDP connections with Password Depot Enterprise Server
- Other minor errors and user interface problems were fixed

Password Depot 15.1.1 (64-bit)
- Minor bugs were fixed

Password Depot 15.1.0 (64-bit)
- New Add-on: The add-on has been completely redesigned and now has an superior browser integration
- Sharing entries with other users is now possible (only in connection with Enterprise Server)
- Sealing and sharing of entries with other users has been implemented (only in connection with Enterprise Server)
- Many improvements to the user interface and numerous bug fixes

Password Depot 15.0.0 (64-bit)
- Improved search function with support of logical operators and relations
- Improved and extended automatic filling: Now the password or username can be inserted directly into a field via shortcut keys
- Support of window docking and arrangement under Windows via menu and shortcuts
- New option for showing/hiding expired entries in the list and/or search results
- Completely redesigned icons: Now you can choose between colored and monochrome icons
- Improved themes and support for HighDPI
- Categories now also available for all entry types
- User-defined sorting can now also be performed via Draq & Drop
- A message is displayed to users if their database has been opened by the Enterprise server in offline mode. This can also be deactivated via Options -› Warnings
- A message is displayed to users who have logged on to the Enterprise server but have not been assigned databases by the admin
- The Comments field in the properties of an entry now fills the entire lower part of the dialog box for better readability
- New custom mouse cursors for actions like autofill or suggest a password
- After exporting databases, they can now optionally be displayed in Windows Explorer
- The sequence of global user-defined fields can now also be set manually
- User-defined fields are now available in all entries
- User-defined symbol now also selectable for document type
- IBAN fields in the Banking and Credit Card types are now displayed more legibly
- The entry "EC Card" was renamed to "Banking" and further improvements of this type were made
- The arrangement of elements in the password generator has been improved
- The function Delete external files has been optimized and notes have been summarized

OBS Studio 27.1.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug introduced in 27.1.2 where some sources wouldn't have their audio output properly

OBS Studio 27.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Browser Source transparency issue
- an issue where the main window could not be resized for smaller monitors
- hotkeys failing sometimes when the program was in focus
- an issue where the Bandwidth Test checkbox for Twitch would be incorrectly disabled
- an issue where the Bandwidth Test was unavailable for YouTube in the Auto Configuration wizard
- a crash when opening the Auto Configuration dialog with a linked YouTube account

OBS Studio 27.1.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect deployment of 27.1 on Windows, causing the Display Capture Source to look washed out

New Features and Additions:
- Added YouTube integration
- Allows the ability to connect your YouTube account without using a stream key
- Adds various features when setting up your stream that allows you to set settings for each stream: your stream title, description, privacy settings, scheduling streams, and more
- YouTube streams are created and managed via a new “Manage Broadcast” button next to “Start Streaming”
- Also features a chat dock for public and unlisted broadcasts (currently read-only)
- Bandwidth testing is now supported in the Auto-Configuration wizard when logged in
- Special thanks to the developers at YouTube for working with us directly on the initial implementation of this feature and helping to make it a reality
- Added an 18-scene multiview option
- Added a “Mask Only” option to the stinger track matte
- Added a feature to browser sources to allow limited control over OBS, which must be explicitly granted by the user
- Added an option to draw safe areas in the preview (same as the safe areas in the multiview)

- Added performance fixes for Windows 11 and Windows 10 Insider builds
- Names for displays on macOS Display capture are now human readable names [Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering]
- Auto-Remux now works with Replay Buffer
- Optimized the media source, reducing unnecessary CPU usage
- The missing files dialog will now detect missing files for stingers as well
- Remove “Enter Fullscreen” from the menu on macOS because macOS already has a builtin fullscreen mode interface option
- Sources that are invisible/hidden will now have their text dimmed as well in the source list
- Added a “Missing Files Check” menu item to the “Scene Collections” menu
- Added source icons to the source toolbar
- Image sources that use gif files now will animate in preview when using studio mode
- Enabled Alpha option in the Freetype 2 Text Source’s Font dialog
- Added the ability to disable the Missing Files dialog using a startup flag
- Added Ctrl+R on Linux and Cmd+R on macOS to reload browser panels
- Re-enabled drag & drop for scenes & sources on Linux
- Minor UI improvements to various areas, including Source Toolbar, Transform dialog and more
- Improved internal behaviour in the game capture source to avoid unnecessary re-hooking
- Wayland capture sources are now available without having to pass custom parameters to OBS from the command line

- a bug on Wayland on Linux where the cursor would capture slightly mispositioned
- a bug with Dynamic Bitrate that would cause it to malfunction when used with hardware encoders [R1CH]
- a bug on Wayland where capture methods (ie window/desktop) that weren’t fully supported would appear anyway
- a variety of colour-related bugs in window capture and browser source
- a bug where track matte stingers would flash previous frames sometimes
- an issue where the projectors would list incorrect resolutions for DPI-scaled monitors
- a crash on exit that could occur when using 3rd party plugins that hold references to sources with audio monitoring enabled
- a bug where the Game Capture source would occasionally still capture overlays with the “Capture third-party overlays” option disabled
- a bug where keyboard interaction did not work correctly on macOS
- a bug where the replay buffer could crash when plugins interact with it
- an issue where the mask/blend filter looked incorrect on version 27
- a bug where deleting a scene that’s used as a source wouldn’t Undo/Redo properly
- a bug where the Auto-Remux would pop up blank sometimes
- a bug where performing a redo for creating sources would cause sources to be created in the wrong scene
- the “Deactivate when not showing” option in the Decklink source not working properly
- a bug where themes were unable to use previously defined palette variables
- log viewer taking up unnecessary extra memory when closed
- a crash that could occur when exiting OBS with decklink output active
- an issue where saving screenshots or the replay buffer would fail if the output filename format contained a directory path
- a crash that could occur when a connection was dropped during the Auto-Configuration Wizard’s bandwidth-testing stage
- Disabled "Network Optimizations" when using RTMPS because of incompatibility
- an issue where setting a zero second auto reconnect delay would cause OBS to stop responding if disconnected

Kindle for PC 1.33 Build 62002 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 78.0.4093.214 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
