KeePass Password Safe 歷史舊版本 Page13

最新版本 KeePass 2.55

KeePass Password Safe 歷史版本列表

KeePass 是一個免費的開源密碼管理器,可以幫助您以安全的方式管理您的密碼。您可以將所有密碼放在一個數據庫中,並使用一個主密鑰或一個密鑰文件進行鎖定。因此,您只需記住一個主密碼或選擇密鑰文件即可解鎖整個數據庫。數據庫使用目前已知的最好和最安全的加密算法(AES 和 Twofish)加密. 今天你需要記住許多密碼。您需要 Windows 網絡登錄,您的電子郵件帳戶,您的網站的 FTP 密碼,在線... KeePass Password Safe 軟體介紹

Infix Pro 7.2.7 查看版本資訊


Infix Pro 7.2.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added upper/lower case control to text-tagging dialog
- Fixed problem which could cause characters to be wrongly recognised as accents
- Infix crashes when you load LiveCycle PDF and then print. black checkboxes and other widget bugs.
- Better handling of radio button groups in interactive forms
- Form controls from deleted pages could appear on remaining pages
- Resize Pages wasn't working if you tried to resize some pages after first resizing others
- Improved handling of PDFs with no embedded fonts to fix problem of garbage characters
- Better handling of transparent, indexed, PNG images
- Better handling of InDesign small-caps modified fonts when exporting to other formats
- Improved display of Type 3 1-bit-per-component fonts

KeePass 2.39.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- File transactions: improved access control list (ACL) restoration
- File transactions are not used anymore when attempting to write to a local file that does not exist yet (to ensure a correct default ACL)
- The option to minimize the main window after performing auto-type is now ignored while displaying a subdialog
- Plugins can now implement classes derived from KeePass' custom rich text boxes

KeePass 2.39 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- KeePass now uses Transactional NTFS (TxF) for writing database and configuration files, if possible; this improves the compatibility with other programs that are watching these files (e.g. file synchronization services)
- Added command 'Edit' → 'Show Entries' → 'Large Entries'
- Added command 'Edit' → 'Show Entries' → 'Last Modified Entries'
- Added option 'Automatically save after modifying an entry using the entry editing dialog' (turned off by default)
- Added option 'Minimize main window after performing auto-type' (turned off by default)
- Added option 'Show lines between nodes in tree views' (turned off by default)
- Added support for importing Google Chrome 66 password CSV files
- Added trigger event 'Time - Periodic', which is raised at user-defined intervals
- Links in the entry string editing dialog are clickable now
- Added UIFlags bit for disabling the 'XML Replace' menu item
- Added UIFlags bit for hiding auto-type obfuscation compatibility information dialogs
- Added workaround for .NET 'urtf' RTF round-trip bug
- Secure edit controls are now extensible by plugins
- KPScript: the 'AddEntry' command now supports the '-setx-Expires' and '-setx-ExpiryTime' parameters

- In printouts and HTML exports, expired entries now have a red 'X' icon (if the option 'Icon' is turned on)
- Improved string normalization in the entry and string editing dialogs
- Improved and optimized process memory protection, especially in the entry editing dialog
- Secure edit control improvements
- Improved behavior when moving a custom string to a standard field
- Improved entry size calculation
- URL overrides are now used also for application URLs
- Improved input focus restoration
- When trying to toggle the auto-start option and creating/deleting the registry value fails, KeePass now shows a detailed error message
- Improved XML serialization
- Stream disposal improvements in exceptional situations
- Process object disposal improvements
- Extended inter-process communication (IPC) messages are compressed and encrypted now
- New IPC mechanism on Unix-like systems
- Enhanced desktop type detection on Unix-like systems
- On the Cinnamon desktop, the 'Always on Top' option is now disabled (because it is not supported properly by the environment)
- KeePass now ignores hidden Git and Visual Studio directories when building a PLGX file
- The trigger system now ignores state-changing placeholders in most places
- Removed trigger event 'User interface state updated' (consider using the new event 'Time - Periodic' instead)
- Various code optimizations
- Minor other improvements

- The 'View' button on the 'History' tab of the entry editing dialog is now disabled when multiple items are selected
- The main window state is now updated after closing an entry report dialog

EZ CD Audio Converter 7.1.5 查看版本資訊


EZ CD Audio Converter 7.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Codec updates:
- Vorbis updated to 1.3.6 with libogg 1.3.3
- FLAC (1.3.2) updated with libogg 1.3.3
- Opus (1.2.1) updated with libogg 1.3.3
- Correctly detect and decode mono MP3 files that have (invalid) stereo VBR header
- Always keep the original creation date of the file(s) on metadata update
- Minor user interface improvements

EZ CD Audio Converter 7.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Audio Converter now supports up to 64 parallel converters
- Audio Converter performance improvements

KeePass 2.38 查看版本資訊


KeePass 1.35 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- The installers (regular and MSI) now create empty 'Languages' and 'Plugins' folders in the application directory, and the portable package now also contains such folders; language files and plugins should now be stored in these folders
- Added button 'Open Folder' in the language selection dialog, which opens the 'Languages' folder
- Added button 'Open Folder' in the plugins dialog, which opens the 'Plugins' folder
- Added workaround for Microsoft Office breaking the 'Print' shell verb for HTML files

- Password quality estimation: improved compatibility with process memory protection
- Improved password quality estimation performance
- Printing / HTML export: improved embedding of CSS
- Printing / HTML export: spaces in passwords are now encoded as non-breaking spaces
- Various improvements in the language selection dialog
- Various UI text improvements
- Upgraded to Boost libraries version 1.66.0
- Various code optimizations
- Minor other improvements

KeePass 2.37 查看版本資訊
