Inno Setup 歷史舊版本 Page15

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Inno Setup 歷史版本列表

Inno Setup 是一個工具,專為創建專業安裝程序而設計,可以在 Windows 2000 和 Windows 8 之間的所有 Windows 平台上運行(包括此操作系統的業務版本,32 位和 64 位版本也完全支持)。雖然這個開放源代碼程序可以被任何人免費使用,但是 Inno Setup 是非常穩定的,並且提供比其他大多數類似的付費選擇更多的功能。  這使得它非常受歡迎,他們需要訪... Inno Setup 軟體介紹

Inno Setup 5.3.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* On Windows 7 the Compiler IDE now displays a progress indicator on its taskbar button.
* Pascal Scripting: Documented function IDispatchInvoke, which can be used to access a COM Automation property or method whose name is a reserved word.
* Unicode Inno Setup fixes:
- [Registry] section entries with ValueType set to binary did not set the correct value.
- Pascal scripting: setting a COM Automation property or method parameter to a Unicode string variable caused an 'Invalid Type' error.

Inno Setup 5.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Improved support for right-to-left languages (Arabic and Hebrew):
Added new [LangOptions] section directive: RightToLeft. If set to yes, text alignment and reading order will be reversed (with some intentional exceptions), and controls will be arranged from right to left ("flipped").
* Added new [Setup] section directives: VersionInfoProductName and VersionInfoProductVersion.
* Changed the fixed Language field in Setup's version info from "English (United States)" to "Language Neutral".
* Uninstall now supports custom message constants ({cm:...}) like Setup.
* Right-to-left-related Pascal Scripting changes:
o The control flipping that is performed when RightToLeft=yes is mostly transparent, normally requiring no changes to existing code. Controls created on custom wizard pages will be flipped automatically after the InitializeWizard event function returns, and controls created on custom forms will, by default, be flipped the first time the form is shown.
o Changes to TSetupForm (the class used for custom forms):
+ Added RightToLeft Boolean property (read-only): True if right-to-left text alignment and reading order is enabled on the form. The RightToLeft [LangOptions] directive determines the value of this property.
+ Added FlipControlsOnShow Boolean property: If True (the default setting if RightToLeft is True), controls on the form will be flipped the next time the form is shown. After the form has been shown, the property is reset to False automatically.
+ Added ControlsFlipped Boolean property (read-only): True if the controls have been flipped.
+ Added FlipControlsIfNeeded method. This flips the controls immediately if FlipControlsOnShow is True, then resets FlipControlsOnShow to False.
o Added new classes: TNewEdit, TNewMemo, TNewComboBox, TNewButton, TNewCheckBox, TNewRadioButton, and TNewListBox. On these classes, right-to-left text alignment and reading order is used when the parent TSetupForm's RightToLeft property is True.
o TNewStaticText: Added ForceLTRReading property. If set to True, the text will always be rendered with left-to-right reading order, overriding the parent form's RightToLeft setting.
* Other Pascal Scripting changes:
o TNewStaticText: Added AdjustHeight method. This adjusts the value of the Height property to fit the text. Only useful when AutoSize is set to False.
o Added new object UninstallProgressForm of class TUninstallProgressForm. Also added new event function InitializeUninstallProgressForm, which is called after the Uninstall progress form has been created and before it is shown. See the help file and the CodeClasses.iss example script for more information.
* Added workaround for bug in Windows Vista (still present in SP1): With UAC turned off, launching an uninstaller from the Programs and Features Control Panel applet and answering No at the confirmation message box would cause a "This program might not have uninstalled correctly" dialog to be displayed, even though the uninstaller includes a proper "Vista-aware" manifest.
* IDE changes:
o The New Script Wizard now generates random unique AppId [Setup] section directives.
o Added new Tools | Generate GUID command.
* QuickStart Pack: added ISPP functions GetMD5OfFile, GetMD5OfString and GetFileDateTimeString.
* Minor tweaks.

Inno Setup 5.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* The Setup loader now extracts the Setup program executable file with a ".tmp" extension. Versions 5.2.0 and 5.2.1 used a ".exe.tmp" extension, which reportedly, in some cases, caused an "Unable to execute file in temporary directory" error message on systems with a certain antivirus program installed. We were unable to reproduce the error in our own tests, however; it is suspected that this may have only impacted users with custom filename blocking rules defined in their antivirus configuration.
* Pascal Scripting: Added new GetSaveFileName support function.
* Fix: The compiler could fail with an "Out of memory" error on script files containing more than ~100,000 lines, due to a heap fragmentation issue.

Inno Setup 5.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Added new [Setup] section directive: SignedUninstaller, which makes it possible to attach a digital signature to the uninstaller program (unins???.exe). When the uninstaller has a valid digital signature, Windows Vista users will not see an "unidentified program" warning when launching it from outside of Control Panel.
* Added new [Setup] section directive: SignedUninstallerDir.
* Check functions associated with [Tasks] entries are now called when the Select Tasks wizard page is entered. Previously, they were called prior to the wizard being shown, which meant they couldn't depend on the user's selections in preceding wizard pages. (There are plans to make the same change to [Components] in the future.)
* Brought back the pre-5.1.13 duplicate [Components]/[Tasks] entry semantics. For example, in the following case:

Name: foo; Description: "foo #1"; Components: bar
Name: foo; Description: "foo #2"; Components: not bar
Name: foochild; Description: "foochild"

"foochild" will now, once again, be shown regardless of which "foo" is conditionally created.
* Pascal Scripting: "files:" function imports may now include multiple filenames. "files:A.dll,B.dll" will cause both A.dll and B.dll to be extracted before A.dll is loaded.
* On Windows Vista, Setup no longer alters the uninstaller program's manifest resource to request elevation, because this would invalidate a digital signature. Instead, the uninstaller now respawns itself when elevation is required, much like Setup does beginning with version 5.2.0.
* The uninstall program's version is now
* Minor tweaks.

Inno Setup 5.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* On Windows Vista, [Run] section entries with the postinstall flag no longer inherit Setup's elevated privileges by default, and instead now execute with the (normally non-elevated) credentials of the user that started Setup initially. (There are some exceptions; see the runasoriginaluser flag documentation for details.)
* Added new [Run] section flags: runascurrentuser and runasoriginaluser. These control which user credentials are used on Windows Vista when spawning processes. (runasoriginaluser is the default when the postinstall flag is used; runascurrentuser is the default otherwise.)
* Improved compression of x86 executable files. (This reduced the size of Inno Setup's own installer by approximately 10 KB.)
* Added new [Files] section parameter: ExternalSize.
* Added new constant: {log}. Translates to the log file name, or an empty string if logging is not enabled.
* Added new [Files] and [Dirs] sections flags: setntfscompression and unsetntfscompression. These flags instruct Setup to enable or disable NTFS compression on the file or directory.
* Pascal Scripting:
o Added new ExecAsOriginalUser, ShellExecAsOriginalUser, and SetNTFSCompression support functions.
o Now supports new DLL loading flag loadwithalteredsearchpath to load DLLs with the Windows flag LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH.
* The Setup loader now uses the original Setup EXE filename + .tmp as the filename for the extracted Setup executable instead of a name comprised of random letters and numbers, which may have seemed suspicious to firewall users.
* In a multilingual installation, Setup now waits until after the Select Language dialog is shown to display any error messages concerning the user's Windows version or privilege level.
* Fix: On Windows Vista, AutoPlay wasn't being suppressed when the user swapped out discs in a disk-spanned install.
* Fix: When the waituntilidle flag was used in the [UninstallRun] section, it behaved like waituntilterminated.
* Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1045a.
* The uninstall program's version is now

Inno Setup 5.1.14 查看版本資訊


Inno Setup 5.1.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Added new lzma/ultra64 compression level. Same as lzma/ultra, but uses a dictionary size that is twice as large (64 MB).
* Added new SetupLogging [Setup] section directive. If set to yes, Setup will always create a log file (equivalent to passing /LOG on the command line).
* Added new AppSupportPhone [Setup] section directive.
* Added new [Files] section flag: solidbreak.
* Added new [Run] and [UninstallRun] sections parameter: Verb. When used with the shellexec flag, specifies the action to be performed on the file.
* When the shellexec flag is used in the [Run] and [UninstallRun] sections, it now uses the default verb for the file type instead of hardcoding "open". (If necessary, you can override this by adding a Verb parameter.)
* Setup now supports a /TYPE parameter to override the default setup type.
* Components/tasks-related changes:
o /COMPONENTS & /TASKS: When a parent component/task is specified, it no longer automatically checks every child component/task. To achieve the old behavior, prefix the name of the parent component/task with a "*" character, or list each child component/task individually.
o /COMPONENTS: It is now possible to force a child component to be deselected by including its name in the list with a "!" prefix. (/TASKS already supports this.)
o /COMPONENTS is now ignored if no custom type is defined.
o /SAVEINF now writes the selected setup type in the INF file. Previously, using /LOADINF would always select a custom type.
o /SAVEINF now writes the selected tasks in the INF file.
o When a MinVersion/OnlyBelowVersion/Languages/Check/Components parameter causes a parent component/task to be hidden from view, child items will now be hidden as well. (Previously, it was necessary to include the same conditions on every child item in order for them to be hidden along with the parent item.)
o Fix: When new child components/tasks were introduced in a new install, they would always be selected by default if the parent component/task was selected in the previous installation.
o Fix: /LOADINF would select child components that weren't selected during the initial install.
o Fix: In a /COMPONENTS parameter, it is no longer necessary to list fixed components in order for them to be selected.
* Pascal Scripting changes:
o FindFirst/FindNext: Add CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, AlternateName fields to TFindRec.
o TInputFileWizardPage: Added new IsSaveButton property. This can be used to make a button open a Save As dialog instead of the default Open dialog.
o TNewCheckListBox: Setting Checked[] to True will no longer automatically check an item's child check boxes. To do that now, call the new CheckItem method with coCheckWithChildren in the AOperation parameter.
o ParamStr/ParamCount: Empty parameters ("") are no longer skipped.
* /LOG: Logged times now include milliseconds.
* Compiler IDE changes:
o During the compression phase of a compile, the status bar now shows the estimated time remaining and KB compressed/second.
o The Edit | Redo shortcut is now Ctrl+Y. The previous shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+Z) still works too.
* Fix: In the [INI] section, if Filename was blank, the uninsdelete* flags didn't actually delete anything.
* The uninstall program's version is now
* Minor tweaks.

Inno Setup 5.1.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Fix: On Windows Vista, attempting to expand a shell folder constant that mapped to the root directory of a drive would fail with an error message. This was due to a bug in Vista's SHGetFolderPath API. A workaround for the problem has been implemented.
* On Browse dialogs, the BrowseDialogLabel message text may now span multiple lines.
* The OnlyOnThisPlatform message is no longer used. Now, when a Windows 95/98/Me user attempts to run an installation with a MinVersion setting that blocks installation on non-NT platforms, Setup will display the WinVersionTooLowError message, which is a bit more helpful as it mentions the required version number.
* Corrected some trivial one-pixel-off issues when non-default dialog fonts or font sizes were used.
* Added official Hebrew translation.
* Minor tweaks.

Inno Setup 5.1.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* On Windows 2000 and later, it now uses Windows' own regsvr32.exe to handle DLL registration/unregistration instead of an internal program. This should address errors seen on Windows Vista when registering certain older DLLs. (Windows Vista applies a compatibility fix known as "WRP Mitigation" to regsvr32.exe, which allows it to successfully register DLLs that attempt to write to system registry keys in violation of Windows Resource Protection.)
* Some messages have been added and removed in this version. (View differences in Default.isl)
o New messages: ErrorRegSvr32Failed.
o Removed messages: ErrorRegisterServerMissingExport.
* The uninstall program's version is now
* Minor tweaks.

Inno Setup 5.1.10 查看版本資訊
