IMVU 歷史舊版本 Page2

最新版本 IMVU 545.6

IMVU 歷史版本列表

IMVU 是一個在線社區,會員使用 3D 頭像來結識新朋友,聊天,創建和與朋友玩遊戲。 IMVU 已達 5000 萬註冊用戶。你可以玩遊戲,裝扮你的頭像,購物,裝飾你的房間,創建你自己的個性化外觀,並與世界各地的新人聯繫。 IMVU 很容易使用!只需將免費軟件下載到您的計算機上即可開始使用.滿足 3D中的新人,在 3D 中暢遊,在數以千計的 3D 動畫室中盡情玩樂。成千上萬的新人每天加入 IMVU... IMVU 軟體介紹

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.02.25 build 9782 查看版本資訊


DbVisualizer 14.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DB Support: Cassandra
- DDL Generator
- Extend DDL generation to support table options in Cassandra
- DB Support: Exasol
- Add support for virtual schema and clusters in Exasol
- DB Support: MariaDB
- DB Support: MySQL
- Added support for sub-millisecond precision in TIME columns in MySQL and MariaDB
- DB Support: Microsoft Access
- Add "Export Tables" and "Export Views" actions for Microsoft Access
- Driver Manager
- Require a restart after updating a driver that contains a dynamic library
- Installation/Update Installation
- OS Support: Windows
- Theme: FlatLaf

- Fix sync and multiline replace in the text comparison dialog
- Connection Setup
- Do not ask for master password upon reconnect if there is at least one open connection
- DB Support: Cassandra
- Potential error when generating DDL for old Cassandra versions
- DB Support: Greenplum
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- DDL Generator
- Index name in CREATE INDEX should not contain schema
- DB Support: MariaDB
- DB Support: MySQL
- Backticks can be used as delimiters in the DEFINER clause of CREATE TRIGGER
- DB Support: MariaDB
- DB Support: MySQL
- Export
- Table name in CREATE TRIGGER statements should not include schema
- DB Support: SQL Server
- Current database's SQL formatter should be used in scripting actions
- DB Support: SQLite
- DDL Generator
- Improve handling of foreign key constraints in CREATE TABLE for SQLite
- Data tab
- Exception while visiting the Data tab when disconnected
- Export
- @export should generate CREATE and SELECT statements also for empty result sets when the corresponding flags are set
- There should be no statement separators in generated code after SQL blocks (e.g. CREATE FUNCTION blocks)
- Exclude computed columns from insert statements when exporting tables in SQL Server
- Create .ssh/known_hosts automatically if it doesn't exist

DbVisualizer 14.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DB Support: H2:
- Add a driver entry for H2, version 2.0

DB Support: Oracle:
- Add support for WITH statements in the Oracle dialect

Connection Setup:
- Requested to reconnect when showing the auto completion popup

Connection Setup:
Driver Manager:
- Having a custom driver with an empty "URL Format" disables the "Settings Format" field with the value "Server Info" rather than "Database URL"

Create/Alter Table:
- Error when opening the Alter Table dialog and connection is closed

Create/Alter Table:
DB Support: MySQL:
- Problem with create/alter table having broken views in the same database

DB Support: Netezza:
Driver Manager:
- Netezza driver jar file is not migrated properly

DB Support: Oracle:
- Rare error when processing results from "dbms_output.put_line()" in Oracle

DB Support: PostgreSQL:
- Alter Table broken for PostgreSQL 15

DB Support: PostgreSQL
DDL Generator:
- The generated DDL for CREATE INDEX may be wrong

DB Support: SingleStore:
- Create Function issue in SingleStore
- The generated DDL for a table in SingleStore results in errors when executed

DB Support: Snowflake:
- When connecting to Snowflake an error may occur if "Database Name" is not set in the connection tab

DB Support: Vertica:
- Generate DDL does not work for function in Vertica

Data tab:
- Rare error when closing a Object View while the Data tab is being loaded

Grid Component:
Key Bindings:
OS Support: Windows
- Change key binding for export to grid to Alt+Ctrl+Shift+E

- The "Null Value Text" setting in import is not always respected

OS Support: Windows
- The "Slow Drives Detected" dialog should be displayed less frequently

SQL Commander:
- Exception when expanding a @run log entry while executing

- SSH "Test Connection" may result in an error
- SSH credentials may be prompted even with "Settings Format = Database URL"

DbVisualizer 14.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Create/Alter Table:
- Add the ability to edit check constraints in a new window
- DB Support: MariaDB
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Update the PostgreSQL and MariaDB driver versions due to vulnerability

DB Support: Oracle:
- The state of auto clear log in the DBMS output tab should be kept between sessions

File Chooser:
- OS Support: Windows
- Alert the user if the Windows file system holds any disconnected drives that may affect the application (file chooser) performance

SQL Log:
- The SQL log filtering whether to show success/error entries needs to be available as a button in the toolbar

Bugs Fixed:
App Logging:
- Exception when trying to tail log files on network drive
- DB Support: Google BigQuery
- No dataset in BigQuery profile for AuthType=2
- DB Support: MariaDB

- The references graph shows multiple arcs between tables in MariaDB
- DB Support: Oracle
- DBMS OUTPUT tab is cleared between every statement having automatically clear checked (should clear only once per script)
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Error: Could not find array type for data type information_schema.character_data
- DB Support: SQL Server
- The PERSISTED keyword is not highlighted

Data tab:
- Extract Filter & Sort as SELECT doesn't consider reordering columns in the grid

Database Objects Tree:
- Having "Autoscroll FROM Object View tab" enabled should not automatically connect an object view tab showing a disconnected database connection when selected
- Database Profile: Actions
- DB Support: SQL Server
- Script Table should not output PERSISTED columns in the generated SQLs if "Include Auto-Generated Values" is off

- @export is broken if an @export set parameter have whitespaces between "=" and the value

File Chooser:
- OS Support: Windows
- File -> Open Recent lags when list holds files on disconnected Windows drives

- Error opening SSH configurator
- Open rename SSH config dialog gives an exception if there is no SSH configuration selected
- Prompting of MFA/2FA challenge codes when using SSH doesn't work

DbVisualizer 14.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
Connection Setup SSH:
- Support to share a SSH configuration for multiple database connections

DB Support: Cassandra:
- Add support for Cassandra

DB Support: Google BigQuery:
- Add support for Google BigQuery

DB Support: Microsoft Access:
- Add support for Microsoft Access

DB Support: SingleStore:
- Add support for SingleStore

- Add the format="xxx" argument for @import

Connection Setup:
- Automatically reconnect when connection is lost

Connection Setup Security:
- SSH tunnels can now be used in DbVisualizer Free

DB Support: Azure SQL:
- Add support to view, create, drop, and change password for users

DB Support: Azure SQL:
DB Support: SQL Server:
- Introduce a "constraints" sub node to show primary, foreign keys, and referenced tables
- DB Support: Greenplum
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- DB Support: Redshift
- DB Support: SQL Server

DB Support: Yellowbrick
- Add support for killing sessions

DB Support: H2:
- Add support for H2 version 2.x

DB Support: PostgreSQL:
- Support generating comment statements for triggers
- Add support for generated columns in PostgreSQL Create/Alter

DB Support: SQL Server:
- Add support for create, modify, and drop of users and logins

Data tab:
- Having a where filter in the Data tab should show a different icon

Driver Manager:
- Used By column in the driver manager should when clicked show a list of database connections
- Add "Reset Driver" command in driver manager

- Restrict formatting of numbers for SQL exports
- Support exporting in TXT also for @export, Export Table and Export Schema

File Chooser OS Support: Windows:
- The choice of "list" or "details" in file choosers should be preserved between DbVisualizer sessions

Filtering/Filter Sets:
- Make it possible for table filters to be removed after a certain time

- Make progress windows larger
- Change icon for "duplicate" (yellow start) to the standard "copy" icon
- Add icon to external web links to highlight that a browser will be opened

Grid Component:
- Add option to show images in binary type columns in grid
- Add "Extract Filter & Sort as SELECT" action in Data tab. Used to copy the SELECT statement in Data tab including any grid column filters and sorting

- When Batch Import, commit at every executed batch
- Make it easy setting data type for the multiple columns during import to new table
- Make "Batch Import" default

Java 17:
- Bundle Java 17 with installers
- Support the ed25519 algorithm for SSH

OS Support: Windows:
- Remove support for Windows 32-bit

OS Support: macOS:
- The DbVisualizer window title bar background should follow General / Appearance setting in macOS System Preferences

SQL Commander:
- Add "@command ignore/resume" to ignore/resume executing any client-side commands
- Add the "@stop now" client-side command used to stop the execution of the script

SQL History:
- Make "Search Full Script" default in SQL History

DB Support: Exasol:
- Incorrect primary key order in table DDL

Mail Support:
- Creating a mail server account in Tool Properties without Apply, and then Send Test mail results in an error

- If SSH connect doesn't succeed, pressing disconnect, and then connect again, nothing happens
- Tilde sign ('~') doesn't translate to user's home folder for SSH config, known hosts, and private key files

DbVisualizer 13.0.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


DbVisualizer 13.0.6 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


DbVisualizer 13.0.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Connection Setup
- DB Support: Oracle
- Add configuration option to skip add join alternatives in auto completion
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Improve the PostgreSQL profile to include new columns when getting triggers meta data
- Driver Manager
- A Reset Driver action which will restore the driver to its default settings

- Auto Completion
- Auto complete always uses white as highlight color
- Connection Setup
- Setting Database Userid to '(null)' should skip passing it to JDBC driver at connect
- DB Support: Azure SQL
- DB Support: Mimer SQL
- DB Support: Redshift
- Installation/Update Installation
- Blank connection settings changed to being set after upgrade to DbVisualizer 13 (E.g Mimer programpasswd)
- DB Support: JavaDB/Derby
- ClassCastException when Alter Table with Derby
- DB Support: MongoDB
- Error running a query in MongoDB
- DB Support: MySQL
- References
- Loading references may hang and task cannot be stopped
- DB Support: Oracle
- The tnsnames.ora file is not parsed for multiple aliases
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Missing info in DDL for Postgres function
- Add DDL for "generated" columns in PostgreSQL
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Procedure Editor
- PostgreSQL trigger DDL does not include UPDATE OF column list
- DB Support: Vertica
- Projection Storage tab for a table in Vertica results in an error
- Data tab
- DB Support: SQL Server
- Exception when scripting a linked server
- Driver Manager
- Importing a driver results in an error if there already exists a driver with the same name
- Filtering/Filter Sets
- Compress recent filters in the Data tab when saving to disk
- Grid Component
- Regression with Ctrl+C/CMD+C as it now doesn't work to copy from property tables such as Connection tab, details pane in Scripts tab, and more
- Import
- Import Table Data: Mysterious character replacements
- Import Table Data thinks size should be 3,0 when it should be at least 4,0
- SQL Commander
- Tab names may not be presented properly in the tool tip for SQL Commander tabs, and in the search open tabs dialog
- @DELIMITER Command is formatted by the SQL formatter
- Scripts
- Create Linked Folder results in "process has not exited"

DbVisualizer 13.0.5 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Connection Setup
- DB Support: Oracle
- Add configuration option to skip add join alternatives in auto completion
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Improve the PostgreSQL profile to include new columns when getting triggers meta data
- Driver Manager
- A Reset Driver action which will restore the driver to its default settings

- Auto Completion
- Auto complete always uses white as highlight color
- Connection Setup
- Setting Database Userid to '(null)' should skip passing it to JDBC driver at connect
- DB Support: Azure SQL
- DB Support: Mimer SQL
- DB Support: Redshift
- Installation/Update Installation
- Blank connection settings changed to being set after upgrade to DbVisualizer 13 (E.g Mimer programpasswd)
- DB Support: JavaDB/Derby
- ClassCastException when Alter Table with Derby
- DB Support: MongoDB
- Error running a query in MongoDB
- DB Support: MySQL
- References
- Loading references may hang and task cannot be stopped
- DB Support: Oracle
- The tnsnames.ora file is not parsed for multiple aliases
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Missing info in DDL for Postgres function
- Add DDL for "generated" columns in PostgreSQL
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Procedure Editor
- PostgreSQL trigger DDL does not include UPDATE OF column list
- DB Support: Vertica
- Projection Storage tab for a table in Vertica results in an error
- Data tab
- DB Support: SQL Server
- Exception when scripting a linked server
- Driver Manager
- Importing a driver results in an error if there already exists a driver with the same name
- Filtering/Filter Sets
- Compress recent filters in the Data tab when saving to disk
- Grid Component
- Regression with Ctrl+C/CMD+C as it now doesn't work to copy from property tables such as Connection tab, details pane in Scripts tab, and more
- Import
- Import Table Data: Mysterious character replacements
- Import Table Data thinks size should be 3,0 when it should be at least 4,0
- SQL Commander
- Tab names may not be presented properly in the tool tip for SQL Commander tabs, and in the search open tabs dialog
- @DELIMITER Command is formatted by the SQL formatter
- Scripts
- Create Linked Folder results in "process has not exited"

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2022.07.09 build 9772 查看版本資訊
