IceCream Slideshow Maker

最新版本 Artifactory 6.19.1

Artifactory 6.19.1

Artifactory 6.19.1
IceCream Slideshow Maker 是一個強大的程序來創建幻燈片演示文稿的照片和音樂。直觀的界面,簡單的控制,有吸引力的設計和先進的選項允許以最小的努力創建高質量的幻燈片。該程序處理 JPG,JPEG,PNG 和 TIFF 格式的照片,還支持 MP3,WAV 和 WMA 格式的音頻文件。用戶可以添加音軌來完成印象,甚至配置音頻的偏移和淡入值。用戶可以通過選擇所需的顯示時間來控制幻燈片中的每張照片,以及轉換效果的類型和持續時間。此外,您可以縮放圖像以適合屏幕或保持其原始高寬比。有 26 種過渡效果可供選擇,如 Pixelate,Mosaic Spiral,Wipe,Zoom。

該程序帶有一個內置的媒體播放器,您可以使用它來檢查效果,然後在創建幻燈片之前應用它們並預覽該項目。 IceCream Slideshow Maker 提供了一個特殊的 YouTube 按鈕,可讓您立即將演示文稿上傳到您的 YouTube 頻道。所以,程序中塞滿了有用的功能,而且由於界面直觀,選項背後有完美的邏輯,所有這些都很容易理解和使用。考慮到這一點,IceCream Slideshow Maker 對於高級用戶和新手用戶來說似乎都是一個無價的工具。

IceCream Slideshow Maker 功能:




選擇一個最喜歡的 MP3 文件作為幻燈片的背景分數。偏移和淡入淡出設置也可用。  


創建高達 1920x1080 分辨率的高清幻燈片。  

上傳您的幻燈片到 YouTube 並與朋友分享.


檔案版本 Artifactory 6.19.1

檔案大小 165 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 IceCream Apps
更新日期 2020-04-27

What's new in this version:

Artifactory 6.19.1
- Change log not available for this version

Artifactory 6.18.0
- Change log not available for this version

Artifactory 6.17.0
- Change log not available for this version

Artifactory 6.16.0
- Upgraded the Microsoft Azure Storage SDK version included in Artifactory to V8
- Artifactory has been upgraded to support Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for Java v8 enabling users to upload files larger than 12GB in the Azure Blob storage.
- Running ‘go get’ commands from Github are Supported for Go Version 1.13 and Above
- Artifactory supports serving and caching 'gosumdb' requests from a GoSumDb provider - for example, GoCenter.
- Updated ‘Set Me Up’ for PyPI
- The ‘Set Me Up’ function for PyPI remote repositories now includes your user credentials, thus allowing you to resolve packages using the ‘pip install ’ request without having to reinsert your Artifactory credentials for each request.

Issues Resolved
- Artifactory now supports indexing of npm packages versions, containing build metadata, enabling packages to be resolved by the npm client.
- Running “docker pull” on images with schema 1 download the manifest.json file, using the correct file name of 'list.manifest.json'.
- Improved the copying and processing Conan packages from one repository to another. Under certain circumstances in the past, during the copy/move process, the ‘index.json’ locks error was generated causing the process to take longer than expected and eventually failed.
- Under certain circumstances, Conan packages were copied or promoted, sometimes causing the index file to be overwritten by the package.json from the source with the revision of the destination until the next re-indexing process ran.
- Running the 'go get' command from Github, returns the correct pre-release version names.
- Resolving packages according to properties is now configurable and can be enabled using an Artifactory system property. Artifactory will no longer support resolving packages from an incorrect path by properties alone.
- All ‘Pull’ replications will not run after enabling the ‘Global Replication Blocking’ configuration.
- When working with Go artifacts, any potential connection leaks are prevented when working In FullDB mode, whereby a GO artifact with a 'zip' extension is requested from a remote in Artifactory, and the artifact exists in the remote repository-cache but not in the file-system cache-fs.
- Artifactory indexes Helm packages uploaded with an empty ‘requirements.yaml’ file.
- Docker and Helm repositories are only available for JFrog Container Registry, JFrog Pro licenses and above.
- Using Artifactory Query Language, with several virtual repositories, returns the full list of results based on the query used.

Access-related Issues
- The 'access_federation_log' table does not get overpopulated when using Access Federation.
- Implemented a “file-system” PATCH mechanism for patching Access’s configuration using an access.config.patch.yml file.

Artifactory 6.15.0
- Change log not available for this version

Artifactory 6.14.1
- Change log not available for this version

Artifactory 6.14.0
Significant UI Performance Improvements:
- Artifactory 6.14 applies server-side pagination in the UI resulting in faster page load performance for the Builds, Permissions and Search pages
- Ubuntu 18.04 Support
- Installing Artifactory on Ubuntu 18.04 is now supported

GoProxy Support:
- Artifactory now allows you to configure the Golang proxy ( as a remote repository in addition to JFrog GoCenter

Feature Enhancements:
- Xray Integration Improvements
- Added an improved Xray indexing mechanism to support a vast amount of repositories, containing larger numbers of binaries. Artifactory saves every Xray event with a unique constraint according to the package type and component path, thereby resolving the indexing-duplication.

Issues resolved:
- Go deployment via the JFrog CLI automatically sets the original checksum
- Systemd Related Issues
- Artifactory supports RPM Installations for Ubuntu 18.04
- Pre-Upgrade Fix
- Prior to upgrading to Artifactory 6.14, run the following systemd fix procedure described in the Debian Installation Upgrade section
- Artifactory supports Debian installation for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Prior to upgrading to Artifactory 6.14, run the following systemd fix procedure described in the RPM Installation Upgrade section
- RTFACT-20399 The “systemctl start artifactory.service” is working for zip installations with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.7
- The Artifactory service successfully starts with Zip installation on Ubuntu 18.04
- RTFACT-20382 The systemd interaction with Artifactory works on Red Hat 7.7

Artifactory 6.13.1
- Fixed an issue in which deploying/deleting artifacts/directories and deleting existing repositories would fail when running Artifactory with Microsoft SQL database.

Artifactory 6.19.1 相關參考資料
Artifactory Release Notes - JFrog - JFrog Documentation

Previous Versions. Previous versions of JFrog Artifactory Pro and JFrog Artifactory OSS are available for download on JFrog Bintray. Click to download previous ...

End of Life - Artifactory 6.x - JFrog Wiki

JFrog Artifactory 6.x Documentation To get the latest version, go to the JFrog Unified Platform ... 6.19. 14-Apr-2020, 14-Oct-2021. 6.19.1, 27-Apr-2020 ...

JFrog Platform | Download

Install and configure the JFrog Platform as quickly and easily as possible, using any of the different installation flavors, including Docker, Debian, RPM, and ...

Package jfrog-artifactory-pro-zip - jfrog - Bintray

Artifactory is an advanced Binary Repository Manager for use by build tools (like Maven and Gradle), dependency management tools (like Ivy and NuGet) and ...

Release Notes - Artifactory 6.x - JFrog Wiki

跳到 Artifactory 6.19.1 — This change affects the upgrade procedure for an Enterprise Artifactory HA cluster (upgrading an Artifactory Pro or OSS installation is ...

Release Notes - JFrog JIRA

The text area below allows the project release notes to be edited and copied to another document. Release Notes - Artifactory Binary Repository - Version 6.19.1 ...

Upgrading Artifactory - JFrog - JFrog Documentation

6 天前 — Note: Make sure to use the same upgrade method (RPM, Debian, Docker, etc.) as the one you initially used to install Artifactory. Before You ...

[#RTFACT-22104] Upgrade from 6.19.1 to 7.4.3 fails - JFrog

2020年5月12日 — I have tried to upgrade artifactory 6.19.1 to 7.4.3 using docker but it fails. I see this error: [main ] - Error: Error starting application Failed pinging ...

[RTFACT-22104] Upgrade from 6.19.1 to 7.4.3 fails - JFrog JIRA

2020年5月12日 — I have tried to upgrade artifactory 6.19.1 to 7.4.3 using docker but it fails. I see this error: [main ] - Error: Error starting application Failed pinging ...

[RTFACT-22464] MSSQL - Upgrade fails (6.17 to 6.19.1) due ...

2020年6月11日 — RTFACT-14718Artifactory To Bintray Rest Api For Bundle Creation Returns List ... Upgrade from 6.17 to 6.19.1 fails due to the existing index ...