Heimdal PRO 歷史舊版本 Page4

最新版本 ChatWork 2.6.11 (64-bit)

Heimdal PRO 歷史版本列表

Heimdal PRO 使用互聯網流量掃描,以防止勒索,金融木馬,數據竊取惡意軟件和其他威脅,防病毒無法檢測到的安全。 Heimdal PRO 保護您免受防病毒無法阻止的攻擊!保護您的計算機免受第二代惡意軟件侵害 如今,75%的網絡攻擊都是全新的,並且在防病毒數據庫中未列出。它們也被設計用來潛入你的殺毒軟件並感染你的電腦.確保你的互聯網流量阻止惡意流量.當你的電腦已經受到感染時,你不需要幫助。您... Heimdal PRO 軟體介紹

Electron 10.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added win.setTopBrowserView() so that BrowserViews can be raised (Also in 11, 12)

- OS-level shortcuts on macOS (e.g. Ctrl + F2, ⌘ + ~) (Also in 11, 12)
- an Uncaught TypeError when opening DevTools (Also in 11)
- an erroneous enableBlinkFeatures warning shown webviews which enabled no Blink features (Also in 11, 12)
- an issue where deleted download directories would be sometimes recreated by the operating system (Also in 11, 12)
- an occasional white flicker present when rendering BrowserViews in close succession (Also in 11, 12)
- crash when destroying WebContents in the crashed event (Also in 11, 12)
- memory leak when sending non-primitives over the context bridge (Also in 11, 12)

Other Changes:
- Fixed slow child process spawning on macOS Big Sur (Also in 11, 12)
- Reverted posix_spawn change in libuv that affected child process spawning on macOS Big Sur (Also in 11, 12)
- Security: backported fix for chromium:1162942


What's new in this version:

- Monitoring: Updated embedded HwInfo engine - workaround to a driver bug that is causing WHEA errors on AMD 6800-series GPUs

Electron 11.2.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed crash when extension fails to load

Other Changes:
- Security: backported fix for chromium:1170176, chromium:961059

Electron 10.3.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed crash when extension fails to load

Other Changes:
- Backported the fix to UAF in blink::NGContainerFragmentBuilder
- Backported the fix to chromium:1146861
- Security backports, CVE-2020-16037, CVE-2020-16041, CVE-2020-16042
- Security: backported fix for 1149177
- Security: backported fix for chromium:1170176, chromium:961059

Symfony 5.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fix validator when we have false returned by the current element of the iterator
- [Mailer][Mime] Fix case-sensitive handling of header names
- [Mime] Fix case-sensitive handling of header names
- [Messenger] Fix Doctrine setup when using a migration
- [TwigBridge] take into account all label related options
- [Finder]  use proper keys to not override appended files
- [ErrorHandler] Fix strpos error when trying to call a method without a name
- [DoctrineBridge] add missing @experimental annotation on Uid generators
- [Serializer] Prevent access to private properties without getters
- [Uid] Fix time to float conversion

Electron 11.2.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed CSP with unsafe-eval detection with Trusted Types
- Fixed <webview> not working with Trusted Types
- Fixed regression that crashed Electron when processing an invalid icon

Other Changes:
- Backported the fix to CVE-2020-16044
- Backported the fix to CVE-2021-21118 from V8
- Backported the fix to a UAF in Mojo (1162198)
- Backported the fix to chromium:1153329
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-21122

Electron 10.3.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Symfony 5.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties accessed with getters
- [SecurityBundle] Fix referencing aliases from RegisterEntryPointsPass
- [Validator] propagate the object being validated to nested constraints
- [Translator] fix handling plural for floating numbers
- [Messenger] fix redis messenger options with dsn
- [Messenger] Fix transporting non-UTF8 payloads by encoding them using base 64
- [Uid] fix checking for valid UUIDs
- [Form] check parent types for label_format and translation_domain
- [RateLimiter] Fix infinite values with NoLimiter
- [Validator] Fix DebugCommand
- [PhpUnitBridge] Allow relative path to composer cache
- [HttpKernel] Configure the ErrorHandler even when it is overriden -grekas)
- [PropertyInfo] Fix breaking change with has*(arguments...) methods
- [Console] [Command] Fix Closure code binding when it is a static anonymous
- [Notifier] [OvhCloud] “Invalid signature” for message with slashes
- [Uid] Unable to extend Uuid/Ulid and use fromString()
- [DoctrineBridge] Add username to UserNameNotFoundException
- [HttpFoundation] Drop int return type from parseFilesize()
- [HttpClient] Add check for constant in Curl client
- [HttpFoundation] Revert #38614 and add assert to avoid regressions
- [DependencyInjection] Fix container injection with TypedReference
- Fix problem when SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION is empty string value -r-schranz)
- [DependencyInjection] Skip deprecated definitions in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [Messenger] [AmazonSqs] Fix auto-setup for fifo queue
- [DoctrineBridge] Take into account that indexBy="person_id" could be a db column a referenced entity
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix circular loop with EntityManager
- [DependencyInjection] Don't trigger notice for deprecated aliases pointing todefinitions
- [HttpFoundation] use atomic writes in MockFileSessionStorage
- Make EmailMessage & SmsMessage transport nullable
- [Serializer] Rename normalize param
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor
- [Mailer] Fix missing BCC recipients in SES bridge
- [Config]  fix handling float-like key attribute values
- [Yaml] a colon followed by spaces exclusively separates mapping keys and values
- [Cache] fix possible collision when writing tmp file in filesystem adapter -grekas)
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 5.2
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 4.4
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 5.1
- [Security]  Move the handleAuthenticationSuccess logic outside try/catch block -)
- [DependencyInjection] Support PHP 8 builtin types in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass -)
- [VarDumper] fix mutating $GLOBALS while cloning it
- [DependencyInjection] Fix InvalidParameterTypeException for function parameters -)
- [HttpFoundation] parse cookie values containing the equal sign
- [DependencyInjection] do not break when loading schemas from network paths on
- [Finder] apply the sort callback on the whole search result
- [TwigBridge] Remove full head content in HTML to text converter
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix UidNormalizer priority
- [Validator] propagate groups to nested constraints
- [WebProfilerBundle] take query and request parameters into account when matching
- [FrameworkBundle] Dump abstract arguments
- [Yaml] keep trailing newlines when dumping multi-line strings
- [Form] disable error bubbling by default when inherit_data is configured
- [Lock] Fix config merging in lock
- [Yaml] do not dump extra trailing newlines for multiline blocks
- [Messenger] fix postgres transport when the retry table is the same
- [Form] fix passing null $pattern to IntlDateFormatter
- [Security] Fix event propagation for AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent when -egistered
- [Validator] Update Isin message to match the translation files
- [Messenger] Fix stopwach usage if it has been reset
- [Uid] Handle ValueErrors triggered by ext-uuid on PHP 8
- [VarDumper] Fix display of nullable union return types
- [VarDumper] fixed displaying "mixed" as "?mixed"
- [Mailer] Handle failure when sending DATA
- [Security] Fix event propagation for globally registered security events
- [TwigBridge] allow null values in form helpers
- [ProxyManagerBridge] fix PHP notice, switch to "friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts"
- [Security] Add RememberMe Badge to LoginLinkAuthenticator
- Supports empty path for slack DSN

Symfony 5.1.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties accessed with getters
- [Validator] propagate the object being validated to nested constraintsd
- [Translator] fix handling plural for floating numbers
- [Messenger] fix redis messenger options with dsn
- [Messenger] Fix transporting non-UTF8 payloads by encoding them using base 64
- [Uid] fix checking for valid UUIDs
- [PhpUnitBridge] Allow relative path to composer cache
- [HttpKernel] Configure the ErrorHandler even when it is overriden
- [PropertyInfo] Fix breaking change with has*(arguments...) methods
- [Console] [Command] Fix Closure code binding when it is a static anonymous function
- [Notifier] [OvhCloud] “Invalid signature” for message with slashes
- [Uid] Unable to extend Uuid/Ulid and use fromString()
- [DoctrineBridge] Add username to UserNameNotFoundException
- [HttpFoundation] Drop int return type from parseFilesize()
- [HttpClient] Add check for constant in Curl client
- [HttpFoundation] Revert #38614 and add assert to avoid regressions
- [DependencyInjection] Fix container injection with TypedReference
- Fix problem when SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION is empty string value
- [DependencyInjection] Skip deprecated definitions in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [Messenger] [AmazonSqs] Fix auto-setup for fifo queue
- [DoctrineBridge] Take into account that indexBy="person_id" could be a db column name, for a referenced entity
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix circular loop with EntityManager
- [DependencyInjection] Don't trigger notice for deprecated aliases pointing to deprecated definitions (@chalasr)
- [HttpFoundation] use atomic writes in MockFileSessionStorage
- Make EmailMessage & SmsMessage transport nullable
- [Serializer] Rename normalize param
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor
- [Mailer] Fix missing BCC recipients in SES bridge
- [Config]  fix handling float-like key attribute valuesd
- [Yaml] a colon followed by spaces exclusively separates mapping keys and values
- [Cache] fix possible collision when writing tmp file in filesystem adapter
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 4.4
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 5.1
- [DependencyInjection] Support PHP 8 builtin types in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [VarDumper] fix mutating $GLOBALS while cloning it
- [DependencyInjection] Fix InvalidParameterTypeException for function parameters
- [HttpFoundation] parse cookie values containing the equal signd
- [DependencyInjection] do not break when loading schemas from network paths on Windows
- [Finder] apply the sort callback on the whole search result
- [TwigBridge] Remove full head content in HTML to text converter
- [Validator] propagate groups to nested constraints
- [WebProfilerBundle] take query and request parameters into account when matching routes
- [FrameworkBundle] Dump abstract arguments
- [Yaml] keep trailing newlines when dumping multi-line strings
- [Form] disable error bubbling by default when inherit_data is configured
- [Lock] Fix config merging in lock
- [Yaml] do not dump extra trailing newlines for multiline blocks
- [Messenger] fix postgres transport when the retry table is the same
- [Form] fix passing null $pattern to IntlDateFormatter
- [Messenger] Fix stopwach usage if it has been reset
- [Uid] Handle ValueErrors triggered by ext-uuid on PHP 8
- [VarDumper] Fix display of nullable union return types
- [VarDumper] fixed displaying "mixed" as "?mixed"
- [Mailer] Handle failure when sending DATA
- [Security] Fix event propagation for globally registered security events
- [ProxyManagerBridge] fix PHP notice, switch to "friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts"


What's new in this version:

- renamed "OCCT" test to "CPU" test to make it more in line with the other tests (Memory, Power supply,...)
- Optimized OCCT's startup time by a rough 20%

- Moved usage values on top of usage graphs for better readability
- Changed icons for usage values to avoid confusion
- The "Filter" menu is now a more generic button as more functions were added
- Added a "Reset Min/Max" button to the monitoring action menu
- Added a "Clear sort" button to the monitoring action menu
- Column sorting order is now saved in the settings
- Added a tooltip on the device type icon containing the device name (to make it easier to differentiate between sensors)
- Allow column sorting in the table view (even filtered !)