Heimdal PRO 歷史舊版本 Page12

最新版本 ChatWork 2.6.11 (64-bit)

Heimdal PRO 歷史版本列表

Heimdal PRO 使用互聯網流量掃描,以防止勒索,金融木馬,數據竊取惡意軟件和其他威脅,防病毒無法檢測到的安全。 Heimdal PRO 保護您免受防病毒無法阻止的攻擊!保護您的計算機免受第二代惡意軟件侵害 如今,75%的網絡攻擊都是全新的,並且在防病毒數據庫中未列出。它們也被設計用來潛入你的殺毒軟件並感染你的電腦.確保你的互聯網流量阻止惡意流量.當你的電腦已經受到感染時,你不需要幫助。您... Heimdal PRO 軟體介紹

Tribler 7.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Tribler Core is now powered by the modern Asyncio framework which improves performance, reliability and compatibility
- REST endpoints are now based on AIOHttp framework
- The video player is completely rewritten, improving its performance
- Tribler channels now support multiple channels per user with file-tree like nested structure
- DHT requests are now anonymous by default
- Improved the startup time of the core
- Discovering the first Tribler channels on new installations is now much faster
- The integrated market is disabled by default and can be enabled from the setting panel
- The experimental 'Credit mining' feature is removed completely

User Interface:
- The home screen is removed; instead, Tribler now first shows the discovered channels
- The torrent metainfo is loaded directly from DHT/tracker when unchecking the "anonymous" checkbox
- The CPU-hungry animation of "loading" channel state is replaced with a static icon
- You can now refresh the current page by clicking the selected button in the left menu again
- Numerous small Channels GUI improvements

Technic Launcher 4.554 查看版本資訊


Symfony 5.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Console] Reset question validator attempts only for actual stdin (bis)
- [HttpFoundation] use InputBag for Request::$request only if data is coming from a form
- [SecurityBundle] Fix CookieClearingLogoutListener DI configuration
- Reset question validator attempts only for actual stdin
- [PropertyInfo] Make PhpDocExtractor compatible with phpDocumentor v5
- [Form] Fixed prototype block prefixes hierarchy of the CollectionType
- [Form] Fixed block prefixes hierarchy of the CollectionType
- Fix register csrf protection listener

Symfony 5.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle unresolved parameters pointing to environment variables
- [Form] switch the context when validating nested forms
- [HttpKernel] Fix regression where Store does not return response body correctly
- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Always resolve parameters
- [DependencyInjection] Apply ExpressionLanguageProviderPass to router.default
- [String] Fix ellipsis of truncate when not using cut option
- [HttpClient] disable AMP's inactivity timeout, we deal with it on our own already
- [HttpClient] fix offset computation for data chunks
- [Routing] Keeping routes priorities after add a name prefix to the collection
- [Lock] Fixed reading locks from replica set secondary nodes
- [Ldap] fix refreshUser() ignoring extra_fields
- [Mailer] Remove an internal annot
- [FrameworkBundle] fix type annotation on ControllerTrait::addFlash()
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix ExpectDeprecationTrait::expectDeprecation() conflict
- [Mailer] added the reply-to addresses to the API SES transport request
- [DI] Add check around class_alias for generated proxy classes
- [Mime] use fromString when creating a new Address
- [Cache] fix forward compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Mailer] Fixed generator bug when creating multiple transports using Transport::fromDsn
- [FrameworkBundle] Remove reference to APP_SECRET in MicroKernelTrait
- [SecurityBundle] Fix the session listener registration under the new authentication manager
- [Console] allow cursor to be used even when STDIN is not defined
- [PropertyAccess] Fix getter call order BC
- [Messenger/DoctrineBridge] set column length for mysql 5.6 compatibility
- [Messenger/AmazonSqsBridge] Fixed left-over debug statement
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring timeouts when other streams are active
- [Form] properly cascade validation to child forms
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix undefined index when output of "composer show" cannot be parsed
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix undefined var on version 3.4
- [DependencyInjection] Improve missing package/version deprecation
- Fix invalid char in SQS Headers
- [SecurityBundle] Only register CSRF protection listener if CSRF is available
- [HttpClient] Throw JsonException instead of TransportException on empty response in Response::toArray()
- [FrameworkBundle] Extension Serializer issue
- [WebProfilerBundle] Move ajax clear event listener initialization on loadToolbar
- [DoctrineBridge] register event listeners depending on the installed packages
- [ExpressionLanguage] reset the internal state when the parser is finished
- [Serializer] take into account the context when preserving empty array objects
- [Security] Fixed PUBLIC_ACCESS in authenticated sessions
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix enabled_locales behavior

Symfony 5.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle unresolved parameters pointing to environment variables
- [Form] switch the context when validating nested forms
- [HttpKernel] Fix regression where Store does not return response body correctly
- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Always resolve parameters
- [HttpClient] fix offset computation for data chunks
- [Ldap] fix refreshUser() ignoring extra_fields
- [Mailer] Remove an internal annot
- [FrameworkBundle] fix type annotation on ControllerTrait::addFlash()
- [Mailer] added the reply-to addresses to the API SES transport request
- [Mime] use fromString when creating a new Address
- [Cache] fix forward compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Mailer] Fixed generator bug when creating multiple transports using Transport::fromDsn
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring timeouts when other streams are active
- [Form] properly cascade validation to child forms
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix undefined index when output of "composer show" cannot be parsed
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix undefined var on version 3.4
- [HttpClient] Throw JsonException instead of TransportException on empty response in Response::toArray()
- [WebProfilerBundle] Move ajax clear event listener initialization on loadToolbar
- [Serializer] take into account the context when preserving empty array objects

Symfony 5.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Validator] use "allowedVariables" to configure the ExpressionLanguageSyntax constraint
- [Security] Fixed AbstractToken::hasUserChanged()
- [Validator] never directly validate Existence (Required/Optional) constraints
- [Console] Fix QuestionHelper::disableStty()
- [Form] validate subforms in all validation groups
- Fixes sprintf(): Too few arguments in form transformer
- [Validator] Use Mime component to determine mime type for file validator
- Add meaningful message when using ProcessHelper and Process is not installed
- [Messenger] Change the default notify timeout value for PostgreSQL
- [TwigBridge] fix fallback html-to-txt body converter
- [ErrorHandler] fix setting $trace to null in FatalError
- Handle fetch mode deprecation of DBAL 2.11.
- [SecurityBundle] Fixed version constraint on security-core and security-guard
- [Security] Fixed handling of CSRF logout error

Symfony 5.0.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Fixed AbstractToken::hasUserChanged()
- [Validator] never directly validate Existence (Required/Optional) constraints
- [Console] Fix QuestionHelper::disableStty()
- [Form] validate subforms in all validation groups
- Fixes sprintf(): Too few arguments in form transformer
- [Validator] Use Mime component to determine mime type for file validator
- Add meaningful message when using ProcessHelper and Process is not installed
- [TwigBridge] fix fallback html-to-txt body converter
- [ErrorHandler] fix setting $trace to null in FatalError
- Handle fetch mode deprecation of DBAL 2.11.
- [Security] Fixed handling of CSRF logout error
- [Mime] Allow email message to have "To", "Cc", or "Bcc" header to be valid
- Parse and render anonymous classes correctly on php 8
- [OptionsResolver][Serializer] Remove calls to deprecated ReflectionParameter::getClass()
- [VarDumper] fix PHP 8 support
- [Cache] Accessing undefined constants raises an Error in php8
- Address deprecation of ReflectionType::getClass()
- [VarDumper] ReflectionFunction::isDisabled() is deprecated
- [Validator] Catch expected ValueError
- [DomCrawler] Catch expected ValueError
- [Cache][HttpClient] Made method signatures compatible with their corresponding traits
- [DomCrawler] Catch expected ValueError
- [PropertyAccess] Parse php 8 TypeErrors correctly
- [BrowserKit] Raw body with custom Content-Type header
- [Config] Removed implicit cast of ReflectionProperty to string
- [Security/Core] Fix wrong roles comparison
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix installing under PHP >= 8
- [HttpKernel] Fix that the Store would not save responses with the X-Content-Digest header present
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix bad detection of unsilenced deprecations
- [Security] Unserialize $parentData, if needed, to avoid errors
- [HttpKernel] Fix error logger when stderr is redirected to /dev/null
- [HttpKernel] Bring back the debug toolbar
- [BrowserKit] Allow Referer set by history to be overridden
- [HttpClient] fix PHP warning + accept status code >= 600
- [Security/Core] fix compat of NativePasswordEncoder with pre-PHP74 values of PASSWORD_* consts
- [DependencyInjection] Fix register event listeners compiler pass
- Change priority of KernelEvents::RESPONSE subscriber
- [Serializer] fix issue with PHP 8
- [WebProfiler] Remove 'none' when appending CSP tokens
- [Yaml] Fix escaped quotes in quoted multi-line string
- [TwigBundle] FormExtension does not have a constructor anymore since sf 4.0
- [Mime] handle passing custom mime types as string
- Queue name is a required parameter
- [Mime] fix bad method call on EmailAddressContains
- [Console] don't check tty on stdin, it breaks with "data lost during stream conversion"
- [PhpUnitBridge] Mark parent class also covered in CoverageListener
- [Yaml] prevent notice for invalid octal numbers on PHP 7.4
- [Console] Default hidden question to 1 attempt for non-tty session
- [Filesystem] Handle paths on different drives
- [WebProfiler] Do not add src-elem CSP directives if they do not exist
- [DX] Show the ParseException message in all YAML file loaders
- [Yaml] fix parse error when unindented collections contain a comment
- [Validator] Skip validation when email is an empty object
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix PHP 5.3 compat again
- [Translation] Fix for translation:update command updating ICU messages
- [Validator] fix lazy property usage
- [Serializer] do not transform empty Traversable to Array
- [Cache] Fixed not supported Redis eviction policies
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix compat with PHP 5.3

Technic Launcher 4.546 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.543 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.538 查看版本資訊
