GOM Media Player 歷史舊版本 Page57

最新版本 Dolibarr 18.0.5

GOM Media Player 歷史版本列表

GOM Media Player 是一款內置流行視頻和音頻編解碼器的免費多媒體播放器。  GOM Media Player 支持 AVI,DAT,MPEG,DivX,XviD,WMV,ASF 等文件格式。用戶不必分別安裝編解碼器。GOM Media Player 能夠通過跳過損壞的幀來播放不完整或損壞的 AVI 文件。它也可以播放鎖定或部分下載的文件。其他功能包括拖放支持,HTTP 流媒... GOM Media Player 軟體介紹

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SmartGit 18.2.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SmartGit 18.2.8

New Features, Improvements:
- SSH: support user names wrapped in single-quotes, e.g. ssh://'foo@bar'@server:1234/path

Fixed Bugs:
- Linux launcher: only enforce GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus if it was set to xim
- macOS: an update of the installation bundle caused a directory to remain

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- increased version of bundled Git to 2.21.0

SmartGit 18.2.7

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: improved error message for "Inconsistency between (cached) commit data detected"
- https: added low-level property connection.https.trustedFingerprints to work around certificate problems with self-signed certificates and proxies
- SSH: authentication-related errors are reported now on re-occurring credentials dialog

Fixed Bugs:
- Refresh: false-positive "repository has an error-prone admin area configuration" message for submodules in worktrees
- setting smartgit.log.hostingProviderIntegrationEnabled=true should not disable Distributed Review add-on

- Repositories: opening a repository opened already in another window (working tree or log) causes internal error if renamed or deleted on disk (missing repository)
- Repository Settings on missing repository might cause internal error

Working Tree:
- Merge and other commands with embedded log: branch selection dialog should not hide remote, tracked branches

- Check for New Version: broken if "Automatically download and install updates" has been selected in the preferences
- Docking: maximizing and restoring one view by double clicking its title restores the wrong (too old) size

SmartGit 18.2.6

New Features, Improvements:
- Fetch (background): continues with next submodules if one failed
- Git-Flow: added low-level property gitflow.integrate.shortMergeMessage
- Journal: added low-level property journal.defaultAuxiliaryRef

- Repositories: disallow to delete submodules

Fixed Bugs:
- Commit: error "Cannot read file .../.gitbugtraq" if content is invalid

- Details: unexpected ID detection inside words
- Distributed Reviews: trying to reveal comment failed with "Comment ... could not be revealed"
- File log: Window | Repositories caused internal error
- mergable coloring used hard-to-see color for anchor in dark theme

- possible internal error have a large amount of renamed files
- low-level property "log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels did not work on nested roots

Working Tree:
- Show Changes: Compare with Each Other did not work for files from different repositories
- delete on submodule did not work anymore
- startup: command line parameter "--investigate" was broken
- unmodified SVN submodules in non-SVN parent repositories showed up if "Show Unchanged Files" was unselected
- JIRA/Bitbucket Server/GitLab: problems when trying to access servers which only support a limited set of ciphers (elliptic curves); installation upgrade is required!
- Windows bundles: fixed outdated readme.txt

SmartGit 18.2.5

New Features, Improvements:
- Gerrit added low-level property gerrit.checkCommitMsgHookContent to avoid false-positive Gerrit detection

- Branches, Checkout added low-level property log.checkout.forceSelectionOfBranchAnchor
- Linux startup script easier switching back to GTK2

Fixed Bugs:
- Commit Amend-option was disabled for merge

- Commits view revealing HEAD should always reveal HEAD and not stay at working tree node (e.g. double-clicking from Journal)

- log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels broke refresh of commits breaks in case of invalid Bisect configuration (missing "start" branch)

- Customize Accelerators dialog internal error if a filtered-out accelerator is cleared by setting another Compare/Merge, Apply Selection possible internal error if all was selected

SmartGit 18.2.4

New Features, Improvements:
- Details view: added low-level property
- Log.details.onlyShowActualCommitRefsWhenFiltered

- Support for Mercurial 4.8.*

Fixed Bugs:
Commits view:
- Reordering commits did not preserve selection
- Rebase/cherry-pick by drag & drop was broken
- When filtering, "actually on commit"-marker for refs (brighter box) was not properly evaluated

Branches view:
- Reveal after Checkout did not work for behind branch with
- "Just Checkout" option
- Checking out a branch should not reset a manually changed
- Selection
External tools: incorrect parameter "--defaultsVersion" (instead Of "--version") for "Show Git Version" tool (regression)
- Working Tree Window, Files view context menu: LFS submenu might
- Have been empty (if LFS was not yet installed)
- MacOS: warning about default osxkeychain credential helper

- Possible performance problems with many draft commits in a Repository with many merges
- Startup: possible internal error when specifying invalid value for
- Low-level property ui.verboseDate.weekdayFormat

- Changes view: scrolling with mouse-wheel over connector selected
- Next tab (if there were multiple tabs)
- Customize accelerators: did not warn about duplicate accelerators
- If the commands where invisible because of filtering

SmartGit 18.2.3

New Features, Improvements:
- Added low-level property log.dragAndDrop.offerAdvancedOperationsForDropsOntoAncestors to allow drag and drop for advanced rebase and cherry-pick operations
- Open File Log reuses Branches view selection from repository log

Repositories view:
- Select the current repository only if another repository or group was selected before (but, e.g., no subdirectory)

Fixed Bugs:
- Compare, Apply Selection: internal error applying change from an inserted block

- Git-Flow Light: for various command dialogs "Fetch" options were disabled
- Pull: "Update existing and fetch new tags" did not work for Git >= 2.20
- Refresh: obsolete modified working tree overlaps new commit for a short time, then vanishes

Working Tree window:
- Changes were not reported gradually anymore

- Several views: tab order cycled between table and search input field
- Find Command, Find Object: shortcuts were swapped

SmartGit 18.2.2

New Features:
- Repositories: added low-level property log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels
- To update the repository state of open, but not currently
- Selected repositories
- Pull with rebase, merge commit: added low-level property
- Pull.rebase.mergeCommit.mergeOrRebase to avoid merge-or-rebase dialog

Fixed Bugs:
- Index content might not have been displayed if file was
- Case-changed in working tree
- Staging hunk for case-changed file did not work

- Filter broke after changing low-level property
- Log.graph.graphicalFiltering in the preferences
- Switching branches lost Working Tree/Index selection
- File/Subdir log did not remember layout
- Repositories: state got lost when opening multiple repositories
- At once and having "Show Working Tree & Index Permanently"
- Selected
- File Compare: forgot about BOM

SmartGit 18.2.1

- Added low-level property log.graph.workingTreeAutoSelectionForConflicts to disable auto-selection of the working tree node if conflicts were detected

- Added low-level property ui.fonts.useDefaultAsInfo to make the info font the same as the default font (instead of a tinier, derived one)

Fixed Bugs:
- Clone listed only own repositories, but should have listed all with read-access ("member" role)
- GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket integration: internal error trying to merge on server
- Log - resettings filter should not auto-select Working Tree or Index node
- Repositories - could not invoke Pull/Push commands on group

- Proxy port was not remembered after switching off the proxy temporarily

- Some special SSH server setups caused an error "ClassNotFound:
- Org.ietf.jgss.GSSException" to be raised => these users should force an installation update from the About dialog using the button right beside the version text field

- Update check: multiple "The upgrade to version x is not covered by your license" notifications showed up

SmartGit 18.2

Fixed Bugs:
- Branches view: Ctrl+C did not copy ref name
- Changes view (Windows): old file content does not show up for case-changed files
- Push to Gerrit: should be available in case of multiple Gerrit remotes (if sill unique)

SmartGit 18.1.5

New Features and improvements:
- Push to Gerrit: if topic is entered, add topic to master-option, like "refs/for/master%topic=topic"

Fixed Bugs:
- Gitignore/Git-config editor: is bright even with dark theme
- Find Objects: possible internal error when entering a long search string
- Refresh/Log: rename detection limit should be 50% by default (as for Git)

- internal error if no Git executable is configured
- startup: possible internal error related to a bad settings.xml

SmartGit 18.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

SmartGit 18.1.3

Git (Log):
- Refresh: improved error message in case of bad stash-reflogs revealing a ref in an existing, filtered log window now resets the filter Updated bundled Git to version 2.17.1 (macOS, Windows; needs new installation or manual triggering of a genuine update in the About dialog)
- Bitbucket integration: improved error reporting
- Output dialog: remembers size (and location)
- Some hosting providers: added low-level property "json.enableGzip" to enable GZIP compression
- Setup wizard: added option to use gravatar.com (in the preferences, it was moved from the Commands > Log page to the Privacy page)

Fixed Bugs (Git):
- Commit Message view: entered message was not stored in the history
- Ignore: internal error trying to ignore directory with certain special characters like '[' in its name
- Local | Rename: allowed to rename the . directory

- internal error switching back from "Varying Coloring" to "Root Coloring" toggling individual pull requests did not work
- Log/Journal: - right-clicking an unselected commit showed commands for previously selected commit (Linux, macOS)
- Refresh: possible error for files with name "aux" (Windows)
- Stash Selection: failed with quotes in the message
- Bitbucket integration: problems parsing multiple reviewers
- GitHub integration (main window): certain errors were not reported
- GitLab integration: API version v3 is not supported any more

- recurring error "The fingerprint of the SSH server has changed"
- an invalid .ssh/known_hosts file might show a lot of notifications about the failed read
- Tools: internal error invoking tool on repository located on drive root (Windows)
- Upgrade (Windows): possible "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error

SmartGit 18.1.2

New Features and improvements:
- Log: re-introduced former "varying" coloring
- added low-level property compare.gitCompatibleBinaryDetection

Fixed Bugs:
- interactive rebased timed out after 2min (Windows)

- possible "Node ... not found" error when opening repository
- right-clicking loses selection if scrolled down
- Rebase Head To: "Can't rebase HEAD to HEAD or an anchestor commit" error if
- HEAD is hidden

- Conflict Solver: did not open for graft-conflicts
- Log: internal error when opening in Rebasing state
- SSH: certain problems with private key authentication (depending on files
- parallel to the provided private key file)

Linux bundle:
- added work-around for reg-ex related Java crashes caused by syntax
- highlighting code
- DEB bundle did not start on Ubuntu 18.04

SmartGit 18.1.1

New features and improvements:
- Git-Flow: if the low-level property gitflow.requireCleanWorktreeOnStart is set to true, starting a feature or hotfix with local changes will abort
- Log: if low-level property log.graph.displayCommitDateForAuthor is set to true, it will show the author, but the commit (instead of the author) date
- Output: if low-level property output.showOnlyIfViewInvisible is set to false, the Output dialog is shown independent of the Output view's visibility

Fixed Bugs:
- Blame: memory leak
- Edit Last Commit Message: internal error when in bisecting mode
- Journal, Move & Squash: when dragging onto first pushed commit, no "already pushed" warning was displayed memory leak when switching between repositories frequently quotes around filter definitions, e.g. git-crypt, caused errors starting these commands possible error "Raw log messge does not parse as log entry"
- Refresh: internal error when opening repositories with core.worktree set

- Refresh: possible hang related to conflicts
- Compare: Ignore Whitespace should not display completely unchanged blocks as changed

SmartGit 18.1.0

- Possible internal error opening log in merging or rebasing state
- Added system property smartgit.nodecache.maxCachesToKeepInMemory to limit the log caches to keep in memory

Investigate (DeepGit):
- Memory leak
- Wrong colors used for system-independent light theme
- Various commands with dialog-based Log (Checkout, Merge, ...): graph filter options missing in File input field's drop-down menu

SmartGit 17.1.6 Build 11221

New features and improvements:
- Log, Tools menu: allow tools that operate on the repository using ${repositoryRootPath}

Fixed bugs:
- Git-Flow: when merging, stop processing if merge aborts due to file permission problems
- Refresh: possible internal error for special characters in file name and wrong system charset
- Stash Selection: contained redundant "--" when invoking "git stash push"

SmartGit 17.1.5 Build 11217

New features and improvements:
- built-in SSH client: support for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Fixed Bugs:
- Git:
  - Log:
    - Compare:
      - Linux/GTK2: possible internal error painting comments
      - too large font was used for comments
- SVN: changing URL did not work reliable - disabled
- Bitbucket: possible 401 authentication failures after redoing OAuth
  authentication while SmartGit is running

SmartGit 17.1.4 Build 11213

External Diff tools:
- set system property "smartgit.core.cat.applyFilters" to true to apply
- filter..smudge
- System property "smartgit.executable.home" supports $USERPROFILE on Windows
- support for Git 2.16's SSH client detection ("The SSH server '-G' could not be found")

Fixed Bugs:
- after a fresh setup, "Mark as Favorite" notification comes up again every couple of seconds when dismissing with red x
- Changes view, Index Editor: staging LF-only files converted it to CRLF in Index
- Investigate: Open Log may result in internal error if Blame was not yet initialized

- Branches: toggling single branch in unselected category may add additional 2nd-level branch to selection
- Changes: Compact Changes option did not work (regression)
- Refresh: internal error related to renamed files

User interface:
- Preferences, Text Editor colors: ruler colors were not applied/stored
- OS X: possible internal error related to connecting/disconnecting monitors update check: did remind user to enable update check while it was disabled by system property

SmartGit 17.1.3 Build 11198

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: the count of the loaded commits is now hidden by default (set smartgit.log.commits.showLoadedCount to true to show it)
- JIRA integration: option smartgit.jira.fixResolutionId to specify the issue resolution ID that should be used to mark issues as resolved
- Set smartgit.updateCheck.checkForLatestBuildVisible to false to hide Help | Check for Latest Build
- Investigate: don't require DeepGit license for licensed SmartGit users

Fixed Bugs:

- Merge, Abort and others: could not be invoked if .gitmodules was in conflicting state

- Include with relative path like ../.gitconfig did not work in .git/config
- Wrong display after creating orphan branch
- Review comments: not able to add first comment to file

IP Messenger 4.99 Release 6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Expand image capture. (add "mask" button)
- Integrate file attachment and folder attachment function
- Fixed a configuration change that sometimes created a text log on the desktop

MongoDB Compass 1.18.0 查看版本資訊


rekordbox 5.6.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Compatible unit added: DDJ-200 (plug-and-play support)

- Pitch Bend sensitivity when the XDJ-RX2 is connected

- Letterboxed video was partly blacked out when zooming in using Touch FX
- Improved stability and fixes for other minor issues

DS4Windows 1.7.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue with new installs not initializing a virtual controller
- Moved Form classes to separate namespace
- Added Razer Raiju Tournament Edition support
- Fixed migration of DS4 Touch Button status. Touchpad Button can now be used with a virtual DS4

DS4Windows 1.7.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed Up-Left DPad direction for DS4 output device

DS4Windows 1.7.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DualShock 4 controller emulation type has been added. ViGEmBus will emulate a DS4 v.1 when the option is enabled
- Updated ViGEmClient library to use notification queue for DS4 target
- Linked touchpad related delegates to class instance rather than linking to interface. Speed boost
- Added "Unload on trigger release" option for Load Profile special action
- Fixed issue with Gyro Toggle being used when not enabled in a profile
- Changed Welcome Dialog to use the new official ViGEm Bus Driver installer. The installer will install ViGEm Bus Driver version
- Fixed ViGEmBus driver check to work with ViGEmBus version as well as
- Allow setting a custom Steam folder location
- Raised sixaxis dead zones

DS4Windows 1.7.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed force feedback notification queue for ViGEmClient library

DS4Windows 1.7.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Re-enabled force feedback support
- Updated ViGEmClient library to include a queue for force feedback notifications. This should fix the stuck force feedback issue
- Use ref locals to curb array access for KB+M routines
- Added support for the PS4 Fun Controller
- Use wrapper method for MapVirtualKey when using older scan code option. Fixes issues with arrow keys not being interpreted correctly in some situations
- Tweaked sensitivity axis scaling to reach max values
- Allow Load Profile action key to be used without unload trigger. Allows multiple Load Profile special actions to work together
- Added brute force feedback timer fix implemented by mika-n. Should help with worst case scenario of the rumble getting stuck